Post which character development would you like to see happening

Post which character development would you like to see happening.

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You posted it.

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Based and christpilled

Hard Mode: someone make a semi-plausible way for Rick to wholeheartedly convert to Christianity.

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The writers for the next season make him convert

Portal gun takes him to hell and he gets a Divine Comedy-esque adventure.

just rip-off this episode of x-men

She-Ra getting a white male boyfriend.


>cartoons used to be based and allow positive portrayals of Christianity and faith
>now it’s nothing but fags, and edgy humor

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What about if they time travel to the crucifixion (maybe Rick wants to rub someone's face in how wrong Christianity is) and then he witnesses the resurrection? After trying and failing to rationalize it away as some alien trick he reluctantly converts.

for some reason generation X and millenials despise christianity

it's because they've been watching satanic cartoons

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Because they’re ignorant cumbrains

but they're the generation that watched based cartoons when they were kids, they are the ones making soitoons now

It's part of the subversion plan. Read the infographick.

The ones that didn’t watch those cartoons became animators. The ones that did got wholesome families with productive careers

I wish we could just have actual creative diversity intead of a shitty trend pendulum

1 we get an episode in which we follow different ricks again and one is religious
2 Rick and morty get trapped in a cult and Rick finds it easier to go along with it than to argue and try to prove them wrong
3 Rick meets god In a futurama kind of way getting lost in a space between dimensions but ends up coming back with no proof and actually considers everything god told him for a second before going nah it was an allucination

This is already in-character the second he feels like he's lost control of a situation

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On some level he does believe in God. He's called out to him before in his time of need.

that reminds me how the manbun faggot from Thundercats Roar made it clear that it was his brother that loved the classic show

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She-ra having any sort of attraction to a guy.

Wholesome as shit uhm i mean... very wholesome brother, bless this thread.

The real She-Ra did, but it would be fun to watch soi-ra fans sperg out about 'queer erasure' or whatever.

Fuck jesus,

You’re going to burn in Hell for all eternity 100%, but you can always repent Crystal Whore

I hate christianity because it's full of shit.

No thanks Jesus isn't real.

Rick knows magic and has dealt with the literal devil.

He's never really shown a beef against Christianity specifically, just God(though he prayed to God in a pinch)

If his beef is legitimate or more Schezuan Sauce shenanigans, we'll see.

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This has already happened, multiple times. He prayed during that first episode of season 2 with the time cops when he fucked up time, saved Morty by giving him his own time stabilizing collar, but then went from accepting death to noticing another collar and freaking out trying to get to it. And he prayed during the third episode of season 3 when they made pickle Rick into an actual canon happenstance and he was stuck outside as a pickle dehydrating to death.

>"What kind of God would let man give me cool as fuck retractable claws?"
Uh, yes please.

This is the best thing I've ever seen

What did he himself think of the original series?

This post is the lords work gj

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What do you expect, everyone currently in the industry are godless heathens.

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In search of a grander unified theory, Rick unwittingly establishes mathematical proof of God and spends an episode trying to unprove it in vain

my favorite part of this is that the He that is being referred to in the sentence is Sonic, but its capitalized as if sonic himself is God,

are catholic schools really that bad tho

The vast majority are better than public school.

so I guess these fuckers were that socially awkward kid that never managed to grow up mentally

They're private schools, which means strict rules like not getting to wear or eat what you want, teacher's pets, and a greedy faculty. It beats getting shot, though.

Depends on the area, not a lot of nuns or priests teaching so the faith isn’t pushed a lot, just shut up and listen. My school had a pretty math program and pushed sports. I had a nun who basically got me into the history of the church and made me read some of the higher philosophical stuff when I saw her during my first year of college. My high school was pretty diverse and I was edgy for a bit. I think any religious persons life has then question their faith. Straying from the path is gonna happen, and we gotta accept that. Problem is that the modern world is indulgent in some pretty bad desires.

Had one priest accused of molestation. He was innocent, the family was literally trying to get money during the scandal.

Do it through Doofus Rick.

It couldn't be because of the "silent majority" setting back everyone 30 years, denying rights and proper treatment to gays, women, and racial minorities while lining their pockets with the Almighty Dollar, could it?

Or maybe it was, you know, the Catholics carrying on sexual abuse of children for a long time until more people began calling them out for it?

Or maybe it was the Evangelicals aligning themselves with white supremacists and Republicans?

Or was it........................ SATAN?????

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Christianity is retarded

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Catholics are very fond of inflicting violence upon children.

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They never got to see the positive aspects of religion as they grew up, all they got was scandal after scandal and moral panic after moral panic.

>Rock music, D&D and Pokemon were all works of the Devil

Religion unites communities, gives hope to the hopeless, feeds the hungry, helps the needy, and comforts the dying.

No crazy time travel interdimensional shit about science and the universe.

Just someone giving Rick an actual hardass callout about how horrible of a person he is, not using overly dramatic examples of universes he's enslaved or planets he's blown up but just an actually shitty person and how his anomalous intelligence means nothing if he doesn't care about anything other than himself, hell that his intelligence coupled with his selfishness mean it probably would've been better for the multiverse if the universe-based archetype of "Ricks" was never even a thing.

Rick and Morty isn't a show where any of the pseudoscience gobbledygook means anything; it's one where the callouts and shittalks do.

I think the problem is Rick does believe in God but his arrogance doesn't allow him to accept it and the only the times he will accept it is when he's about to die.

OK but you can do all that stuff without being a fear-based cult that believes in stupid myths

Reading your comment before watching the vid, I choked up at a few parts. Man I feel like such a fag but the majority of cartoons have become simplistic garbage the last 15 years.

do it then.

Hell doesn't exists, neither Jesus. Yeshua does, and he never claimes the hell to exists

I tried. Enjoy your damnation. I know I will.

Go back to tumblr you retards


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Drop dead

he's Christian-Rick from the dimension where he lost his familly due to alcohol

Only proving my point. You’re on the wrong site


>no argument

God isn't real and there's no hereafter. Enjoy unfeeling blackness when it's your time.

Except none of those groups were improperly treated. They deserved to be treated exactly as they had been.

Fuck your point

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>reddit spacing
As if an argument is needed

>reddit spacing

Doesn't exist, just like your god.

>redditor pretending reddit isn’t real
>ignoring that God’s existence is more definite than gravity and has been proven

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I'm not above lynching fedoracore atheists. They are literally parasites on society. These people would fuck a toddler if they can get the parents to consent. They are pretty much scum.

Legit cringe, I bet Hitler would love you.

Take your meme’s advice and go back to rebbit

Rick determines heaven is real and decided to try and scam it for the lols. Unfortunately to his surprise theres already another rick there, who claims to have been the only rick in the multiverse to actually go to heaven no tricks.

Christian rick effortlessly thwarts ricks plans driving him to greater and greater acts of self destruction to "win". Culminating in rick fucking off to see god and kill him to put one over on the other rick. He is utterly unable to, breaks down into a fit of rage and god then accuses him of being jellous. Rick lashes out that he isn't before god reveals the truth. There was no Christian rick, what he saw was a projection of not only who rick actually wants to be, but his best self, someone every rick so far has been unable to achieve, even if all of them couldn't theoretically do so. God tells rick how he could be more like the fake rick before wishing him the best, telling him when he's going to die, and booting him out of heaven. Back on earth summer or Morty confront rick about becoming better, rick deflects claiming that the only reason Christian rick was better than him was cause he was literally god. Rick adopts a theist belief system just to avoid feeling guilt for not wanting to improve himself.

