Final Space S02E09 - The Closer You Get!D9lgHS5J!DyA_sh4VK_qbX7ZSf3GwbX6PlbnzzShY5QSIfgEdvzM

Attached: Final Space S02E09 - The Closer You Get.jpg (1920x1080, 152K)

Other urls found in this thread:!FPAQkYTQ!Q4Wtr4ViC9f1aielP115CQ

thanks OP

I wonder how many people are placing bets with actual money that Gary will be robbed of his catboyfriend again...


Watched S2E1 and thought it was okay, but oddly paced. Is the rest of the season better?

Is there a mega folder with all the episodes somewhere?

another terrible episode, why do I even bother anymore

This episode had a great atmosphere ... until Tribore ripped it apart. Why is he even there?

Poor Lil Cato, he doesn't deserve to suffer this much


They do lay it hard on that boy.

Comic relief, I guess.
I don't think he's particularly funny.

no not really

It's painfully mediocre.

Why so early?

>Does anyone want a hit of this Huebie Duebie?

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>turning down big titty asian qt just to be a selfaggot
What is wrong with him/her?

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Is Little Cato gonna be the main character in the next season?

Tribores subplot shouldve been in episode 6. Otherwise this was really intense. Poor Little Cato keeps suffering.

How far up is he on the suffering chart?

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>father is almost forced to kill him
>imprisoned as a hostage for a few years
>loses his father the first time to an explosion
>gets stuck in another dimension by himself for 60 years with hallucinations of his friends as his only comfort
>gets father back but loses memory
> just as father gets memory back he gets possessed and severely injures second father figure

So do we all agree if we placed Little Cato on the suffering chart hes S:100 D:0?

Was about to say S:100 D:0
Also why are the best episodes focus on his suffering?

I agree with him being at S:100 D:0, he really did not deserve it.
Also the suffering episodes are probably because he's being shaped into the main character of S3 Final Space

>season is building up to Little Cato being MC


Don't even get him back for a full episode, huh
It should not have been a thing at all
He should not have come back in the first place
Fuck Tribore

I think Tribore is funny. The problem is that hes utilized poorly. Honestly if you skip his parts this episode aside from the beginning then its great

the Gary vs Catos fight scene was kino

Yeah boi!

I thought it was pretty good.

1-8 of season 2 so far:!FPAQkYTQ!Q4Wtr4ViC9f1aielP115CQ

oh i was just gonna watch it on tv right now

I am unspoiled and watching. Gotta justify this cable bill.

I hope nothing happeneds to avocado

God the animation has really stepped up this season. I was kinda losing my interest but goddamn these last 2 episodes kinda knocked it out of the park.

Gary's straight up a full cyborg now.


It was pretty fucking smooth

pull the trigger little cato

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I really hope there's a pay off to all this suffering or else he is just the writer's punching bag.

Yes! Oh, God, YES! That's exactly what I want!

have the rest of the season 2 on mega?


She was basically some rando who was trying to get in his attention when he’s basically don’t know what the do with himself, and yet she’s still chasing him after he paid no attention to her

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I wonder if he is becoming this timeline's version of Nightfall

holy dick this episode was great (except for you tribore you quadsnore)
I loved how creepy final space was, and how un-Family Guy Gary's numerous corpses were, as well as him actually having bruising on his bullet wounds.

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Gary's possessed smile was so well done. It was incredibly creepy and unsettling.

ditto, the voice acting on the possessions were also top-notch.
Don't know why they didn't go as hard on Avacato's expressions as much as they did Gary's or Avacato's

Gary or Little Cato's expressions, not Avacato's
Honestly Little Cato's expressions were pretty weak as well.

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fuck, forgot the spoiler check on the image because I was focused on how Cato's muzzle was so off on coloring
have another off-model frame, this time with Gary

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There's this weird flashing grey on Avacato's fangs here.

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Am I missing something? My Netflix only has season 1

Really? I thought Little Cato's expressions were great but I understand with Avocato

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So one of the writers is an Alabama fan?

i think it get worst as it goes, because everything becomes dull as you notice that nothing have lasting consequences
also the only emotion the characters are allowed to have are stupid fun, very very short sadness and over dramatic drama reactions dramatically (only as a joke)

>Quinn is left behind to save the earth
>trapped in a horrible horror filled dimension with the big bad
>big bad can possess others and turn them into puppets
>Quinn sends holo message

I get a lot of Halo 3 vibes


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I like the little expression they did with the ears too, they go down like a sad cat.

>tfw little cato

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Fuck you Yea Forums I liked it

why does a cartoon cat make me hurt so much

Suffer with me too user, I just want everyone to be happy. Little cato doesn’t deserve this.

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>this episode
The tonal shifts in this show, man.

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The animation is exactly as smooth as it’s always been, with maybe more scenes having dramatic lighting/colors that S1 usually saved for epic battles or chase scenes. You’re either using the wrong visual terminology, or you’re just lying.

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Imagine thinking this when the MC is voiced by—and possibly based on—the series creator.

Don’t set yourselves up for disappointment, guys. Gary Goodspeed is here to stay.

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what is the episode that everybody dances?

Episode 4, I think.


Anyone else feel like the drama was a little forced with little Cato crying and firing at avocato's torso/vitals? Why not shoot the weapon out of his hand or something I dunno..........

To be fair he also voices other characters (Mooncake and Tribore)

oh so that's why they force tribore so much

I’m just really happy they aren’t forcing his “Am I ___? I aaaamm... “ shtick anymore. That got old after the second time back in Season 1, and it was the main reason I used to find him so unbearable.

Tribore was actually at his funniest throughout this episode. I was pleasantly surprised.

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There’s been a distinct lack of Mooncake focus throughout S2

On the plus side, at least the dramatic parts were heart-wrenching and the funny parts funny this time around. I can’t say the same for most episodes.

As I said before he is a funny character but his subplot while funny was not in the proper episode. You take it out and it would not affect anything

This is my main problem with the season as a whole. There are too many nonsensical subplots and gags that are only there to pad out episode runtime.

Has anybody checked?

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>Anyone else feel like the drama was a little forced
The drama on the show has always been forced. That's what happens when you have a series with time travel where things should easily be fixed. Characters need to act stupidly just to justify why things don't always go their way. There was no real reason for the three of them to personally go over the waterfall by themselves. Couldn't the ship have gone? If not why not take Mooncake, KVN or anyone else? The only reason is to justify the ending.

I even predicted in a previous thread that Avocato would get his memories back, but then he and Lil' Cato would get into an argument eventually causing them to separate, but I seriously didn't think it'd happen all in one fucking episode.

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