Powers of X #3 spoilers

This entire issue takes place in X^2 (Year One Hundred) and Hickman finally tells us all about the X-Men in this time period. The roster and genetic makeup of the team is:

War aka Wolverine (James Howlett)
Death aka Xorn (Kuan-Yin Xorn)
Pestilence aka North (2nd Generation Chimera made from Lorna Dane and Emma Frost's DNA)
Famine aka Krakoa / Doug Ramsay
Cylobel (deceased) (Hound)
Cardinal (made from Kurt Wagner, Jean Grey, and Freeman's (Ajax?) DNA)
Percival (deceased) (pureblood mutant)
Here are the events of the issue:

North, Xorn, Rasputin, and Cardinal attack The Church of Ascendancy at The Temple of Concordance. Omega and her sentinels intercept them, which creates a distraction at the Tower of Nimrod that allows Apocalypse, Wolverine, and Krakoa / Doug Ramsay to infiltrate its data centers. Krakoa /Doug Ramsay finds the information the X-Men are after on a data crystal, but Nimrod discovers their presence and attacks them.

Cardinal consumes a Seed of Apocalypse which negates his pacifist tendencies, but Omega kills both him and North. Xorn is also mortally wounded, so Rasputin removes Xorn's helmet which unleashes a singularity that kills her and Omega.

Apocalypse gives the stolen data crystal to Wolverine and tells him "You know what to do with it." Krakoa / Doug Ramsay opens a portal back to Asteroid K as Wolverine flees through it, leaving Apocalypse to fight Nimrod alone.

Wolverine returns to Asteroid K and opens the Obelisk that we saw in the previous issue. Moira X aka Mother is inside. Wolverine deposits the data crystal into her and she absorbs the origin files of Nimrod. She then tells him, "I have what I need now. And this...this is what you do."

Wolverine then kills her.

"So ended the ninth life of Moira X."

X^2: Year One Hundred has been Moira's ninth life, not an alternate future. Her entire purpose has been to retrieve the origin files of Nimrod in order to finally stop him in her tenth life.

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Who is Nimrod again?


What about Phalanx future? is it 9th or 10th life?

so what Moira timeline is the 1000th year?

Woah woah woah woah.
So with that big reveal in mind, it could mean that Year X^3 is the 6th life of Moira?

Not revealed this issue. It’s heavily implied that the world is reset when Moira dies so this is most likely her sixth life or tenth life and Dawn of X is set in her 11th life.

Super Sentinel

Friendly reminder that absolutely EVERYONE on Yea Forums hates the X-Men now and this "reimagining" is a complete waste of time and money. MarLEL should just get rid of ALL mutant characters permanently.

What's your stance on Namor, Doom and DC films?

>it was the ninth life all along
What a twist!

Nice try, but I'm not Tommy. I'm just reminding everyone here of the objective truth.

What if her 6th life is one where she was killed by her umbilical cord or something, and destony was wrong about how her powers work?

Woah unexpected. Very juicy.

Cardinal a cute

My mugga you're hella early this time, why don't post some scans?

i would say to shut up but i know you’re just gonna redirect me to like three other posts that are probably by you about how mutants suck

So who is Green Magneto?


>X^2: Year One Hundred has been Moira's ninth life, not an alternate future. Her entire purpose has been to retrieve the origin files of Nimrod in order to finally stop him in her tenth life.

This was the prediction last week.

Mutants need more integration.

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It's from a guy on reddit who spoils the issue every week

>So ended the ninth life of Moira X

This second gen mutant clone combination of polaris and frost?

This shit about the O5 timetravel will be fogotten sooner or later I hope

Yes. Maybe Sinister couldn't get his hands on Mags DNA and made them a dude?

What does this say about x^3 though? That time period contains a Nimrod the greater which seemed to be the creation of Nimrod the lesser from the x^2 time period. If we doing a life reset after x^2 that seems to be about fucking over nimrod the lesser, how do we get the connection between those two?

Suck it Trebeck. This run is only five issues in and it’s miles better than Bendis’

Before this I was thinking that Nimrod the greater simply decided working against the mutants was a bad idea and switched sides at some point.