Chris-Chan did SU art? Got any more?

statistically speaking teachers and medics are much more likely to sexually abuse a child than a catholic priest, so yeah, it makes more sense to label schools and hospitals as pedo rings than churches

It was pretty obvious. Look at his last name.

never understood why those bible thumpers always ignore Digimon even though the series has shit like this

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>season 4 comes out
>bunch of retarded teens go to church

How mad would people be?

Nobody gives a shit about Digimon

>religion based around Rick
>hard liquor for communion, wafers are pickle slices

Right now I'm in the early phases of writing a Yea Forums story about a Bible-thumping Evangelical community undergoing a moral panic and in the end it's revealed that while there can be a lot of superstition and hypocrisy within religion, Christianity is the only thing that can let us stand up to the horrors of existence

What universe?

You think Jesus would be into that?

Once upon a time I would've cringed at this, but now I preffer it over creepy sex fetish art.

They hate anything that has a transcendant underpinning. Their love of Islam is basically the same as an Alan Watt's followerer's love of Buddhism.

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Why should gems believe in God? They already know magic is real and what gods are


It's an original story, just either written as a graphic novel or an animated screenplay (haven't decided yet, I don't have any experience on how to format comic scripts but I think it might be the better medium for it.)

How very Christian of you.

i think this one would be a good episode. ones where rick is the source of comedy are usually best

those slapdowns work because rick really is a shitty person. it's carthatic for the audience because it's a statement of fact. there's no proof god exists the episode could give us that isn't made up

>want A to lynch people
>imagines people doing perverse things to children.

You need Jesus, man.

>What a panorama of spectacle on that day! Which sight shall excite my wonder? Which, my laughter? Where shall I rejoice, where exult--as I see so many and so mighty kings, whose ascent to heaven used to be made known by public announcement, now along with Jupiter himself, along with the very witnesses of their ascent, groaning in the depths of darkness? Governors of provinces, too, who persecuted the name of the Lord, melting in flames fiercer than those they themselves kindled in their rage against the Christians braving them with contempt?
>Tertullian (Christian Church Father)
Fuck off fedorafags

You are an awful person and your God weeps.

let's stop being gay sinners

Yes I’ll take the advice of a fedorafag over an actual church father on what god thinks

Jesus literally said that certain people should be thrown into a lake with a stone tied to their neck

It's because their parents made them stop playing Minecraft for a few minutes out of a week to go to church

What if God was one of us?

This is a very comfy thread, God bless.

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Then he’d post something in accord with Christian tradition and not ideals that didn’t exist prior to mass secularization of the west

>meet the actual devil
>observe and measure evil using science
>still say there is no god
is rick retarded?

Maybe he's actually an antitheist and didn't really bother to clarify the differences.

Might be because the bible, like all mythologies, is full of contradictions and continuity errors because it's as much a shared universe with multiple writers with differing ideas as Marvel and DC are, and nobody can actually give an argument what makes the religion they happen to believe in any more believable than Zeus or Osiris or Amaterasu or Shiva?

Because Christians are retarded and worship a book of lies

>science and religion aren't complementary
cringe post bro

This is why protestantism was needed, lads and gents.

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I was molested in Catholic school
It wasn't the priest.
The Lunch Lady got away with it because they all suspected him! At least I got my nuggets.

Are Christians autistic? I don't mean most "Christians", the kind who only really goes to church sometimes, probably don't ever bother reading the bible for more than a paragraph and only really affiliates with the religion because they grew up with it. I'm talking the paranoid assholes who thinks the bible is the literal word of God and think that anything in opposition to it is the work of the Devil.

Because if you feel fictional characters ought to share your religion, even when religion is irrelevant to their stories, it really comes across like you're cartoonishly uncomfortable with the idea that people might not think the same way you do.

It's clearly autistic behavior to forcefully associate a character with your religion to make yourself feel better. Like I need SpongeBob to be catholic to really like the show.

Intolerant and ignorant fuckers like these (and many, many, many, MANY other and probably worse things) give Christianity a bad name.

t. a Christian

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It's just like some people will change a fictional character sexuality just so that they could feel better.

Or their race. Or their gender. It so stupid.
>I don't like X, because X is not Y
People with those arguments don't watch entertainment for the comedy, story or the personalities - they watch it so they could nag about the shows lacking black/latino/asia/gay/trans representation and want to turn the media into their own agenda to stroke their own dicks/rub their own clits to on how "progressive" the characters are and how they "changed" the business.

I always have this in mind - character first, features second.

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The fedorafag is closer to what Jesus said than your 5th century edgelord

Bible is just a suggestion

Is Spock?

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How is that working out for Europe?

Good Job?

Only an American could type something like this in response to that.

this is how I'd like to see season 4 of Rick & Morty start

>Rick and Morty are together in the garage, Rick is planning out yet another wild adventure
>All of a sudden another identical Rick appears out of a wormhole and murders our Rick.
>Morty goes all Morty like "you killed my Rick! how could you?" blah blah blah
>Then the Rick who appeared there explains "THAT WASN'T YOUR RICK, MORTY! THAT WAS 'SEASON 3 RICK', I'M YOUR REAL RICK!

I really want that super early Rick back who dropped redpills like "nobody smart ever went to school." I hate how he changed into a cynical depressed douchebag going into Season 3.

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Very wholesome and based. God bless.

>looks back at centuries of civil wars, Thirty Years' War, the religious and cultural divide of the Lowlands and the HRE into Netherlands, Belgium, Germany and Austria, the British Reformation, Bohemians throwing people out of buildings, Americans/Canadians/Brits hating on Irish for being Catholic, shit looking churches

Pretty good on the long run.

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Oh, and don't forget no (confirmed) boypussy hunters. So, we got that too.

This image is the greatest thing in the world

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It's the church and parents constantly monitoring what they can't watch and since all the good cartoons kids wanna watch are secular the kids wanna justify it to the adults of their world by making the characters Christian. Plus churches constantly tell children about the importance of converting their peers. Telling them to ask their teachers and friends if they love Jesus and wanna go to their church and that it's the greatest shit if they can get everyone to be Christian, specifically their kinda Christian though that hates abortions and gays.

There's the funniest documentary on super serious church kids and the indoctrination. Kids are going around trying to convince random strangers to be prolife and pray for dead babies and join them. Some old black dude is real sweet to them listening to them go on and tells them he already loves god and God forgives and if they'd like he'd tell them stories of Jesus too. The kids walk away saying he was impossible to save cause he must be a muslim.

>The kids walk away saying he was impossible to save cause he must be a muslim

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I'm gonna need a name for that doco fampai

>seeing how the LGBT were treated
oh my goodness I fucking hate faggots

>walk away saying he was impossible to save cause he must be a muslim
It you made this up, it's still funny.

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I wanna say it was "Jesus Camp". Basically about kids in a super evangelist camp and they had the kids protesting passing out pamphlets talking to adults and it's some chill old black dude saying he already believes in god etc that they call Muslim.

It's a whole thing where they legit demonize all Muslims telling the kids Christian's are at war with Muslims and all Muslims are brain washed young so that's how they justify the camp indoctrination.

>look at all the dank riches we stole, surely the ruling class in charge of state churches will keep morale up in the long run and definitely won't be bought out by a certain group of bankers
As God intended.

Just christianity? Not faith in general? You,re going to pull a THE ONE TRUE GOD in your story?

>Oh no we insulted user's imaginary friend!
Kek, deal with your kids being diddled by priests then

And the they fucked.

why are you speaking as if someone can't be a teacher or a doctor and a christian?

confirmation bias just to fitt his narrative.
>inb4 then they are greedy hurr durr

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I hate islam too.

