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Is it finally over?

Not yet, but soon.

So now there are 2?



Do they both remember the angels?

I used to be really into this, I've got 3 of the pins I think, but dropped it years ago, around when the movie thing started getting talked about.
i can't imagine how it's managed to drag on so long.

That is one way to fix things.

Girl-Ash should because her and Emily's request was specifically that they should keep all the memories of how they met and became close. No idea about her male counterpart.

it's always been slice of life foremost so it could last however long it wanted, although the end turning out to be in sync with Ash's graduation makes sense.

Ok give me the quick rundown. Why is there two now? That doesn't solve the misfile at all.

When they finally got the opportunity to refile Ash, she was really torn about it because on one side she didn't feel right as a girl but on the other side her life as a girl is much better on the relationship side (including becoming Emily's lover), but refiling her would likely undo a number of good things she's accomplished, not to mention Emily would keep her memories but Ash would not.

So Rumisiel did both, the part of Ash that wanted to be a boy and the part that liked her life and what she accomplished as a girl were split into two siblings.

And girl ash has no feelings for Emily?

Wouldn't it be the girl Ash that DOES?

Girl Ash is the one who ends up with Emily (as Emily pointed out at one point, she fell in love with girl-Ash, not an hypothetical boy-Ash she's never seen). Boy-Ash (Man-Ash now I guess) is likely boning Missi (who you may remember has mentioned she'd be much happier and less conflicted if Ash were a boy).

Wow. I didn't know what I was expecting of the ending after all this time. But I hoped it would have been anything other than this steaming turd.

It's been foreshadowed well enough that people were calling it long ago, and it successfully resolves the established conflicts and dilemmas. What else did you expect?

How was it foreshadowed? Ash being conflicted about changing back in no way foreshadowed a literal extra person being created to just sidestep and hard decisions ash would have to make.

Ash remaining as a girl was obvious. The guy thing was just throwing a bone to the other camp. That is, if there's still campaign for this. How has the art not improved in, jesus, how many years?

I'd like to think that this is the absolute best he can do and it's not because he's lazy.

Anticlimactic ending is anticlimactic

I mean, you say lazy like it's some stereotype but at least off the top of my head I can't think of a story that resolves a gender swap scenario in this way.

Girl-Ash has been repeatedly aluded to as someone who had her own past and existence, even as a living retcon, and that changing things back would change the timeline back for everyone she's met. It wasn't just about Ash's conflict, it had much farther reaching consequences, up to Emily dying in a car accident if the original timeline had been restored for both of them. As soon as they started sleeping together Emily brought up the fact a straight (hohoho) refile just couldn't happen, that they needed to find a way to both restore boy-Ash and keep girl-Ash's timeline.

Misfile's art is the most consistent I've ever seen in a webcomic that ran for 15 years. The first year or two are shaky, but after that it looks the same now as it did then.

Why couldn't they just refile her to make her straight?

Imagine any other relationship drama is solved in this manner. Not enough time for spouse? I'll just make a double of me. GF wants a threesome? Time for the dupe-o-matic. Wife wants BBC but I don't want to get cucked? I'll just make a version of me that happens to be a violent statistical outlier. Did this guy read Gunnerkrigg and figure he could use it to resolve an uncomfortable setup?

Dude you can't refile sexual orientation in 2019.

That your mind IMMEDIATELY jumps to cuck shit tells me you're too stupid to have this conversation with.

Yeah because this comic is for thkse high IQ individuals.

But continue to avoid the debate. We can continue the thread without you.

jesus fuck, I don't know what blows my mind more, that this dinosaur of a comic is ending, or how old I feel to see this dinosaur of a webcomic ending. I was just starting high school when I read it first and now I'm a grown ass man stumbling on to a random thread to see this.

Maybe I'll go read the fucking DECADE of comics I missed since quitting one day, though I doubt it. Good to see the dude stopped using Comic Sans of all things for a font.

It is related as we all got kek'd out of a satisfying conclusion.

This is their ostensible reward for dealing with and solving a major metaphysical snafu. The conflict itself is fantastical so why are you seething in impotent rage over it?

Like seriously, slightly smudging a piece of paper can retcon someone's entire life, don't you think adding a piece of paper could create a sibling?

Wouldn't have met Emily in the refile, and Emily gets broken by the fact she'll remember the love of her life that doesn't exist anymore and has been replaced by some dude she's never actually seen before. Can't just refile Emily too and make her forget because she's likely dead in her original timeline in the first place, and she tore up her lost pages anyway.

You're not debating, you nitwit namefag, you're spouting buzzwords. Here's a hot take for you, Ash as best as I recall ten fucking years ago displayed some symptoms of genuine gender dysphoria due to the misfile, where they felt at different times like both a man and woman. How many stories do you know that resolve that not by saying one or the other gender is false and making it go away, but by acknowledging and separating the two senses of self into two actual unique selves?

One meme word was said you curiously lost your shit. Are you OK user? Are you having relationship problems you want to let off your chest? We're all here for you.

Just because the ending is uncommon doesn't make it good. I can see why would might have bad taste in plot lines if uniquness is the only metric you have for writing.

Seems like best ending, now it's not gay to wank to girl-Ash anymore

At least until the sequel

How the fuck did this person get up and make a new comic every day while forcing themselves to never change the art style? Even the initial d chapters were miliquetoast af.

That's what she deserves for being such a cunt in the beginning.

Obviously they can't be both actually be named Ash, so what's the girl's name, Ashley?


Imagine if he put that iron will and dedication toward improving.

Didn't he start on another comic years ago? Did he change the art there?

Apparently he's always on the verge of going broke and works a day job as a mechanic so doesn't practice
On the other hand I first started to read Misfile when I was 14 and I'm fucking 30 now and he hasn't even improved by accident, the last time I read this comic with any regularity was 12 years ago and it still looks the same

He does a strip every day for 15 years and that's not practice? I mean sure you're not experimenting with drastically new styles, but I don't see how you can't learn to drawn their necks, shoulders, and backs somewhat like a human being.

It's a bit different, but if you're among those who thing misfile hasn't progressed art-wise you're not really gonna find the other one a big change

its been 15 fucking year dude, you have not improved at all. HOW!? Your art should be at least cleaner, have straighter lines but no not even that. You sir have done the impossible!