Is there anything salvageable in Nu-canon? I miss DHC

Is there anything salvageable in Nu-canon? I miss DHC...

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Ughh ... another /Pol/ thread ...

>Is there anything salvageable in Nu-canon?
The fact that Star Wars' corpse has become an albatross around the Mouse's neck. It's too much to hope that they'll choke on it, but it's always nice to see the megacorp monopoly suffer.

It really annoys me how much they are cramming between A New Hope and Empire Strikes Back. Just seems silly to have all this shit before the Battle of Hoth.

They don't have much choice, they're probably not allowed to set anything post-Jedi because it could be potentially contradicted by sequel trilogy lore JJ hasn't given enough of a fuck to write yet, and likely never will because muh mystery box, so It's the only window where Luke, Han, and Leia are all together.

Embarrassing post.

In short, they dug their own graves.

It's weird seeing Luke relying so much on the lightsaber when even in ESB he preferred to use a blaster against conventional foes.

Vader and Lando comics are pretty good. So is the Bloodlines novel

Darth Vader's comic, particularly the last trade about building his fortress on Mustafar.

rent free

Only Vader
Shut up, queer

Low Quality post

Is the main comic still doing that weird thing of transposing the actors irl faces onto the characters?

No, it's Noto now

>Rogue One
>Dooku: Jedi Lost
>Battlefront: Twilight Company
>Bloodline: New Republic
>Catalyst: A Rogue One Novel
>Leia, Princess of Alderaan
>Lords of the Sith
>Lost Stars
>Master & Apprentice
>Moving Target: A Princess Leia Adventure
>Rebel Rising
>Smuggler's Run: A Han Solo Adventure
>The Weapon of the Jedi: A Luke Skywalker Adventure
>Thrawn: Alliances
>Thrawn: Treason
>Adventures in Wild Space Books 0-6
>Most Wanted
>Pirate's Price
>The Mighty Chewbacca and the Forest of Fear
>A New Dawn
>Ezra's Gamble
>BB-8 On the Run
>Guardians of the Whills
>Galaxy of Adventures
>LEGO Star Wars: The Freemaker Adventures
>LEGO Star Wars: All-Stars
>The Clone Wars
>Adventures: Destroyer Down
>Adventures: Tales From Vader's Castle
>Star Wars (by Greg Pak)
>Age of Republic
>Darth Maul
>Darth Maul: Son of Dathomir
>Darth Vader
>Darth Vader: Dark Lord of the Sith
>Galaxy's Edge
>Han Solo
>Journey to The Force Awakens: Shattered Empire
>Journey to The Last Jedi: Captain Phasma
>Obi-Wan & Anakin
>Vader: Dark Visions
>DJ: Most Wanted
>Droids Unplugged
There's plenty of quality shit in canon

Ughh ... another /Tumblr/ post ...

Rae Sloane, Imperial loyalist and founder of the first order

....That’s it.

Disney canon is too much of a rebelwank. Fuck Rebelfags

>this strong independent black woman left the empire to carve her own destiny
Which one am I talking about?

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Upper right Rae looks so cool, dat hair streak

Fuck Lucasfilm for shitting on the Empire though

>A new dawn
Oh no no no no no no, poorly written and only somewhat interesting in knowing how Hera and Kanan met
>Star Wars by Greg Pak
not even close
>any journey to the force awakens
to the bin
>Obi & Ani
Good art, that's it

Thrawn Alliance was really weak compared to the other two.

No, they fucked up the Empire badly, especially the Stormtrooper Corps. There's no reason to follow Star Wars at all now. Every character is a cardboard cutout, every moral is "fascism is bad" (not implying it's good, but, my god, where's the subtlety, ANH was enough to show how dangerous the imperial system can be for the denizens of galaxy, you don't have to make them so petty in their villainy)
It has its moments, like the "Palpatine vs Obi as Anakin's father" vision, but Vader himself feels out of character. DCH's "Vader and the Ghost Prison" and "Vader and the Cry of Shadows" were short and sweet.