Islam is just as bad as Christianity

>a picture on the internet gives a world religion with centuries of history a bad name
Unironically sort your life out.

Islam is better because it actually stands up for itself.

Not the one I went to. they were pretty chill.

i think the only REALLY fucked up ones are the ones with nuns.

He ain’t even close fedorafag

It’s not, and people have, you’re just a faggot that thinks the God delusion was good literature without ever actually grappling the works of the people you’re criticizing

A fact that retards their economy, international relations, and any kind of scientific progress.

Go back to tumblr

GDP and "economy" are bullshit terms that exist only to manipulate voters. What good is a "strong economy" if usurious bankers are robbing everyone blind (which adds to GDP).
> international relations
Everything was fine until America started sticking their oar in, rather then letting them sort out the French and British mistake by themselves.
> any kind of scientific progress
What do you class as scientific progress?

His post never implied such a thing

There's still many christian cartoons being made. Its a shame not even you deus vult fucks watch them...

>islam bad because i only know the past 100 years of history

I’ll just choose to believe you’re pretending to be retarded

Jainism master race. Love you all anons

The only nations worth noting with a Muslim majority are wholly dependent on oil, one of the most in demand substances on Earth. Take that out, and they would collapse. Additionally, those "usurious bankers" are part of the reason every western country dabs all over the Muslim world; even communist countries stomp them in this regard.
>international relations
Sparked the crusades, funds/motivates terrorism, which leads larger, more prosperous countries with better militaries to ride in and stomp their asses. If you want to pull up Iraq and Afghanistan, making an occupation difficult is more because those more civilized countries aren't keen on genocide; it's our humanity itself that's stopping a mass deployment of VX on civilian populations.
>scientific progress
Apostasy in Islam, as I understand it, can be classified as many things, including questioning the contents of of the Quran, and the penalty for apostasy in a Sharia-compliant state is death. If you're going to point to the "golden age" of Islam, keep in mind that all they did was take the knowledge of the Romans and Greeks. Sure, they added a bit, but with that looming threat of apostasy, and advancement was subsequently retarded.
Islam is bad because it is a totalitarian and authoritarian religion that takes the worst of the Abrahamic faiths, tosses in Calvinism turned up to 11, and makes itself nigh impossible to reform by encouraging the violent purging of dissidents. No wonder you retards love it; it's the faith equivalent of fascism.


>I don't mean most "Christians", the kind who only really goes to church sometimes, probably don't ever bother reading the bible for more than a paragraph
It's the “Christians” who don't study the Bible who make claims and outrage based on their feelings, user. You're misdirecting the source of their behavior. Spergs will sperg about what they *feel* is right regardless of the belief they think is associated with it — whether it's the Church, Environmentalism, Libertarianism, Socialism, or LGBTQAH.


>totalitarian and authoritarian

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>these kids couldn't handle a little church
>meanwhile my faith has personally emboldened my creative endeavors
Different strokes I guess

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Ok but just cause one religion is for sharia law and extreme indoctrination of kids and violence doesn't justify another religion doing it. And it makes no sense when Christian's try to use Muslims as a scare tactic so we have to let Christian's have more power over public policy in order to fight crazy Muslims.

This, based user right here.

>last hundred years the country was secular
>about 30 years ago a resurgence of christianity
>it looks and feels like a big business to sell you more candles and holy water
>organisations that actually help people are secular
And christians wonder why less and less people convert

I've already written another story that uses pagan mythology as a specific allegory for the Catholic Church. Even though I'm Catholic I don't think that alone is the best lens to explore every single Christian concept. I feel like if you need to talk about Orthodoxy or Catholicism you talk about those churches, but by talking about Protestantism you're generally talking about all of Christianity.

what denom/what creative work

>organisations that actually help people are secular
Yeah no

Usury has done nothing good you lying kike

But what about all those NGOs in the Mediterranean?

>what are hospitals and schools in a country with free healthcare and education

One more thing I want to add is that if a person feels that they absolutely need a fictional character/narrative to contort to their beliefs/perceptions it's probably because they're insecure in their ignorance of those beliefs and need external validation.
Maybe they shouldn't be watching so many cartoons and movies.

>worst of all, it taught me pleasure is wrong uwu
These cumbrains need to understand pleasure isn't inherently wrong. Being a sinner means you can't handle your passions and that will lead you into a chaotic life, not about having the mark of the beast. A man has as many masters as he has vices.

You literally believe the epileptic seizure hallucinations of an illiterate bandit warlord, and wish death on those who don't.
Also, if he's all powerful, why are the Shia and Sunni still murdering each other, instead of sending another prophet to unite them? Why are, as I said above, muslim-majority militaries such incompetent shit? Why is it, with the backing of that ALL-POWERFUL CREATOR OF ALL REALITY, that Israel continues to paste their neighbors? If anything, it's proof Yahweh has finally remembered the Jews.

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>highest living standards in human history across the board
Eat your turkey bacon, and let the adults speak.

Wonder (((why)))

>people nowadays will make fun of Christianity
>but not Islam
Yeah ok, you're totally an atheist bro.

Why is it everyone assumes that wealth comes from cheating and not just playing the game better?

Church is cool and fun and generally good for you if you actually believe it and follow it's rules. But if you break the rules or overly question the faith it usually sucks. Has to do with how the church becomes your whole community so when you leave you cause tension in your family, lose your friends, and elders that once told you about how good you were want nothing to do with you.

I really did like the church I was in but couldn't get the god thing. I think there's this self riotous anger for ex religious folks because it's one thing to tell someone what they ought to think and let them figure it out and if they decide different so be it or maybe you just don't like them but you let em be. Leaving a church or questioning the Bible/god usually has you snubbed by every Church member and that kinda social punishment leads to resentment.

It's how I understand how pol teens get. Right or wrong, getting socially snubbed by your community for having a different idea makes you resentful of that community and often want to double down on whatever idea they opposed. Thus edgy atheists hating Christian's. Now edgy neo cons hating liberals. Maybe you started just questioning gods existence but agreed with Christian values, maybe you just didn't get the point of affirmative action. But now after social punishment, people calling you evil for those thoughts, you are full on god is dead and for forced abortions of all minorities.

Technically, both jews and arabs worship the same god, but have existential disagreement about prophets.

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Mostly screenwriting, world building for a lotta different ideas

An all powerful creator wouldn't need to tell you what you can and can't do to begin with

Everyone's caught on that Carnegie was a punk and social Darwinism is dumb?

Why do folks still chose to deep throat the boot so hard? They really believe one day they'll get to wear it?

Ooh. I think Little Richard and Johnny Cash were Pentecostal but I don't know that much about it.

Not to sperg out too much about my own Catholic movie but it basically articulates this. Even if you're resentful of the strictness of your youth and have "mastered" your life since, blindly rebelling and seeking pleasure can turn you into a literal monster while simultaneously making you think that's a "good thing."

True, but it's all drivel cooked up by desert savages, so I don't think it has a place beyond a psychological placebo.
Also, I love you, Ebola-chan.

I can totally see them doing this. It would be absolutely legendary

Mostly because every retard that takes it off immediately puts it on and gets back to business as usual, and never as well as the one who wore it first.

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You can't make this shit up.

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There was nothing wrong with Marx. All he did was criticize capitalism.

He was a coddled intellectual that never worked a day in his life. The only reason he fixated on the urban factory worker was because it was all he could see from his ivory tower.

