new episode today, hows the keikaku coming along? any predictions?
Young Justice
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Post edit
what edit?
Someone said they're airing the last 3 episodes today
today is supposed to be one episode and then next week is the last three, but hey ill take it all if theres been a change of plans
Makeup edit and bimbo edit
Yeah, there are still the T, I, O, and N episodes to air, and the last I heard only the last three will air together.
calling it, terra will double cross slade
Makes a lot more sense desu
Also when he episode comes out please us spoiler tags till it's on free streaming sites
do you think terra will live this time?
Can't wait for our heroes to just kind of fart around for a whole episode then that scene at the end showing how the bad guys are still ten steps ahead
but surprise, slade was good all along and batman knew about it.
What a twist. How does Weisman keep doing it?
I mean we will have to deal with vandals reaction to hearing about darksied having the anti life.
Doubt they'll talk about it but I'm for sure Connor heard what Barbra and Batman said i.e the whole anti light is based on Batman holding too much authority.
He is the keikaku master.
How long until it airs?
>any predictions
Halo dies again
Is the new season any good, I haven't started yet
Given you're on Yea Forums I'm bound by law to say it's shit
poor character focus and a whole lot of nothing happening
When will Godfrey be back
Anywhere where I can watch this in the UK?
>and a whole lot of nothing happening
Can you stop this meme? If anything, the problem is that TOO MUCH happens.
Can he not come back? His replacement voice actor is god awful
Only have this
Too many new characters introduced and the plot suffers since the show ends up lacking focus.
>batman knew about it.
Of fucking course.
Why doesn't the Light just reveal Batman is Bruce Wayne?
No wonder Static got no game.
They have always known he is Bruce Wayne. Ra's Al Ghul was a member of The Light.
>Vandal went to the Outsider's front door and told them where Halo is, in exchange for them to tell Granny who sent the team there
Light vs Apokalypse coming sooner than expected
Space League, the original team from season 1, geo force, terra and foragers all got anti lifed.
Only ones left are batman's team, earth league and Beast boys team.
Next episode synopsis is Beast boys outsiders trying to stop the anti life equation.
Yeah but why don't they just make it public. That way goons would keep turning up at his house and he would have no time for anti-Illuminati activity. Just bury him in busy work.
It's Dick's fatigued brain playing a trick on him
Justice League tries to go in to rescue missing kids
They get fucked by the anti-life equation and get mind controlled
Back on earth everyone's still coming to grips with the whole secret groups/plans/betrayals thing
Vandal shows up and gives them coordinates for their mother box to find Halo; tells them to tell Granny he sent them
They boom over and get overwhelmed by parademons
Wally West shows up
Except it's not him, Dick is just having a fever dream
They manage to overcome the parademons and continue on
Brion tries to distract Granny in order to execute his on keikaku but fails immediately once brainwashed Justice League shows up
Megan starts trying to intrude into people's brains as a last-ditch effort temporarily disable the enemies
It's too late
Granny successfully pushes Halo out of her protective box to trigger the anti-life equation, which begins to send a pulse out
End credits is Wolf being watched by a semi-transparent person; only the boots up to the calf can be seen, but it's a similar outfit to Wally's
Credits sounds like FNAF VR rabbit
Wasn't there a whole episode explaining that the light considers targeting the heroes families as the "nuclear option"? I assume that concept extends to outing their identities as well, if they start exposing heroes that's basically the same as putting their families at risk and would result in the same kind of escalation the light is trying to avoid. Either that or Ra's deliberately never told them that Batman is Bruce, wouldn't be the first time he's kept that secret from someone.
Batman doesn't have much of a non-superheroic family outside of Alfred, and I'm sure he can take care of himself.
Somebody post the webm of Static being an incel.
Post it yourself.
Anyone got a link/recommend a site it can be watched outside DCU?
Usually use but I see it's shut down.
Yes but if someone traces it back to them they'll have every hero in the League after their ass because now they've proven they have no compunction against exposing secret identities. It'll still cause escalation, and when your enemies have Superman on their side it's in your best interest to keep hostilities below a certain level.
Hologram in the credits is one of the holograms in the hall of justice.
MEGA user usually has it by the end of the day
Watchcartoon has up to 22 ATM mega will be updated by day's end
>that ending's over...
does anyone feel like nothing happened with this season?
theres a ton of little things that don't really seem to have an end and I doubt they are gonna tie it up in the remaining episodes this season
mostly whats stuck with me was
>metahuman trafficking was a focus for a few episodes
>new characters who I don't care a ton for
>a new team
Darkseid got the Anti-Life Equation. That's pretty huge. Did he ever got it in main continuity outside of Final Crisis?
>does anyone feel like nothing happened with this season?
Darkseid makes a slave of both the League and the Team and nothing happened?
Spoil me, i don't care
Did Geo Force get killed?
Can someone make a meme where the subtitles show where granny goes "look, the Prince came here to save his princess" and then a Halo T R I G G E R E D face?
here's your Space League getting Anti-Lifed. Superman got caught too.
Who isn't Anti Lifed at this point?
Elongated man?
Beast Boy and his Outsiders, Cyborg, Batman, Black Lighting, the Justice League on Earth.
The Team:
-Ms Martian
-Geo Force
Earth League
Space League:
-Martian Manhunter
-Wonder Woman
-Captain Atom
-Elongated Man
-Green Lantern (Guy Gardner)
-Green Lantern (Hal Jordan)
-Green Lantern (John Stewart)
Sorry this list is of people who got antilifed.
