Thoughts on Arin "Egoraptor" Hanson?

Thoughts on Arin "Egoraptor" Hanson?

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Went downhill after Jon left Game Grumps

Only sexual.

Sellout piece of shit.

Only good as a foil for Dan.

He's humping the leg of far-left SJW rhetoric to try and beg his way into the LA voice acting industry.

Unfunny tranny who was in the right place at the right time and his boyfriend jontron had his mean old daddy buy them a shit ton of fake viewers to kickstart their "career".

Unfunny halfcast sandnigger who's being hard pushed by Youtube for god knows what reason and pays other fucking loser youtubers to shill his unfunny bullshit fake memes?
Yeah no.

I'm disappointed with how far he's distanced himself from the animation community with even Oney calling him out on his bullshit. He also became one of the worst parts of Game Grumps. Honestly Dan is too cool for him.

He was never good, Metal Gear Awesome was LAAAAME.

People only watch Let's Plays because they need a Friend Simulator in their lives, but who the fuck would want Arin to be their friend?

Dan's so much better though. He has cool stories and doesn't have to lean on memes so hard just to fill air.

I think he's a dumb faggot for ragequiting Majora's Mask, a game optimized for children.

actively holding Danny back

You see, he fills the role of the Ugly/Stupid/Fat one that is there to make everyone else look more attractive by comparison, don't you know how social cliches work?

(S)he should just transition already. It's painfully obvious.
Speaking of painful, I hope she regrets it too late.

>He's humping the leg of far-left SJW rhetoric to try and beg his way into the LA voice acting industry.

What's weird about that is he makes more money and has a wider audience doing the YouTube shit. 100x more people watch Game Grumps than Mighty Magiswords.

So why the fuck is he trying so hard to quit Let's Plays and become a cartoon VA when it means getting less money and having a smaller audience?

Hey, I think he's grump

dan is funnier but arin himself became a fucking charisma drain

Liked his sequelitis, too bad he got lazy after just 4 episodes. Don´t care for the rest of his stuff

Because he and his friends are bullied on the internet by hateful comments :(

gamegrumps is still on? what the actual fuck?

Youtube handpicks who they want to do well and ruins the channesl and entire communties on youtube with the "algorithm".

He's on borrowed time.

Danny's letting himself get complacent is what's happening if you're talking about Game Grumps. NSP is way bigger now than it was before he joined when Jon left. Danny in most games doesn't seem like he really would want to be in the driver's seat more often than he is, because Arin often says "Do you want to play this?" and Danny makes clear he has no intention to. I think it's a shame, because Arin's better when he's just riffing from the back seat, where he can't play like a fucking idiot and slow the episode down, and Dan's runs are some of the best Game Grumps episodes.


So do we all agree Dan is too based for him?

I'll never forget the rush of seeing an egoraptor video in my feed.
I'll never forget the sadness coming to terms he was dead and unsubbing.

Why do we have this thread every week? And why always using the same sentence?

Because it's (more) stable work and you aren't forced to constantly be in the public eye
And who really wants to do YouTube streaming for the rest of their life

Yeah pretty much.

>transition already.
I can't wait for you to catch on to the next retarded fad, except you'll probably spam that into meaningless nonsense too.

Pretty much. One day you're fine, the other your empire crumbles to dust. YouTube is garbage for stability.
Not just that but getting into the VA business would mean doing something with substance and working towards something. Japan's voice acting culture is slowly creeping towards west, which would also mean becoming a full fledged celebrity on the scale of actors once you hit the right role.

Arin is an honest to god closet tranny. No fads, no memes.

No need to put Arin's transcript here.

Does anyone know if he was always woke, or if it was a gradual progression?

Dan's a genuinely pretty nice guy, and I get uncomfortable seeing Arin try to put on that kind of persona on his social media because when he does it, it just feels performative and insincere. Deep down, Arin is an edgy ass, and in a way he'd be more likable if he embraced that and stayed on good terms with Chris O'neil making off-color jokes and shooting the shit. I remember not that long ago, Dan even got annoyed with Arin because Arin was getting all indignant about something from American Pie or My Wet Hot American Summer or something, and he called Arin out for SJWing him on movies over a decade old.

