Reminder to everyone that the new episode of Rocko's Modern Life is up on netflix. It's fucking perfect!
Reminder to everyone that the new episode of Rocko's Modern Life is up on netflix. It's fucking perfect!
As if Yea Forums needs a reminder.
>entire thing was 40 minutes of "Hey remember this character? Remember this running gag? Remember this episode? Remember this catchphrase? Remember this song? Remember...
At least the Zim special felt like an actual special instead of a masturbatory look of the past.
not an episode, just a special, joe's last known project is on let's go luna. also reminder to crossboarders, the messages aren't a fucking netflix thing for the love of god stop being retarded.
Eh, Zim's was better.
Did anyone feel that the commentary was as subtle as brick to the face?
>It's fucking perfect!
Was it a hoot though?
I didn't watch all of it. Got to the smartphone joke then turned it off.
At least it wasn't as bad as Arnold's.
>It's fucking perfect!
was ok, just ok
I finally saw this special.
It was a fucking PSA for trannies.
I used to love rocko for its zaniness and humor, not its celebration of mental illness.
What that you want me to watch Invader Zim again. Okay? I just saw it three times, but if you want me watch Invader Zim a fourth time, okay.
That was the point. It was satire on the current 90s nostalgia plague. Gotta move forward instead of clinging to the past.
Zim was better
it was very meta about that
It’s kind of funny, some of the best episodes of Rocko were parodying other pop culture IPs of the time. If you watch the show start to finish, the most original aspect is the characters themselves.
It’s funny, I remember a lot of praise for the Hey Arnold movie when it came out. I’m glad clear heads are prevailing cause I never found the show Hey Arnold to be a good fit with high stakes adventure.
I don’t mind acknowledging trannies but how come they were exempt from getting pie in their face like everyone else? Even back in the old show they would take concepts like fruity characters and put them through the ringer just like any other character with a quirky habit, in this they showed it was there but the show does nothing with it other than use it as a catalyst for another persons dilemma.
Being sacrosanct does more damage than anything. I'm only a regular homo and it makes me feel abnormal when people around me PC or put me on a pedastal. I wish I knew how to explain it. I just want to be normal. The clown closet episode was funny because it was just gay jokes that weren't mean or directed at anyone. Also it's why I always loved Yea Forums.
Joe Murray even consulted some civil rights organization to make sure he made a respectable non offensive trans frog. It's just so silly.
>Also it's why I always loved Yea Forums.
oh for fucks sake, don't lie to yourself user. this is a place for people to vent out their frustrations just say that you've grown accustomed to how shit everything is and move on
what you said is like the textbook definition of stockholm syndrome. have some dignity and self-respect
>hamhanded tranny commentary from a 90s cartoon with a character that was never a tranny
Yeah nah.
Have watched Rocko, probably won't. But I can't say Florpus was all that great. Underwhelming but not terrible. I think a lot of love for it came more from it finally being back and not completely fucking up or creating controversy like other long awaited sequels.
What is Jurrasic Park?
I mean, the character was pretty mentally unstable in the original. Is it really that surprising?
How about you eat my bussy faggot
> Zim is better
Fucking zoomers
I want to hear what makes you think Static Cling was better than ETP
>it was very meta about that
it really wasn't; Murray & co. just passed off their lazy nostalgia-baiting as ironic nostalgia-baiting, threw in a corporate-sponsor approved message about how anyone who doesn't accept Change into their hearts is literally a transphobe and called it a day- and you fell for it.
The Dinosaurs literally become transgenders in the first movie.
Why? Did you expect a show called Rocko's Modern Life to not... You know... Poke fun at modern life?
>It was a fucking PSA for trannies.
It really wasn't.
See, the thing about trannies, is none of them are born trannies.
>It's too similar
To the left of me
>It's too different
To the right
Here I am
I enjoyed it, but I really wish it has the movie length time that Zim had. Rocko freaking out about a baby Fathead deserved more time than what it got.
>corporate-sponsor approved message
You know that this special was produced by fucking Viacom, right? No matter what message the special had or didn't have, it would have been corporate approved.
“Smartphones” haven’t been a topical punchline in a decade, user. It would be like if they made a joke about this new-fangled thing called “youtube” where this funny fat kid dances to something called “Numa Numa.”
This. I wish they had known it would be on Netflix sooner. Still liked it though. 8/10.
Well, since the characters came from the 90's, they have catching up to do. Also, I found the joke about new phones coming out every 30 seconds to still be painfully relevant.
