Will it be good?

Will it be good?

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No, it'll be shit like all those other anti-Trump comics.

Will Superman Smashes Antifa be the sequel?

I've listened to the radio show and it was good enough. If it's anything like it it'll be okay, not amazing but alright. No matter how good or bad it is, /pol/ and outragefags WILL seethe about personal attacks on the white race the whole way through, though.

>People who hate Superman are going to defend the Klan

Probably. Yang's a decent enough writer, and Gurihiru's art is mostly appealing.

>Superman punching Democrats

>How dare you say the Klan is bad!
>But they are.
>Then uhhh did you know 100 years ago the Klan were Democrats??
>So since you like the Klan that means you think Democrats are good?

Who said the Klan was good?

So are you saying the Klan is bad? But modern Democrats oppose the Klan. That means they're good.

Superman looks like shit.

What kind of ass backwards thinking is that?

>So are you saying the Klan is bad?
>But modern Democrats oppose the Klan. That means they're good.
I mean it's good they oppose the Klan but that doesn't exonerate them from going full retard with shit like free health care to illegals.

Superman can smash the Klan as long as I get to smash that lolipuss.

I swear to God, it's like I have to come into every thread to say so.

Liberal logic

Is this... the return of DCAU?

Free healthcare means you don't have to pay more when they go to the E.R. and need far more expensive treatment to save their life.

Doesn't it remind you of Superman punching a wife-beater in AC #1?

Have you ever watched the Superman animated show from the early 00s?

Legit curious how close it follows the original radio story.
Might convince my friends to listen to the radio show and read along with me.

This is bait

>Gurihiru's art is mostly appealing.

There's no such thing as free. Your taxes will just increase and yuull front EVERYONE'S bill.

It's like you faggots never took Economics 101.

I mean, you gotta read it first.

But you wouldn't be paying for insurance, deductibles, copays, etc. Stop being brainwashed by the ones who would keep you in financial chains and spend every day making sure you can never better your station and threaten their's.

It's like you faggots stopped at Economics 101.
Taxes mean everyone fronts EVERYONE'S bill.

>There's no such thing as free fire response. You just front the bill with your taxes.

Not to mention taxes for the middle and lower class just increased anyway, dipshit. But you'd know that if you moved out of mom's basement.

I don't get how anyone can still fall for the "free" meme.
Do people think we're going to enslave doctors and pull medicine out of thin air?

No, it means everyone fronts the bill for illegals, who don't front the bill for anyone else, and somehow this is supposed to make healthcare cheaper.

Nobody but the biggest smoothbrains thinks tax-paid services are free. They understand that it's effectively run the same as regular insurance is, only with more money being put into it by a larger population of healthy people and with more accountability for the entire process.

It's free because your taxes already paid for it.

You already do that anyway.

Illegals pay sales tax just like everyone else.

How the fuck are you conflating universal healthcare with immigration? Nearly half the working examples of countries with universal healthcare provide it only to citizens. Your ignorance is willful at this point.

You literally would. In the form of taxes. Retard.

Illegals don't pay income tax. They wouldn't be fronting anyone's bill.

Sales tax is not the same as income tax. Not sure if strawmanning or just retarded.

The majority of Democratic candidates are running into he platform of free health care even for illegal immigrants.

Just for Gurihiru's art.

Can we just fucking nuke /pol/ already? This thread should have been about the clan of the fiery cross, but for whatever reason, fags get their feefees hurt about a comic saying the kkk is bad.
Jesus Christ, Yea Forums was never good, but at least the incoherent rage used to be about comics (and/or cartoons).

Honestly really dig the art. I might give it a read just for that.

Yes, but you say it like it's in addition to what you're already paying in taxes when, for 90% of people it would literally cost less than they're currently paying into the absolutely broken system we call American healthcare. And as another user said, it would increase oversight and accountability which is also lacking.

I'd read it if it wasn't drawn in that ugly wannabeaboo style

>you literally would, in the form of taxes
So you're saying nothing would change at all and it's a lateral move?

But user, muuuuh illegals! We can't allow other people to get a better life situation if it means criminals will also profit from it! We need to keep everything shit so only rich people can afford good care and no one helps their neighbour ever!

Kind of hard to take the subject matter seriously when it looks like it was drawn by a 14-year old on deviantart.

The Culture War affects some people so bad that they need to be the opposite of whatever the SJWs are. we're going to have people unironically think vaccines are bad just because liberals are pro-vaccine

who's the girl? Anne Frank?

>implying Superman wont smash it first
She's going to through herself at him


The art doesn't look bad tb h, but it looks more fitting for a humor comic for kids.

>for 90% of people it would literally cost less than they're currently paying
I'm gonna need some proofs of that my guy. I've yet to see actual evidence supporting this. Obamacare was supposed to make it more affordable for everyone too but my rates literally tripled.