Used to like him in the early GG days, but now he comes across as an obnoxious tool.
He hails himself as a uwu sparkle boi who can do no wrong but then it all backfired when you remember;
>Defending his wife for scamming people of cheap Chinese jewelry. Tried to guilt trip people about some sob story where Suzy asked if she was still a member of GG.
>Deleted ProJareds collab videos a week before the scandal to save face, yet still manages to keep the Schmorky guest animation who was outed as an actual pedophile.
>Sold a personal gift from a dead friend at a shitty garage sale.
>Tried to use his popularity to dogpile on a smaller internet animator for making a harmless parody video.
>Constantly goes on about how women shouldn’t being degraded and objectified, yet sells merchandise of mousepad boobs featuring a genderbend version of himself
>Thinks he’s above for dropping the whole Newgrounds community and being less “””mean””” even though his entire career is him shitting on franchises and other famous people.


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He's not even woke, it's a fucking act. He was making comedic Miyamoto Japanese guy impressions barely 5 years ago.

>ragequiting Majora's Mask, a game optimized for children
I know MM is a pain in the ass to 100%, but he couldn't even figure out basic puzzles like the waterwheel in the Ocean temple or even the central pillar puzzle in Snowhead temple.



Whats a "Hfisgoflsb"?

Little crossdressing powerbottom is a major racist.
He's just better at hiding it then his ex boyfriend.

that was a perfect parody of ninja gaiden for first time players though

Not Comics or Cartoons
piss off

E-celebs are not allowed on Yea Forums as much as I hate this guy

I'd like to say his path was original as he devolved into a hypocritical scum sucking piece of shit, but the truth of the matter is that it happens all the time.
It is the exact paint-by-numbers fall that happens to most comedians.
>Comedian makes jokes
>Gains some modicum of popularity
>Realizes that nearly all jokes on some level are "problematic" to the humorless cunts they want to please
>In doing this the comedian ironically becomes anti-comedy
The cause is normally finding a girlfriend/wife since women have the least understanding of comedy to down right despising it from their own inability to understand.
If you are a pussy-whipped bitch you will bend over backwards to please your woman even if it means betraying yourself and everyone else around you.
The vast majority of comedians are sad sniveling liberal s[]y drinking sudo-men, so most of the time that is the way the cookie crumbles.

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What if people shit on him for not making more Girlchan in Paradise and the like? and not animating anymore in general? I would say go to if anything.

But i gonna be real, people just gonna keep on bitching about the LP streams rather then his animations.

Arin isn't necessarily dumb, but he's the "can't chew bubblegum and walk at the same time" type. That's poison for someone whose entire job is to hold a conversation while playing video games.

I don't understand how so many people like Dan.
He isn't funny and he likes to play it super safe with whatever he says to not offend anyone. Be it "jokes" or his opinions on anything. He is also absolute garbage at games and has nothing to say about them other than "this looks pretty".
I'm sure he is a nice guy but absolutely misplaced as an entertainer. Shit, even as a singer he is mediocre at best.
Arin might be dogshit but Dan isn't exactly interesting either.

Since he triggers both Yea Forums and Yea Forums I'm gonna go with BASED

Retard fucking Tampa Bay Trailer Cracker.

You seem upset

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Being offensive for laughs is easy for any retard to do to be honest.
Go into a room scream NIGGERS!!!! then say nyuk nyuk and people will just laugh and laugh and laugh.
Any idiot can do it.

Best part is, the offensive jokes on Yea Forums stopped being jokes and started being a release valve for losers and the people who actually thought this way started to congregate here and try to push it as real and how reality is.

Then he should just cheat and read walkthroughs before every session and just pretend to fumble around.

But Youtubers can't even muster up that tiny level of effort.

>trannies are a retarded fad
strongly agree

As you said, these threads are not about the animator Egoraptor
They are gossip threads about an e-celeb

He's just a tool

That's the worst part. There's a number of games where Dan (or somebody else if they're streaming) will have a guide open and give him instructions and he still won't listen to them half the time.

Not sure what you are getting at here but the issue with Dan isn't that he isn't stupid levels of offensive.

ChuggaaConroy does that.

Dan dated multiple teenagers as a 40 year old man and it's going to come out eventually. One of them will say something. It's a ticking time bomb for the grumps.

>He was making comedic Miyamoto Japanese guy impressions barely 5 years ago.
everybody was user. it was a better time.