>Ok the rich are evil but this is a good as it gets since communism does the same!
So when you suck capitalist dick it tastes better than Marx?

That's just criticizing the man not proving him wrong.

However, it was everything wrong with taking his economic model based on wishful thinking and philosophical gymnastics and trying to forcefully implement that on populace.

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all his offspring either starved to death or committed suicide

Cumbrian is no fun, once I hit a certain wall of degeneracy I had a breakdown and cried in the shower and threw away all my sex toys and stopped with the degeneracy. Nowadays I do art and masturbate a lot, funnily the two do not cross paths

>I hate how he changed into a cynical depressed douchebag going into Season 3.
That was his character from season 1. He was always a cynical douchebag, and in the house party episode Bird Person flately states Rick is depressed and his catchphrase was "I am in great pain".

Doesn't Reed Richards do samething despite knowing about abstracts

Kinda, at least it tastes of something

It's ALL about the people in it. I grew up with people not terribly great or welcoming to spergs like me in my church but visiting a different one (With about the exact same core beliefs as my old one) that had a lot better people really changed a lot for me. It kept me rock solid in my faith when I was dangerously close to losing it and affirmed where I wanted to go in my life, even if not many others I knew had similar interests. I managed to ultimately keep my faith but I completely understand why others would be entirely turned off to religion after their own experiences. I could keep things in perspective, other people couldn't. But it is how it is.
Dang, one of the stories I've been cooking up deals with insanely similar themes.

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All of these aside from Venezuela and DPRK have better living conditions than the USA

I'd like to think that this was drawn by an autist on DA, but the "Let's stop being gay sinners" part makes me think this was tongue-in-cheek.

>fusion between different types of gem is considered a taboo in gem world

don't this make them the homo cult and the crystal gem the straight ones

I get that. I think I avoided the edgy atheist thing because my core family wasn't a part of the church, more vaguely bad Catholics. So when I stopped going as a kid it was whatever. But others that left the same church later had huge hangups over it and it always came down to how shit family and church friends treated them no longer believing in god. You can't be apart of church and an atheist so you either lie or lose family and friends. That kinda social ultimatum hurts people.


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>mfw all the pedantic moralizing about "the kids these days" in this thread
It always floors me how Yea Forums can have so many self-described "Christians" and other "moral values" types when over a quarter of its boards are dedicated to hardcore pornography and absolutely rife with un-Christian behavior. It makes sense that people do that on Reddit and Tumblr but Yea Forums has never had any pretensions of being moral or classy. In the eleven or so years I've been here, this has never been an appropriate place to proselytize about your arbitrary moral standards.

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The conservatards have been trying to rebrand themselves as rebellious cool kids around these corners ever since they realized they were on the losing side of the cultural development, somewhere around early 2010s.

Some user will reply to your post by saying Yea Forums is contrarian but that's not it.

It's less that "secular degeneracy won" but more that things have gotten so polarized that anonymity is the only place to talk about these things in public with any nuance and not risk losing something.

>Yea Forums

This is 4channel you retard, there are only good Christian boards here. And before you try to smear me for it, all those nude muscular men I post on /fit/ are for mirin purposes only, NOT sodomite reasons

Daily reminder that not a single person criticizing Christianity or “conservatives” ITT knows anything about any political philosophy or theology outside of a boomer tier Fox News segment.

Yeah there's a lot of nuance on pol. That's totally the experience I get there.

Please. It is a simple circle jerk it's always been. Yea Forums isn't any deeper than that. The coolest it ever was was back when there were raids and actual fucking w the internet. But even that got cringey quick. The KKK invaded here cause it's anonymous and the idiot rednecks finally got internet connection. Be fine if they stayed on pol but nah. You got little moderation and an anonymous forum. Theoretically could talk about anything to everything but nah y'all wanna make every thread about Jews and blacks.

Hit the bong like some of us?

I never mentioned pol. Just whining about pol is an excuse to get around talking about the actual nature of religion in the public sphere.

Religion is a pol topic not comic. Fine if you wanna talk about the characters relationship w religion but look at this shit thread and how much it's end up about race and religion and fucking communism instead of anything co related. Or go to r9k. Idgaf. But you know you're a cunt.

low iq posts

>The moral panics of the 80's and 90's meant to distract people from the agressive ceackdowns on child trafficking rings, that were taking down actual peophiles in literature and media.

You fags get btfo whenever you bitch about “pol”

if there is a god, its not the christian god.

you know im right

I'm not Christian because I don't believe in molesting little boys.

Because Digimon wasn't as widespread as Pokemon for better or for worse.

I like the idea of god being a shitposter, it makes me giggle.

I have this personal belief that God made the universe chaotic on purpose to serve him as entertainment and we are all monkeys dancing for his enjoyment

The only reason more of Yea Forums doesn't shit on pol is cause y'all whine like bitches when called out and deny it and further derail. You fags like to act tough and edgy and make fun of sensitive libs but some dudes anonymously call you annoying and no better than mlp and all of a sudden it's a persecution complex. Can't wait till edgy white boys find some new trend. Hope it's chugging bleach.

Impossible, any encounter between Rick and God would end like Youjo Senki. Unless getting loli Rick was your true goal

>Religion is a pol topic not comic
Well speaking from a purely practical standpoint religion and mass media are both intellectual state apparatuses that can either build up or dismantle the repressive state apparatus (the police, the govt) through interpellation but that's not what I'm talking about.

I don't think this thread's original starting point is particularly great, though I think that some of the discussions ITT about religion and creativity are more high-quality than most threads on Yea Forums. That's just because I'm really interested in the intersection of religion and art though.

Why don't you, shall we?

Something like this would be a step in the right direction. Wrapping one's head around the purpose of life and maturing in faith aren't easy and that's something that could be represented in cartoons with a bit more nuance to it.
Those who believe would learn more about their journey and those who don't could maybe learn to appreciate how much good can genuine faith do. Infantile depiction of faith as something easy and wholesome only gets you so far since irl people will encounter plenty of doubt and temptation. Pic unrelated.

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>Infantile depiction of faith as something easy and wholesome only gets you so far since irl people will encounter plenty of doubt and temptation.
mah nibba. Augustine once wrote that doubt is but another component of faith.

It amazes me so much that a lot of people seem to get to some point in their lives where something bad happens and they think to themselves "If there was a God why would this bad thing happen?" and just never really give religion or philosophy much deeper thought than that. (You can even see this with Dana Terrace here , or at least that's what I'm assuming that's about). In the decades following VII the Church really adopted a bullshit feelgood Rogerian philosophy it's just starting to recover from.


Whatever helps you cope in your current state of denial

That's actually pretty good

Problem with Rick is that you could only do him well by revealing a very sympathetic backstory, and we know Rick is good at, uh, fabricating those.

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actual unadulterated horseshit.

I love you, Ebola-chan.

Muslimfag here. Every time there was a giant Eid Prayer in a rented gathering place, there were always christans standing at the gate of the parking lot with signs saying YOU'RE GOING TO HELL or LET JESUS SAVE YOU.

They sound based.

It's more that liberals have just completely gone off the deep end in the last decade.
Conservatism hasn't changed much, except giving less of a shit about gay people.

Wait they question their faith, but end up feeling guilty? Are they retarded? Am I fucking Jew but damn are they retarded

Dang, that must have been annoying. I could only imagine how much that would suck if my church gathered and shit like that happened. Hope that happens less often now.
Although to be fair, their hearts were in the right place.

i wanna see steven become to battle hardened warrior he was meant to be

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christian Rick is actually more believable than toxic masculinity Steven

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Rick becoming Roman catholic would be cool as shit.