People free from anti life are
-Batman and his team
-Beast boy and his outsiders teen team
-Rest of the Earth Justice League
Missing Space Leaguers not antilifed: Fire, Hawkman, Hawkgirl and Mangog
Post the anti-lifed version of The Team.
Are the Light Anti-Lifed too?
Looks like the only way out now is a team up between the heroes who aren't Anti-Lifed and the Light.
the end of the episode showed literally all of Earth getting Anti-Lifed, so I don't know what bullshit they'll pull to have any team we know about still standing.
>it's another "heroes get mindcontrolled and the team has to figure out how to save them" finale
Wooow. At least this time it's not the light doing it I guess.
Also it's scary how easy it seems to be to mindcontrol someone in this universe. Chips, psychics, magic, bullshit equation...
Let's name everyone who was mindcontrolled in some way or another in this universe:
>Everyone on list, most were mindcontrolled twice in the show
>The entire Justice League
>Black Lightning
>Beast Boy for like 4 seconds
>Blue Beetle
At this point, this is someone's fetish.
This is MY fetish
I hope
"I was being mind controlled" is probably an acceptable defense in court in the DC universe.
We really should've gotten more of this before Jeff left Virgil.
Lex Luthor controls the court, so no.
Oi guys, let's get a Shadman on this face, eh?
So why were there 2 Granny Goodnesses?
Why do you people watch this show? Just to suffer? To feel more bored than usual?
Why do you post in this thread? Just for (You)'s? To act like some high and mighty shitlord?
>STOP HAVING FUN1!1!1!1!11!11
kill yourself pls
Don't bother answering to baits.
The season is gonna end with literally everyone getting Anti-Lifed
This is the best pic I could grab
M'gann's brother?
so that neither of them would be virgins
Would that count as incest?
The MEGA last time was incredibly fast. Oh well.
Someone was early, but the torrent isn't up yet.
I have it open in an alt tab and it's not updated
post yfw he comes back
where's the stream
Soon trademarked
Has Jason come back yet, or was that tease just a tease?
If the theory about Dick knowing that Terra is a traitor is correct, how angry will Brion be when he finds out that they knew all along and did nothing?
At this point, they have bigger things to worry about than Terra's loyalty. Dick, Terra and Brion are all Anti-Lifed right now.
I'm starting to wonder if this plotline is even going to be resolved this season.
Leaks ahead
Yes, The Judas Contract gets resolved. It's the main focus of the season finale.
HOW how do we go back to "oh Judas Contract" after "EVIL MIND CONTROL MATH ON EVEERRYONE!!"
Darkside getting the anti life equation was part of the Riddler's plan all along
Hey at least she can't betray everyone to Slade if she's under Darkseid's total mental domination!
I have no idea, unless Judas Contract somehow leads to saving Halo and ending Anti-Life.
Conner is just done with everyone else being shady and doing morally dubious things and apparently learning nothing from them.
It probably gets undone next episode. Episode 25 is about Bedlam trying to create a coup in Markovia.
the Synopsis for 25 makes it seem like it's largely in Conner and Artemis's heads or something though.
Both plots probably happen simultaneously.
Bats' keikakus are annoying
He isn't coming back Wallycuck. The leaks already confirmed that.
Wally coming back would cheapen death on this show
Are leaks archived?
I like how he was basically like "did you people learn ANYTHING from last season" and their like "lolnope"
I don't think he would take it as nicely as Black Lightning did last episode
>It's the main focus of the season finale
In the face of the anti life equation that sounds really underwhelming
Believe it or not, it's all on the Discord group of the YJ Subreddit.
Maybe theory is true and parts of the episodes are happening in different characters heads.
There's ALSO some anti-Life stuff going on then, going by the few leaked script lines
"Together you'll spread Anti-Life throughout the universe... till death do you part"
That line is from today's episode.
Any stream yet? Or is it on the MEGA yet (which I don't have the link for)
Beast Boy breaks mind control
Thank you.
So what if Greg wants to kill a Kid Flash every season? How mad would fujos get?
The Outsiders are well according to the description of the next episode.
Zatanna and 13 by virtue of being in a pocket dimension.
The flash family is for eternal suffering, the fujos are just going to have to deal
Or he's trying to take Markovia back from Darkseid. He is part of the Light, after all.
>"Your trust, betrayed by a confidant"
>Either that or Ra's deliberately never told them that Batman is Bruce, wouldn't be the first time he's kept that secret from someone.
What'sherface name drops Dick Grayson in a Light meeting so it seems like a pretty forgone conclusion
Who’s the Fury with the sword?
been a while since Halo died and that feels wrong
You're missing that time she was beheaded by Shiva
I especially liked how her deaths got increasingly gory and grisly, including Lobo putting his book straight through her, smearing blood all over the chains.
pretty sure she didnt died in that one, somehow
Couldn't that be interpreted as Helga?
Guillotina. Sadly not named Short Sworda:
>Wally coming back would cheapen death on this show
well it IS a superhero cartoon
his girlfriend woul be banging red arrow if that makes you feel better
Yes, but it could mean multiple things.Dr.Jake's betrayal, Terra 's betrayal in the future or Terra gets betrayed by someone in the future.
A lot of times Weissman puts phrases in the story that mean multiple things,see the prophecies from Gargoyles and WITCH.
sorry bro he doesn't fit anywhere
Great episode improved by the super weird coincidence on my end, as my house’s power cut just as the credits started to roll.
>reddit and discord
No way, fag. I have too much self respect to even be bothered with those shitholes.
This ep made me sad. I miss the OG team as kids so much.