Nate grey News ?

This. The past decade or so of Xmen is not worth going over but this might be the beginning of a new bit of fun.

Mutants need hugs

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Hopefully he stays in his perfect world and is never forced to return to 616.

Also now that I think about it x^3 had that one mutant hound who was captured and thrown in the "bath" which is probably Nimrod the greater. So if we reset after x^2 then x^3 is alternate future that never existed. And we go into Morias 10th life which is the House of X stuff with the helmeted Xavier.

Does that mean X time period is 616? Or because Moria might have a 11th life are we do for one more reset at the conclusion of the X period. Which would lead into our 616 universe?

Are you the same dude who bitched about Mistique and Destiny?

Also in X^3 asention happens because a Nimrod was sent to change that planet into a giant machine intelligence that the phallenx came for. So Nimrod the lesser chose to sacrifice himself for that? Cause Nimrod the greater is still there.

I think that is copy pasta at this point. Hes here every thread.

The OP says it’s the ninth life though.

So all the x^2 panels were about a nimrod flash drive... that we know doesn’t save krakoa based on issue summaries/powers of x #1 side text.. and also the HoX timeline will also be reset... beginning to rethink praising this event

The 616 is either Moira’s 10th or 11th life. Thank Jeansus that Sixth Life = 616 theory is all but confirmed dead

No. X^2 is the Ninth Life. X^3 doesn’t necessarily have to be connected to it and can be another of Moira’s lives.

Should be from the same life as x^2. That mutant hound is in the bath tube being stored as info. Also Nimrod the Greater which is implied as the creation of Nimrod the lesser in the X^2 period. Specifically because That mutant hound is placed in the bath that Nimrod the greater is in charge of in X^3. I think X^3 is an alternative future to explain the entire all man/machine life is evolving to a single point where it either joins the Palanx as equals or is subjugated by them. I dont see how x^2 and x^3 can be different life times because going back in time will change shit so the hound doesnt end up in the tube. X^2 + x^3 is probably the 9th life. Making the house of X shit the tenth life. Shell figure something out at the end of her last life and bring it into her 11th which will be 616.

The X-Men are still on Krakoa after this event what are you talking about?

No I think it has to connect to it or that mutant hound doesnt end up in nimrods tube in X^3.

>who bitched about Mistique and Destiny?
KEK did casuals really get triggered by that? Did they whine about evil SJW too?

I think it was a troll that has turned into copy pasta.

Should I take a shower? I have had one all week

Jesus, yes you stink user, even if you can't smell it

Well, now I'm confused what X3 is. X3 seemed to have direct links to X2. But if Moira 9 dies in X2, that means the timeline resets way before it ever reaches the X3 era.

Is X3 perhaps from the 6th life?

I think x^3 is just the continuation of that life after Moria dies. It exists to flush out the inevitable organic/machine evolution thing that is going on. And Introduces the idea of the Greater phalanx inevitable shit. This allows us to gain some ideas about the future where this is all heading but then returns us to the X period to continue the story.

I can think of no other way for that mutant hound to end up in Nimrods tube.

Dude, you need to shower EVERY day

I think you've severely misread some stuff. The text in Powers of X #1 was all about the X^2 timeline, which now won't happen.

X3 is either Moira's 6th life or a future timeline for 616. Afterall Hickman has already built into the story the perfect reset button, I think he could be allowed to do whatever he wants to 616 proper without having editorial breathing down his neck.

There was no clear end to 9, we saw that the striped arrows kept going.

$20 says she's in a coma/near death dtate in the sarcophagus behind Apocalypse in PoX#2

Moira 10 krakoa is destroyed, Dawn of X is life 11.

That'd mean the X-Men could never show up outside of their own books for the next several years though, and I have strong doubts about that.


Speak for yourself, user. Nice copypasta though.

>Wade is stuck being written by Thompson instead of being part X-Kino
This sucks man. I was hoping after Remender, Duggans The Good, The Bad and The Ugly and the movies he'd get rolled back into X-books in some form

That doesn't really make sense, though. Unless Moira really is hopping timelines. If she's creating a new timeline with each reset, that fits.

