wait, He-Man was originally a She-Ra spinoff?
Wait, He-Man was originally a She-Ra spinoff?
Other urls found in this thread:
Did you know that "Good Times" is a direct spinoff of "All In The Family"?
And that Family Matters was a spin-off from Perfect Strangers meant to focus on the mom before Urkel took over?
Sure. And Star Wars is a spinoff of Rogue One.
>Little known
Everyone made jokes about He-Man, I never heard of She-Ra until years after I watched the 2k3 series and got nostalgic to look up He-Man stuff
who is going to be gay now?
>le cheeky meme headline
Actually, let's make a better use out of this thread.
What semi-forgotten 1980s cartoon would you like to see rebooted?
I'll get things started by voting for "RoboCop: The Animated Series".
give him the adult swim treatment
You guys know that there is going to be a direct sequel to heman created?
Oh yeah
But it's going to be about fucking teelah.
Heman is dead or something.
It's a fucking show on Netflix. What did you fucking expect?
That cuck Kevin Smith is writing this dumpster fire as well.
Oh and dreamworks and netflix created that headline to draw anger from teh antiwoke crowd eyes from the sjw crowd and help keep the fucking shitheap fuck up that is shera onpeoples minds
hell no I don't want any of these modern "animators" touching these properties
I said "semi-forgotten," you fool!
I'm talking about shit like the Bill and Ted cartoon, yo.
Fucking Inhumanoids.
Unironically, Thundarr the Barbarian
Teela, since it's going to be about her.
I know which 90’s cartoon I wanted to continue longer than it did.
They are going to make Man at Arms gay, aren't they?
I hate headlines like this. Can't these stupid motherfuckers at least try to act like real journalists?
Nah. It'll be Fisto
Nah he is a Redhead, so he will become black.
Why not both?
>A Gay Black
I like your thinking user.
Using IMDB to pick shows I never heard about, Dinsaucers, Faeries, and Sectaurs sound cool. Also what the hell, there was a Pole Position show?
Its so weird how good this show was considering how awful the movie was
and gay.
Manny Faces would be genderfluid or trans
It makes people click on the article.
It would pretty much be Fury Road if rebooted today.
Fuck the 80's. I need to see how this shit ends. Fucking brain bugs en route to Earth, cities overrun, and a massive network of tunnels extending through out the planet. Why can't they reboot shit I actually want to see.
The upcoming series is not a rebbot, but sequel to the original so the characters will look the same more or less
Named Fisto
Balky didn't even show up
the fuck is wrong with them!
Pole Position had nothing to do with the video game, they just coincidentally happened to come out around the same time:
Tee hee.
But man, this is gonna be a dumpster fire.
Because they aren't one
Shut up Boco.
Dyke ra fags seetheing over he-chads revival it seems
And they predicted the 2002 Mechagodzilla.
I think they mean the new one is going to be set in the same universe as the current She-Ra
>Fuck the 80's. I need to see how this shit ends.
Fine, but you know I'm right.
Robocop continuations can only work if they acknowledge that Murphy actually regained his humanity at the end of the first movie but no one wants to do that
Now shut the fuck up.
I can't think of anything from the '80s (except The Real Ghostbusters, but that's not really "semi-forgotten"), but pic related from the early-'90s is something I'd love to see rebooted and FINISHED.
I have good news for you, I guess.
>Kevin Smith
I'll stick with my self-destructive catgirl show, thanks.
Who'll voice Bloth since his original V.A. died years ago
The Addams Family are a spinoff of the Waltons.
>liking dyke ra
Why is your taste such shit?
I want Inspector Gadget and Godzilla, the Animated series
The fact that someone else remembers perfect strangers is nothing short of astonishing to me.
and all of it takes place in an autistic kid's imagination
That theme song is a classic.
Staaanding taaaaaaall!
On the wings of my dreeeeams!
Going by the interview Smith had with pixel dan I think Mattel is going to hold the reins tighter on this than they did she-ra. at least I hope
i grew up with the author and I'm happy to see him getting paid to troll a bunch of old nerdy fags
Nope. Since they are made by completely different studios. She-Ra by Dreamworks, He-Man by Mattel.
Does She-Ra have toys? Mattel will probably want to sell MOTU toys.
Probably. But also has to do with the upcoming live action MOTU movie.
Yes. They are selling nu She-Ra toys.
COPS could be interesting
COPS would be great and given that it's police versus organized crime it wouldn't take much to have a serialized plot and standalone episodes without either feeling shoehorned.
>That look retarded as fuck,you cuck loving nigger. Pol/ is that way====
thats easy.
well...at least itll be worth a damn to change him if they do that.
Acrobat wouldn’t be hot anymore. Not worth it.
i remember too user i remember too.
No, but it's not like I gave or give a shit anyways.
>who's gay?
The real question is who isn't?
Doesn't Robocop 2 begin with Murphy acknowledging that saying the truth to his wife would only keep her in pain, because he has nothing to offer as a husband/father? That seems pretty human to me.
Ironically she'd be the only white in the group.
big if true