There will never be a cartoon like this again

There will never be a cartoon like this again

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Other urls found in this thread:✓&tags=drawn_together maniacpaint&ms=1

I beat my dick so many times to this show growing up. Still holds up as a comedy and stroking material after all these years.

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It's for the best. It was really hit or miss with its comedy.

Clara is S waifu tier

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>Circle up

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Dure there will it just won't be funny like drawn together could be.

what about her monster vagina/severely mangled by plastic surgery vagina

thank god

>Never got out of the shadow of South Park
>Was far too expensive than South Park

Im genuinely curious how expensive one episode of southpark costs to produce

>Never got out of the shadow of South Park
Lol Matt and T were furious for DT beating South Park in rating so they made CC cancel the show.
Everything was hand drawn with traditional methods in DT

The Latino Spanish dub was god-tier too. It was so good that even SPAIN used it (and they usually produce their own dubs).

She could have an immaculate pussy and I wouldn't put my dick anywhere near it, anal only for life.

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You got a source on that?

Trey and Matt don't give a shit about what airs on Comedy Central.

>Lol Matt and T were furious for DT beating South Park in rating so they made CC cancel the show.
that doesn't sound like matt n trey
maybe they were mad about this episode where they had basically a south park character on the show

Good. it was tryhard shit written by people who thought going to Yea Forums once a week made them hardcore.

It is still one of the most offensive cartoons ever.

>when someone asks my opinion on gun control

I feel the hits were pretty high. They just needed to cool it with the edge and gross out every once in a while. The show had some pretty high highs.

It aged poorly for sure. I always had the impression even as a young teen it was very poorly written. The comedy was in poor taste and all over the place. Like it was competing with family guy on who could do the worst shock humor.

In my mind its on par for making me cringe the most watching through it comparable to adult ren and stimpy show thing on spike tv.

>"Okay, but one of those words has gotta be penis!"
That isn't really a bad thing honestly.
As hilarious as I thought the show was it would be hard to make another crazy offensive show that hits the same beats without feeling derivative or crossing over from offensive humor to just kind of unpleasantly racist.
Still if the original creators wanted to make a Captain Hero spin-off they could have all my money.

is this show worth watching for fap material

Foxy is pretty hot desu.


They tried that old people show afterwards, but barely anybody knew about it

Steve from Long island>Everyone else

great taste user
xandir is an extremely underrated husbando

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Where did you get a picture of /trash/ posters?

That's what made the movie so terrible. They were already scraping the bottom of the barrel in the show, but needing to have some standards gave it a level of wit on occasion.

The movie had no standards. They just wanted to go as low as they always wanted to.


when Drawn Together fired on all cylinders it was fucking hilarious. of all the "intentionally shocking" cartoons i've shown people or seen them watch, this is the only one that still surprises anyone.

Because it’s not cute and cuddly like OK KO or Steven Universe and people (especially the aspies on Yea Forums and Tumblr) would cry about how offensive it is.

>Let's fucking do this!

Various interviews around the time of the movie
The entire movie is one big shit on Matt & Trey for being so high and mighty about South Park "having a point" which is why they hated Drawn Together - even Seth MacFarlane got in on it

Matt & Trey used to be what was called South Park Republican, but they've been sliding towards Cuckservative over the last decade

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Again you have no source plus insert Seth doesn’t help at all when his team is known to be way more petty than everyone else.

>I just feel like we'd remember any sexual experience that didn't involve us circling up and droppin snot on each other's shoes

>Again you have no source
Because I'm not googling shit for you, faggot
It doesn't actually matter if you believe me or not
If you don't believe me it just means I belong to an increasingly smaller circle of people who know the truth
It's flattery, really

The latino dub was so memorable because you get to hear the same VAs form all your childhood cartoons except now they’re swearing and saying all kinds of depraved things.

You’d make a wonderful lawyer, user.
>Where is your evidence?
>I’m not gonna show you shit, your honor. Go look for it yourself.

