Anyone else like Chick Tracts?
Anyone else like Chick Tracts?
>rape your daughter and give her a std
>pray to jesus and everyone will forgive you
Post more.
They are an excellent source of comedy.
They're fun, but you can't discuss them anymore without /pol/ shit bobbing up
unironically go dilate
It's a pleasant thought that Jack is currently burning and screaming in Hell.
You're not exactly disproving my point, champ
How can this appeal to people? It is so artless. So obvious.
This is a false flag operation and Jack Chick actually was a Satanist!
Freemasons rule.
the world, that is
He shows an amount of ignorance about Christianity that was not particularly rare at the time.
Evangelicals had/have this bad habit of thinking they invented the Faith.
But not knowing that C.S. Lewis was a devoted Christian and condemning his Narnia books was something else.
This was a guy who didn't read much, especially not the Bible.
I do recommend everyone curious about the subject read both Heretics and Orthodoxy by G.K. Chesterton
Oh well. He is dead, so getting upset is pointless.
>Chesterton and Lewis
Ah, the evangelist author's duo.
>mary worshippers have this bad habit of thinking they invented the faith
honestly, cathies and evangelicals are both just as equally heretical in their perversions of the bible.
Jack Chick is a pen name. His real name is Jack Lupino
>Chick is setting the band up as heels
>saying they're "greedy" for expecting a previously agreed upon rate of pay
You can't just fucking pay somebody 40% of what you 'd pay, Chick.