>Collectively, America’s undocumented immigrants pay an estimated $11.64 billion in state and local taxes every year with at least 50 percent of undocumented immigrant households filing tax returns using Individual Tax Identification Numbers.

this needs to release already so we can stop having these terrible daily threads about it

It's probably going to be worse when it releases. We already have people on here who say they only skim through Wednesday Storytimes to look for pages to shitpost about.

[Citation Needed]

Your just going to deny whatever citations I post by saying "fake news" or bring up some weird /pol/ infograph with no citations of its own or out of context words

>[Citation Needed]
It doesn't matter, because the part they're blatantly leaving out is that illegal immigrants cost the U.S. about $117 billion annually.

So you don't have one? Ok.

I would legitimately love to read this.
Superman goes into a crowd beating up a guy, saves the guy, and asks the crowds to really question what they're fighting for.
He has some discussions, and flies away getting them to think.

Sh sh sh sh sh sh. SPOILERS

Funny how anytime one of these threads popup another one on /pol/ pops up to asking for people to raid Yea Forums


is that anne frank?

Why is it ten dollars?

Not even the fucking Cato institute agrees with those numbers.

they won't think, they'll just get bored and destroy a statue dedicated 100 years ago to a great explorer who braved the waters of the north Atlantic to expand the frontiers of the known world

I'm assuming you didn't even read your own link.

Probably a 100+ page oneshot.

>actually just a list of total expenditures into various fields that it expects you to exclusively attribute to illegals
>provided report dumps one-time payments into certain systems and agencies into the total to inflate the "yearly" amount
Excellent source, well picked.

I did, and I was hoping you would too.
>Merely using the correct numbers reduces FAIR’s estimated fiscal cost of illegal immigrants from $116 billion to $3.3 to $15.6 billion – and that is without touching their flawed static approach to counting how illegal immigrants impact the economy.

>wanting the free market to control medicine
Enjoy dying in the next outbreak because you literally can't buy the overpriced cure, retards.

When has this happened?

Right now, America's diabetes epidemic.

They would get offended that Superman disagrees with them, then call him a Nazi.

You dont know how capitalist medicine works, user. You dont CURE anything because then they dont sell you anything more. No. You get treatment. Five times a month for the rest of your life.

The first point is fudging numbers. We don't actually know how many illegal immigrants are in the United States, because they're here illegally, and any attempt to find out tends to be blocked by Democrats. But their 12.5 number seems lowballing as it is; other numbers estimate it could be as high as 17-20 million.
The second point isn't a refutation. They wouldn't be using these "benefits" if they weren't here illegally.

The third point is, quite literally, "well immigration wouldn't be so costly if we just had open borders".
There isn't any point in continuing to read that insanity.

Fatties and accidental opiate addicts are running caravans to Mexico and Canada so they can buy insulin and painkillers. That's not even considering the people who go down there for affordable surgery and medical care.

>implying any Superman/antifa story wouldn't involve Clark Kent exposing an Andy Ngo-esque character that constantly demonizes protesters

Citations, please?

>Chink writer creates a story where the Ku Klux Klan are persecuting Chinese immigrants, which they never did.
How was this allowed to go forward? It's essentially rewriting history for the sake of your own persecution complex.

>demonizes protesters
So you're saying they're being paid to protest? Who's paying them?

>They wouldn't be using these "benefits" if they weren't here illegally.
Illegals using these benefits are not the money drain here.

those protesters do a fine enough job demonizing themselves with their outrages

I hate them so much

How did you even make that leap

Reminder that Yea Forums has a bunch of falseflaggers trying to get others to shit up the board. Just check /pol/ and you'll see one trying to get /pol/ to raid us

Well what do you mean by demonetizing protestors?

You just confused the word demonize for demonetized.

For what? Estimates of illegal immigrants?
Their mean estimate is 22 million. I wouldn't take that number as a fact either, however, because again; they're fucking illegals. We don't know with 100% certainty how many are here, because they're here illegally.

The YouTube generation everybody


>Is this comic book based on a radio show the return of the DC -ANIMATED- Universe?
Were your parents related?

>Illegals using these benefits are not the money drain here.
>the money drain
There are plenty of money drains, and illegals are one of them.

How was he demonizing them?

what the fuck is wrong with you

I'd rather die than rob my corporate sugar daddies of their ability to buy a fifth yacht.

and we're not allowed to know, it's in the interest of the democrats to allow them to pad their districts with a non voting populace dependent on them

Attached: crocker2007.jpg (500x415, 25K)

oh poor you, you're so oppressed by other people using their money as they see fit

For example, he recently posted a picture of a member of American Guard, a white supremacist group that got hit with a hammer by antifascists. He failed to include the fact that the hammer belonged to the right wing dude, and he hopped out of the bus he was in to beat the shit out of antifascists before getting the hammer taken from him and getting a taste of his own medicine.
Or when he claimed antifascists sprayed a dude on a bike in the face, leaving out that this dude was an alt-right provacateur and a fairly well-known holocaust denier. And that he was sprayed with silly string.