Yea. Poor catechization and really no emphasis on theology.

He believes in God when its convenient because he's a hypocrite.

Apparently you don't know how Christians are treated in practically every Muslim majority area.
People yelling is the absolute least of their worries.

probably blowback from the Evangelical crap in the late 80s

> Fuck off back to R3ddit you stupid niggerfaggot poltard. Fuck cristians, atheist is the way of life.

Reform Judaism is like a workaround for doing whatever the hell you want while still going to the synagogue wearing a little hat. Not like Christians in America who do a hard 180° and must rebel because reasons.

>Wait they question their faith, but end up feeling guilty?
Turns out guilt's not a choice.

you have no idea what circlejerk means
go back to y'allcoholics anonymous

I feel like people in general especially in creative spheres are more childish. The sense of humor is more childish and the writing is more childish. Everything's shallow and inoffensive. As a result you can't touch on philosophical themes or explore an idea in depth.
And it's always the same low-effort, bland, self-deprecating humor.
>aw i failed i hate myself
And I notice people around me (especially the ones who binge Netflix) do this. It's rather disturbing.

Is there a name for the style in this video?

But people on Yea Forums watched those cartoons

Funny. There were plenty of gay kids that were fairly open at my Catholic school in the 90s. A few barely in the closet teachers too. Clearly these assholes are taking their small experience to judge a whole group of people. Normally, that would be considered close minded and ignorant, but they're atheists so they think they're intelligent and enlightened.

Why the fuck do Christfags bother with Yea Forums? Don't they have a shitty bargain-bin version imageboard to use like they do with all other forms of entertainment?

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I love you, Ebola-chan.

it's the current culture war, imagine being so racist that you turned into a christian


>what is the islamic golden age

Pedophilia isn't exclusive to Christianity. As long as you believe in dogma, then you have the power to force your will on others

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>Not posting the superior version

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Short answer: no.

Longer answer: The underlying issue with the people you're describing is that they've never been good at dealing with existential quandries about life. The Bible provides easy answers to questions like "Why am I here?", "Why do I suffer?", "What happens when I die?", which gives them a sense of identity and purpose; a place in the universe. Part of God's plan. It allows those individuals to sleep at night and be content with whittling away their years in safe mediocrity. When other people don't share their views - which are often based on a foundation of unquestioning compliance - it's a threat to the validity of the belief system on which their entire understanding of life and the universe is built.

Essentially it's not so much that other people think differently, it's that they're clinging onto the only thing that keeps away existential anxiety and can't deal with anything threatening their grip because the alternative seems unbearable.

It was taken down weeks ago because shooters.

>high fade cut
>those chicken legs

It's worse then I imagined.

Exactly. They thought that people would stop leaving the church if you made the act of practicing faith easier. Turns out people don't want to hang out with a bro Jesus because there's a ton of cooler fotm superstars. Therefore some lose faith and some convert to stricter religions like Islam or Buddhism because they wanted to be challenged not coddled. They just assumed that Christianity is devoid of asceticism, mysticism, meditation or philosophy because they never bothered to explore their faith and their fellow Christians didn't taught them anything about those things.
Some religious leaders don't speak up fearing ridicule. They seem to have forgotten that the Bible explicitly promises that we will suffer persecution or even martyrdom for our faith. And those who are willing to listen do want strong leadership and powerful messages.

Only because the pre-existing rules of the universe say there MUST be a Christian Rick out there somewhere
In Steven's case, the pre-existing rules of the universe say everyone MUST cry and sing

>implying Bibleman isn't based as fuck

Wasn't there a Bibleman cartoon coming out soon? What happened to that?

That's how believers are. The Old Testament keeps mentioning just how unfaithful people get, that not even God's champions like King David are infallible.
Jews would find themselves in mortal peril every so often. They'd pray, fast, sprinkle ash on their heads, begging for forgiveness and salvation. Afterwards they would eventually go back to adultery and worshiping pagan idols like nothing happened. Staying on the right path requires a great deal of spiritual fortitude.
Not sure just how seriously the show treats that aspect of Rick's personality but it would be a really climactic moment if after a bumpy ride he did repent and put his life in order.

I don't see how Christian persecution in one country by Muslims makes Muslim persecution in this country by Christians ok. Like what just cause a dude in Africa beating the fuck out of some white guy makes it ok for a white guy to punch a black guy here?

You forgot Cuba and maybe China

Russia has worse living conditions than China.

I don't get how their misguided yet legitimate concern about your spiritual welfare irks you so much. It's not like they're saying burn down the mosque or behead all Moslems, just that your faith is heretical. They'd probably say the same thing about Christian snake handlers and Mormons.

Those people legitimately see Muslim as a race and not a religion

I'm not Muslim I'm atheist if anything. But I think it's bad when anyone is bothering folks just praying. I think it's dumb to justify harassing some people just because those people are a part of the same religion as extremists on the other side of the world. I think if one was concerned for my soul and wanted me to be a part of their religion they'd act out towards me with kindness and show how their religion made them a happier forgiving person. It doesn't convince me that your beliefs are the most wholesome when you act in unwholesome ways.

For some reason I lived half my life as Mormon and no Christian ever protested the church or treated them like Jews or Muslims or gays. I think it's cause Mormons are just close enough and worship Jesus so they're fine if seen as kinda weird and crazy.


>His eyes

Both Liberals and Conservatives have contributed to that because they never actually say why Islam itself is dangerous, they just act "racist" towards Muslims by stereotyping brown people.
People who actually understand why religions are dangerous actually argue against the religion itself, not the followers. There are plenty of good people who happen to be Christian or Muslim, but that doesn't make those religions valid.

It's probably ironic of me to be quoting a Bible verse here, but Ephesians 6:12 nicely summarizes how ineffective it is to attack people instead of a philosophy: "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

It's funny because the amount of obnoxious atheists is much higher than the amount of obnoxious christians. Feel free to prove me wrong, not that you can.

There's no way to "prove" you right. That's an opinion kinda statement based on anecdotes.

Thanks for proving me right

By mistake Rick and Morty arrive in a parallel universe of their planet where the timeline is delayed so they are around the time Jesus was alive doing his miracles. Rick then is a witness of the tragedy. They go back to their reality and Rick feel he changed. They travel again to the other reality just to find out the Jesus that Rick met wasn’t the only one doing miracles or dying in the cross. Rick starts discussing with other people who had witnessed the same tragedy in different places. Just to win the discussion one of them starts claiming his Messiah went back to life at the third day. Rick stays in that reality just to fight back the fact that he meet the real Messiah and he was the only one doing the magic shit. Suddenly Rick realizes he doesn’t care about copying the good ways Jesus was teaching, he is more interested in proving he is the one who is right and the only who met the real deal. Morty tries to show Rick he may be onto something deeper than being right, but Rick fucks the reality when he decides to bring back every deceased person around and starts a zombie apocalypse. He go back to his reality and tells Morty that if religion turns you into an entitled bitch who wants to monopolize attention and being the only one right, he prefers to stick with science and alcoholism.

Steven without empathy would be a scary fucking thing. Imagine Pink Steven but with the ability to think and plan ahead.

Cool idea for an AU though.

I mean your obnoxious rn so it does give a point for athiests. But yeah it's all opinions.

I think if one were to measure this they'd have to define obnoxious and maybe do stats on most obnoxious actions of the extremes of both groups. Like west baptist types and those christian shooters gotta be most obnoxious christians. And on the other side you got spaghetti monster memes and the ironic church of satan kinda athiests. So what's most obnoxious?

