How does the hive mind feel about the new boondocks redesigns? I sort of like it

How does the hive mind feel about the new boondocks redesigns? I sort of like it.

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For clarity; I have never seen any boondocks, nor have I read any printed adaptations. Anything I know about it is just from memes and reaction images.

Isn't it a show about black people? That looks like a white person. Possible asian admixture.

Now how the fuck does that look white to you?

>Unironically believing Yea Forums is a hive mind.

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I would say that the visible skin is a tone many would call white

These are official? I like them but they kinda seem more for a movie or a game


What's with the final fantasy giant gloves?

>I like them but they kinda seem more for a movie or a game
I'm getting serious PS2 vibes from it and I like it.

It feels like something I'd see after renting a Boondocks game from Video Warehouse.

>Isn't it a show about black people? That looks like a white person
Lol idiot

That's a little rude, I did preface that comment by saying I have never seen the show itself.
So I take it from your post that it is not a show about black people.

Attached: 1565324443438.png (305x307, 184K)

Didn't know these existed, what are the others?

This is Yea Forums. According to Yea Forums all blacks look like fucking gollywogs.

He unironically looks to be either a tanned and weathered huwite man, or a light skinned negro.

What's different?
He's a bit more muscular but that's it

it totally looks white

>thinking any Yea Forums board isn’t a hive mind
Keep on buzzin drone

Here’s Huey’s, not big on it myself but he no longer looks like a black nirvana reject

Attached: 71F2957F-DD69-40D8-B62D-89310157121E.jpg (1080x1350, 99K)

>those hashtags
Oh no

Attached: 5489B36E-C9F0-4416-95B6-C8B33F3A2C53.png (1125x2436, 1.93M)

That's not even that light skinned

If he looks like he could be a southern white man who's spent his life fishing on the gulf, then yes, it is.

You shouldn't be surprised

>being offended by a hashtag
Your thin-skinned pearl-clutching aside, this looks quite promising.

Yea Forums is literally the biggest hivemind on the internet.

Let’s see what MLK has to say about it

Yea Forums is a hive mind, we just suffer from schizophrenia and multiple personality disorder

We argue with each other far too much to be that.

So what's actually happening? I remember seeing these and someone said it was for a video game.
Then they said Boondocks was coming back a bit back.

You send death threats to one another over which underage videogame or anime waifu you like, sure, but you circlejerk each other about how much you hate women and minorities as well as express fascistic beliefs.
You are the epitome of a hivemind. Any time someone calls you out for spamming porn of cartoon children on sfw boards, you collectively get offended and post that Tintin reaction image. Any time someone complains how much they hate it when waifufag tribalism derails the thread, you yell at them to leave in a troglodyte manner with juveile insults. Any time someone even has a problem with someone spamming the n-word or complaining about irrelevant things such as janitors or transgenders in a topic, you collectively gang up on them and repeat those insults. Quit being so deep in denial.

You know you're here right?

These new designs most definitely have lighter skintones regardless of the lighting. Ruckus is a lucky man, he is turning white after all!

Oh, of course, I forgot where I was posting, so thanks for reminding me since anyone who posts on *website* has to follow the collective mentality of said *website* or they aren't a true *website*er.

If they don't then they're not exactly a hivemind now are they?

But you're suggesting that anyone who posts here has to follow the hivemind, or else they're part of a hivemind and are libtard sheeple cuckolds, am I right? Need I provide more generic stockphrase the people here have spammed so often and consider "culture"?

No, actually I was implying your presence negates your assertion that everyone here holds the same exact opinion and is a hivemind.
But you do seem to be a massive faggot.

