ITT: We remember the good old days when comics totally weren't political

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Hey you are now manually remembering Mueller

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>orange man bad


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Gerber's Defenders run is such a goddamn classic, it is a travesty that Marvel hasn't given it an Epic Collection reprint.

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>>Green Latern saves Black people

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do black people think they're incapable of getting off their ass and getting a job and making sound financial decisions like everyone else? I know plenty of black people that actually have homes, and insurance, and families, yet the narrative this comic espoused like 50 years ago is train of though expressed today as well. Fucking stagnant political thought.


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This is one of the funniest pages to me. Hal is utterly defeated by this man's logic.

lol would you hire a black person? bring them into your home? be friends with them? you didnt think this through user

You miss the core of the political complaint. In the past the politics were presented in a competent way. They were functional superhero stories that had a political element. They worked as stories.

The current "woke" trend is different. The characters are nothing but superficial mouth pieces that all use the same voice, the story structure is a fucking mess and hardly even serve as twitter posts--much less superhero yarns. They are political messages dressed up to look like shitty comics that no one is buying.

Holy fucking based

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Hal should have just pointed out that he's saved the planet that this whiner is standing on multiple times.

I have been friends with plenty of black people, if they're qualified and professional I would not hesitate in hiring anyone

He looks so manly and confident on that last panel.
If I were a /pol/ retard his intense gaze alone would convince me to stop being edgy.


>clearly a villain saying it, which means he's intended to be in the wrong
>people think this is based

Was /pol/ always this retarded?

OP is just being disingenuous in order to "own the conservatives." He doesn't acknowledge the nuance of the political argument or the culture war as a whole. He's just shitposting.

what do you call it when a lefty accidentally tells the truth?

Thanks Heavens. I was afraid you weren't going to be able to play the "victim" today.

But he's not wrong.

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literally "have sex incel" the comic

lel, I can only imagine the smug expression on the author

>In the past the politics were presented in a competent way.

Yes, when Captain America literally punches Hitler on the cover, it was more competently done than today, where I get triggered over the KKK being painted as bad guys. Or when the X-men is depicted as being multicultural representatives of different nations it wasn't blatant propaganda unlike today!

Muties have always been shit, just like multiculturalism.

But for real though, what were the writers thinking with this? We know that superheroes won’t fix real world issues because that’s not what their stories are about, but why even call attention to that?

user, you’ve been living in a world of multiculturalism your whole life

i'd vote for a president who can fhyme

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So desperate to be a sarcastic jackass you missed the part where I mentioned that those stories still functioned as actual STORIES. Even in the most blatant cases, the story was written by a person who knew how to write a good story. Not the case now. You've got Marvel hiring bloggers and shit and no matter how much they suck, Marvel keeps giving them work.

worried he might be stealing your shtick, purple hair?

og captain America was a racist but still hated Germans meaning that he would hate Neo Nazi if he was alive today he would be stuck in the middle not having any side to go to

I love this parody.

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1. Funny how you don't mention that this is less of a comic book story and an actual paid for advertisement.

2. Mexican and Central Americans coming to the United States are not refugees: There is no flood, no war, no global disaster happening in those regions that would require relocating thousands of people into the US in crisis. They just live in shitty countries with corrupted governments. If the Chinese, Indian, European, African, and other people across the Atlantic can wait and pay the dues necessary to "Seek a better life" in the US, then so can Central Americans, who abuse that they share a boarder with the US and use loopholes to remain or overstay their visas (all the while being abused by companies taking advantage of their status, but nobody here would want illegal immigrants being exploited just so they can stay in the country and produce their clothes and food now, would they?)

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it can't be real

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mother of fuck, this feels so true

I simply rejected your hypothesis.

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diff user, both of you are correct, but for different reason. you are correct that back then it was unsubtle and cringe propaganda, made for a specific reason, the other user is also correct that at least it was well made

>the other user is also correct that at least it was well made
That's debatable. It's also debatable whether all comics with politics made in them in modern times are bad.

Yes this is definitely a memorable story and aspect of the character. Has definitely stood the test of time. You're right, hamfisted political comics are awesome.

Solving real world problems was literally what that arc was about.

Oh? Is Earth flat and water dry?
It's not even debatable. Even the ones that have aged poorly were still functional reads at the time.
PSA comics, like the one with Superman saying its un-American to discriminate, were advertised as such.

>So desperate to be a sarcastic jackass you missed the part where I mentioned that those stories still functioned as actual STORIES.
Captian America was created specifically to act as war propaganda to get people in the US to hate hitler
superman once lit a rich guy's house on fire because he was profiting off of war

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Ah Superdickery. How did the silver age comics get away with it

Jesse Custer got laid plently, his girlfriend Tulip and he had a lot of sex.

>modern grievance-driven identity politics is totally the same as "don't be violent towards brown people"
Fuck off OP


Identity politics have also been a part of comics for decades Have you never read the X-Men before?

That's not identity politics.

I wouldn't even mind the politics if the writing was smarter. I mean, every current comic that plays around with these issues ''tackles'' them in the exact same way.. in every issue.. every title. There's been a lot of talk about these authentic experiences written by the minority people, but feels like they have no unique stories to their name. What happened to stories, twists and style? :(

I don’t hate politics in stories they just need to fill my ambiguously defined criteria like in the past.

being political is nuetral, it can be done well or badly