Or a population stat on percentage of christfags vs athiestfags and what their facebook posts look like.

>your obnoxious rn
No, I'm right. Sorry if this upsets you.

I think a funnier more simple one is Rick says some athiest meme shit again but w like "if gods real he'd strick me down" and he immediately gets a lightening bolt on his ass. He spends the episode trying to figure out that lightening bolt, Morty needs him for the b plot but Rick thinks proving god isn't real is more important than that life and death family bs. It's maybe the citidale just fucking with him or the devil getting his revenge but Rick's already traveled back in time to kill Jesus. But Jesus is real chill bro and he can't do it. So he like some Greek tragedy bs, brings Jesus back to life, this gets historically translated to the Bible story we know by idiots of the time period. Rick goes back and is pissy cause he's paradoxically responsible for Christianity and still hates god.

I would stick with the idea that Rick acknowledges he isn’t an atheist but during his little adventure there wasn’t a solid proof of God: “what do you say, Morty? Letting his son die in a horrid way is a proof? Letting people die for what they believe is somehow a proof of a superior being controlling the world? And if people don’t believe that’s a proof then let’s do some trick like curing one person’s aids! Yes Morty, I may believe there is a God around, like I am certain about Eldritch abominations lurking around realities. Maybe I never going to stumble on any of them but be sure I already thought of 10, no 100 ways of killing them! Good news Morty! I am not an atheist! I am an agnostic with deicide inclinations!

Ebola-chan daisuki!

Doesn't like the second episode of the entire show end with Rick going on a rant about how his family are ignoring the fact that Christmas is about Jesus being born?

>I don't get how their misguided yet legitimate concern about your spiritual welfare irks you so much.

It's probably the same as when people tell you you should consider going vegan, because it,ll save the planet, meat is murder and the food industry is cruel and barbaric etc. etc.

Regardless of whether they're right and eating meat is wrong, or you're right and they're just misguided, I'm pretty sure you'll get irked regardless

chris don't hate the homos anymore

When he says "there's no god" he means "anymore" cause rick's already killed god of all the multiverses. God created multiverses like an autistic kid playing sims. That's how the portal gun got made you had to kill god to create it. Wasn't technically the Rick we know, was some other Rick but he died doing it and had portal guns sent to all Rick's in the multiverses. At least that's what Rick's believe. Actually Rick god-killer is now god in space somewhere outside the multiverses trying to figure out how to go back to his wife or get his family back without destroying the multiverses accidentally. His Morty is that evil Morty ruling the citidale now just fucking pissed at all Rick's cause he's been abandoned by God Rick and needs the power of the whole citidale and all Morty's and Rick's to have a chance against God Rick.

Our Rick and Morty only get involved because of a pissing contest with summer over god being real. Summer goes along just to be proven right that God does exist. Maybe the only way to solve the problem is Rick has to bring god back to existence and he really doesn't want to cause that would make summer right that God is real and he'd really risk the death of the multiverses and himself rather than lose an argument.

This reminds me of how much I want to fuck a Ruby. Just a spicy midget slam, all kisses and hand-holding while dropping fried nuts into a shape-shifted cunt.

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Just... a hot mess of sloppy kisses across that red shortstack's neck, the welcome party of Earth with a hungry mouth and curious hands.

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Also benefit of taking him down a peg. Rick could kill and become god but he'd really fuck it up doing so. He has to be forced to be a little humble that he's better off working around the rules of physics and manipulating them than being the sole creator of them. He actually has to give credit to another being that they do the job better than he would.

Connie starting to lust for blood and violence. A pint-size berserker, biting Steven's shield as a threat begins to emerge, ready to fight and kill for a shot at Valhalla.

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When will these people realize that those who are intent on being "rebels" are just as defined by authority as "followers"? Furthermore, pleasure is fine and all, but it's far from the most important thing. I've even half a mind to argue that the most important things also tend to be the least pleasurable.

You have escaped the Lord of the Labyrinth, but no one does so unscathed.

Digimon had angels so it cancels itself out :)

They most likely do blindly follow some sort of authority and/or aspire to act as authorities themselves. I don't think many people actually manage to become completely independent thinkers to begin with.
Most of us are "religious" in a sense that we all have our core values: metaphorical prophets, rituals, canons of faith, rites of passage... We get offended when someone questions a value we consider an absolute. We may regard such a person a heretic and seek to silence his opinion. You can't quite take away a persons spiritual side, can you?

Fake gif

I don't see anyone arguing pleasure is the most important, only that many Christian's are against pleasure or associate it with shame. A lot of hardcore religious nuts do seems to see any sex outside of married procreation as shameful sinning, and the you shouldn't indulge in pleasure because that's how the devil gets you and that suffering is holy and cleansing.

Didn't go to one myself but an acquaintance in college who did said that they produce two dichotomies amongst their alumni with little in-between; devout Catholics and agnostics.

Rick already prayed for Jesus seconds before his death, in the Ep when Rick kills his clones, that's Rick, a dumb bastard

This is all gonna be more confessional than argumentative, but:
I've known people who believe that pursuit of pleasure is paramount. The same attitude seems to poke through in things I hear on TV, from coworkers, on here. I don't really believe that modern culture is swinging toward unbound hedonism above all, but I've met people who would support that, and I can understand why some are afraid of such a thing happening. I'm a left-wing godless atheist, but even I get frustrated when I hear other people's motivations boil down to "pursuit of luxury", and that their definition of success in life is "having a lot of luxuries". There's nothing wrong with this in and of itself, but when I got to college I was surprised at how it seemed to encompass everything. More times than I can count, I've gotten weird looks for saying I got into STEM because it's how I could make a meaningful contribution to the world and not even bringing up that it could lead to a stable, well-paying job. I mean, I still want that (everyone does), and I have nothing against you if that's your sole aspiration, but it disturbed me how no one at a university of all places seemed to share my point of view. The discussion and those tweets reminded me of all of this. I guess you could say I was triggered..

I think that I've put more dedication into becoming an "independent thinker" than most people I know in my day-to-day life. It hasn't really served me well, and I can't say I have the same sense of confidence and community as those who attach themselves to a doctrine. This comes back to your point, as I still consider this to be a highly valuable pursuit, but can't really justify why. Everyone ponders, criticizes, and deconstructs ideas to an extent, but most people come to a stopping point. I haven't found that satisfaction, and I don't know if I ever will.

How do you like my deeply personal blog post, internet strangers?

A complete jackass. Literally prays to god and jesus to save him from non-existence, grabs a collar that synches his probabilities/possibilities, then flips off the sky yelling fuck you. He's a dumbass who is literally pointlessly fighting against the creator because he thinks he can win/is better. There are other instances.

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I get that. It's funny I got into engineering cause I thought it was fun and I liked physics. I had no clue what salaries were like till 2nd year of University. My idea of a good paying job was a lawyer. But most others at school were similar guys just in it for the money.

I think my ultimate philosophy on morals is it doesn't matter intentions or what you think but actions and results so think out slowly before you act and make sure it's to help others. Doesn't matter that one volunteers feeding homeless for clout so long as the person is fed. Doesnt matter if morally you know feeding one person one meal does nothing to change the system if all you did was shitpost about it online and took no actions better than that. So even though I don't buy god I think churches that do good for the community matter. And I think there's nothing wrong with indulging if it doesn't hurt others. But also I know being kind and helpful makes me feel good and somehow less depressed. I know there's those that say that makes it fake and indulgent but I think it's not the worst thing in the world that humans feels good when doing good for others.

