He did nothing wrong...

He did nothing wrong. Watch this movie from the Egyptians' perspective and he comes off as more pragmatic and focused on balance and order than villainous.

Plus, anyone would be rightfully pissed with all the things that happen to his people over the course of the movie, especially all the firstborn sons (his included) up and dying in the middle of the night.

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don't fuck with YHWH, motherfucker

Enslaving and overworking people for the glorification of your ego seems pretty wrong to me.

Maintaining balance and order required keeping slavery though. Plus if that shot of him looking at the hieroglyphics was any indication, he would've been just as eager to kill more Israelites like his dad did

Why didn't the final plauge kill Ramesses? Wasn't he also a first born?

Quads confirm.

Hardened heart gives bonus to DEF

Egyptian Magic

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I would not put it past *record scratch* to keep him alive as an exception, just so he can be around to suffer

Literally every civilized power/culture in history had slaves

The Jews in the movie are only ever shown as working on vanity projects for the Pharaoh.
So his father slaughtered babies just to keep jews in check for his own vanity, and he attempted the same so that he wouldn't be seen as faltering where his father was strong.
We only see it kill children so maybe it's only targeting them.

Pretty sure once you have a child you are no longer considered a child or vulnerable to any "first born" stuff.

that doesn't make slavery morally good

Yeah no, I'm thinking this exodus thing is the only truth in those bible books. Truth in that it showed the Israelite crossed the ocean and squatted on Palestine land. Making up religion christianity to make the squatting legit.

Also pharaoh did nothin wrong

He stopped doing anything right the minute he saw his nation's main water source turn to blood and thought "I'm gonna push it and see what happens."

>judging ancient civilizations by modern-day moral standards

The 10 plagues were Yahveh's mic drop to the Egyptian Pantheon

Slavery stopped being good when it stopped being necessary. In pre-industrial society it may have been necessary to employ some slave labor for big things like infrastructure. But as technology marched on, so did industry, which brings us to automation and its various problems.

I'm pretty sure it was specifically aiming for kids.

I wish the queen was my mommy

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This guy gets it.

In the context of the movie, the slave labor force was depicted primarily for building monuments (often to heathen gods of the Egyptians). They could've easily been let go without some sort of societal collapse following that

In one scene, two adult guards flee from the Creeping Deathâ„¢ and one gets killed

they were outside

God is an asshole
More news at 11

>Ashhole slaver is enslaving the fuck out of people
>God kills my kid to teach him a lesson

The fuck?

God only killed your kid because the king didn't listen the first ten times Moses asked

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