These are concept art from q potential mobile game that was in early development. Although it never made it past the pitch phase, they never did anything beyond floating some vague ideas and concept art to and various publishers. They never even actually settled on what gene the game would even be. Aaron McGruder just liked the idea of a Boondocks being a video game

Attached: boondocks.jpg (825x464, 51K)

>actually I was implying your presence negates your assertion that everyone here holds the same exact opinion and is a hivemind.
Oh sure, I personally disagree with the mentality and content that is showcased here, but that doesn't deny the existence of a hivemind. The overwhelming majority of posters that flock here are sadistic, lonely vermins with a persecution complex and a complete lack of empathy for anyone besides them, which is made obvious by their egoism and sole concern with their sadness, and blaming said sadness that they have garnered with their own terrible decisions in life on other people.
It explains why they all pile up here, why they believe it's the world the reason they've ended up as loveless failures with no jobs, but they also cope by bragging about having 2D wives that don't nag them, or how comfortable it is to not have a job because they don't have any responsibilities to fulfill, but they all return to the same cycle of whining and then bragging about those two things. Oh, and a side-order of hate towards women and minorities, too. If the anons are third-worlders, it's an additional side-order of inferiority complex.

Anyway, you suggested that by posting on this website, my argument have become null. It's a fallacious and insecure assertion, so avoid doing that.
>But you do seem to be a massive faggot
Of course. Anyone says something you don't like? That's easy, just cope by calling them reddit, n-words, f-words, t-words, just take ANY of the generic Yea Forums catchphrases you like and attribute them to that mean user who wronged you. Congratulations, you've won the argument and saved Yea Forums's culture! You must be so proud of yourself!

All that's missing is a frog or wojak reaction image and you'd be the poster-boy of this site. What do you say, champ?

I'm fucking dying, great bait user, continue making more. You're doing the lord's work in your autistic endeavors

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I think your view is pretty simplistic, I think you're trying to distance yourself from the other posters of the website because seeing yourself in them scares you a bit, I think it's ironic how hard you're calling them all unempathic vermin then break them all down to a very singular stereotype that you clearly view as subhuman, I think you ignore the tons of varying opinions and actual disagreements on here just so you can do that.
Yeah I've never been particularly good at not biting the bait.

dear god did op walk straight out of being on /pol/ for a month and assumed everyone on every board is the same or some shit, this is either high tier newfaggotry or autistic trolling.

So is Uncle Ruckus being cast as a Joe Arpaio character that drops the n bomb a lot?

Aaron mcgruder has lots of communist ideals in his show. Not making any claims but the guy is a lefty for sure no doubt.

>I think your view is pretty simplistic
Straightforward, actually. It shouldn't take long to conclude that the hivemind is populated by like-minded individuals.
> I think you're trying to distance yourself from the other posters of the website because seeing yourself in them scares you a bit
Not really. At most, I used to call things I disliked as 'autistic', sure, but then I shed that juvenile attitude over time. I don't like 4channers because they think of themselves as victims, they reminisce about 'simpler' times back when they had tons of videogames or shows to waste their time and childhood on.
Alas, here they are, complaining about how depressed that they're social, romantic, and career failures. But it's not their fault, no, it's that woman that rejected them back in highschool, or that black guy who took their order at McDonald's, they're the reason their own lives suck.

I guess it was a good thing I grew up in a lower-class and a stern yet caring family. The most I could do was play football outside with friends when it came to entertainment, and my parents wanted me to have a better life, so I was made vigilant about my studies from elementary to university, but not give up my dedication to my faith and my duty to raise a family of my own. The reason Yea Forums is full of shitty people is definitely because of shitty parents who raised shitty priviliged kids, there's no arguing that.

>I think you ignore the tons of varying opinions and actual disagreements on here just so you can do that.
I don't need to take any opinions, just observing you has made it clear what kind of person you are. You could have made a hundred different anons write down how they've become literal vermin, they'lll still blame it on the same entities, circlejerk about what they like and hate, even down to politics.

Anyway, I think I'm done. Take this "bait" however you want.

And that’s a great thing.


Think they look awful. Also I'm really torn, there has been politics in the show all along but for some reason the politics is irritating me now. Maybe because now I actually know what I'm talking about

Are they really not aging Huey up? Having him a little older or at least a teenager opens up a lot of plot lines imo

Wait so is that plot leak about the whole season being the family vs local government real? Doesn't that limit the show creatively?

>jasmine looks like a spic

looks like a black poketubers avatar pic