
Why am I so in love with her, bros?

Attached: Wonder Woman Is a QT P2T.jpg (1080x665, 34K)

Please help me! I love her so much!

Why is she Turkish?

I just want her to hold me.

Because greeks look like that

Attached: Greece Prime Minister.png (744x567, 720K)

Are DCEU and DC Superhero girls Dianas based on some specific Wonder Woman run? I really like her personality.

>Soros Agent
>not a sleeper Kike
I shiggydiggy.

Attached: WW.jpg (502x750, 44K)

She won't love you back unless you're Steve Trevor.

>tfw no olive skin blue eyed greek gf
Life sucks

Attached: 0rh0q5qkpyc21[1].jpg (250x223, 7K)

>find white woman
>put her in the sun