As bad as things are getting, at least this won't have the Yuzan Vong and 'Emperor wasn't really a power hungry tyrant, he's a good boy that was defending us all along'.

Emperor being a tyrant, but still thinking ahead about the well-being of his galaxy, is miles better than "he ordered the Imperial Navy to bomb all planets and then kill themselves in case he dies".

He's a dark wizard fueled by hate, fear, and suffering. That level of sheer pettiness is exactly what he'd plan for if the Empire failed to keep him alive. Look at it this way, if he died because the Empire sucked at its job it deserves to burn. If, however, Vader managed to kill him and claim the Empire then this would be one last test to ensure his apprentice is worthy of what he built. After all, if Vader failed to stop the Emperor's last gambit then he wouldn't deserve the Empire either.

I really don't understand how people somehow think the Sith may be brutal and murderous but somehow their Empires are all sunshine and rainbows, a magical fairyland of perfect order that anyone would be happy to live in, rather than a brutal machine for systematically generating the fear and pain that feeds the Dark Side which in turn fuels the Sith.

But regardless, rejoice fellow anons because reports of the Emperor's demise seem to be greatly exaggerated. JJ is still making Star Wars great again. We have the Emperor reborn, spanking new Sith Troopers, and it'll just be awesome. Go pre-order your ticket now. Get extras because you'll want to watch the movie again and again.

Politicians/statecrafts have vastly different values than most people. Lucas just showed the ugly truth behind statecraft with his allegory. But what Palpatine's done in the movies is parallelled by Earth's own empire-builders. Hitler always comes to mind, but the rise of the empire in this manner happened with both Napoleon and Caesar.
To someone like Palpatine, starting a galactic war and instigating murders to amass political power (and fuel his wizard powers) was a no-brainer. But destroying the foundations of what he, personally, sees as "Peace and Order"? That's out of character.
>JJ is still making Star Wars great again.

>That's out of character.
Hardly. After all, he was dead. What did he care to create something to outlast himself? Sith are greedy and egotistical, the epitome of self-absorbed. Everything is about their power and gratification. Sensing a theme? Everything they do is to service themselves. If he dies his final orders ensuring those vaunted foundations of yours crack and leave the galaxy writhing in chaos with nothing greater to support them makes perfect sense. HE made it. It was his, and served him. If he's gone, and worse if they failed to protect him, why do THEY deserve the greatness he built? The Sith don't share. They also don't care about grand gestures that don't service them. He wanted ascension into a kind of godhood, not a lasting legacy after he dies. His thirst for immortality was true before Disney, no shock it's still true.

Still even as much as people bitch about what Disney did they somehow forget that Contingency only involved destroying the greater Empire. It was always about part of the Empire surviving and rebuilding, apparently because he planned to helm it himself. I wouldn't be surprised if it turned out that the destruction of the Empire was part of the plan, a sacrifice intended to generate enough Dark Side energies to fuel his rebirth. Though I'd be even less surprised if JJ doesn't bother to account for it at all.

This, I stick mostly to Clone Wars and Vader stuff. The mainline Star wars comic between New Hope and ESB hasn't really caught my attention

comic book creators ect need to stop using the old tired chars and stories, and start making new and refreshing stories in the SW universe. Theres a whole galaxy worth of stories to be told. you could set it 100 yrs int he future, or 1000 yrs in the past, when there were many sith and Jedi around.


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I have a feeling Disney or LucasArts has a restriction in place. They've been slowly recycling Legends stuff, IIRC a new book set in the Old Republic is coming out

The Sith need a powerbase to rule over, whether that be an empire or a republic. Why are you so triggered with palpatine, the master of manipulation, having nuance in his actions?