Wow sales tax. How about income tax and all the other shitty taxes we pay but they ignore?

Congress should put up a bill that lets taxpayers opt out of a service by not paying taxes for it so we can watch illegals cry about how nobody wants to pay for them to live.

Charge me more for my insulin, Daddy Warbucks. It turns me on, having to pay 1000x more for it than I had to pay a year ago.

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Let's not act like this isn't virtue signalling. It's no coincidence that they decide to publish this a century after the radio show, and in a period when Klan no longer exists.

I don't like the KKK but I don't see the point of this, even for the purpose of stock villians. The klan is nothing these days. There's 5000 members in the whole country of over 350 million people. They're irrelevant.

An actual eyewitness with video proof

senpai, we literally have video of antifa trying to throw pieces of concrete slabs of concrete at their buses, and trying to drag people out of them.
You don't get to show up to another groups event for the explicit purpose of rioting, and then claim "they started it".

those people came to my city and destroyed a century old statue of an icelandic explorer just in time for leif erikson day, fuck them

All I see is a bunch of random pictures. Is there a video link?

>everything is victimizing me and my beliefs

>Klan no longer exists

Attached: 99ABE6DD-AE88-4F2D-A00F-F0CCE83E8ED2.png (1024x1024, 1.2M)

You can hate something and also hate someone who opposes them.
The soviets fighting the nazis doesn’t make up for all the shit they did


I have no respect for the nazis, or the soviets, and I think a large group of violent retards attacking everything because a small group of retards they don't like exist is actually worse than the retards they oppose

I'm mostly seeing antifa faggots getting arrested, not "le nazis".

Well by that logic every Muslim is a terrorist and ever nigger is a gang member. Glad we can agree to stereotype huge swaths of people.

I don't think white naitionalist/supremacist are real things. I think they're just buzzwords, like how nazi is a buzzword. It's just media talk to spin the public into a frenzy.

you know that anyone that tries to divide a populace with labels wants to destroy our very lives


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I trust Yang to do a decent job

Ahaha yes perfection

You can't say they're not real things because they are. There will always be extremists with any ideology. That's just how humanity works. Now they're not nearly as big of a problem as the left is trying to portray. We have much bigger issues like the flood of illegal immigrants entering the country completely unregulated' or domestic terror groups like Antifa who's ideology is pushing people to violence.

>ywn live in the 40s
>ywn buy a paper with xbox huge font exclaiming the defeat of the foul anti-american axis

feel's bad man

So who's doing all those mass shootings?

a lot of people from a medley of races, but with a clear majority of black perpetrators

If it walks like a duck and talks like a duck, it's a duck

Elizabeth Warren supporters?

All me.

How many white nationalists do you know in real life? If half the country are white nationalists like you claim, you should know at least one.

Didn't realize the christchurch, el Paso, and Dayton shooters were black

That doesn't really work when they have absolutely no idea what a duck actually looks like, and just run around calling every animal a duck.

I hate the idea of Superman using violence against humans. I feel like he's the best hero suited for "talking it out" with people.

Like Batman can't just stand there and talk to thugs, he has to fight them because he's only human. Superman can have a chat with anybody, no matter how violent they are, and try to talk reason into them because nobody can scratch him. Like, Superman could fly to the Middle East where the crazies over there could try shooting him with AK47's, explosives, and try going at him with machetes and nothing would happen, it would be utterly futile and they'd have no choice but to listen to what Superman has to say.

I think you don't realize what constitutes a mass shooting

The Dayton shooter was an Elizabeth Warren supporter who called the Antifa member who died trying to firebomb an ICE facility a martyr.

That's because you're an abnornally stupid person, one of the few who still falls for MSM bullshit.
Most mass shootings, and gun violence in general, is committed by African American gang members.

more antifa people should be met with that response when they chimp out on their fellow citizens

Absolutely baffling that there are people on this site or any other that defends those crazed psychopaths. Roving gangs of black-clad people destroying property and beating the shit out of anyone they come across they don't like the look of, but they're REALLY just misunderstood. Gimme a fucking break.

a good long time friend expressed the idea that they're victims of bad press the other day

It really makes me wonder where the fuck I am and why is this hell

>comicretards in charge of understanding how the world works

>doesn't know what a white supremacist looks like
Uhhhhhh let's see.....
>violently hates races that are not white
Yup, there's a duck alright

Orange man bad is powerful, don’t joke.