Why is there still a Cold War in Watchmen? America can send Manhattan to curbstomp any commie warlords...

Why is there still a Cold War in Watchmen? America can send Manhattan to curbstomp any commie warlords, also Manhattan's ability to create any element has given the American economy a big boost(electric cars are common and affordable for instance.)

The Soviet Union holds no cards and would have no allies, the minute Manhattan was born the Americans won the Cold War.

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Because Manhattan couldn't stop all URSS missiles being fired at the same time.


1. Having more nukes didn't stop the Soviets from losing the Cold War in Real Life.
2. Considering Manhattan can see into the future and be in multiple places at once it's a little suspect that he couldn't stop all the Soviet nukes, it feels like Moore wrote himself into a corner, he wanted a God-like character but he also wanted the Soviets to be a threat.

lmao, that was probably just a lie he gave so he wouldn't have to intervene to that degree

Manhatten is still a scientist.American military still afraid of Manhatten.
And he still cant multitask. Or at least we dont know how far and developed his duplication is.

Manhattan's limitations are vague, he could've simply been lying or there are physical limitations he foresaw standing in his way. Also given his slave mentality he could've simply said it because he foresaw himself saying it, the same way he came to get Laurie because he foresaw himself getting her.

There was no need to "curbstomp any commie warlord" to end the cold war, so it could keep going with Manhattan or without him.
The comic itself explain that the commies reacted to Manhattan making even more nukes and.

>he wanted a God-like character
Manhattan in the original Watchmen isn’t all-powerful though. You’re ascribing a greater power to the character than there really is.

He is literally compared to God in the story.
>There was no need to "curbstomp any commie warlord" to end the cold war
The Soviet's collapse was partially due to them bankrupting themselves fighting proxy wars against the US.

USSR had over 50.000 missiles ready to be thrown,one single one would fuck US baddly, a dozen would ruin the nation, there is no way Manhattan could do anything if a MAD scenario happened.

You're applying a no limits fallacy to the character implying that he can create an infinite number of copies and every single one of those copies could destroy a missile by itself.

Jon just doesn’t give a shit. He knew JFK would get his brains blown out and did fuck all to stop it.

Being compared to God =/= being all-powerful. He simply is not as OP as you seem to think.

Hasn't Dr Manhattan recreated the DC multiverse or something recently?

No idea what DC has been doing with him recently, I assumed we were talking about Watchmen

That was decades later after Moore had his creation ripped from him. Original Manhattan wasn't some cosmic deity

This is Manhattan after turning way more powerful by learning more about his powers after fully rejecting his humanity and spending years training.

Well in Watchmen Manhattan was compared to God and his last scene in the comic had him say he was going to another galaxy to create life. Plus he had a form of omnipresence and could create anything. So the idea that Moore wasn't creating him as a God stand in is stupid frankly.

Watchmen Manhattan clearly couldn't do anything he pleased, otherwise he would simply delete Rorschach memories to not be forced to kill him.

Im not even sure what you’re arguing for anymore. Wasn’t this whole thing about whether or not Manhattan could stop the Soviets’ nuke arsenal?

Why do you think Manhattan would want to delete Rorschach's memories instead of just blowing him up?

Doomsday Clock is not canon to Watchmen