Let's settle this, Yea Forums

Let's settle this, Yea Forums

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Gonna go with Amphibia

This is going to end in tears

Call me a faggot if you think both shows suck

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move of faggot, this meme is over

I'm sure this won't end terribly.

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Where's 12 forever?

WIth the pedophiles

in the trash where it belongs.

Sorry, OP here. Posted the wrong straw poll.

Here’s the right one


Make sure to vote honestly!

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Totally shallow reason but I didn't like Infinity Train for its synth soundtrack.



Infinity Virgins btfo'd by Amphibichads

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>WIth the pedophiles
this may be the one time it is actually truth

But that's what Amphibia and Infinity Trains entire "fanbases" are composed of

>WIth the pedophiles
Hi pot, have you met Kettle?

It's far below these two shows.

Infinity Train is way too unsubtle to be truly great, though it is by no means terrible.

This constant comparisons is one of the dumbest things I've ever seen here. HOW the heck can you compare a mini series that is doomed from the start to have story issues because of it's length, unlike Amphibia who had enough time to spare anda with that having less potential problems to flesh out the story and characters. Quite an unfair comparison.

We’ve already had one of these polls. I’d post the results, but I deleted it cuz I figured we were done with this shit

>implying people don't just watch the show for Butt Witch


Why doing this is important?

I'm not clicking those links. What are they?

You guys make the console wars on Yea Forums look like kiddy shit next to your autism.

Finally, a sane comment. I don't know what's up with this stupid fight... Each show is different on it's own.

I have never watched either of them but IF has my interest where as Amphibia always seemed so generic.
Any anons recommend watching both though?

You have to hate on something otherwise your own inner emptiness is exposed.

Yeah, watch both. Amphibia is a fantasy world with frogs, with some fun adventures, Infinity Train is conversely very tightly packed with no breathing room which kinda impacts its quality, but not by much.

Bitch please, a mini series should have far better pacing and writing on plain virtue of the fact the writers know from the start it has to end and has a particular length to adhere by. It's a case where your limitations are actually a strength not a weakness.

I AKSHULLY WATCHED IT, and noticed no pacing issues. Either I am retarded and with shit taste, or it be subjective.

cringe as hell

based as fuck

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They just dump emotional exposition onto you without any downtime or a chance to build relationship/explore characters in more subtle ways.

>didn't even name the planet

The characters are not very subtle or deep, there isn't much to explore.

They'd be more subtle and deep if there was time to explore.

I'd say watch both, but I found Amphibia to be much more engaging because of its storytelling and execution, which is near flawless considering it's a 11-minute show. Infinity Train was a neat concept stretched a bit too thin, with dialogue that is dense but in no way clever.

The finale of Amphibia was satisfying but left me wanting to discover more of its grand design. At the end of Infinity train, I felt I was done and any continuation would be a desperate cobbling of random ideas to drag out a gimmicky premise. This reads harsher than I want to be with IT, but in suffers a lot in comparison.

There's no reason not to watch both. Infinity Train is only 110 minutes total. You have to dedicate a little more time for Amphibia but it's still only about 8 hours, you can binge that in one weekend (or a day I guess).

I personally ended up liking both shows more than I was expecting to but for different reasons, but in the end I'd have to choose Amphibia primarily because of the characters and their dynamic. I never really felt that attached to any of the characters in IF.

I liked both shows but Infinity Train was too short and had to pack too much exposition into the last few episodes because they were running out of time. I never really felt too attached to Tulip either and I despised OneOne, but the other characters were alright. It's kind of unfair to compare it to Amphibia, which is a full series that has plenty of time to develop its characters and story. Anne is still better than Tulip, though.

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Don't think you get it, my man. First, they are not written as deep. Second, they don't NEED to be for the story.