Which one, Yea Forums?

Attached: Jenny and Kiki.jpg (1024x581, 58K)

why are jews so bad at drawing nonwhites?

The brown one.

Calarts style doesn't look good on minorities, DESU.

and to add on, it doesn't really look good on anyone.

Which one is nicer?


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pizza jenny

Attached: [Groans] Okay, fine._Kiki's_Pizza_Delivery_Service_213.png (1920x1080, 1.6M)


both are cute

Attached: sis.png (747x581, 328K)

Kiki, Jenny is fun but seems like the type to casually sleep around. Kiki is wife material.

I don't know who this character is but she looks like CHEESE hahaha!

This. Plus she could probably help me get into running.

The one that makes more Studio Ghibli references.

>Sweet and kind
>Keeps herself in great shape
>Gentle beauty that shines through without dressing all fancy or lots of makeup
Easily best girl


Attached: kiki2c0.png (650x950, 388K)

Neither, kill yourself and take your trash show with you

What's the matter, user? Afraid of a little brown sugar?

I love brown girls, but SU is garbage and has the bog standard calarts shit

>ywn eat out a cheese girl.

>I love brown girls
Whenever I hear this it just usually means "I love white/asian girls with darker skin"

You fuck Jenny.

You marry Kiki.

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Sugar looks kinda cute in that drawing.

They do each other. While I watch and jack it.

Shut the fuck up, Becky!

both of them have the personality of the keyboard i'm using to type this but even less. most SU side characters, while not necessarily garbage, aren't interesting at all. give me more space nazis, please

Becky sad

The “brown race” is Middle Easterners and South Asians. So brown girls do come from Asia in real life.

why choose when you can fuse?

But she always looks cute, because she IS cute!

Humans can't fuse you dingus

Kiki but only with her bandana on

Kiki seems like a nice, smart, hardworking girl who would be a good waifu.
Jenny is kind of a lazy idiot but the idea of a cute chocolate metalhead is nice.

how much would you tip her?

Attached: kiki944200.png (1920x1080, 768K)

Oh I'd give her a tip alright.

Attached: R1ZGmJ5.png (610x343, 315K)

Except that's not Cal Arts style.

Attached: know the difference.jpg (2474x1034, 780K)

>Humans can't fuse you dingus
clearly Stevonnie needs to fuse with them, it'll be an even superior waifu then

>fusing with a drastically inferior waifu would be superior

Kiki is for Steven.

Attached: steven grabs kiki's ass.png (1920x1080, 807K)

Neither because I'm not a nigger and racemixing is a sin.

Not if white man does it.

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Shoo! Go back to your incest village.

>tfw no jenny episode

Is the Craig of the Creek?

She would be wasted on him

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Na, but funnily SU's old head writers made that show

I'm not a fan of how they put an address down there.
An actual crazy person might take it to heart.

why does Stevonnie have a social media account?

Both at the same time.
Kissing each other then kissing me before going down on me and swapping spit on my cock.

>Comics and Cartoons does not condone violence
I doubt there's gonna be an 8/pol/ scenario

it's not dangerous

yeah but anime is okay even though its made for pedos and turns people into trannies

It seems like the good townies get few to no episodes unfortunately.

It's all fun and games until someone mails more anthrax, user.

I have more in common with Jenny, but I find Kiki's personality more appealing.

Attached: Kiki's Pizza Delivery Service.png (1280x1280, 345K)

Well, one more reason for me to love Steven Universe, then.

Nobody's gonna do that

Depends on how quickly she arrived, what her attitude is during the buisiness transaction, and the price of the food. I don't tip more or less based on looks.

What did you mean by this? Are you saying the 80's DiC pedigree is a California Institute of the Arts creation? Interesting if true, but CalArts as a primary educator in the reductive modern style is not unwarranted.

You're so vane. You probably think this post is about you.

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>Keeps herself in great shape
hopefully not for long

Attached: Kiki Edit.png (405x302, 128K)

Kiki, do you love me? Are you riding?
Say you'll never ever leave from beside me
'Cause I want ya, and I need ya
And I'm down for you always

post moar Pizzas.

Motherfucker I was just about to post that.

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Gotta be quicker than that.

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Uncle POL told me about this kind of relationships...and he in not happy

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