I would agree that this was more egregious if it wasn't so brief, and surrounded by much more relevant gags. I think turning off a special after one flat joke is pretty fucking weak.
I heard it was already planned out before the show was cancelled in the first place, but they never had time to put it in. It made sense for the character and wasn't written retardedly, so it didn't bother me at all. Frogs are known to switch sex anyways.
Enjoy your tranny frog, boomer
Why was the name static cling though? I didnt get that part.
static as in unchanging; cling as in clinging to the past
Oh nice
Really makes you think. Like maybe they way the world treats it can make you feel like that.
If you act like a retard, and people calling you out on it makes you want to kill yourself, I ain't going to have much sympathy for you.
If flat eathers started killing themselves because people wouldn't take them seriously, I also wouldn't care much.
>muh trannies lmao
No it was shit
>The messages aren't a Netflix thing
It's in practically 100% of their originals. Even the last season of Stranger Things had a lesbian in it. The only time you don't see it is when Netflix doesn't own the IP.
Be we've had people making those jokes for years. If they're not going to write some new material then there's no point in even making this content.
The thing that frustrates me more than the tranny praise in the special, is the group of people who say "ehhh the trans thing wasn't THAT bad. I still liked seeing Rocko again etc etc." They keep making excuses for it in order to enjoy their nostalgia trip. I'm going to drop a food analogy here because fuck you.
It's like trying to eat a bowl of your favorite soup and some guy walking past cums into it, and you still eat it because you want that soup. "Ehhh the cum wasn't THAT bad. I still liked the soup."
I'm not convinced that this is something mandated by Netflix, I think it's more a case of giving writers and creators more freedom than they're used to and they don't know how to handle it, but they feel obligated to insert some sort of fringe character or topic they wouldn't be allowed to include on television.
I like how they put no effort into making that hand for the image. Truly a brainlet.
The special was completed long before Nick sold the distribution rights to Netflix
Why does the tranny praise upset you so much?
>Frogs are known to switch sex anyways.
This really bothere me. If you think think theres nothing wrong with transexuals in cartoon there's no reason to bring this up at all because anthropimorohic animals are humans.
Ducks rape the shit out of other ducks would you be OK if Donald became a rapist to teach people rape is bad? Animals go into heat why doesnt anyone in any cartoon? Why doesnr simba eat his dumb zebrs friends?
Why do you think that guy was even upset?
Whats wrong with being upset if he was?
Identity disorder is nothing to praise. It's part of the absurdity of the modern world that ironically, the Rocko revival refused to acknowledge. They played it straight rather than poke fun at it.
By the way you have a little cum dripping from the side of your mouth.
I hope it will be the comeback of Sheila in that new Special soon.
you’re a retard
it was great and the rocko i remembered, which is ironic since the message was about letting go the past and coping with change.
who am i kidding though, this is clearly a bait thread for zoomers to shitpost their mediocre florpus and tranny memes.
what was her appeal exactly?
>Sea Monkeys!
>(Goofy Holler!)
>puts the movie on Netflix
>doesn't put the show on Netflix
That's a really shit analogy, user. How often does that even fucking happen? Nobody is going to find that more relatable somehow.
You could say it's like ordering a salad and getting the wrong kind of dressing. You know, some people like thousand island but you were expecting ranch.
But no, you decided "what if man cum in food" was the feeling we should relate to.
She first appears in Wallaby on Wheels, and she hasn’t appear in the first Netflix movie of Rocko.
>So make her appear in the next special
You should already have that downloaded user
She'll be a lesbian social justice warrior ya doof it's not the 90s anymore embrace change.
Well, can Sheila be friends with Rachel bighead?
>whale retard that cant stop thinking in food is also a faggot that cant stop thinking in eating semen
the absolute state of tranny hatters.
>he likes the tranny frogs
Sheila's old and busted
Rachel's the new hotness
You dont eat liquid dumbass you drink it.
No she's introverted pan/asexual ya dingus.
Well maybe drawfag Sheila and Rachel if they can be girlfriends forever.
you are eating soup, better luck next time.
I got bored halfway.
I missed hearing Rocko's voice
Well that’s nothing! Filburt’s voice has change because he sounded like Plankton.
Draw one with Sheila in it.
Yeah, we need is a 74 min movie of Rocko's Modern Life.
Soup had solids in it. Thats what a soup is. You put the solids in the spoon qnd eat it with the liquid. Your mom will die in her sleep tonight and you did 9/11
Great thought for a story.
>It's fucking perfect!
And a new reboot tale.
The orginaI show was the same way