The more I think about it, why don't more villains sign up for the Thunderbolts program? It's literally their best chance at getting out/reassigned to an actual team. This series makes me miss Avengers Initiative.
Fuck replacements. I'd kneecap one of them if they came gunning for my spot. My best chance of becoming an Avenger is not gonna get robbed from me by Boomerang..
Jeff Parker actually did a fan poll and the winner would join the Thunderbolts B-team. Shocker won because Shocker fans are insane, but he got swiped from the book by Slott. I personally voted for Batroc.
Chase Nelson
Wrong attitude to have in a job where people die suddenly while shit is hitting the fan. Training an understudy to take your role after they mop you up, is just another way to make certain the show can go on. And the show must go on.
As long as they weren't gonna try and bump me off so they can take my spot, I'd be game to train. Just had one too many experiences where the person under me tried to throw me under the bus. Never gonna let that happen again. >Unrelated to everything, Luke be lookin good. Hell the entire Thunderbolts team (especially Ghost) be lookin fine.
>Ana No. >Dark Beast No. >Absorbing Man Only if we can get his wife too. >Batroc Well, at least he ain't Rumlow.
Jack Lewis
>Ana Hell no. >Abomination Possibly. >Absorbing Man What you said. Him and Titania would be kino. >Batroc No way in hell he'd ever go for it. >Mr. Hyde No. >Sandman Hell yes. >Dark Beast Lock that fucker up.
>No way in hell he'd ever go for it. For early release and pay, sure he would. Batroc is a mercenary, not a psychopath.
Chase Campbell
That's mostly due to her barely being in books, and that this is the only time that she's looked like that. That cancelled Warren Ellis and Jae Lee Satana book in the 1990s might have had her be more fuckable in it.
I was mostly concerned with his pride considering he's be contributing to the American military industrial complex aiding his sworn enemy Captain America. I would be the dude has limits and this would be it.
That's why, you get a malcontent like Buggy or Ghost to recruit him. Appeal to his Pride, his want to be cheered for. Heck, approach it as a challenge. Lord knows Batroc can't resist those.
>considering he's be contributing to the American military industrial complex Batroc doesn't give a shit about politics, the man is motivated by cash and glory. The only reason Captain America is his enemy is because he's the best.
I can't help but just feel for this guy. It'd be like Banner got invited to a team and they just dismiss his intelligence because they need a mindless rage monster....
Yeah, but this team got fucked by editorial, between Spider Island and Fear itself Parker basically had to take the team into a time travel arc just so no one else would be pulled from his book, it's what killed this run
I love how when a villain joins the Thunderbolts their costume gets a tiny makeover to make it fall more in line with the overall aesthetic. Especially Shocker. I love how good he looks in this series. And I might be wrong but is Shocker secretly a beast? I looked up his abilities and was honestly kind of shocked but what he can accomplish. >Self taught engineer who was capable of using basic items in a prison work shop and fashioned himself a pair of vibro-gauntlets. Dude is intuitive and as Abner says, he knows his subject inside and out. >Vibro gauntlets capable of sending out devastating shock-waves that can level a structure in no time flat. The blasts can alternate between long range and short range, focused and scattershot, high intensity and low intensity. >His suit is padded to the point where he can tank multiple direct shots from Spider-Man and keep going without minimal signs of distress. >His gauntlets can be used to propel himself incredible heights and great distances and because of his training, he can basically shock jump wherever he needs to be. >His gauntlets can shatter concrete, liquefy human organs, obliterate bone, and knock Spider-Man and other tough as heroes on their ass in a moments notice. >Most importantly, his suit is capable of emitting vibro pulses making grappling near impossible, punching him an absolute chore, and throwing projectiles a waste as he can emit an aoe shockwave that either obliterates the object or flings that shit back to you. He can also aoe himself to deflect a horde of enemies. Is Shocker a top tier villain?
No, but it is made to dampen kinetic force from his shock gloves, it's the reason he looks like a quilt. You could Sci-fi explain it can deflect bullets but nothing in this run would say he can.
Henry Reyes
And at least one Werewolf.
Jace Stewart
losing Juggernaut fucking sucked
Benjamin Bailey
Fraction and Slott fucked this book, Fraction because he wanted Juggernaut for one of the hammer wielders even if it fucked 2 arcs worth of character building for Juggs and Slott because despite Editorial giving Parker Shcoker after a fan poll on Marvel's actual website (when that meant something) demanding to have Shocker for a single issue of Spider Island that wouldn't matter to any part of the big Summer is one of the things that killed my faith in Marvel back in the day
If that is the reason I didn't get more Shocker in this series, I am going to so fucking hate Slott. Dude just can't stay on track for an extended period of time.
Ahh the "last" Juggernaut issue as member, pretty unfair but I remember that Luke regretted later... I like the Underbolts and Dark Avengers thing but as a fan of Juggernaut I waited like two years to see him again after Fear Itself.
Basically Yeah, if a senior Writer wants someone Editorial will bend over backwards to give them what they want, it's why Bendis got away with fuck the Marvel Canon for so long
Enh. Much as I like Parker's take on Cain and Herman, they were never going to stay on the straight and narrow. Thunderbolts redemption just isn't for the A-List baddies.
Shocker would have been the straight man the team could count on. He's a saint compared to most of the previous Thunderbolts, when was the last time he killed someone?
Why I'm not surprised? >Juggernaut was doing well in All-New Exiles, even had a "girlfriend" Sorry, we need him to job against Onslaught! >Juggernaut was doing well in X-Men and New Excalibur Sorry, we need him to fight WWH. >Juggernaut was doing well in Thunderbolts Sorry, we need him as a worthy. >Juggernaut was doing well in the X-Men again Sorry, Hickman doesn't have plans for him.
I hope he stays a hero, he will team-up with Punisher in Punisher Kill Krew.
What makes Ghost such a great character is that despite being a disgusting freak he has the mind and the heart in the right place. An Unabomber to cuddle.