Cade Skywalker is better than Rey.
The Fel Empire is better than the FO
Disney has just made a corrupted, shittier version of the EU and panders to much to the rebellion era while not having the great Sith and other force users from the Old republic era

I suspect you were ironically too triggered to read the first post on this subject, which already accounted for Cinder as a potential test for Vader. The Sith don't give anything easily, after all, and it would be perfectly in keeping with Sidious' nature to have post-death trials to pester Vader. A little something for him to remember his Master by. And of course if Vader dies too then the line of Sith would have fallen, so what would he care about a lasting powerbase? What use is a Sith Empire without the Sith, user? Answer that and stay fashionable.

imagine being in a ship in space with one of these, not being able to get fresh air

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The empire is a blunt instrument, but a republic, a kingdom, a fiefdom or god knows what else are equally possible ways to exert control.

If Vader does Palpatine would just raise up another successor. And explaining away the shitty Disney canon doesn’t make it less shitty.

In the Old Republic era the Sith varied from self-taught scholars like Kreia, people who cling to their teachings out of survival like Nihilus, or a loose alliance of powerful dysnastic families who influence by hyper Darwinism and producing hypercompetent heirs via the Sith teachings. Palpatine isn’t the standard bearer of what a Sith should be, but his retarded Disney canon or the EU version. And any Sith as hypercompetent as Palpatine would be more in character to spite the Jedi with the preservation of the Empire rather than just burning it all up and not having a successor system in place

There was a whole story arc where the Queen of Whereverthefuck set up the Rebels with a new fleet and used it as bait for the Imperials. That one was pretty dope. The rest of it is pretty hit and miss, but the depressing bit is that it's more reliably good than the movies and shows so far.

Kanan Jarrus, despite starting as an obvious poor man's Kyle Katarn, wound up being a 10/10 character that single-handedly dragged Rebels from dreck to watchable.

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As far as films go
Rogue One

Force Awakens

>batman v superman caliber franchise killer
Last Jedi

So do I user

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>something palpatine would do
anyone but the most absolutely fanatical officers actually carrying out those orders? absolutely incomprehensible. It was retarded asspulling to justify the empire being defeated in a single fucking year after Endor

ALl of it will be Over Soon
Trust me, Everything was rigged from the beginning

>I miss DHC...
Yet most of you bitched when it was over there. Like the movies, most of y'all aren't happy unless you have something to complain about.

I KNOW it's not all bad, I've seen some decent stuff. I just can't fucking bring myself to fucking watch any of it all the way through

It's not the first time he's made petty decisions that undermined the Empire though. He was always ready to cast Vader aside for the remote chance of 'someone better'. Ghost Prison, dicking over Tarkin about his son and the backstabbing he encouraged among his officers showed how much of a short-sighted ass he could be.

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Wish we could have seen a little of Krennic and GALEEEEEEEN in the Rebels show
In large part due to morbid curiosity about what Mads would look like rendered in the show's cgi style

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>Is there anything salvageable in Nu-canon?
Unironically no. Even the worst thing in the old EU is better than the best in the new canon.

Both Darth Vaders minis have been fun. And perhaps it's the whole anthology thing but I find "Age of" comics to be decent.

The Star Wars comics themselves is average, but I'm only on like 23 or something.

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Eh...I mean outside of Thrawn and old republic stuff, it was complete garbage.

t. Disneywarsfag whose never actually read any of it.

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the video-games were pretty good most of the time, kyle katarn, delta squad, rogue squadron etc

kyle katarn was so beloved they even rebooted him as kanan jarus girlfriend and all

Look back at the old Star Wars EU canon. There was very little salvageable stuff there. Most of it was overwhelmingly trash.

The Emperor being nothing but s cardboard cartoon villain and everything being about FASHISM BAAD (I on the other hand do like most of what fascism stands for, but likewise I don't want it to like start forcing it in the reader's face that it's good) suck. The reason nucanon is totally uninteresting and awful is because none of it has any depth, and the old stuff already was pretty shallow.

Between the quickly declining interest in star wars and the loss of spiderman, this year has been great. Honestly, I wouldnt be surprised if Disney ended up on it's knees by 2030.