But given the story, her power resetting the timeline and overwriting history with her changes makes much more sense. So the timeline of Life 9 should instantly end when Logan kills her.

Unless Cylobel's creation is one of those things that always happen?

>That'd mean the X-Men could never show up outside of their own books for the next several years though
>implying that would be a bad thing

Well then what was the point of pushing Rasputin so much?

Thats... not the implication at all. What the actual fuck is wrong with your reading comprehension?

I'm saying it wouldn't be a realistic thing. Which it isn't.

1) The spoilers in OP literally say that Moira is int the Obelisk.
2) Logan kills her, resetting the timeline into Life 10.

Soooo... thanks for the entirely pointless post, I guess?

How would you make a dude from just Frost and Dane? Whose modified Y chromosome is in there?

>giving a rat's ass about realism in capecancer funnybooks
The X-Men have never fit in with the rest of the MarLEL universe. If Marvel won't get rid of them, the next best thing is to keep them in their own separate universe.

I'm pretty sure Sinister has just flipped chromosomes before.

Thats what the spoilers say. Shes the "mother" that is mentioned. At according to the spoilers shes attached to krokoa I think? At the end of this issue they download the nimrod flash drive into her and she gets killed by Wolverine/Death so that she can bring the nimrod info into her new life.

So this is how it looks.

X^2 >> X^3 even though Moria dies at the end of X^2 its the same life. >> 0 >> House of X time.

My question is is House of X 616 with some soft reboot elements? Or is Moria going to die and 616 is her 11th life?

Oh. I get it now. You're just retarded.


You have a point. The thing is that mutant hound is put in the tub in X^2 by Nimrod the lesser. Nimrod the greater is reading her like a library book in X^3 which the blue mutant guy. So I dont see that hound still being in the tube if Moria makes changes. I think that X^3 is her ninth life after she dies and we are getting a look at it even though shes going to over write it.

Cause they are going to kill him before the reset.

Going straight for the "retard lol" card. Typical.
Give me one good reason why keeping mutants in their own separate universe is such a """"bad"""" idea.

Because they are already tied together. Ever fucking comic should be in its over universe. Mixing them creates constant holes that you need to suspend disbelief for.

It's a hell of a lot better than watching Wolfsbane getting mutie bashed to death.

no, you don’t. you just rob your body’s natural oils that way.
showering once every two days or so is healthier.

You've just basically agreed with me.

>Because they are already tied together
Capecancer stories love doing retcons already. Why not use another one to separate them permanently?

Nah, Hickman will save the 11th live for a get out of jail card.

every time they bring him back they just full on character assinate him so who cares. his last evil Jesus run left a sour taste in my mouth.

It’s possible she’ll show up in the current timeline. If the Moira/Xavier meeting from HoX #1 is in life 10(which I don’t know if it is anymore due to this issue), then the tarot cards with the X2 mutants should mean they’re going to come into play at some point.

After Marvel just thoroughly raped Nate as a character, hopefully, there’ll be no Nate news for a long ass time. I don’t trust current Marvel to not completely fuck him over again.

How many charts are there this issue?

he sort of did, just not in the way he should. but fret not, sooner or later he will. it's all duggan's fault, though. he shuoldn't had made wade part of the avengers team

Define "pushing". She showed up in some promotional materials and a tarot card, that's it.

Maybe the "Emma is Jack O'Diamonds" theory isn't so far off...

Maybe Duggan will use him in Marauders? Apparently the Marauders are the ones who are dealing with the human-mutant trade deals for the pills so I could see someone hiring Wade to jack the ship

>The Church of Ascendancy at The Temple of Concordance
So is it a religion that worships machines or something?

The fuck would you ever need "natural oils" for other than making your hair look like shit.

She got a couple of variant covers

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And one of the Charts was specifically about her five different powers and gene donors

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So what is in those Nimrod files that is so important?

design perimeters and such much likely. if you know how it's made and what something is made of then you can destroy it pretty easily.