You gotta grow up man, that's literally what Wally is saying
>get to like characters in season 1
>season 2 starts with a time jump and a bunch of faggots nobody cares about
not sure the show deserved season 3
The Green Magical Mystical Monkey God saves everyone again!
Seems like the "main" cast have someone swapped in and out every season
People care about the OG team, Zatanna, Bart and Jaime to an extent. That's the heart of the show.
I fucking hate him, this better not happen
if only they used her more
Get ready to add Brion, Halo, and Forager when the next season pushes them out in favor of more newbies everyone hates.
I feel like Halo is going to die. it's problematic to have the anti life equation walking around. Brion also haven't suffered enough
Weisman gotta explain him somehow.
What are the spoilers for the finale?
I do think BB is the key
Can't betray anyone if your a mind controlled thrall to Darkseids will!
I'm guessing that Raven joins next season and we get a sort of NTT adaption.
I can accept Forager. Next season would be terrible without him
Did Guy call him Felongated Man?
Nice, thanks!
But Forager is needed to justify Jason Spisak's continued presence
I'm curious how her story is going to play out now that the situation has escalated, it makes no sense to go back to a low stakes situation like her betrayal after the Anti-Life Equation was activated, especially now when the Light and Anti-Light have been forced to collaborate against Darkseid.
people just hate change
Personally, I'm hoping that Max Baker is going to be introduced next season. It will have nice synergy with the backdoor season 2 Swamp Thing's getting with the Animal Man show.
>in favor of more newbies everyone hates.
Confidently going to guess the newbies will be
Windfall in costume
Could be a red herring.
Who's left on Earth? Gar is the only person I'm pretty sure is still there.
Cyborg, duh.
Gar will likely have that monkey god break him out of Anti-Life, probably will start a rebellion with a bunch of the peripherals like Black Lightning, Cyborg, and hell, why not even add Windfall and Dolphin to the list.
Batman Inc, too. I have a feeling this will be a baddies and goodies fighting together sorta situation in the end.
>Young Justice "Outsiders"
>it's actually about BB's not-Teen-Titans
Especially when it's change for something objectively worse and lesser.
The fuck is she gonna-
>>Anti-Life Equation targeting metagenes
>>She is wearing a collar to suppress her metagenes
That would be clever if that actually happens.
Can someone link me tge episode im not in burgerland
Assuming Terra lives, I expect her to retire...until next season when circumstances force her back into things.
how supressing her owers would shield her mind?
is Static and Lightning that will be left
wouldn't that just kill her? The anti-life is "targeting" everyone, it's just that meta-humans are able to survive it while regular humans won't.
Do you really think that all of the Earth's population that are civilians will be dead in season 4?
Could be something where it treats her like a normie, she takes off her color, and bypasses the initial wave of mind control.
the equation targets everyone not just those with powers, the difference is that those without the gene suffer way more than those with
I don't think it will end on a cliffhanger. That's not usually Weisman's style. Neither of the other seasons did.
I think Nightwing will die
Thus she takes off the collar and bypasses it.
Damian’s way too young. Now, Dolphin, on the other hand...
that makes no sense
>>Anti-Life wave hits.
>>She takes off color,
>>She's registered as Metagene, but the wave has already passed.
>Damian’s way too young.
For a show with 5 year gaps between seasons?
Another five years ought to do it. He scaled Mt. Everest alone at four
He wasn’t even a year old when we saw him. It’d be different if we were talking season five or six.
dude, is not a scanner is mind stealer energy. Makes no difference if her metage is active or not
Damian's going to get fast-aged by Talia. Bet money on it. They aren't going to jump ahead nine years, but they know they need to bring in Damian.
I hope they use the same voice actor as in the movies, he's really good in the role even if the movies he's in aren't that great.
so black lightning is going to group up with the rest of the team still on earth and save everybody right?
but the wave affected everyone
nightwing is a slave too
I wish Ashley voiced Tara, Tara's take is not bad, but nothing special either. I think Ashley could pull off "mother of goat" and hearing her with an accent could be interesting, her voice is so great.
I feel like she's gonna be voicing Raven this time around.
Or Hynden for Raven and Ashley for Starfire, so all of them are switched around. But Hynden's voice might be too cute for deadpan Raven.
>the JLA took their most powerful members all on one mission
>and elongated man
So we're getting Final Crisis either in the finale or next season, right?
So we agree that Vandal intentionally gave them the coordinates in person to disburse a nano cloud to analyze the anti life equation and therefore come up with a defense and possibly even a countermeasure to it
otherwise he literally could have just texted the coordinates, no reason to deliver it in person unless it was part of the kekkaiku
a stretch in the right place at the right time can make all the difference
If Raven appears then she is gonna be the focus simply because her makes her mere prescence makes her the focus due to Trigon.
>and elongated man
probably the best deductive and analytical mind they have without Batman around
Knowing is not proving, retard.
who started the Raven loves dancing thing? TTgo, TTvsJL or it was a thing in the comics?
UUUUUGH, this is why I hate Raven and Damian. The moment they pop into a story, it always becomes about them.
I can see it, especially after his moment of closure to the hang ups of his past and wally’s death.
and they gonna pop up at the same time. Thou maybe we would be able to focus on 1 team again
Had to show of his weird new haircut.
Damian can be ignored. Raven is more akin to Terra.
If that's the case FC has been subverted by Vandal of all fucking people. Jesus tell me that 10 years ago and I'd never believe you.
>Batman baby
not gonna happen
Has black lightning always been this great? Or is it relative to this incarnation in the show? Batman and bat family being called out for their bullshit faggotry is always worthwhile.
