PebbleYeet does it again, the mad man!
PebbleYeet does it again, the mad man!
Is boulderchuck a nazi that hates himself?
Literally all races do this
Have you seen the reaction every time A black celeb fucks a non black? By the same people who praise "Brothers who hit it with a white bitch"
>let’s just ignore the demonstrable conditioning in media and the statistics showing that interracial relationships are filled with abuse, and illegitimate children
True, but just because people are hypocrites doesn't make it ok
I don't get it
rockpitch is that you?
Yes. It being okay makes it okay.
That’s the spirit tumblr!
>All of wich seems to have appeared directly from my prolapsed asshole.
Is this an edit?
It makes perfect sense if you realize your genes are in competition with those of other males. Men of different races are more obviously distantly related to you, thus higher priority threats as less material is shared. The fact that you science worshipping reddit faggots don't get this is due to your ideological blinders.
the thicc latina gf one is funny but the edits that say "STONETOSS IS NAZI GRRR" between panels always are 2/10
i think for every race, the men of a race say its okay to get women or other races but its bad for the women of the race to get other guys. like muslim girls apprently cant even marry guys who arent muslim or something, i might be wrong on that. and then i recently heard that in indian (dot) culture, the girls have to marry an indian guy but the guys can marry whoever.
so of course asian guy is gonna get mad when white guys "steal" their girls (although white girl asian guy is basically so rare compared to white guy asian girl) just like how white guys might or might not get upset when they see a white girl dating someone who isn't white.
idk about you guys but i cant watch porn when the guy is dark unless the girl is also dark (enough), although i can still watch porn if it is dark skinned girl with light skined guy.
Is that the zodiac killer?
41% in single parent families.
Much higher abuse rate than monoracial white couples.
Is this still my ass?
The problem is that Black people who do that shit are never called out on it like white people do
Ask any black person regardless of gender who ever dated a non black how other black people reacted to it and you would be suprised at the "Uncle Tom"/"house Nigger"/"Can't handle Sisters" comments they get
So do you suggest a race cold war, sociopath?
I fucking LOVE klingons
The only lunatics are you faggots who refuse to accept the realistic of human biodiversity
Get laid, virgin.
Nice to you stop by man. What do you think of the bww speculation on you?
It's always funny to see alt-rightards cannibalize someone they used to worship because wrongthink.
Hi, I'm black and I don't hear that shit from hardly any other black folks.
And when I do, they usually get labeled as "fake woke" or "hotep niggas".
You should talk to some black people some time friend.
>already in autosage
Perfect. Time to post actually good strips.
>Tumblr fags immediately btfo when statistics are posted
>post low tier memes and edits that have made zero people laugh to cope
you start
Lived as a minority among nigs and black women freaked the fuck out when pavement apes looked at white women
Die mad faggot.
what is
Get owned.
Imagine being such a pussy and afraid of confrontation that you don't even quote the person you're insulting
>this desperate for a (You)
Rent Free
There's literally one confirmed Hotep among these screenshots and the at least four of those sound suspiciously like ones.
ok retard
Get owned
Mad for being called out?
I find funny how these threads always start at the same time every day, I bet it's the same eurotrash posting them.
>your genes are in competition with those of other males
Ok so how the fuck is there any difference between some black dude and some white dude who may or may not be so distantly related to you that it doesn't fucking matter?
Why do you care about one and not the other?
The hoteps are actually good
if I were black I'd be pissed about obama's daughter getting bleached
Die mad faggot.
>Mad on behalf of someone else's choices in life
This is how dumb you sound.
>Hurr why genes not care as much when people with more similar genes reproduce
Mystery eh?
Your genes don't have thoughts, faggot. Fuck me stop pretending you know the first thing about biology
It’s healthy to have opinions about other people’s choices. Atomized individualism is inhuman and sociopathic. Legitimately
Read the selfish gene mongoloid.
Having opinions is fine. Getting mad and acting like it's of any consequence isn't. It's not even your daughter.
