Menage a trois

I think this is somehow metaphorical, but I don't know.

Attached: 0.jpg (1285x803, 262K)

You comic sucks and I hate you for making threads about it here.


I do not make comics.

Did they lose the original file and totally redraw and color it? That's almost impressive

>no threesome
>no sex scenes
>one of the girls has a boyfriend
>the other one is promiscuous as fuck and sleeps with everyone except the main guy
I remember finding this a long time ago, never felt so betrayed by a comic before or after this piece of shit

did that apostrophe cost them too much

I'm not sure which user is responsible for this, but I know you're out there.

Well played.

And who the fuck is Youi ? Some asian character I haven't heard of before?

I think it's just chinese bootleg guy. He wans't aware he was doing some official work, for once.

>gary ends up peggy
>the girl he had the least chemistry with
>she tells him she likes his support and wants to have an open relationship
You know how harem anime has the worst girl winning? This comic managed to dig deeper to find an even worse worst girl.

Attached: ass.png (516x439, 205K)

I'm sad that Archie got rid of their house stuff because I always liked her art. Her writing was terrible, but her art has always been straddled the line between cute and hot.

I guess no one would have started reading it if they just called it "Gary Gets Cucked"

It's a shame because even up until the end people expecting the threesome between the three leads. How the comic managed to not only disappoint but shit out something worse than that is a talent.

Imagine how weird this cover would sound to anyone unfamiliar with Three's Company's theme song

I liked it when it had tiny teenage titties, I stopped liking it when it stopped having those

He was very transparently tricking people in by luring them with a false premise. Imagine being the faggot who just sold "Sex and the City for Weebs" to an entire generation of innocent horny teenagers hoping for an actual story about a fmf threesome. What a fucking bitch.

>"Gary Gets Cucked"
Doesn't cucking require to do do it behind the back of the other, while the other remain exclusive? that doesn't really fit the term.

I am familiar with the Three's Company theme song and it is still really fucking weird.


Peggy wants an open relationship and Gary doesn't seem to have an opinion on it. Knowing him he wouldn't be sleeping around if he's with Peggy but instead would be part of any threesomes with her and that's it.

It;s such a fucking clusterfuck. Because it's always a stupid miscommunication to drive the plot.

Well be naked

My problem with it is that all the girls are bisexual but still end up dating guys. It makes it seem like the comic creator has a fetish.

>It makes it seem like the comic creator has a fetish.

Attached: 0.png (1500x1113, 555K)

what the fuck was that ending?


Attached: Evangelion_Unit-01_front1.jpg (748x468, 66K)

shut up

I'll say.

Wow knockoff Menage A 3.
To be big enough to have knockoffs, it's like some terrible achievement for the series.

Wait, the shoulder tattoo... Did they mess it up. Was that made in China. did Chinese messed up Chinese symbol?

I think they threw the file on illustrator and ran the autovectorizer tool. Why would they do that, I have no idea.

Weirdly enough you can tell they *didn't* do that. The live trace tool would have done a significantly better job. And I hate that thing.

Note the human failings- a cigarette turning into a mouth, strange new expressions-

That wouldn't explain why "we'll" became "well"

It's not a knockoff, it's a printing error. The first one is the art that they sent, the second is a preview from the supplier, and the third is what they received, rife with problems in the lineart and coloring. Note Gary's nose, the hair on the girl in the left column and fourth row, and the girl in the second column and fifth row missing her hair.

Hell, I just noticed that the font was changed as well. It's not even an uncommon font they're using; it's Cooper Black!

based printer troll deems Menage A 3 unworthy of Cooper Black.

The artwork was clearly modified, that isn't just a printing error.

Attached: 22.jpg (307x160, 21K)

Harem anime characters are bland to self insert but Gary was subhuman in the way he got on. He never said no and I just stopped when he it got to the point where he willing fucked with a strap on simply and do gay shit just because he couldn't say no. I couldn't empathize with this thing at all.

Didn't notice that. I'll throw it in Photoshop and see if there's anything specific that happened.

the r34 ammount is Criminal

I threw it in Photoshop and yeah, it looks like the publisher actually did fuck with the artwork, possibly on an individual layer-based basis.

Attached: file.png (525x714, 735K)

why would he send non-flattened artwork to get printed

I think the weirdest part that stands out is the placement of the "a"

>it looks like the publisher actually did fuck with the artwork

This is an understatement. The user up here
had it right. The cover wasn't just fucked with digitally, it was completely redrawn by a less-skilled artist. They were clearly using the original as a reference but why they chose to redraw the cover is mysterious.

Did you contact what'sherface about this?

Just... fucking why?

I don't even like the comic and I'm offended by this. Nobody deserves to have their art mangled like that by the publisher.

Attached: Screenshot_20190819-191140_Chrome.jpg (836x897, 295K)

He fell on a door knob.

>Rush endings for your three remaining comics
>All of them suck and leave a ton of shit unresolved

>Make new comics
>It's just Manage a 3 again but with shittier characters

What the fuck Gisele was thinking with Pixie Trix comics? Why just rush endings for all your other comics just to make a new comic with characters that aren't the least bit likable; Even worst than the Mo3 cast?

...but were they naked for you?

Maybe they printed with the wrong layers?

None of them are worst than early Zii. That being said I don't get why they ended all their comics if they weren't actually closing shop. I could have sworn they were ending pixie trix group as a whole.

The new comic is basically two gary's and a male didi.

I don't know, maybe it's me knowing better than younger me when it started, but I'm already hating the main cast as much as the Mo3.

But yeah, it baffles me what's her game in this. Makes no sense.

Not really. The new cast is unlikable just in completely different ways from the old ones.

>I think this is somehow metaphorical, but I don't know.

It's kinda like Archie Comics going from Dan DeCarlo to Dan Parent.

>Why just rush endings for all your other comics

Well, at least Sandra on the Rocks ended with a Best Girl win.

>Well, at least Sandra on the Rocks ended with a Best Girl win.

Sandra's comic specially ended up the most rushed. Like half the cast's storylines got unresolved.

>Like half the cast's storylines got unresolved.
It was definitely rushed as hell, but what else was there storywise aside from that one guy who was being tricked into thinking that he was gay?

>tricked into thinking he's gay
>ends up having the only MFF threesome in ma3 universe
There was no need to continue his story, he peaked

because it avoids legalese. When it comes to reprinting certain pieces of art, printers will outright say no because they know where the source material comes from, or they don't wanna get caught.

Every home printer has a digital signature. Every commercial printer has a digital signature too.

t. bootlegging

This is gonna be a weird Archie Reboot...

Sandra, Cami and Marie were the only characters anyone really cared about anyway. Hell have Gary ditch Peggy and move in with them

was sending the bootleg products back to the legal copyrights holder part of their plan?