Hook up the main character with best girl

>hook up the main character with best girl
>do absolutely nothing with her
Who hurt these writers?

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>who hurt you?
I wish I could hurt OP


The show was canceled, there was another season planed, probably they would do something in that one.

At least they didn't had time to ruin her like pretty much any other female character.

that's the best ending we can get currently.

>See fan art of character that looks cool/cute/attractive
>Find the canon material
>Look almost nothing like that
Disappointment every time

Nobody cares about Finn. He’s trash.

I strongly doubt it, the show was too pozzed at that point.

writers hated finn, how new are you?
>best girl
wasn't much of a contest at that point
I miss her cheesy southern from that game

I liked her pretty well, but the show was about more than simple shipping.
For all the bitchin about who got with who, I have never seen anyone comment on the best canon ship moment either: LSP and Lemongrabs makeout sesh

As said, there just wasn't enough time to continue on, even the finale had to be rushed when they wanted to drag out some plot points a bit more.
At least they had a nice moment together in the comics, and there's probably something to be said that she doesn't end up just being "Finn's love interest" at the end of the day, so she's still a somewhat cool character on her own.

Speaking of comics, apparently those are still coming out.

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Knowing them the thing they would do is break up Finn and HW to make him suffer yet again.

He got enough potentially reproduction partners in the end.

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>Fionna and Cake graphic novel
>previous GN was more Bubbline shit with Marcy as a pirate

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Monkeys paw situation. Would’ve been cool to see more finn/HW adventures along with their relationship progressing. At the same time though, these writers had a target on finn at all times for him to suffer.

>Who hurt these writers?
feminist propaganda

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>At least they had a nice moment together in the comics
What happened? I'm not following them

The show was plagued with "toxic masculinity*" too bad it only came from the "strong "woman"" on the crew.
*Toxic to men

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I can't tell if this has HW being snarky or if she's shooting down Finn, or both.

I love her so much.

And if I recall correctly, after declining to live with the humans or PB he set out to make his own home, which everyone helps build.

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>Who hurt these writers?
Straight white males.

They are literally dating.

>The show was plagued with "toxic masculinity*"
No, it wasn't.

You can date someone and not say I love you, which is why I asked.

Life is not fair

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t. Writers of the show

Go back to your cuckshed, Muto

I honestly like her more than any other girls in the show. It helps that she's not some shitty princess, but a cool adventurer.

Those fuckers had zero idea what they were even doing.
Half the episodes of the last season barely made any sense, or only had any point if viewed from a meta-perspective while being incomprehensible by themselves. Which is a massive failure of writing.
The lack of a limited cast with strong connections or defined character traits makes the point of many actions obscure or renders them seemingly arbitrary.
And the introduction of too many metaphors or lessons hidden behind puns into surrounding zany nonsense proves the writers were too far up their own asses to even notice when they lost the plot.
The lack of which has been a defining failure of the show from the beginning.

I mean, all of these things become that much more obvious when you see what Rebecca Sugar did when dropping out for SU.
>planned plot progression
>tightly defined character traits that dictate actions and lessons associated
>limited cast to allow for unique traits and meaningful emotional reactions
>clear messaging through demonstration of behaviors and their impact on people with no absurd imagery to lessen the impact or obscure the intent
>writers on a tight leash as episodes are written to fill a position within the season or show as a whole

>Those fuckers had zero idea what they were even doing.
They did, but they were cut short and had to rush things a bit.
>Half the episodes of the last season barely made any sense,
reminder that CN reworked the episodes grouping to make a 10th season. The final should have been part of season 9 or 8.

t. Muto.

wish I'd saved the rest of this.

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>love huh...
>woah, woah, finn, let's not get crazy here...

What race is she? she seems like some kind of a wood elf.

She's the kind of girl that will swear you're not dating even though you went on dates, got married, had children, and are planning your retirement.