>Why are you so triggered with palpatine, the master of manipulation, having nuance in his actions?
There's a group like that over on /tg/ who freak out any time someone suggests there's nuance to palpatine or the empire. They also like posting bomber harris maymays, which is a literal creation of the far-left euro group "Anti-Germany", so it's probably politically motivated, even though a lot of the empire resembles the USSR more than it does a right-wing government.

>But destroying the foundations of what he, personally, sees as "Peace and Order"?
The problem is nucanonfags and super anti-empire dudes don't see it that way. They see everything he did as singleminded evil for evil's sake and think that's good storytelling because Disney told them it was.

Man the worst aspect of this image is how virtually indistinguishable they are from one another. All the Disney characters share this quality, boring cardboard no-name stand ins. It's like looking at an Uber eats ad.

this shit is so pathetic man, no imagination about it whatsoever

Breaking News: Random nobody hates something Star Wars

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I legitimately thought those pics were the same character at different points of her career.

What the fuck.

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Has she poped up again After the Aftermath books?

Vader comics

Yrica isn't black...

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A-at least Sheev will be back, right guys?

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don't be retarded

>Yet most of you bitched when it was over there.
Stfu and give me back Dark Times

One thing I like about Bloodlines is how Leia's heritage actually has an effect on her career, for some reason in the EU, nobody cared that she and Luke were the children of Darth fucking Vader which should have been a really big deal

>Breaking News: Random nobody comments on someone complaining about Star Wars

Does Star Wars even need an EU? I feel like giving out the back stories of literally every character from every corner of the galaxy robs the OT of it's wonder and mystique

I'd argue that Lords of the sith, Twilight Company and most of Rebels were damn good.

>Does Star Wars even need an EU?

Nothing needs an EU

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In this pivotal prequel to Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker, the heroes of the Resistance—Poe Dameron, General Leia Organa, Rey, and Finn—must fight back from the edge of oblivion.

The Resistance is in ruins. In the wake of their harrowing escape from Crait, what was once an army has been reduced to a handful of wounded heroes. Finn, Poe, Rey, Rose, Chewbacca, Leia Organa—their names are famous among the oppressed worlds they fight to liberate. But names can only get you so far, and Leia’s last desperate call for aid has gone unanswered.

From the jungles of Ryloth to the shipyards of Corellia, the shadow of the First Order looms large, and those with the bravery to face the darkness are scattered and isolated. If hope is to survive, the Resistance must journey throughout the galaxy, seeking out more leaders—including those who, in days gone by, helped a nascent rebellion topple an empire. Battles will be fought, alliances will be forged, and the Resistance will be reborn.

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There was nothing wrong with the idea of Palpatine ordering the Empire to burn itself down if he died. What is wrong and is unsurprising of the retards at Lucasfilm is that anyone actually followed that order.

>jungles of Ryloth
wait, since when? were the parts of TCW set on the planet not representative? I thought the whole of the habitable zone of the planet was deserty like that

>including those who, in days gone by, helped a nascent rebellion topple an empire
fucking who tho. Bail died all the way back in ANH, and he's the only non-EU founder that I can actually think of
Besides that, anyone from that time, at least who was a human, is gonna be old as shit by now
This sounds like pure malarkey; the resistance was a retarded idea and the idea that they're apparently trying to reboot the reboot of the rebellion so they can keep their retarded rebels vs empire dynamic going for the last movie is just depressing

Word on the street is it'll be the Mon Calamari.

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>fucking who tho.

Is there some kind of Essential Pre-Disney Star Wars Expanded Universe list out there? All I know about is the Thrawn Trilogy.

it's a jungle in the middle.

Wraith Squadron trilogy

X-Wing and shit are awful and full of the same rebelwank and cardboard dumbfuck imperials Disney has now. The dialogue sucks, the characters are one dimensional, bland, and often obnoxious, and the "plot" is the most predictable, boring shit there could possibly be.

Same stuff as was good about the original and prequel trilogies.The ships. Everything else about Star Wars is worthless trash.

