
Why am I so in love with her, bros?

Attached: Wonder Woman Is a QT P2T.jpg (1080x665, 34K)

Please help me! I love her so much!

Why is she Turkish?

I just want her to hold me.

Because greeks look like that

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Are DCEU and DC Superhero girls Dianas based on some specific Wonder Woman run? I really like her personality.

>Soros Agent
>not a sleeper Kike
I shiggydiggy.

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She won't love you back unless you're Steve Trevor.

>tfw no olive skin blue eyed greek gf
Life sucks

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>find white woman
>put her in the sun

>Black Wonder Woman

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People love what they can't have

Fuck off retard

>T. Karafag

idk about you but for me it's the height
t. manlet

The original Themyscira lay off the coast of the Black Sea, in modern day Turkey

Wonder Woman Season 1

...And? You DO realize Turkroaches didn't live there then, right? Or are (you) one of those "Trojans are Turks" Buzzfeed retards?

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DCEU version seems largely inspired by the George Perez run with some things that Geoff Johns has been pushing like the ice cream thing.

DCSHG is wholly original but extrapolated from the above.

I'm just explaining why they might have given her a specifically Turkish accent.

It really serves no purpose but to push their brownwashing agenda.

me too she is so fucking cute

>mad about an accent
>posts pepe
>backwards agenda
>obviously hasnt ever read comics

Yeah I wonder what board this user came from?

The only thing from Perez is Ares, whose motivation is different anyway

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Why? Just look at her

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Because you have functioning brain cells. Diana was straight up designed by her psychologist creators to be the ultimate waifu. She's best girl by default.

Can we just cut to the part where we post the cheesecake already?

Sure it would be great to get people posting DCSHG cheesecake

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Because you have nobody in your life. user.

There is this thing where when you are outside and you get this thing called A FUCKING TAN

also black wonder woman always existed, you dumbass

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