What will you do with your comic book collection when you die?

Had a long term relationship breakdown and was feeling suicidal for some weeks. But it got me thinking what will happen to all those comics i own.

So when you do kick the dirt one day, do you have a plan for what will happen to all those comics you own? Donate, sell or burn?

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My grandma will probably throw mine away.

The best of them will be created along with me. My corporeal ashes becoming one with thier adventure and majesty.

If you have loved ones please leave detailed instructions on how to sell what you have of worth

I’ll never die.
Aubrey de Grey will make us live forever

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Around 2008, i thought about scanning my collection and share it to the public when i feel my body is too frail to enjoy that shit.

Then also that year, i learned all of my collection are already scanned and spread by the Yea Forums empires. So I'm not really holding onto anything unique. I'm collecting papers backed by card board and wrapped in plastic. I already started selling excess computer equipment, mtgs, art books and art material collection when i got diagnosed with colon cancer.

My comic books and other favorite collections would probably be secured and kept by my parents as their reminder of me, until my 3 poor siblings who have 7 kids out each will probably sell all my shit for quick cash. Don't care I'm dead.

cant do much when im dead

I got rid of mine a long time ago eventually you just run out of space for all of them just do digital only now.

I'm part of a bookclub so if I die in an accident I plan for them to have it.
Or anything unwanted donated to a local library.

I've already sold off the vast majority of my collection. Wasn't worth owning anymore.

Probably burn everything and snort the ashes before I die. Finally Grant Morrison, thoughts will be literally inside me.

Give them to my kids,that's if they like comics. They could sell them, rather they make some money off of them rather them keeping them if they don't want them.

I'll sell them before I go. Hopefully find someone who won't split the collection.

I don't own comic books. I'm good.

Leave HD filled with .cbr/.cbz files to my kid, who will most likely not know what it’s used for due to technological advancement

I've got a shitload of TPBs, yet I've never really thought about this. I certainly wouldn't want them to end up in a landfill somewhere. Maybe donate them to a library or something. Of course libraries might be obsolete by the time I'm dead.

I dunno, I collect a lot of obscure and OOP shit, as well as own several pieces of original comic art (both pages and commissions). I'd like to set up a comic art gallery down the line, as I'm in the industry as a creator myself and will likely have far too much valuable shit by the time I'm on my deathbed

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I dunno, what happens to your stuff when you're found rotting in your apartment months after you've died because neighbors reported the smell?

I'm sure the entire damn world will end before that's a problem.

My family will try to sell it or give it to anyone im the famioly who is nerdy

Do you have any New Universe in there? Sorry for preying on your collection but I want to know.

i sold my floppy collection and my star wars collection to put a downpayment on a house. i had been collecting both since around 8 years old, and i was 25 when i sold them. it was the good choice to make, but ill be damned if i dont get sad every now and then thinking about how i used to go through my old comics all pretty in their sleeves and cardboard backs

Put it on a boat with my corpse. Viking funeral

Is this /shelf/ ?

Hopefully give them to my kids/grandkids or have them sold to my lgs

How much for your Spider-Man 2099- your X-men 2099?

I've sold or donated most of what I had save for one box of oversized or odd size, generally hard cover items that I might try to sell, and a smaller box of less than 20 or so of something that's very rare that I'll likely donate.

I already have arrangements for what happens to my stuff when I kick because I own art and other things that has a value; the person who hopefully will be going through the stuff understands the value of it, but I'm assuming most of it will be sold and the people whom I would want to get my cash will get the payment(s).

The various states or counties have someone that takes control of the house, arranges to dispose of a body, for example, and then goes through your stuff. Sadly, sometimes these people have thrown away things like comic books but nowadays, even shit hole counties in bumpfuck corners of the states have people who know enough to at least look up on line whether something left is valuable.

They try to locate the next of kin, by whatever law statues exist (in some places, for example, only legally recognized can inherit, in others, it can be anyone confirmed by blood). IF an actual will exist, it goes to whatever is dictated by the will but a lot of people, even famous rich people (like Prince or Aretha Franklin) die without leaving a will.

So whatever the people who inherit want, they can have, or it all gets sold and they get whatever valuables (stocks, bank accounts) plus the cash from what is sold.

The government agency collects fees for certain things, like body disposal (again, if no will), of if a will says 'cremate,' they do that, and take the costs out of the 'estate.' The fees are controlled by the courts so they are reasonable.

My collection is only worth what it can be sold for.

I could sell it for much more than it's worth, while my family would likely sell it for much, much less than what it's worth.

If they want to put the work into getting the highest value off my comics, that's on them. Likely though, being a dead son and all, they'd just want to get rid of them as soon as possible.

Most of my comics aren't worth the paper they're printed on. The only one I have that has any real value is Swamp Thing #1

Can I shoot the flaming arrow at you?

not sure.

I'll just give all mine to my sister and her husband. They like comics too and I'm sure will live longer than me.

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Sure, I’ll be dead so who cares. You can throw a Molly if you want