Fuck everyone, I think the Traviss books are good

If I recall the original canon did the same thing since the events for those two were just a couple of years apart

Oh shit its cobra's space division

>Is there anything salvageable in Nu-canon?
Honestly, anything set pre-ROTJ is worth looking at, user. On the other hand, most everything set after it is not, since Disney's vision of a post-ROTJ galaxy doesn't manage to make you care about what's happening nor who is there as it happens.


I imagine you're the type of person that complains about rebelwank when he gets destroyed in Armada or X-wing

>cardboard dumbfuck imperials

Eat dick retard

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It might be politically motivated, I don't understand it myself. /swco/ infested other boards when it was shut down, perhaps so hardcore ST/OT fans migrated to /tg/

As if extended universe shit wasn't more retarded and broken up than what we have now. Not defending Disney, it ain't good, but stop putting original eu on a pedastal it doesn't deserve

>but stop putting original eu on a pedastal it doesn't deserve
The best thing about the EU is the one thing Disney's attempts at non-movie material lacks - nothing in the EU was canon.


Yeah, truly an exceptional piece of literature.

I think that's it. /swco/ was pretty damn political even by Yea Forums standards and the vast majority of it strongly favored Disney and the new canon. So what probably happened was they got shut down then co-opted /tg/'s Star Wars thread as their own. There's a lot more waifuposting, comic discussion, politics, and other offtopic garbage there now.

dumbest post in the thread

Don't forget pointless. We know how all these characters end up.

your dignity

This. If you want to make Palpatine a crazy mad man then sure. But the Imperial officers would have to be pants on head retarded to actually follow those orders.

>e was always ready to cast Vader aside for the remote chance of 'someone better'
That's not pettiness. That's being pragmatic.

>Disney has just made a corrupted, shittier version of the EU
This is the worst part. It has the EU's ideas but done infinitely shittier.

The First Order could never be as good as the Empire in Legacy, where they were actually a force of good. We'll never get badass Imperial Knights, or Darth Krayt.

Typing like a retard with greentext doesn't make anything you said true.

Sure, and Vader will pragmatically toss his ass into the reactor like when he tried it with Luke. Or how Tarkin would pragmatically taken the Death Star straight to Corecsant and blown it to hell if he found out about his son.

Resistance is in ruins because Rian's idea of combat is running straight into the enemy firing zone like it's the fucking revolutionary war or having pilots that don't know how to do anything but fly in a straight line under fire.

>>The* Clone Wars
Doesn't really count since it started before disney bought it (pretty sure).
It's bad for the right reasons but I just consider it a TCW extension they had to fight to get and made negative compromises for.

>Darth Maul
>Darth Maul: Son of Dathomir
>Darth Vader
>Darth Vader: Dark Lord of the Sith
>Obi-Wan & Anakin
>Vader: Dark Visions
>Llost Stars (book and manga)
All good imo. Haven't read/watched the rest.
I just take the good stuff and try to fit them with the good stuff from EU (and ignore the ST entirely).

Hera helped.

>Finn, Rey, Rose, —their names are famous among the oppressed worlds they fight to liberate.
uhhh, no? Especially if TRoS happens right after TLJ just like how TLJ happened immediately after TFA.

A bunch of independent planets, formerly part of the Rebellion in ages past, throwing the Resistance under the bus and declaring neutrality, or even allying with the FO (which is not surprising at all considering how colossal a failure Disney's New Republic actually was).

Shame we won't get that and instead Rebellion 2.0 because fuck you. Or what the actual remnants of the Empire in the core worlds is up to, rather than the FO.

That last instant, when his eyes heal and he can see Hera, before he dies.

ST should have focused on the Unknown Regions and Im glad that is where Rise of Skywalker is apparently set in and where they'll meet some truly alien creatures

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>Im glad that is where Rise of Skywalker is apparently set in
It's a day late and a dollar short, user. Call me when a new owner tries to do something new with Star Wars.

