I used to think my life was a tragedy, but then I realized, it's a comedy

I used to think my life was a tragedy, but then I realized, it's a comedy.

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So he will drop this red nose or not? I don't really think it fit the Joker at all.

We live in a society

ITT: times you acted like the Clown
>Be me
>Mom says if i want to go to my Aunts dinner party
>I say no
>Actually really wanted to go there


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Hi laddernigger

Am DCfag actually. Still think this movie's gonna suck

This isn't a movie for you normalfag

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It's not a movie for anyone which is why no one will see it and Based Disney will get another billion with Maleficent 2



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I used to think my life was a tragedy, but then I realized, it's an ORIGIN STORY

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God. I just want the Joker to be funny. Enough of this edgelord bullshit already.

>I used to think my life was peepeee, but then I realized, it's poopoo.


>be 12 trick or treating
>see a bowl of candy
>”take one”
>take two instead

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I used to think life was a bitch, but then I realized, I'm her pimp.

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I would rape her

>I used to think my life was a tragedy.
>But then I was on a very famous TV show, and I was like, "Hey, life's a comedy".
>But then I realized, it's a tragedy. But my good friend who brought me here tried to tell me...it's just life. Life isn't one of two forms of Greek play, it's an adlibbed story that you only have direct narrative control over in the loosest of instances.
>Anyway, thanks for listening, clown dude.
>Say, that's not like a Gacy thing right?

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Heard the whole thing in his voice, good job.


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I think I will like this movie in an ironic way. Like how people say they like Sharknado. It is gonna be a train wreck, all attempts to try and "humanize" the joker are, but I think it will be a train wreck you can enjoy happening. Like if the train is full of scene kids, my chemical romance fans, and those retards who dressed up as clowns a couple years back.

I want a mix. A funny joker obsessed with the batman. Mostly getting him to crack a smile for the accolade. Think about it, making the "dark knight" that is well known smile wo1upd kind of be a big deal.

>all he wanted to do was to make these people laugh, that’s all he wanted out of this world, to make people laugh

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This movie blessed us with the gamers rise up meme, but also cursed us with that pretentious clown pepe shit. Truly an equal and opposite reaction.

I'm sure it'll be somewhere between sort of bad and sort of good, but the impact it's made on the world of irony will be felt forever.

Gamers rose up before that
("We live in a society" part is back from The Dark Knight era, with pretentious Ledger Joker "deep" image macros)

>be me
>board bus
>pay fare
>run away as fast as I can
>now the driver has to explain why the collected fares don't match the number of passengers


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>poopoo in spaghetti, everybody upsetti
Good times, user

>Cashier tells me to have a nice day
>I don't


I used to think my life was just a shitpost... but soon I'm going to be stickied on every board.

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>Professor says to complete the assignment in three days
>Complete it in four

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You would try.

>be me
>tell mom i ate all my vegetables
>eat all the fruit in the house

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When are the gamers gonna rise up? They've been talking about it forever.

>What is respawn cooldown.


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>live in society
>society doesn't realize we live in it

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Yeah I don't actually mind the obsessed with Batman, it's the pointless edgy stuff. I just want 'slapstick gone wrong' not these... Marilyn Manson attention whore things.

i think i posted the wrong Joker

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That's why I love Nicholson's Joker. Yes, he had plenty of edge, and yes was a criminal psycho, but ultimately the guy just wanted to do whatever fuck he found enjoyable at the expense of everybody surrounding him.

fuck you veronica

>supervisor asks if I read an email
>I didn't
>I tell her I did anyway

Yes! You get it!

I just don't get the modern interpretations. He's not just a sadist with make-up, it's supposed to be FUNNY.

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Patrician taste

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>game said to read the EULA before agreeing
>agree without reading


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Lex is drawn a little too much like Prof X here.

he was a killer, but he had a sense of humor about it.

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I have literally become the joker. We both are the same.

We despise the society
We used to be nice guys
We were betrayed by the woman we loved
We laugh at humanty
We have both have become insane
We game
We fill our hearts with hatred
We enjoy hurting other people
We use our intelligence to manipulate chads
We fuck with anyone who mess with us

stop larping on the internet and finish your community college degree you fucking waste of space

I like this Joker the most because it’s obvious how much fun Nicholson is having.

And you both go to Yea Forums.

best chad joker

Why. So that i can become good little pet for the society like you?

Poor sheeps like you need education. Because without some fancy degree you are nothing but loser in the eyes of the society. I dont need fancy degrees. I dont need school. I have learned and educated by observing our society more than i could ever learn in some stupid school.

Yes the society despises me. Yes the society hates me. Yes the society would rather see me in a straight jacket in a mental asylum and you know what? I fucking love it. Yes i am a bad guy. Yes i am fucking insane. Yes i should be put in a straight jacket and there is nothing you and the society can do about it. I am here so that you and the society can point me with your fucking fingers and say "thats the bad guy" so that you can feel good about youself.