Presumably, the creation point of Nimrod, among other things.

That’s probably why Xavier and Magneto think Nimrod becomes activated on the Forge station. It’s not a guess. They know it via Moira.

Cylobel can still end up in a tube in another future that looks like X^2’s ending. Much like the 4th life of Moira looks a lot like the history we know of the X-Men.

...............dude, what did you think OP’s post was about

Because she has “a foot in two worlds” meaning she’s getting created in the current reality.

Interesting. Do you think Marvel would let Hickman reset the universe again?

Except Cylobel’s creation comes about from the Apocalypse war extending into the X2 era.

The sequence of events required for her creation aren’t met in any of the other timelines. Unless Life 6 is similar to 9, and X3 is from Life 6.

Ewing is already planning on showing Hulk as the Galactus replacement in the 9th multiverse. Who knows.

whats even the point of these comics?

A story

To be read.

>HoXPoX ends with X-Men becoming a separate universe

I can dream

That’s what I’m thinking. The rise of NIMROD, Mother Mold, and all the like is fully realized in Life 6, which leads her start targeting and assassinating who she thought was the progenitors of the Sentinel Program, the Trask family.

I... I think I like it. Storytime when?


The originator of the spoilers is a redditor going off of an early bird comp copy. So no scans.

They changed Notcrawler’s color from the original art.

No, you're just a faggot shtiposting about X-Franchise

Aw, seems someone needs a good helping of PROOF:

>Rasputin dies

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Ah, I had been wondering why we got the spoilers early every week.

Seems to me like you're a sperg that went and derailed a thread that had nothing to do with X-men.

The only good that came out of the O5 was young Cyclops. I liked him, everyone else was shit though.

But yes the O5 shit should remain forgotten.

That's impossible since its already established that the role belongs to Franklin Richards. Introduce by Hickman and reinforced by Waid.

I assume the secrets of his creation. So they can finally kill him or maybe turn him.

Cardinal and Rasputin will 100% be back. In PoX #1 Cardinal even says
>then I will see you both when the world is made again

I just want this story to actually involve the x-men not a bunch of future mutants that in the end don't matter. The story has potential but so far it feels like it is dragging and going in circles. Here is hoping that it starts to move forward and the future characters actually have a point to them other than show Moira's past life.

Pretty weird sequence of events. War needs to happen and extend into that era. The Xmen leadership gets fucked over secretly by Sinister and he shows up to lead creating his clone forges on Mars. That needs to keep a stalemate going until his 5th gen I think? betrays the mutants as he plans. Then the machines have to make not just the hounds but that hound who has to get caught in such a way as to put the hound in the tube.

Remember Moria is sent back with not just secret info on Nimrod but info on all that future Sinister shit. Seems like shell end up shaking up a bunch of things.

If there is another reset coming its reseting into 616. They wont let him reboot 616. Or at least I doubt it heavily.

Im still disappointing we didn't get scooty23. Would have been terrible like everything but characters reacting to it could have been fun. Scott and Logan uncomfortable. Storm Bobby uncomfortable. Beast suicidal depressed about ruining the universe with time travel. Emma laughing her ass off. Hell x23 should have gotten knocked up.

It seems like this x^2 thing feeds directly into the current x timeline with current xmen.

That's a terrible super name. I get that it's related to magnetism, but really?

Is that the only contribution that Emma FROST brought?

See if he turns to diamond in the fight tomorrow when we get a story time.

>natural oils
Sweat and grease (or worse) are NOT healthy “body oils”

I really, really like this run and everything he's doing. I want to know more about that Apocalypse timeline though. I've always marked for Apocalypse.

That's what IH #25 solicitation says, anyways.

>The heat death of our universe has come and gone. The Hulk is finally dead. Now, billions of years later, the Ninth Cosmos cowers...Before the Breaker of Worlds.

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What’s it like having shit hair baldy?

Okay, so is it just me or. Is Hickman's run essentially a very, very strong argument IN FAVOR of mutant genocide?