>Batman and bat family being called out for their bullshit faggotry is always worthwhile.
Let me guess, you'd rather lose the war with honor than win at all costs?
How the fuck is Ollie going along with Batman's shit on this? There's no way he's comfortable with Bruce gaslighting minors.
Batman probably left out the 'gaslighting minors'' part.
not that user but I think they would be better acting as vigilantes they were in the beggining and just blow the whole shit out of the water, they gave Le Luthor the power he has over them. Batman was right, but he made a wrong turn, the best move would be for the entire league do denounce the united nations, and they would still have the team for the covert missions
Every single time Bruce has been decked by a fellow Leaguer has been completely earned.
>the best move would be for the entire league do denounce the united nations
Except idealists like Clark and Diana and many other would never go along with it, which is why Batman chose to go this path with his loyalists, and also Metamorpho and Plastic Man
The titular group of outsiders who are going to save the day.
what if he ronouncing was genuine, we seen arrowette but we havent seen Arrow at all
>Alright Batman, Im ready to do this the right way. What do we do first?
>We throw children at them
>An those children will get even more children for us to throw
>uhh, caves exit is on the left right?
what the fuck is so hard about boom tubing in the flash to remove violet's mind control goggles?
The Flash isn't actually that fast in this cartoon and would get swatted away if he tried.
Come to think of it, yeah. Seattle criminals are probably really wondering why Green Arrow's been in such a bad mood lately.
they have ignored tim and jason so far
Nice to see Virgil and BL hanging out
>No Jason Todd
Well, Jensen Ackles' schedule is gonna be free for the first time in a long time in a couple months.
i miss season 1 so much
>not liking Under the Red Hood
But Josh Keaton is the one voicing him on this show.
Aw, shit. Forgot that he actually was on the show. Maybe Ackles can be in The Batman.
I'm calling it. M'gann fried Granny's mind and her victory was nothing but a delusion.
>a Martian frying a New Gods' brain
Happened in the backstory to DC 1 Million but J’onzz was Mars at the time and maybe had the life equation? It was Ostrander.
Crazier shit happened.
Ostrander needs to work with Morrison more often.
I feel like I'm in the minority that I actually love the timeskips and the new main cast every season. In just about every single other superhero show ever made you get the same main cast throughout the whole run and no significant sense of passing time. It's refreshing that Young Justice plays out differently.
Also I didn't particularly like the new team at the beginning of this season, but I felt the same way with the original team in season 1. But they both grew on me and it feels like a really rewarding watching experience.
If fucking Slade Wilson's tech is able to cancel Anti-Life, then I'm going to be very irritated and ineffectually bitch about it on Yea Forums.
No, she dead. We already know her dying words are
>I always had a choice, and I made the wrong ones.
Only the members of the Anti-Light Illuminati knew the truth. The Batman Inc. members don't know they're coordinating with the Justice League and The Team.
extra twist, deathstroke was batman all along.
It's true, Yea Forums really has become the dumping ground for fuckwits from tumblr and other shitholes and lesser retards to whine about non issues. So why not through your hat into the mix?
Why do people outside of the family even work with him anymore? How is everyone in the superhero community not completely sick and tired of Batman's shit?
>Not realizing Vandal intended it as a gift to granny
How does it feel like to have each and every keikaku fly over your head.
So... Vic Stone is going to save the day by hacking Overlord and connecting to Halo, I guess?
He's really competent and carries himself in a way that commands respect. Captain Marvel talked about it when he was giving Aqualad advice on leadership in season 1.
Too old
Just gotta deal with his mind games, his betrayals, the reversal of those betrayals and your life possibly being ruined by association.
That's about a good of an idea as replacing Margot Robbie with Tara Strong as Harley Quinn with her 75% silicone body and balloon tiddies flailing about on screen. Pretty worthwhile investment for the studio.
>The JUST league gets *throws a dart* mind controlled once again by *spins a wheel* Granny Goodness.
>wHy d0N't yOu C4rE?!+1?
Well, most people don't even know about the mind games and betrayals. Not yet at least. I can see a mass exodus coming from Batman Inc. and the Justice League once word about The Anti-Light gets out.
Terra took the Deathstroke dick, Wally West Speedforce ghost makes a second appearance to save the team by helping with motivation.
The true journey was the nakama we made along the way. Arigato Wally-Sama!
who is in the Justice League anyway? JLU seemed way bigger
>The non-meta shitters taking a shit in the background
I want to craft the little shitters into a shittercentipede.
I never cared about muh seid but after hearing grannys plan and the slow and painfull death of non metas I'm starting to warm up to them, after all, when everyone is mind controlled, no one is.
Captain Atom looks like he just jizzed into the tight cosmic puss.
Granny Goodness flashed her nudes right into his brain.
How do they beat the equation in the comics?
hold on, how Elongated man is not a meta?
Saggy, dehydrated granny puss. So good.
Pied Piper
Has Hartley even had a cameo on this show?
Generally, they don't. Only way to stop Anti-Life once it's been proven is to nullify Darkseid in some way. Which isn't impossible, but very nearly is. For example, last time that Darkseid proved Anti-Life, this is what had to happen for the great god of tyranny to die:
Batman shot him with the Radion bullet that Darkseid shot Orion with in the future.
Flash led the Black Racer to Darkseid, killing his physical body.
Wonder Woman used her lariat to bind Darkseid's soul in place.
Superman's voice scattered Darkseid's soul to the outer reaches of the universe.
Not IMPOSSIBLE, but just short of it.
Man, Connor is so good.
The Speed Force can cure it, but Weisman hates the Speed Force.