Because he's a /pol/tard who's sexually intimidated by black people and seing interracial couples makes his insecurities scream at him.
A white person who has a child with a black person has more in common genetically with a random white person on the street thean they do with their own child .
>Getting mad and acting like it's of any consequence isn't
Yes it. Literally everything that happens on earth is of consequence to you. The idea that only direct impact on an individual matters is a farce.
You first, since you seem to have no idea what a selfish gene actually is
>a person can have more in common with a random stranger than someone who literally shares half his genes
Wow how does that work, mr science?
Cope honestly.
Die mad faggot.
then what's the deal with all the black people on youtube talking about coon culture
Allele arrangements within racial groups are far more similar than across them dumbass.
A negative reaction/disgust response to other men than yourself being around women you perceive as an 'ingroup'
is correlated to your amount of testosterone- the reason that you lack such is because of your low levels.
This isn't even ad-hom
I imagine every 1950s white american was also some weird psychosexual freudian nutcase too right?
>I imagine every 1950s white american was also some weird psychosexual freudian nutcase too right?
Unironically yes.
What's that got to do with anything? Children quite literally have half of each parent's DNA.
You do know how babies are made right?
You’re a narcissist to an absurd degree
>lewontin's fallacy
pretty sure this was debunked in the 70s or 80s
Genes don't determine who you are shut the fuck up with this nonsense.
Americans have been obsessed with sex and making sure people are only having sex in the way they want them to since the very start.
It's pretty much the whole reason the country even exists.
>more in common genetically
He’s talking allele arrangement/genetic expression. That’s genetic similarity jfc. Mixed race children have wildly divergent allele arrangement from their parents because of the innate racial differences of the parents.
What I’ve said is the opposite of Lewontin’s fallacy. I literally said you’re more similar to your own race than others.
Again you’re a narcissistic retard
Libertarians aren't insufferable. They're fucking hilarious.
I was agreeing with you not disagreeing
I dont think you know what that word means user
Huh, that sounds exactly like me. Like every single thing fits. Not pol though, don't visit that board.
Can you PLEASE shut the h up already? So annoying ugh...
t. Ye olde evolutionary psychologist
honest to god my indian friend recently threw a fit over another of our friends (white) dating an indian girl, I just don't get it why are some people so sensitive about the stupidest most petty irrelevant shit how do they even function day-to-day.
Evolutionary psych bad pseudoscience
my hyperpartisan sociology professor said so
>fat man dancing in his underwear
>old dude claiming it was a violation of the NAP
It's like every meme is true
Because you are a low testosterone male who is incapable of understanding that it is generally understood as an act of aggression as can be seen in most of the animal kingdom
alright chimp boy, thanks for sharing your vulnerability
You're acting like being a chimp is an insult
I'll fuck you up
I like how I'm the vulnerable one for siding with your friend though
>I-I have high testosterone!
>that's why my hair is thinning!
>chad white guy banging indian girl
>indian virgin getting mad about it instead of banging a white girl to get even
Lmao, the indian guy is the low test. Nothing stops him to conquer but instead he bitches out.
>act of aggression
And what does the strong and brave indian to about it? Lmao fucking nothing like a bitch.
he started ranting in our group chat
a real man has control over his emotions, especially over not getting some it looks pathetic and weak but feel free to be offended over every little thing that's modern masculinity for you
the discordfag outs himself
I would only respect your friend if he harassed them publicly and since he didn't do that my chimp brain respect is gone
it wasn't on discord it was on some phone app not that it matters
>It's pretty much the whole reason the country even exists.
We just didn't want to pay for tea.
>an act of aggression
Yikes. Imagine unironically thinking like this. But it's not like you keyboard warriors can do anything about it, though, except throw fits like hysterical women.
>imagine thinking similarly to how humans and animals have for thousands of years instead of my trendy current year view
>it good because it old and fit my irrational belief!
No, keyboard warrior.
if it's any consolation i think how sensitive you are is pretty cute
old thing bad new thing good