funny how they pussied out on showing the girl's pussies
Funny how they pussied out on showing the girl's pussies
They got away with as much as they did by deliberating making ugly characters you can't fap to.
but they have this whole song about showing off and not being ashamed of the naked body... and they censor the girl's genitals with steam
just saying, its kinda funny
The creator looks like like a straight up pedo.
>haha don't you think it would've been funny if they showed the little girls vaginas haha
>and imagine if they made someone make a comment about how they smelled haha
You're the pedo here dude
Mercy for the animators.
reptilian eyes
Something consumed him from the inside out long ago, leaving him a husk of a man, torn by desires too perverted for society to tolerate but too intense to keep hidden.
nigga look like vinnie d'onofrio in men in black
someone is projecting
what hetero male wouldn't want to draw young nubile pussy?
im surprised they even showed them topless
So the character designs are based on him.
This show made me realize how shit American shows are to Japanese
>young nubile pussy?
Who the fuck wants to see the cooch of a ginger jew and a n-word?
predator eyes
animated cooches in general are rare.
>I'm projecting
>what hetero male wouldn't want to draw young nubile pussy?
The character's mouths are literally pussies in that ugly show.
give me an equivalent of this from an American cartoon
ova doenst air on tv they are blu ray bonuses or some shit so there is bit more room to work with
meanwhile western internet series there basically arent any restrictions however the audience for something like that doesnt exist and for good reason.
so despite your example its still censored far more censored than loud mouth.
By "eastern" do you mean only Japan or do you also include countries like Korea and China where porn is forbidden?
have we lost sight of our roots? the only reason cartoon girls even wear clothes is for them to get caught on hooks, used as parachutes, or pulled down by people trying to keep from falling.
Bro you couldn't have taken the time to make this chart easier to read? Why the fuck is everything off center? Put more effort into your shitposts, please.
except for Levy
mostly japan. other countries have other problems outside of everything needing to be softcore porn like china with their no gore.
only if the bait is higher quality which will never happen because it is a shitpost rather than being correct its ignorance
They had full frontal on Jessie's, did a part by part rundown, anthropomorphized it and gave it a comedy routine, what more do you want?
God I wish I was happy.
Why is it always FairyTailfags?
Can't handle getting constantly bullied on Yea Forums so you always shit up Yea Forums instead?
What in the actual hell is happening in this
>int flags
well that tells you the type of person who watches a chinese knock off of one piece
I like the fights in Fairytail, fucking sue me. Sorry I dont like your shitty yuri garbage
No wonder you were bullied out of Yea Forums
Heavy Metal.
he's been on the joe rogan experience
i can't remember exactly what was said, but joe got a change in the tone of his voice and facial expression after a certain point; he wasn't happy.
Better Yea Forums girl
insecure much
can't wait for her masturbation scene to get animated
I legitimately have no idea how anyone can watch FairyTale. Is the appeal just cheesecake?
Is this what rwby would have been like
They obviously think that didn't count, since they didn't show it again here
If I get banned for this jannies = trann*es
this is th emost autistic chart i have seen
the first 3 or 4 arcs are okay, kinda have that One Piece vibe, but then it's just the repeat of the same power of friendship shit over and over.
Go on..
>this cartoon is so bad that Yea Forums prefers to post and talk about anime instead
Tired of an*me tr*nnies talking like they know shit about Western animation.
Oh. Now I see why my little sister likes this show.
You don't know shit and you never will.
Looking at the thumbnail, I thought that the girl on the right had a weird triple-knee insect leg.
I unironically fapped to this scene at least twice
have to justify the hrt
You're unga bunga dick hard retards and I wish that you would fuck off. You give animation a bad name much less erotic animation.
I never got bullied out of Yea Forums and I still go there from time to time faggot
god I can't believe people like this shit
Think the one I recall was the fox girl in Love Death and Robots.
It didnt exactly look like a fortune cookie
>he thinks his gif is the pinnacle of erotic animation
Get fucked faggot
western lewd animation hardly exists
you get more lewd stuff i n "totally not sexual at all" stuff like alvin and the chipmunks or animaniacs
what are you saying
Animated adult genitalia is rare in general
there have been dicks over the years
pretty much zero vageegays
Some of the arcs are god tier, some are cool, some are meh.
Basically the watch order is this.
Watch every arc until the time skip occurs. After 4 episodes of the Timeskip, skip to the Grand Magic Games, Afterwards skip to the Sun Village and Alaverez arc and continue watching from there.
Ignore the group sex orgy from once upon a girl. Ignore the entirety of From an Old Man's Head I don't give a fuck. An*me tr*nnies are disgusting homosexuals and I say that as someone that loves anime.
If you haven't watched swedish or French erotic cartoons you haven't nutted you haven't even felt a real boner.
I hate this thing in "strategic cover up" censorship where you have hair hiding girl's nipples, but the hair is literally like, a single fucking strand, it has no right to actually cover anything at all, basicallly showing that her nipples plain don't exist.
>swedish or French
I'm talking about cartoons produced by human beings
You fuck made me look out the ep to see if the did
Imagine being a fucking 0 test tr*Annie and thinking only Japan has ever drawn a naked woman. Imagine not reading french ero comics and nutting your brains out.
he allowed to say that?
Move the goal posts more nigger. Fuck off. I hope you get banned for ever.
French and swedish styles are ugly and creepy
cry more.
So did people just forget that Yea Forums is a blue board?...
A lot of nudity in this thread.
all the western stuff posted is from decades ago, modern American animation is afraid of showing an actually attractive female body
So are Japanese bug niggers but you jerk your dick raw over noseless blobs
Fuck off advertiser tr*nnie the anime nigger started it.
Love death and Robots bitch.
too bad Good Hunting is objectively shit.
Aquila Rift and Zima Blue are overrated.
Suits is top tier as fuck.
Sonny's Edge has a neat twist to it, and the rest range from good to dog shit. Like that one with the werewolves
>Formless blobs with no animation then close up of boobs or breast
Unbelievablely cringe
I want wide screen Wes Anderson style ergo.
>He grew up in a Conservative Jewish family
why am I not surprised?
DC animated movies seemed to have something going on with Suicide Squad but the recent Hush was embarrasingly puritanical
Show me something more explicit that is not hentai. the industry survives out of horny weebs but its too scared of pussy