What would be his solution for climate change?

What would be his solution for climate change?

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Eliminate humanity

Something stupid, he's literally stupid.
>Stupidity is a lack of intelligence, understanding, reason, or wit. Stupidity may be innate, assumed or reactive – a defence against grief[1] or trauma.[2]

Eliminate the fruits of the industrial revolution and send a species back to a pre-industrial status by erasing any metals and readily accessible metal deposits on a planet
Then again I’m no scientist in the slightest so that plan would probably wreck the planet by screwing with gravity or something, if I had to guess

Cool down the sun by teleporting the ocean into it.

Something incredibly sensible and down to earth, just to defy expectations.

Push the planet away from the sun, extending the year on one week.

That week will be named Thanos week.

Steralise 90-95% of the human race on a random basis.

Attached: philip_carvel.jpg (350x350, 30K)

He could just use the gauntlet to create more climate.

MCU Thanos is stripped of his comic self's true motivation, at least as far as it's overtly stated, a love of death itself.

Half greenhouse gasses?

>What would be his solution for climate change?
He has the mind stone, he could just make everyone believe in it.
Or maybe with the reality stone he could make it actually happen.

Kill exactly half of the climates.

But what if he ends up only leaving the bad ones?

If he's willing to take that chance with people, he'll take it with climates.

But people can change!

So you're saying climates can't?

Well with people there’s a better chance that they can change in a good way. For climates, most changes I can think of would just be bad, unless it’s just reversing a recent change.

How did they know the time stone would be in New York? I mean they assumed Dr. Strange had it but they never heard of nor saw him during the New York battle. They lucked out that the Ancient One was even there. Did she know that someone was going to stop by asking about the stone? I guess it makes sense for her to be there to protect the sanctum but something just seems off about the whole thing.

Banner and Stark knows where the New York Sanctum is, Wong isn’t dusted. They could ask him.

Even if it wasn’t right there, they probably figured they could get to it without too much trouble from New York, since the places are kinda connected, and conserve particles.

>eliminates half of all temperature degrees