Theres a reason why she's S teir rank

This show got canned for being too expensive and too offensive. Comedy Central got sick of defending it to advertisers and the costs were higher than they normally paid for an animated series despite it getting high ratings

>Flat Earther mindset

German dub was great too, and now it's all on YouTube, excuse me I got some drawn together to watch.

Fucking globecuck.

Du sollst keine Waffe kaufen
Waffe kaufen
Waffe kaufen
ich bin homo!

This is so much funnier in German for some reason

Polish dub could be great, but unfortunately never made.

>and stroking material after all these years

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Haha, the jew jokes fell flat for me every time. (I guess be cause I don't have white privilege?) It always felt like a waste of few seconds, but most everything else were so hilarious

literally gay twink stereotype

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why did they just make her a LOL Christians joke

One of the only cartoons with a female wedgie.

Attached: Toot wedgie.webm (1280x720, 1.36M)

>"Oh my God! Live Action Cow has Rabbis!"
>"It's pronounced 'rabies' although they are both incurable diseases."
The jew jokes were pretty great in this show desu.
>Why did the show who's main cast contained a walking black joke, a walking Asian joke, a walking retard joke and a walking fat joke have a character who was a walking christian joke?
It's a mystery.

The thing I respect most about DT was that it went so far in places just because it wanted to see how far it could go. Truly one of a kind in retrospect.

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Why are you making shit up you lying fuck?

No baby stay angry

i wasn't really part of her initial character which is why i found it weird, but i guess it made sense to make fun of christians

That gif cuts off the best part. last arm comes out and puts a gun to his head. "im not afraid to die!"✓&tags=drawn_together maniacpaint&ms=1

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Drawn Together was ahead of its time on the whole tumblr thing.

You could at least mention which interviews your statements are from

It just made sense to squash the upper class racist and conservative christian stereotypes together.
My fucking dick.

Toot is superior

> Inadvertently inspired Panty and stocking With Garterbelt

Glad it existed for that alone

fucking lel
I had forgotten how great the german voices are

It's funny how Foxxy was actually the most reasonable and intelligent character.

good, this show was always garbage

check the rest of maniacpaint's works. they're great too

And the hottest. Don't forget hottest.

Cree Summers voice makes my dick hard literally every time i Hear it.

I guess I just find it bizarre a white person hating their own race. The money thing can apply to anybody. I get that it's ironic since Clara worships a jew and has red hair like a jew and should be replaced into a black person? Or are Jews like the only time white people feel like a minority?

12/10 show
Sadly no one would dare or has the balls to make anything as funny as this.

Monday jokes and twitter references. YAY!

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Not even that user but you’re a faggot
>hey do you have any proof for the pretty dramatic claims you’re making?
>lol like I’m gonna spoonfeed you

Its good thing this isn't a courtroom but a congolese mud baking forum. Look it up yourself you lazy shit.

The fuck are you talking about? People laugh at other groups of people and their own sometimes. Most people consider Jews to be part of a religion and not their own race.

the novels by the lead writer is pretty good at least

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That's pretty standard and shit, but the neck stubble intertwining was alright.

What are your favorite Drawn Together episodes?
mine are "A very special drawn together afterschool special" and "clum babies"

The Lemon-AIDS Walk

Captain Girl.

Mad Libs are fun.

>that doesn't sound like matt n trey
They were fucking furious when they lost the Oscar to Phil Collins that one time, so I wouldn't put it past them.

Nah nigga


Fuck those skinned cocksuckers I'll make the cartoon myself if I have to. We need an animation revolution here in the west. No wonder why Japan is beating us.

Probably because there aren't enough self-hating Jews who have enough self-loathing to make a show that would get them labeled as anti-semites.

Googled it. There's fuck all. Don't bullshit anyone just because you've got a victim complex.

Everything's too PC now

Good. It was dogshit.

Wat do?

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>make shit up
>gets mad when people call him out on it

>his head appears in the clouds
>"who the hell is that?"

because LOL Christians


quit being a cuck.

>not liking twinks
shit taste

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Too bad there is no HD release.
Him coming back with red lipstick on his mouth after "deactivating" it was a nice touch.

I think the DVD releases are more than sufficient desu. I like the show a lot better censored though.