>cartoons used to be censored shit that echoes mainstream public opinion
>cartoons are now censored shit that echoes mainstream public opinion except they now also look ugly
Here, fixed that for you, retard. I bet you think "food addiction" is a real thing as well and if not, it makes you a hypocrite on top of a retard.

>the second the state stops enforcing religion, people drop it like a hot potato
Wow, almost seems like there's some sort of pattern to religions being relegated to folklore and mythos in any civilized first world country.

I want this to happen but every third or so episode in the season a new Rick kills the current Rick stating that he’s really the Season 1 and 2 Rick until the final episode when Rick gets killed by another Rick who says he’s Season 4 Rick.

Christianity is a religion based on fear-lingering and fascist principles. Also it’s the easiest religion in the world where you don’t ever need to better yourself, just go to church and believe in Jesus and you’re good. I can’t imagine a more pathetic religion than Christianity. Scientology I guess?

>system that relies on experimentation, proof, peer review and evolution of knowledge
>complimentary with ancient dogmatic texts that expect you to believe in extraordinary claims trough faith
How can you think this without blood coming out of all of your orifices?

Are YOU retarded? Would you take the devil seriously if you would have been more powerful that him in every way?

Nice "source", might as well say "some paper, lol, IDK". How the fuck would one check this? The only hit is from a Dayton newspaper from 2005.

Communism has never been tried because it's fucking impossible. It's fairy-tale bullshit, that lays it on thicker than Jesus with the love thy brother and last shirt bullshit. All the examples from the meme are dictatorships, some of them aren't even socialist dictatorship. For example Russia is a capitalist oligarchy who treats it's people awfully and barely provides any social services.

Dan Harmon needs rehab big time.

Is this bait? Everything in your post is factually fucking wrong. One of the greatest works of Christian literature of all time (the Pilgrim's Progress) is literally about a Christian's self-improvement as a means of glorifying God.

To be honest, you need incredible wealth to be somebody in those religions.

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But Rick's already show to believe in God. Just hate the ever living fuck out of him because of how fucked his life is.

Steven becoming a 7ft tall bara on par with his mother, perhaps bigger thanks to diamond power.

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Christianity, specifically Catholicism has been the primary funder of science for most of its history. To the Catholics science is a means to understanding God's creation through physical means and as to the sciences, religion and philosophy are a the means to ask questions science can not touch as science can only answer questions knowable through our senses. Both systems in the end ask what is real but they do so in differing fields. One without the other only gives you a partial understanding of human knowledge. Only a study of both gives one a complete understanding of humanity. The Catholics at least understand this. Whether or not God is strictly real in the end is besides the point.

No magisterium is complementary with another.

so being an atheist turns you into a snail?

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Mmmmaybe? I haven't advanced far enough in my atheism to constantly exude slime from every surface of my body. I wonder how those atheists who are so active on the facebook do it.

I bet you will eventually grow a genitalia of the opposite sex to complement you already existing one so you can lost your virginity with yourself

Sir, this is a McDonald's.

I like the idea, but gosh that is a bad implementation of it.

You know a thread is dogshit when this cancer of all things is the least autistic post in it

Speaking of >McDonalds funds sports events and playgrounds, so they must be all about a healthy lifestyle!
Catholicism has also burned scientists it didn't agree with, hoarded knowledge thinking it above the masses, the very catholic scientists they praise were limited by their beliefs, because certain fields were either taboo or had a biblical (bullshit) explanations. Same for the theologian philosophers, whose conclusions are built on faulty preconceptions of a higher power and christian ideology. And lets not forget that the only reason they could engage in research was because they had all the free time in the world thanks to not having to work for the massive amount of funds they received for sitting on their ass reciting shit in Latin and pacifying the peasants to endure tyrannical rule with hopes of happiness in the afterlife. In short, fuck your Catholic church, the bunch of parasitic dogmatists.

>No concrete arguments and examples
>Only examples you can even think are the ones that were relatively unknown until they were used as propaganda in the French Revolution
oof how long until you say something non concrete about pedos

Bitch, the church have fleeced people of 1/10 of their income for centuries and given them less than nothing in return. Anyone who challenged their political power or dogma was ruthlessly tortured and/or killed. How much more concrete can proof that an organization sucks ass be?

>How much more concrete can proof that an organization sucks ass be?
Well I mean Communism did everything in your post 100 years ago that Catholicism was less strict with 1000 years ago (with the exception that instead of 1/10 it was 11/10 of your income).
>less than nothing
Charity and all societal progress. Also y'know religion and philosophy has value if you actually believe in it, you can't penalize others for believing something you don't.

oN THE subject of Satan: have you ever wondered how the demon-like aliens from Childhood's End would react to actual Satanists?

I think there's potential for a really funny comic there.

>no concrete examples.

>other stuff is bad so it makes the church being bad OK
Are you an idiot?

>here, have 1 coin from the hundreds of thousands we took from you over your lifetime back

>societal progress
Yeah, I'm sure that's why society started moving forwards only when the dogmatic grasp of the church was broken with the Reformation and stood still when the church was at it's strongest — in the Dark Ages.

(Galileo) Galileo.
(Galileo) Galileo,
Galileo Figaro


>>ones that were relatively unknown until they were used as propaganda in the French Revolution
Also Galileo was only put under house arrest because he was talking shit about the Pope.

Would only work if did a complete 180 and acted like a massive asshole because of his religious beliefs, and would only work for an episode or AT MOST a season

>this thread
What the fuck? I thought it was just a simple character development thread, not a /pol/-tier debate about religon.

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Because pisslam is a totalitarian political ideology invented by a warmongering pedophile.
If Nazism is suppressed in the west, piisslam should be too

Well there actually might be a canonically Religious Rick Sanchez out there already as evidence by the show's logic of multiple realities.

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Bingo Redemption arc for The Banana Splits movie 2.

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It's a shit debate, but it hasn,t reached /pol/ tier. Unless /pol/ miraculously got better in the years I've avoided it

>Adults still believe in God in the way 5 year olds believe in Santa Claus and the Tooth Fairy
Christians are the biggest manchildren

>but Communism

And there's the deflection! Perfect 10 pivot from christfag user!

don't make me drop the my entire fedora folder in this thread

>it hasn't reached /pol/-tier yet

Did you not see the anons bringing up Communism for no reason?

That's just the internet at large in 2019.

I don't particularly care about Communism because we're at a historical moment where anyone with tripe-digit brain cells can see it's unsustainable. It's just a really apparent example that "oh shit Christian societies historically did bad things" isn't a valid argument against Christianity because every society did bad things and Christianity historically has a pretty okay track record.

I keep getting older but the atheist arguments keep stayin the same.

>Rick accidentally stumbles upon heaven during an unrelated adventure.
>Meets the Holy Trinity. Tries to debunk their existence but is at loss when they perform miracles.
>Jesus tries to sway Rick, but Rick tells him to fuck off with a few jabs about crucifixion and Joseph not being his real dad.
>Rick spirals into depression back on Earth, drinking etc. because he can't reconcile the existence of God with his observations of universal laws.
>Morty comes to him and suggests that he give faith a try, in that bumbling and heartfelt Morty way. Reluctantly, Rick agrees.
>Montage of church-going Rick. He's smiling, helping the community, doing more good than harm on the intergalactic scale now. Plays pool with Jesus or some shit. Everything's going well.
>Wakes up in the dead of night, visibly discontent. Deliberates for a few moments, says "fuck it", then gets out of bed.
>Goes back to heaven. Kills the Holy Trinity in a gratuitous sequence.
>God is dead. Rick smiles, goes home, goes back to bed, and sleeps like a baby.
>Next morning Morty freaks the fuck out when he finds out what Rick has done. Jerry says something stupid. Rick says something edgy, belches, then gets up from breakfast to go smuggle drug mule orphans.
>roll credits

He already believes in god but his pride doesn't let him admit it. See the multiple-realities episode.