I don't outright hate this. But mostly because I'm too baffled that taking the plot at face value they are straight up making mutants as a whole abhorrent monsters.

Mah boi deserves to stay in his comfy dimension until the Sentry needs help fighting Galactus again or Franklin needs a sempai in the ways of reality warping. Let him be free of this mugga shit, they don't deserve a shaman

How exactly?

Magneto's "You have new gods now" line means that now ALL mutants want to exterminate humanity.

Somewhere, their Celestial spiritual daddies approve.

Completely retconned by Jason Aaron. Humanity (and mutants by extension) are the result of a Celestial infected by cosmic parasites and puking the infected bile on the planet

It's fucking Magneto, it's par for the course for him to say shit like that.

Well, glad to know X2 wasn't actually a possible future. However, this could also mean X0, X1 and X3 aren't the main universe either.

One of them surely must be Moira "unidentified" 6th life. If there's another unsolved plot in one of her lives, it could be one one of these three too.

ahhahhaa what a burn

I wanted Cable to have a legit moment with his young Scott. it would have been weird as fuck but interesting.

Hey now, technically that’s only the Celestial opinion on HUMANS right? Maybe the put the X gene in later and decided those were their special bois unlike those filthy humies, like how people like penicillin more than other fungal mould

The issue is Magneto is representing THE OTHER MUTANTS nominally in favour of peaceful coexistence

>new gods
>somehow means all humans should die

do you know what gods usually do user?

Wait, DID Hickman establish that? If I remember correctly, all Hickman established was that Franklin ends up as a big player on the cosmic scale, and that Galactus becomes his pet. I don't remember anything about Franklin ending up as Galactus' equivalent in the succeeding universe.

That is probably the dumbest interpretation yet.

If anything, its non-committal either way. This story seems to be about how the mutant/human war is fucking retarded, and both sides are stupid and short sighted, and the machines are the true threat and will always win in the end.

Hickman WISHES this were true.
But it's going to be Legion with Galactus becoming the new eternity after this life bringer bullshit is retconned out.

Ewing sometimes has problems playing in the Marvel shared universe sandbox.

Loving this Doug Ramsey representation

X0 and X1 are in the main universe for sure. The whole story falls apart as a pointless Elseworlds otherwise.

Yeah, his corpse being used as a meat puppet for a mutant plant monster is such good representation.

no, it was earth x only

Earth X Franklin becomes Galactus of its current universe. Not Galactus' equivalent of the next universe, which is what user is saying.

doesn't frankie raye replace galactus in one of the older stories? my brain is fried.

Not in a published story.

Byrne had a Galactus 10-part story in some anthology. 9 parts got published, but the final part never did. That final part was supposed to be where the universe ends, Galactus initiates the Big Bang to kick start the next universe, and his energies go into Frankie Raye who becomes the Galactus of that universe.

But... you know. Frankie isn't Franklin.

We can always be unexpectedly surprised. There are lot of inconcluences here, so only time will say.

He's appearing as himself in Present day and deemed as being worthy of keeping around as a meatpuppet by Krakoa (when Krakoa could have instead picked literally any of the other dead X-Men).
Given that his previous latest appearance was a background cameo, hallucination and before that as a desiccated 'internet addict', being in two mainline X-comics with actual dialogue in one is a big step up.

Hey, it's pretty much how 99.99999999999999999% of Yea Forums is interpreting it.

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Oh my god, Yea Forums is being dumb? I'm astounded! Flabbergasted. Completely, totally, shocked. Truly, this is such a tweest. Yep. Mhm. Yeeeeep.

So what the hell is Mr. Immortal suppose to do? Is he only to see the end of time?

Not an argument

It's hard to say

Maybe Hulk, Mr. Immortal and Franklin will have to toss a coin to see who ends up being the next universe's Galactus

Yeah, basically. But he just see's the messenger of God and dies permanently.

>Mr. I: So this is it huh? It comes down to a Craig, a Bruce & a Frank. If that isn't just a super plain end of everything.
>Bruce: My first name is Robert.
>Craig: Good Lord, that's even worse. "Hello, oblivion, my name is BOB."