Otherwise they just had to "beat" Darkseid. Get rid of him and the source of the anti life. There's some meta narrative Morrisonian stuff there but that's the foundation of how it happened.
Eh since everyone has been gimped (with a few exceptions like Klarion who got buffed) on this show, I doubt they need to do all that. New Gods didn't seem all that powerful here seeing how BB and the Furies got the shit easily beaten out of them.
What if Dick dies this season?
We've barely seen Darkseid in Young Justice, and when we have, it hasn't been in action. Cause of that, I'm thinking he'll be End Boss strong. Just cause the Furies were taken down doesn't mean fearsome and dreadful Darkseid will be as easily disposed of.
I'm not saying he'll be easy, just really doubt will need FC Morrison shenanigans to take him down.
He might have Batman's fate if this going like Final Crisis
>Dick goes back in time
>Never accepted Wally's death and decides to change his best friend's fate
>YJ version of Flashpoint
Ahh, fair enough. I keep hoping we'll get a worthwhile adaptation of Final Crisis at some point in the future, and sometimes that wish bleeds into other shit.
He comes back but is so fucked up he is basically on another level entirely and can't communicate.
>Rip Hunter shows up to give everyone a stern talking to
Being Booster Gold's kid gives a person A LOT of patience.
>Dick made a huge point of picking up that Apokolips gun
on no lads...
>Terra universally bound to betray across all dimensions
>Can't betray if no free will
>Saves everybody so she can betray them and get sladedick
>Dies choking on cock
Wow. Dick would be Homura levels of insane if he did that, minus the gay shit of course.
Sure, but even he has his limits and that should be it.
Just let Dick have Wally back. He is just a man who wants his best friend back. Is that so wrong?
He can have that, but he's not allowed to make the whole universe collapse in on itself.
That would be quite hard without Mandrakk.
You could have gotten away with saying that for most of the episodes before this one, most definitely. Except the Vandal Savage origin episode.
Sometimes the hardest choices require the strongest of wills.
>-Green Lantern (Guy Gardner)
>-Green Lantern (Hal Jordan)
>-Green Lantern (John Stewart)
Is it finally his time?
Maybe they'll make him part of the team in S4. I just want more Green Lantern love
Me too. Even with the over-saturation of characters they did Guy a lot of justice. And hopefully this Anti-Life is a reason to clean the plate of some of the excess for now and focus on a smaller group of characters
Honestly love how much Conner is starting to sound like superman now. His conversations with Dick and Megann were great
>Episode 24: Everyone gets anti-lifed
>Episode 25: Bedlam makes a coup in Markovia
I'm legitemately curious about how the fuck is Weisman gonna pull this one off.
I'm predicting that the next season is gonna be more paired down and we're gonna see a lot of teams either shrink or disband completely because of people quitting out of disgust over the whole Anti-Light thing and the Justice League ultimately losing against Luthor's political war.
Heroes left on Earth by my count, correct me if I’m wrong
>The Team
Beast Boy
Wonder Girl
Blue Beetle
Kid Flash (Bart)
Traci 13
>Batman Inc
Robin (Tim)
>Justice League
Green Arrow
Black Lightning
Hawk girl
Plastic Man
Black Canary
The Flash
Dr Fate
I didn't care about S2 additions and I don't care about these one either, outside possibly Terra if they do something with her, but that seems highly unlikely.
Fuck brian fuck halo and fuck forager and fuck vic, even tho I think we are going to see him much more in next season.
the finale is about Judas Contract, and the anti-life gets undone in first part of next episode.
The Equation got to Earth too, as seen by the final scene. It's just Cyborg and maaaaybe BB.
Red Herrings to throw people off.
Probably based on the old "just Gingold extract" origin of his power. He wasn't officially a meta until Invasion revealed his power was from the metagene,
A little disappointed about Mantis. I know he's usually one of Darkseid's many toadies, but I liked what they did with him as the douchebag leader of Forager's hive.
He fulfills people's fantasies. Deep dark fantasies.
I thought it was just a planet that looked like earth. If the orphanage was in the solar System they would have found it a lot sooner
Pretty sure this is just a troll post but still, the mind control effects everyone, but the normies die as a (side?)effect.
Wouldn't Elongated Man be extremely useless in space where he has to be confined to a space suit or die?
He is also a detective in a level almost equal to Batman.
shut up elongated man
yeah I think they'd of noticed Granny's giant fucking flying base if it was near earth.
>Miss Martian was able to start mind raping the ENTIRE JUSTICE LEAGUE and Granny before the ALE got her
Jesus fuck how OP is she if she cuts loose?
Because of his nose. You can't smell anything in space.
I'm getting the feeling that Dick isn't going to live to see the end of this season.
You're crazy if you think they'd kill off Wally AND Dick. So many people would jump ship.
I would feel so betrayed.
MM is terrifyingly powerful. I want to see this so bad.
Dick is still weak from Granny's faggotry, and got some sense of closure from Wally's death. He's going to make the sacrifice play.
>killing off Dick at the end of the season
>Titans season 2 premiers after Young Justice's season ends
It's like pottery.
Did Granny say something about non-metas not being able to go under the anti life control and straight up die?
Yup. Weeding out the weak, keeping the strong metas for Darkseid's service.
Yes, she said they would eventually die from the effects or some such shit.
>first episode
>5 years later
>Beast Boy looking at pictures
>what are you looking at
>oh just some old photos
>hey that's Terra right? Didn't she betray you 3 years ago?
>yeah that was the year before you joined Raven and we started calling ourselves Teen Titans
So then Dick?
>1/4 user actually watched the episode.