Society owns you. You are a slave.

no wonder I joined chaos

How old are you, kid?

Based Jokeranon, rising up against Chad’s oppression.

i remember when i watched fight club for the first time too, cupcake

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his fucking mustache

every fucking time

How do you still fall for shit like this?

when every single jock and chad will be annihilated then the society will be free and equal for nice guys like us.

When there are no more chads the women will notice us. They will see us the way we are and they will apologize to us on their knees.

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This is what we mean, you laugh at us because you’re afraid of us. You’re afraid of what’ll happen if we stop putting up with your constant degredation and take back the power for ourselves.

And of course you’re scared of what’ll happen. Soceity has driven everyone insane but we gamers embrace the madness and become stronger of it. We see society’s black face and become a reflection, a parody of it. I’m the villian because I choose to be, because that’s what the world’s turned me into.

So keep on laughing, because it’ll do you no good once the world sees that we are right and praises us for seeing the truth of the world’s shittiness. I’m smart, really smart, and this is the easiest tthing in the world for me. The world’s a joke, school’s a joke, rules are a joke, laws are a joke, you’re a joke. Except once we’ve had enough and finally rise up, the joke’ll be on YOU.

So keep on laughing, normie. HA HA HA.

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You guys better quit making fun of Gamers. Wouldn't wanna have to make this thread messy, do we?.....

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Is the guy with the red Staff Ocean Master?

Oh they’ll be on their knees for us... if you know what I’m saying


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No shit we've become the Joker. Don't you remember being amused rather than upset four years ago when you watched Yea Forums, /pol/ and /x/ notice all those surreal coincidences surrounding 4u9525?

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Society is a liar
Society is a whore
Society is mess
Society is hipocrite
Soceity is cold
Soceity is blind
Society is brain dead
Society is ruthless
Soceity is dark
Soceity is insane
Soceity is shit

I will make society pay! Will you?

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I'm shocked DC hasn't leaned into this meme

Because it scares them. It is a meme that tells the truth and truth scares and hurts normies.

...Good point.

Yes. He can't let go of the staff: He made a deal with Neron, and tells Circe (iirc) that it makes him "more powerful" (but the way he says it, it's pretty clear it makes him 1% more powerful) but that it causes crippling pain if he lets go of it.

I hope no one shoot some one for this one.

Veronica will be on her knees?

That’s the point brother, I can’t make soceity pay. Nor can you. Only when working together as a collective can we gamers become strong enough to RISE UP against society’s shackles and start this terrible world anew in a blaze of cleansing fire.

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Seriously, there were people who did this for real?

Well they constantly fuel it with more Joker stories

Great thing about that Joker is that he really had no goal other than just having fun. He puts smiles on faces not with a knife, but by lacing everyday stuff with his chemicals, for no other reason than it amused him. Funny how that is actually much more chaotic than Mr Chaos dude in TDK.

Veronicas severed head will be on my knees next to chad's head.

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>Bottom Text
it was funny the first few times but when people put it in nonsensical places, they really ruin the meme

One thing that always kinda bugged me about the movie is how he got so many people to go the parade? I may be remembering it wrong, but didn't everyone know he was responsible for the many murders plaguing the city?

When is the review embargo lifting?"

Are you scared? Are you afraid of us or are you afraid of the truth we are telling you?

You should be scared. Our time will come and we are not going to give any mercy. So it is time for you to choose who's side you are.

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Bottom Text

It’s a film technique directors use called bad writing.


>They targeted gamers. GAMERS.


Not really any more.

Of course they’re scared. It’s a scary thing to do, leaving your prison cell for the first time. But oBOTTOM TEXTnce you’re out of it you’re free, free from your rules, free from your morals, free from your retard parents and stupid teachers. And that freedBOTTOM TEXTom is true power: more than money or muscle or judaism. That’s why they’re scared of us you knBOTTOM TEXTow, imagine what will happen when we kist stop caring and let loose!

To think society tries to take that power away from us... it’s so terrible, why would the government, why would socIETY do that to us...I think i’m going insane...now I see the funny side...


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I used to think my life was an Alan Moore story. Now I realize it's a pretentious, monochromatic, plotless, meandering indie comic.

And it's time for your medicine.

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Damn user even your post was pretentious

>gothamites not giving a fuck

Entirely accurate

What are you gonna do?

Call Janny because i said a meanie weenie little wurd???
Walk a mile in my shoes and see why society turned me into the animal i've become...

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>Be me
>forced to go to work
>order comes in for a burger with extra pickles
>I gave them no pickles

That’s actually really deep...monsters aren’t just born, they’re made by society. I feel for you user, my life is terrible aswell. After all, they always ask who the monster is, not why he is that way.

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What kind of insane sick twisted fuck would order extra pickles on his burger?

Wow...That was deep

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You see what I mean? O, Fate! O, Nemesis! O, fuck...