Niether is you sucking dick.

So Krakoa was/has been founded in both the 9th and 10th timeline? Or earlier?

stop Nimrod from being created in first place, it was mentioned in the previous issue. The Xmen in the present are being sent to attack a space station full of scientists because they think that is when and where Nimrod will be created.

Presumably in both 9 and 10

One of the earlier lifetimes had Xavier and Moira create a Nation but that got wiped out by Sentinels

Krakoa exists in all timelines. Its just a mutant monster island.

What this issue establishes is that the Krakoa gateway system being used in the current timeline is based off of this previous usage from life 9. But we don't know when the gateways started up in the Apocalypse war. So its possible that Krakoa as an island base for mutants wasn't a thing in life 9.

Wrong Krakoa. This is OG Krakoa’s son that is staunchly pro-mutant and sentient.

It was just a city

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Oh wait, so this is supposed to be the Krakoa from the Jean Grey School?

Last I remember, OG Krakoa was orbiting the Earth, so I figured they just pulled it down to use as a base.

It's good

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>It's good
Way to state the obvious.

Its inevitable flatscan. Just let us be nice about this so your mutant kids can have a good childhood.

Maybe its all an Elseworld that has one little secret to inject into the 616. Moria learns something at the end of all this shit and send Charles a not to be opened in the present of the 616.

>tfw too brainlet to understand a story chronologically out of order

this is literally, unironically, fucking spirit circle

>both sides are stupid and short sighted

One of those sides is moving against Nimrod before he comes into existence. Moria only took 10 lives to figure it out.

this is actually cute and and in character for slim
this is the best outcome for the 05 dilemma
where is this panel from btw?

so cyclops fails in one timeline to stop nimrod(?) for him to succeed in the next timeline with the new data?

I suppose Ill get to see the scans tomorrow.

We dont know. Alot of people assumed he was going to die cause they thought X^2 was after X but if its reversed we dont know what will happen. Or what happened in the previous life with cyclops.

What is a good place to look for torrents or other downloads also? There was a directors cut or something of the first house of x issue and I did not see it.

Somewhat, but it's more Zero Escape than Spirit Circle
Virtue's Last Reward to be specific
Professor X is Junpei and Moira is Akane.

Getcomics, comic codes?

I sure hope something actually happens in Year 1000 soon.

>something actually happens in Year 1000 soon.
Did you not read the previous issue? They're either going to be eaten by the Phalanx or have the technovirus dropped on them or pretend to be eaten by the Phalanx so they can Trojan Horse them.

i don't understand who the blue people are supposed to be

Then you're dumb as fuck.

They're just future muties. Learn to read.

why would future mutants be little blue people, though

Mystique is everyone's mother

When does everyone start sucking off Doom like Hickman's other future stories?

why does omega have breast

>They're just future muties

They're techno-organics from the transmode virus

loser didn't get the secret pallet swop variant hoo boy howdy COPE

I know :( LCS gave it to those who buy 10 comics a week

Isn't today supposed to release House of X #3?

Nope, that's for next week.

Oh, 2 Powers in a row. I wasn't paying attention on the reading order thinking every week we would see one different book. Thanks!

So x2 was the age of apoc timeline all along?

The Kuleshov Effect: implying connection based on proximity. Placing two similar images next to each other implies a connection that may not actually be there.

Yeah that was something I noticed when I was looking through the upcoming comics. You're welcome by the way.

Speaking of upcoming weeks, next week Marvel is loaded with lots of stuff.

Wait, I thought the first Xorn was Magneto in disguise, and the second one died. How is he there?

Does that really matter if X2 took place during Moira's 9th life all along? Maybe neither Xorn ever died

inb4 Mothermold is a trillion dollar bait and switch/false flag

the real savior of humanity is Nimrod, secretly being built as close to Krakoa as possible without being detected and Mothermold is just something to have the mutants focus their attention on and sacrifice their omegas and mightiest mutants to destroy in vain



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How did Moira live so long?

Apok tech.

I don’t think the OG Krakoa has any sentience.

That twittee guy called it.