I know I shouldn't be surprised but still.
No, Anti-Life effects EVERYONE but it also kills the non metas as well as side effect. Being a non meta doesn't mean you are immune, it just mean that you will be mind controlled and ALSO be in pain and die. See the lanterns in
Yeah, eventually after long-term exposure.
>not only do you lose your mind and soul, but you will literally just up and die in abject pain and agony if you have no superpowers to benefit the cause of Anti-Life
>mind controlled and ALSO be in pain and die
How does it mind control someone it kills?
...Did you see the effects it had on Dick these past couple episodes?
You’re asking questions as if comic book properties have hard to follow concepts.
He's being set up for things to come. I think Conner's line about knowing what kind of leader he wants to be is telling of plot points to come.
You are replying to same troll that posted
Stop giving it any more (You)s.
It could follow final crisis and have Bruce sacrificing himself to save the world or go in the direction of a death flag for dick by that standard.
I thought they showed a hologram of her in Black Lightning's flashbacks.
You think that dream was connected to it?
No I'm not. Stop being so paranoid.
I hope they don't kill off Bruce for a while. Not because I don't wanna see Dickbats, but because Dick's life has already been suffering for the past five years.
Why are subhuman normalfags allowed to post on any board again?
We saw that GG could control Dick and Jefferson at will, but once the control was lifted Dick was clearly physically suffering. I would imagine if people are constantly in that state they would degrade until they dropped dead.
Aren't electric-based metas immune to the ALE? I remember that was a plot point involving Static in some comics, so maybe it's just him?
The way they made her look it was like she could potentially solo the League if she threw morals out the window and all that.
It's not so much the Equation itself that's doing the killing, it's that in order to use Halo to spread it into as many minds as possible at once for the moment they still need to generate an X-Pit/Ghost Demension field.. which is what causes said effects to weaker beings.
The Equation does indeed just completely eliminate free will.
Why does the Anti-Life equation make people slaves to Darkseid anyway? Doesn't it just force a person to accept the futility of life or whatever? How does that mean they then follow the orders of one specific dude?
Dude you really need to watch the episode again. You seriously don't understand how it works
Not even having superpowers is enough. You literally have to have the meta-gene. Note that Elongated Man was in pain as well
Someone's gotta drive.
Anti-Life makes you accept the truth that life is utterly meaningless and that only the purpose found in the one who embodies it is what you should champion. In case of Darkseid, this is to accept the sole truth that Darkseid Is. Nothing else matters.
The futility of life means they give up free will to serve whoever shows them the equation, or whoever showed it to them tells them to serve. In this case Darkseid.
It doesn't make you specifically want to serve Darkseid, just that he's or his minions are the only ones who ever seem to use it.
Perhaps in the comics, but in this adaptation it is just literally life without free will, or as granny puts it: Life - Free Will = Anti-Life
All it does is just remove free will, but it doesn't stop you from hating whoever used it on you, see Helga and Grannys conversation.
>Do you hate me?
>Will you do anything for me anyways?
>(makes a angry fist) Yes
>The futility of life means they give up free will to serve whoever shows them the equation
Why? I seriously don't understand how one leads to the other
Admittedly Helga was still herself, just unable to refuse Granny's orders, while in this episode everyone Anti Lifed was just a silent zombie who stood at attention blankly when not being directly ordered.
So....fuck up?
Yeah I have no idea how they'd adapt Mandrakk.
Orion used it once in Simmons’ run, out of misguided optimism to force everyone on Earth to be good people. The funny thing is he didn’t have an epiphany about it as a result of those consequences directly, in that story one of Darkseid’s concubines went and enslaved a bunch of New Genesis new gods to go fight him, Orion was knocked into a sort of sub-dimension with a world tree in it and only THERE being alone with his thoughts did Orion realise he was being slowly corrupted by Darkseid’s technology and betrayed himself. It was, oddly for this sort of thing, actually working out just fine to it’s end goal since people were actually trying to live good lives instead of die for Orion or anything; if whatsherface didn’t intervene Orion could’ve legit just taken over the universe with only the small caveat of nobody affected by the Equation having any free will.
Orion is not a clever man.
The same comic also introduced the idea that Scott Free was born with the full ALE in his head, but never dared use it ever since he accidentally told a bunch of lowlies in Apokalips to neck themselves and they actually did it.
Jeff has ALWAYS been based. I'm glad that with YJ and his CW show more people are discovering him.
What if Miss Martian put Granny in a mental illusion and what we saw at the end was the illusion
Or the process got perfected
he wont. It's going to be anticlimactic knowing the budget.
that... would be a twist.
That plot point sucked.
it was Just Static due to.. something about how his brain and powers intersect. Black Lightning was put under the ALE just fine by a Justifer Helmet.
wallys not coming back is he....?
You've got a few details wrong. Orion's Equation domination was stopped by Darkseid and Metron teaming up to make a robot Black Racer, which Mister Miracle hijacked and wore the clothes of. Scott then threw Orion beyond the known universe to the bottom of the world tree where the ecrous, the anti-source (seriously) dwells.
>accidentally told a bunch of lowlies in Apokalips to neck themselves and they actually did it.
He told everyone to "stop!" and they did, forever, frozen in place. Not really a fan of Simsonson's Scott or Metron, but his writing of the character Orion is great. His Darkseid is a bit too Thanos.
So Simonson Orion aint worth a read?
Despite my complaints I would say it is. The art is amazing and the story explores the characters in a way that is closer to Kirby's originals than any other writer has gotten. For instance, a significant portion of the plot being about Darkseid's feelings of powerlessness, just like the Hunger Dogs, and is probably the strongest part of the series. Same with Orion ruling.