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What they don't tell you is that you DIE in a society

These threads were always fun. I used to like the BOTTOM TEXT GAMERS RISE UP stuff but it feels like it's been beaten into the ground now

>see a woman trying to hitch hike by the roadside
>slow down beside her like I'm going to pick her up
>when she reaches out to the door I floor it

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You see, this is how crazy society made gamers. The society wants us to marry and reproduce. The society must take off his mask of lies and turn himself in. Oh, and every day he doesn't, i will say the n-word...starting tonight. I'm a gamer of my word. [gamer laughs hysterically as chad screams]

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And succeed. And you’d be next.

And unfortunately, you faggots do too.

>replies to the post
>doesn’t describe a time he acted like a clown
truly evil

>Post in them anyway

I think (which predates other Joker memes by quite a bit) has a chance of being legit. Every other Joker meme was almost certainly made ironically.

I remember an old saying people used to say, "Ironic shitposting is still shitposting" I think it went.

Yes, put me in the trash, forget about me all you want.

One day I will get out.....And i won't be alone

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Oh, so you’re saying we’re shitting on this thread? Did we hurt your ittle wittle snowflake feelings? Fine, I’ll put my shit somewhere else, OPEN WIDE! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

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Fuck you, this is a Lex thread now, shit clown.

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>Wait a minute, I’m part of the 13%. I guess the joke’s on me...Ha!

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>the joker is a gaycel
Whoa...it was never about Veronica, it was about Chad..

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>be me
>at the optometrist
>"better or worse"
>it's actually worse


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I’m fucking dying.

I can’t tell if this thread is still ironic or not

how does it feel like being a dumb little puppy for the society?

Probably the kind of sick freak who dresses up like a bat and beats up the mentally deranged!

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>be me
>mom wants me to take the clothes off the line
>I don't do it
>it rains
>everything needs to be washed again


Society I'll do anything for you
Society just tell me what you want me to
Society nail me up against the wall
Society don't want everything he wants it all

No you can't take it
No you can't take it
No you can't take that away from me
No you can't take it
No you can't take it
No you can't take that away from me

Head like a hole, black as societys soul
I'd rather die than give society control
Head like a hole, black as societys soul
I'd rather die than give you society control

Bow down before the society you serve
You're going to get what you deserve Chad
Bow down before the society you serve
You're going to get what you deserve Chad

You idiots sided with the wrong DC villain.

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This is true, why do people cringe at this? the fact that people say that truly shows that we are oppressed. I have come to leave this comment to wake you sheeple up, you, filthy, fucking, CHRISTIAN, RIGHT WING NAZI LOVING PRICKS, you all are just as bad as latestagecapitalism and FULLCOMMUNISM. You all have it out for us gamers, you dont understand what we have been through, the joker in this picture is completely relatable to us gamers as we all have a DARK, MENTALLY UNSTABLE SIDE TO US and you DONT DARE MAKE US UNLEASH IT because if we did YOU WOULD BE PISSING YOURSELF IN FEAR. Think before you make fun of us gamers again, or I will let the BEAST INSIDE ME LOOSE

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>be me
>it’s hot out
>go to a cafe and order a smoothie
>tip them a dollar
>have two drinks
>leave my mostly full smoothie sitting on the bar
Ssssssssomebody stop me!

Okay, first off, you gamers are on the wrong board. Go to Yea Forums. Second of all, FUCK YOU.

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Does he end up killing him anyway? Cause after all that setup, it would actually be pretty funny.

He doesn’t. And no it wouldn’t.

>Be me, need bus money
>ask stranger, he agrees if I suck him off in an alley
>Vacuum him better than any whore could ever do
>he bukkakes all over me
>He reaches into his pocket for trhe change
>walk away


Fuck capitalism! fuck women! fuck society, fuck Drumpf! Fuck corporations! Fuck the justice system!

Long live gamers, socialism, KMFDM, gamer revolution, mayhem, destruction and chaos.

>order chicken sandwich with extra mayo and pickles
>get it
>wipe off mayo and discard pickles

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>hold in my shit for almost a week for whatever reason
>go to a restaurant and use their washroom
>make sure nobody sees me enter
>take a massive shit, turd is so long that it's poking out of the toilet
>make sure nobody sees me leave the washroom, family has already paid and are waiting for me at the parking lot, I casually walk out to the exit to meet them there








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>the animal i've become

A vole?


Ok, gamers, since we're in the topic of how much we hate society, let's post some of the shirts we wear to show this hate. I'll start.

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It kills me that people can hear a line like that and think it's anything but atrocious.

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Where does this guy live, Moonbeam City?

What a time to be alive in a society.

>he still plays that shit game

Well, it's mostly kids and bitter uncultured dudes that like those lines, user. Kids, because it's the first time they've ever thought of rebelling, and bitter uncultured dudes because they're spiteful, but don't know an elloquent non-shit way of expressing their spite.

>go into a restaurant bathroom
>"all employees must wash hands before returning to work"
>wash my hands even though I'm only a customer


absolute madness

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