I could only see a God becoming a convert as a gag, user

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Not the illegitimate one he made Engels raise.

You do realise if the show actually were to make a "Rick becomes a Christian" episode, then it would probably have him bring Jesus back from the dead and find out he's just another David Koresh/Joseph Smith/ L. Ron Hubbard/Jim Jones type with zero credibility.

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Or they could tell the truth instead.

Actually read the Bible and it says in Matthew that Jesus wanted his disciples to go preach to all sorts of people.

The problem is that the church convinces people to believe them and who ever doubts them is an idiot. The people who actually read the Bible and actually do research and try to learn Biblical history, those people avoid going to church because they realize that these Churches just say a lot of BS.

But the "truth" (i.e you biased take on the matter) isn't funny.

But every single alleged prophet/messiah with a traceable history have turned out to either be a crook or a crazy (or both), is there any legitimate reason to not assume Jesus was the same?

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You claim Jesus was the same, the burden of proof is on you.

but jesus gives me a warm fuzzy feeling in my heart so he must be real!

Right because the claim that he was half god and came back to life is so much easier to accept than to assume he was another delusional.

The crackpot theory the Jesus was a time traveler would fit perfectly into this show

Why are americans so religious they're the muslims of the west, invading everything and hate women and live in fucking 1800 century ass backwards shithole

>States where the workers do not own the means of production, where private property exists, and there are social classes are examples of communism
at least Try user

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Lmao all these cucks still worshiping the jew on a stick

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>getting mad at the authoritarian death cult because you can't kill niggers
You love to see it folks

I think it’s a twisting of the legitimate life lesson that is “Happiness shouldn’t be your end goal in life”, which is abundantly true. Happiness is a result of having a meaningful and fulfilling life. It doesn’t last forever, and that’s partially why so many of these people keep being miserable and shit.

>half god

nah my family's buddhist and I grew up going to a christian school so I've seen what there is to see and while I think it's useful and can give meaning to people's lives I dont really care for it. only good thing to me is the sense of community

it's cuz ppl dont have an understanding of the foreign and havent tried to learn. they tie it too much to race/ethnicity, i mean the main cancer is is hard core traditionalism/fundementalism and that goes for all religions

that was literally the therapist episode and incels got ultra triggered lol

The Lord, liar, lunatic Lewis Trilemma has been hashed out quite extensively.

The anons here seem to have a drive-by knowledge of Christianity, yet never having cracked open a bible, or realize that there are multitudes of higher education seminaries dedicated to exactly the study and philosophy of the religion.

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>Lewis Trilemma
That has to be the funniest attempt to defend Jesus as divine.
>Jesus has to be divine because otherwise he'd be lying or crazy.
>Muhammed had to be talking to an angel because otherwise he'd be lying or crazy.
>Buddha must have been starving himself for decades because otherwise he'd be lying or crazy.
>Joseph Smith must have found a third testament in his backyard because otherwise he'd be lying or crazy.
>L. Ron Hubbard must have had visions of Xenu because otherwise he'd be lying or crazy.
>Wallace D. Fard must have been right about Yakub creating the white man because otherwise he'd be lying or crazy.

nigga it literally says SOURCE at the bottom, what else do you fucking want?

Thanks for exemplifying the second sentence.

Even Carl?

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t. uneducated swine

That source is garbage. You will never find it just knowing the name of the publication.

Except Carl, he's too good for this shit

>Buddha must have been starving himself for decades because otherwise he'd be lying or crazy.
Uhhh, that seems like a weird (and wrong, it was less than a decade) example to pull out, considering the Buddha's whole philosophy is based on the middle way, avoiding both extremes of both material sensual indulgence and self-mortifying ascetic practices.
I.E how long the buddha fasted doesn,t really matter all that much as it's just to show how he personally came to his conclusions having tried both extremes and only become enlightened after abandoning both and recognizing them as just that, extremes.

There's tons of claims in the sutta's (Look up the Siddhis) that you could've chosen to mock that wouldn't have made you look even more ignorant than you already do

Don't bother, he's an idiot.

I don't really care what the point of the story is and I didn't bother looking any details because I don't consider them important for the argument.

"He was actually going learn the blah blah blah" isn't as important as why he didn't just die sooner. If there's a better example, please point it out.

C.S. Lewis is the idiot for shooting himself in the foot with that argument. If the only alternatives to Jesus being divine is either him being crazy or a liar, then it's fair to assume was crazy or a liar because we actually know crazies and liar exist.

>I don't really care what the point of the story is and I didn't bother looking any details because
because you're a fucking idiot. By your own admission, you have literally zero clue or bearing on what you pretend to even be talking about. Why would anyone listen to the ramblings of a retard?

Because ignorant of one thing and just went by memory? Just because I was ignorant of something doesn't make it true. Calling me a retard doesn't validate your beliefs.

You're not ignorant of one thing, you're ignorant of everything.

Well I'm not ignorant of the fact that you can't formulate an argument.

>"I turned myself into a christian Morty!"

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You posted it.

How many of you christfags are born again Christians? I wanna know how many of you had a dumb, edgy atheist phase before falling back in line

>falling back in line
A grim way of putting it

Grim but accurate

Is there anything stupider than atheism?


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Does the bible condemn lesbians as well as gay men, or just sodomites?

the Bible condemns everyone who wilfully refuses to turn to Christ in repentance, placing their trust in Jesus to save them from the righteous wrath of God at sinners

and yes, this includes lesbians

if you're looking for a specific reference try Romans chapter 1

Buddhist Rick would work better

Not really. Rick is neither mindful, nor compassionate and while I could see how the whole ''awakening'' to truth thing would be something he would champion, I just can't fathom how anything about buddhism's non violence or seeking knowledge of suffering would be things that he would embrace.

To be clear, I don't think Rick fits with christian values either (obviously), but with christianity being a theistic religion, you can create a struggle with his idea of faith in an all-creator, and that his acceptance (or denial) of said creator is what would ultimately influence his stance on said values. in the case of buddhism, it's usually the values themselves that lead one to becoming interested in buddhism (discounting cultural reasons), with faith in buddhism being something that comes later after practicing it for a while. hell the first stage of enlightenment in theravadin buddhism, stream entry, has ''no longer doubting the practice'', after experiencing buddhisms ''truths''as part of it,s definition so i don,t really see how that would work

Then again most westerners come to buddhism from a place of great suffering and seeking a method to end hat suffering so maybe? But then what would that even involve, just a whole episode of Rick meditating and trying to be nicer? I don't really see it

>Thor, literally based off of Norse paganism.
>Becoming a Christian.

>wilfully refuses to turn to Christ in repentance, placing their trust in Jesus to save them from the righteous wrath of God at sinners
So why can't a lesbian do all those things?

Because god/church said so.

But let's be honest.

Jesus apparently sacrificed himself so that he could take the sin of all of mankind.
You don't need a church or priest/priestess to speak to god for you.
You apprently only have to speak to god directly and live your life.

That's it.

Nothing short of meeting The Buddha would work to have Rick convert and even give it a shot.

You dumb fucking shitskin

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