The main theme is everyone's getting mindcontrolled whether they like it or not
>Dick dies and we see a scene of him reuniting with Wally in Heaven
Honestly would be new as fuck. We always have lovers/family doing that shit. Time for best friends to have that.
Yfw Mento is the only physic left on earth.
I think Batman will die.
>Dick said he don't want to be the Batman anymore
>The show will feature what kinda leader Dick will become
Mento's daughter is the one who lets the Gentry into the YJ universe (Designate 16) in Multiversity. Tread carefully.
Yfw Mento is the last psychic on Earth.
Why is Artemis so perfect?
kys arrow clone.
So I guess the Outsiders are going to save the day.
His helmet causes cancer though.
Also Vic and Black Lightning. Still, fun twist.
Judging from that blush, the little faggot has other intentions.
>wally comes out of the speedforce and dabs on granny
>day is saved
cap this
Literally predicted the same day the anti-life message was found.
So a rehash of season 1 ending then. But with antilife instead of control ships.
Why do people think BB could be immuneto the ALE?
Wally speedforce ghost/"monkey god" thing is protecting him.
You mean the group that was formed halfway through the season and has characters with little to non character development?
The Anti-Life Equation on this show is more in line with Kirby's original concept of "LIFE MINUS FREE WILL" rather than Morrison's "The Anti-Life Equation is the mathematical proof that all life is meaningless", which really just makes the ALE another method of mindcontrol that isn't any different from the control chips or Starro.
It's gonna be focused on Cyborg and Beast Boy.
And for the Season 5 ending, we will have a showdown between *checks notes* The Riddler and the Justice League! But OH NO! The Justice League is incapacitated because they got MIND CONTROLLED by *spins a wheel* Mind Control Plant Spores by *reads tea leafs* Bane! Their only hope is bunch of kids and *opens a lootbox* The Batgirl!
Pretty sure there is at least a villain out there with psychic powers.
>speed force
>in YJ
So everyone starts kissing each other too?
That's dumb
>it's a repeat of the season 1 finale
As hot as mindcontrol is it does get boring.
>Gar has his whore princess
>the two homos
>Jaime and Traci
>Tim and Cassie
Wait then who do Static and Cyborg kiss?
Their eternal v-card.
It's not. The season finale is The Judas Contract again.
Each other.
Whose the top?
What disagrees with Darkseid is heresy. What agrees with Darkseid is superfluous.
Life is a question. Anti-life is the answer.
I would say Vic.
>tfw always thought the antilife equation could kill anyone or anything
>actually just turns people into mindless thralls
My disappointment is immeasurable and you have ruined my day.
What the fuck did you think the Equation was gonna do? It generally doesn't kill people.
It kills non-metas.
here there is a teaser for the last 3 episodes of the season
>what did you think something called "the anti-life equation" would do?
What's the opposite of life?
The opposite of life isn't "being a slave".
It's called anti-life because if you have no free will, are you really alive?
Did you even read the thread?
Finale is about Judas Contract, and after the first part of the next episode everyone has already been un-anti-lifed, see The only ones in any danger are Terra and possibly Nightwing, but everyone else is safe.
I'm still betting on Perdita croaking. Outside bet on Terra being responsible for that.
>Beast Boy's girlfriend
>Being killed by Terra
>In an episode titled Nevermore
This is a great idea and that's why it's not gonna happen.
Nevermore refers to a tragedy happening, and not fucking Raven. Hell if want to shove down retarded bird motifs into this, it probably means Dick will die.
It actually is my fetish, but most of the time the way this show does it is not actually done in a way that gets me off at all.
Still enjoying the keikaku bullshit regardless.
"The Raven" gets quoted by Black Lightning in the episode but I don't think Raven actually appears.
Duh. The Raven is a tragedy. Dick never got over the loss of Wally. So Dick is the protagonist, the Raven is the anti life/GG/Darkseid/Apokolips, and Wally is Lenore, albeit a platonic one.
you are forgetting about how the raven was said to be the devil multiple times throughout the poem
devil=trigon, not darkseid because even then he is a god
Yea Forums, I hope you are all ready to see him again!
He gets in DCeased (not continuity but still relevant). Turns everyone into savage zombies.
It takes away your sentience and makes you basically an object. It's the anti life equation, not the death equation.
That said, while there's a life equation, an anti life equation and an anti death equation, there isn't a death equation yet. I wonder what it would do.
Why isn't Elongated Man a meta?
Oh so those leaks about returning to Markovia were true
I'm actually curious about how this whole thing will develop. Also nice to see Metron comes back too, I really like his new design
Drinks special soda to elongate.
>I wonder what it would do.
Probably kill you.
I meant in continuity.
Raven is not appearing in season 3, you stupid faggot. Someone already asked the leaker if her and Kori are appearing and he stated no. Just get over your shitty waifu that you fell in love with as some lonely faggot who watched the shitty weebfest that was TT cartoon.
I never said Raven was going to appear. It's just that the idea of Perdita being murdered by Terra (Beast Boy's love interest 1) on an episode titled Nevermore (reference to The Raven, Beast Boy's love interest 2) was just too good.
And I don't think either of the Discord leakers ever said she wasn't going to appear. One of them even said the contrary, but he might be kidding.
>One of them
Fuck off. There's only one dipshit.
How much input does that fat fuck Didio have? If he has final say at all... Dick's dead. Since he's been trying to kill him off for years.
