"Hey, I wasn't a weirdo! I was in the audiovisual club."
"Me too. Then I got kicked out because of my views on Vietnam. That and I was stealing projectors."
"Hey, I wasn't a weirdo! I was in the audiovisual club."
"Me too. Then I got kicked out because of my views on Vietnam. That and I was stealing projectors."
Poor D'arcy. She's now an aging mentally ill recluse somewhere because of what the resident genius did to her.
I dont geddit
>yfw 90s bands would be considered as dadrock now
I went to a SP show a couple months back; ironically, Corgan looks like Homer Simpson now. I still love them though
All rock these days is dadrock. Zoomers don't listen to rock. Name me 5 bands that had big hits in the 10s that were actually formed this decade.
What do Zoomers listen to? I am way too out of touch.
Basically nothing. Everything is one hit wonder pop trash on the radio and everyone just listens to whatever they already like on Spotify.
Good news is a lot of smaller time artists are seeing slightly more fame instead of a media stranglehold of just the biggest pop stars now. Sort of.
I'm just happy Outrun is a thing and sort of almost mainstream.
Stuff like Imagine dragons is zoomer rock.
You mean that manufactured corporate pop rock act? That shit's the 2010s Bread.
Styx? I just heard them on the King Biscuit Flower Hour!
>It was sponsored by the guy from Apple Computers!
>WHAT computers?
Boy this episode has aged poorly in every respect
That was a topical joke about how Apple around the time the episode aired was a sinking ship. They almost went bankrupt in 96.
Leborninleronggenerationfags think if it doesn't look like Led Zeppelin, it's not real rawk.
There was at least a couple jabs at them. The "Eat up Martha" gag and all that
Well, I mean you don't see bands like that anymore. There's no true modern equivalent of 70s hard rock, though there's plenty of modern equivalents of 70s corporate rock like Doobie Brothers et al.
Arctic Monkeys?
Bands like Led Zeppelin were a product of the 70s when there was a glut of working class white teens from the baby boom to sell music to. That particular demographic happenstance to support bands like that doesn't exist anymore.
Hey don’t insult Bread like that
I've heard them since 2006. Try again.
Greta Van Fleet
Of the ones I know, it's a mixture between whatever flavour of the month is being pushed obsessively and hits from the 80s. It's turned the majority of nightclubs near me (Britbong) into glorified school discos, which is hard to enjoy even on MDMA. Plus the 18-21 crowd even dress and act like they're still 14. I don't think it's just me getting old, as the scene in most European countries is totally different. Young adults in France seem 10 years older than their British counterparts.
EDM/raves have been a huge thing in Europe for 30 years, but the scene has never taken off in the US for some reason.
Don't you dare insult Tommy Shaw
Look up Zoomer Anthem in youtube. Pretty much shit like that.
forced meme cock suckers
Please do not shill your Youtube channel on Yea Forums. Thank you.
Fuck off sneedfag.
Nine Inch Nails still gets around a bit thanks mostly to Trent Reznor, but wtf happened to Sonic Youth? They were huge right up until this Simpsons episode aired and then they fell off the face of the earth.
mumble rap and 80s synthpop
>yfw backstreet boys and NSYNC is dadpop
Many bands like SP from the era still have a significant younger fanbase
Source: in college
Simple Plan?
The Smashing Pumpkins guy is now a boomer who yells at clouds.
Skinny Puppy
Is he the guy who thought he was abducted by aliens?
There isn't a "thing" anymore, people just listen to whatever because of shit like Spotify just giving you whatever your heart needs, making kid's tastes become weirder and more diversified.
People would like to go HURR RAP HURR KPOP but only because those genres have a attraction to the mainstream and are basically inivisible giants, BTS is huge yet I can't tell a single song, and none of them play on shit like MTV or VH1, random rappers have a week worth of fame, much similar to how it was when rap was a club thing, you are not out of touch, things just stopped being marketed towards you.
Enjoy freedom, because mainstream media is really butthurt about it and will do something any minute now.
>callind it EDM
You already have your answer, Americans are super rockist, the idea of a scene not following rockist formula scares them, europe had the late 70's and 80's synth scene getting them used to/addicting them to it.
No, that's the drummer from Blink 182, he even wrote a song about it.
Mumblerappers and sadgirls