I wish we could go back to the good old days where all the big boys used to animate
Now it's all supposed "work" on some "project" for years on end until an anouncement that things didn't work out in the end

>Liked his sequelitis, too bad he got lazy after just 4 episodes.

Actually, he ended the series after the backlash he got for criticizing Ocarina of Time. He didn't like how so many people disagreed with him, so he cancelled Sequelitis.

Spoony. Egoraptor. Tatsuya.

Why do you people always try and blame their fall on a woman? It's like you want to hate them, but you can't bring yourself to do it completely, so you are still making excuses for them, even as you bash them.

Nobody is to blame for these people's failures but themselves. Nobody.

Egoraptor was always a charisma drain, that's why he needs Jon and Arin to cover him up.

>>Sold a personal gift from a dead friend at a shitty garage sale
give me the fuckin deets on this rn

thought he was kinda a dick from the get go but I liked animation so I subscribed to him
kinda quit following him when he stopped animating

Thoughts? He has wasted his gifts. Game Grumps has ALWAYS sucked, even when Jontron was there. Some of Ego's old cartoons actually made me laugh, but GG is about as funny as bowel cancer.

So yeah, I think Arin is a lazy bastard who's wasted his talent. His other failures are just piled on top of that.

As for him on a personal level, when he said he liked Lady Gaga on strean many years ago, I knew he was debased. Everything since then just proves it.

Jon has no charisma at all. He's being hard pushed by Disney and no one can actually confirm if that camelfucker has a lot of subs and views or if Youtube is doing that thing where they reccommend and trend shit that no one likes cares about or wants.
Like with logan paul.

His only friends he hasn't pushed away are the ones whose paychecks he signs, and I think that's telling enough.


He sold RWBY figures that Monty Oum gave to him as a gift.

Wat, Jontron is not working for Disney and his subscribers/views rate imply that Youtube is not giving him extra spotlight.

Ah, you're a shill.

Didn't Jontron get blacklisted by every game development studio (even having his voice over in a game deleted and replaced with a different actor) and mainstream media outlet because he refused to support illegal immigration?

When did that happen? I thought they were all still cool with each other even after Oney moved

Arin's been virtue signaling by trashing Newgrounds and the animators he used to be contemporaries with. It's part of his attempt to rebrand himself as a cartoon voice actor and ingratiate himself with the VA community in Los Angeles. That means distancing himself from his "problematic" past by condemning those who used to support him.

Yes, the fact his channel is still growing so fast despite all this shit is a fucking miracle.

Yeah pretty much.

His solid snake.impression is overrated

I mean it was quasi-pro-ethnostate stuff and anti large-scale immigration in general but yes he did get cut out of a game. He's still got his YouTube career and frequently makes the trending tab when he releases a video, so he's doing fine.

Yeah and no.
He's blacklisted from every major gaming organization and apperances because he said some super racist stuff about black people on a podcast.

Completely tanked his career.

Oh yeah. He sold his boipussy to Disney and Disney is a major fucking "donator" to youtube.
They've been pushing that piece of shit by putting him on trending lists and recommendations and lists. Those subs?
Youtube is in fact commititng a bit of fraud by giving him subs. Nothing new. It's been done a lot.
Don't know why they're doing it with some disgraced loser like him though.
Can't be because his persion shit heel daddy daddy laid with some piece of white trash and had him.
There are tons of middle eastern and indian youtubers who're fresh funny and have GOOD content and don't have to resort to throwing their daddies money around and their disney partnership to get views,

Even back when he was with Game Grumps?

>Oh yeah. He sold his boipussy to Disney and Disney is a major fucking "donator" to youtube.

Flex tape revived his career m8

His poltard ass

He's a retard confusing the fact he made a series with collaboration with Disney 4 years ago with his channel being bought by Disney.

That was back when you could buy a fuckton of subs and views easily and youtube didn't have the means or fucks to give to actually do anythign about it,
Faggot has some money and spent a bit to get their "career" started.

Oh you naive faggot.
The trending tab has been a joke forever.
Recommendations are littered with shit that youtube wants to push because the powers that be like it, subtle manipulation in said video, or it's a full on advertisement for sometning, and subs can and are faked.

Sure it did.

>Youtube is in fact commititng a bit of fraud by giving him subs. Nothing new. It's been done a lot.

So no source about his channel being shilled by Disney even though Disney abandoned Pewdiepie for far less and they have no reason to help him at all.