>Destroys the Marvel and DC universes
Heh, nothing personnel comic fanboys.
Destroys the Marvel and DC universes
Blake Lee
Isaac White
>Destroying universes
Kayden Robinson
>"Beware my power"s in your path
Justin Fisher
Only if he can get the voices in his head to shut up and let him do something for five minutes.
Carson Evans
Wrong. Ben doesn’t need them anymore.
Camden Campbell
And we don't know exactly how much free time he got after he told them off. For all we know, the next time Ben becomes X, the two heads are back to cock-blocking him through their arguing.
Nicholas Sanchez
>restores everything as it was
Go back to your dead show before you make him mad. Return to the irrelevance a YouTube video brought you out of and never come back.
Joseph Diaz
Ben is omniversal, sweaty.
Luke Brown
Ben fags still seething.
Cameron Brown
>Dials it up to 11
>"Heh, nothing personal Bennie"