None but he likes the show.
he probably jerked off during wally's death
Him being sick probably isn't helping. He could start wearing down faster than Artemis and the other non-metas.
isn't everyone on earth dying then
>started shipping Birdflash in the beginning just for the cute fanart/porn
>grew to like Spitfire and got over my faggotry
>still like Wally and Dick the best
>they killed off Wally and might kill off Dick
Fuck you too, Weisman. I renounced my fujo ways and already lost Wally here (and in the comics), stop torturing me and let me keep my son with a weird manchild voice.
They aren't gonna kill him, relax.
use ctrl-s
Isnt his resistance to gingold a metapower by itself? Drinking it would cause a deadly allergic reaction to anyone else
I love Dick's VA though. It wouldn't be the same if it was someone else.
He has zero say.
"You say you can't raise the dead, but we both saw Secret rise from her grave."
"If we do this, it will leave you devastated all over again."
>tfw jace will never turn me into a metahuman and become my new mommy, protecting me from the foul temptations of organic computer-beings by whatever means necessary
life is rough
>yfw Jace finds homosexuality, pedophilia, and incest disgusting unless it occurs between two metas
oh no
oh no
oh no
Reprehensible that Jace would destroy Jefferson's wondrous meta-sperm by putting it in her own disgusting normie-body.
No one but Zatanna and Artemis knew about Secret, right?
>wanting a coalburner for a mommy
Absolutely Haram.tiff
Why would she be okay with that? Wouldn't she want metas to breed?
She can breed them artificially, she is a scientist who probably does shit like this for the best result possible.
Yeah, it’s coming back now. That was real weird how Mr. M was seemingly immune to the Equation, and to this day I don’t remember if it’s because he had the Equation all along or because the robo-racer some FUCKING how blocked it out. Also the ecrous always seemed redundant when Decreator, Prayala, the Great Darkness and so on are RIGHT THERE
Come to think of it, wasn’t Simons’s Scott continuing the idea that Scott has issues from his 90s run? For all the shit Tom King’s run deserves, the premise of Scott Free having a metric shitton of issues has been established in a lot of stories in the past. Shame the “Scott has the ALE” thing ended up being a cornerstone of Death of the New Gods of all things.
He’s also done literally nothing all season unless portalling Vandal over to Apokalips for ??? counts, presumably to distract him from Granny’s machinations.
static and cyborg kiss each other, duh!
Why aren't you guys talking about this line more?
Not like it can mean much.
Are you suuuuuuure?
She's just stealing them with her vagina
She probably scooped them out when Jeff wasn't looking, put the sperm in a tube, and planned on making meta babies later
Does anyone have a mega link for any episodes 7 to 13 of season 3?
>black people playing eugenics
>no man of color is an a decent romantic relationship with a white woman
Greg is too based and redpilled.
Zatanna appears on episode 25.
How is it /pol/ to point that out? I was just kidding about that being a good thing especially the negros doing something like fucking eugenics of all things. Go back to tumblr or discord, faggot.
This is astounding.
kys poltard
No he didn't. He was angry Granny got the equation last episode.
You first tumblrina
I hate her and Geoforce.
I honestly hope she dies.
Same, she brings nothing to the table and is just a Miss Martian wanna be with none of the positives.
Halo/Geo-Force are Miss Martian/Superboy redux
And from most fan reactions most dislike it.
Terra is more well liked than her raging idiot brother
Forager has a few that dislike him but overall he's still well liked
terra will break free from anti life or some shit like last time and save everyone. Then she will inform granny that savage sent them.
I don't think the anti-mindcontrol chips work against the equation.
They are, why would have Weisman introduced them otherwise?
You'll get your wish.
you the real mvp
If you used the anti life equation on someone and told them never to be affected by the anti life equation again, would a future use of the anti life equation be able to undo that or are you immune?
no you won't
He went into the speed force, that's not dying.
No body, not dead.
>speed force
It's cute you think Weisman has warmed up to that.
the only reason weisman changed his mind about it existing it's because someone pointed out that if the speedforce doesn't exist, then young justice can't be part of the dc multiverse
Yeah, he's probably the most underpowered in this show.
I feel like superspeed is probably the hardest power, short of magic/reality warpers, to fit into a show like this. It would solve too many problems.
Also the GLs are nerfed pretty hard too
Loving Granny as the villain
You are full of shit and he won't change his mind. Just cry somewhere else Wallycuck, he is dead.
i just supported the theory that wally is dead
Weisman has pretty much confirmed a Green Lantern will never be part of the team.
Only because according to him the GLC have their own ways of training their heroes.
Generally speaking, Terra was always more popular than Geo Force. Why DC hasn't retooled her into an antihero permanently in the comics yet is beyond me.
Most people would agree that the TT comics went downhill after Wolfman tried to justify everything Slade did and he got a ridiculous free pass from a bunch of writers(Johns and Priest being the only exceptions).
Same. While I loved Ed Asner's Granny, this Dolores Umbridge take on the character is great too.
>Jace gave Jefferson handjobs just to steal his sperm
>Jace also gave Jefferson secret handjobs when he's asleep just to steal even more of his sperm
Who will Be MVP and post the spoilers for the end of the season
Who dies?
How They stop the ALE?
i mean, terra is obviously more popular than geo-force but she is also famous for betraying and then dying
why didn't jace just let herself get pregnant with jeff?
Too high of a risk the child would inherit her own non-meta genes.
Need to put his sperm in a meta-girl.
Watch her kill her bro in the YJ universe.
To think she's also Spectacular Spider-Man's Aunt May.
That would be interesting to say the least
I hate my Granny and would do ANYTHING for her!