Aww shit, are you ready for some brown aliens with big/weird eyes? I can't wait for some brown aliens with big eyes. Because who the fuck wants horrific shit from Wild Space or fanservice Twi'lek. Nah dude lets get some brown aliens with weird eyes.

The new canon is really good, actually. We got Rebels, lots of great books, lots of good comics. Thrawn is some of the best Star Wars I've ever seen.

>Breaking News: user keks heartily at comment about random nobody commenting on someone complaining about Star Wars

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Vader was getting old, and I'm pretty sure he was aware of Palpatine's plan and was in on it. The Sith are all about Darwinism and evolution moving forward, adapt or perish, etc., so I imagine Vader was totally fine with it. He was a strong but decrepit old man in a suit. It was worth it to sacrifice himself.

You're more than welcome to try to prove me wrong.

The Expanded Universe has always been shit, Disney's just thrown SJW agendas into it, which funny enough the late era of the former EU did the same thing.

It's all a bunch of nonsense details that don't make sense put together because it's 10,000 authors contributing to something isolated from each other with very different views on Star Wars. The early shit is boring schlock made for 8 year olds, including Vader comedically falling over his hand and a save the whales comic, the mid shit is just fucking awful, the X-Wing books fossilized by fanboy sperm as they jerk off their annoying shit characters and muh xwangs and the nightmare fanfic Dark Empire, the late EU was SJW garbage with Han's great something granddaughter though there were some decent prequel EU stories, and then it ended.

The EU was never good.

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who still fucking cares about "sjws" lmao

Bad writers apparently, ones who keep making everyone black and/or female and/or nongendered then shove it in the reader's face every paragraph.

So diverse!

Just gonna dump some lekku in here

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Bark brown twi'leks are the hardest to find for me for some reason

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Tiny lekku uwu

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>Palpatine orders the Empire to burn itself down in case he dies
>Palpatine planned to come back to life (maby)
It's all so stupid

Palpatine's first order was to consolidate forces for him to return to

uh... they draw Luke wearing his little-used yellow jacket, which is cool I guess.

some of the vader introspective stuff is cool too

other than that, can't think of anything

>Just seems silly to have all this shit before the Battle of Hoth.
Welcome to prequels/interquels. TCW had that problem, Rebels had that problem, and even the prequel trilogy itself had that problem.

Soule's Vader, the first Lando mini (from before he was a filthy cogboy), and a couple other things. Maybe a couple things from Aphra, too, seeing as they like giving her the more wacky Legends stuff. Like Rur, who I forgot was even a thing in the first place.

It kinda says a lot that the best thing to come from Nu-Canon's flagship character was having Rey explore a downed Interdictor on Jakku in Adventures. Even if the ending was retarded.

It seems like the current plot point is at least trying to be more than an ineffectual nudge towards ESB's direction. Also a welcome lack of those copy-pasted faces they've been doing since they launched the fucking thing.

No they thankfully stopped doing that after the new team took over.

I might actually take a look at the book now I know I won't be fucking nauseated by the faces every five seconds.

I think the main reason is that if they move past ESB, then they can't use Han anymore

The Vader comics was good, if you can get past the terrible art in the first one.

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nu-canon, even ignoring the movies (which i personally have no problem with aside from ANH 2.0, though they aren't without their problems) is unironically far better than EU. the novels and comics are generally pretty decent, and even the not-so-great entries have avoided retarded shit like Luke clones and Papa Palpy being some secret do-gooder preparing the galaxy for a greater threat. not to mention the pure edge of S&M, force immune aliens that read more like shoddy Star Trek fanfiction than anything else. and killing Chewie by dropping a fucking moon on him? please. having said all that, Rebels is legitimately the best thing to come from the series in Disney's hands, and the only thing EU has over nu-canon are games of actual fucking quality.

i feel like this is pretty representative of the people blindly hating nu-canon just because "muh disney". Ryloth has always had jungles, user.

Is there something in particular you're referencing? I really haven't paid attention to the marketing

I just want to thank everyone involved in this discussion for calling "Emperor" and "Palpatine", but not *shudder* "Sheev".