You guys keep criticizing all these current cartoons for PC shit but you always give Static Shock a pass for doing the...

You guys keep criticizing all these current cartoons for PC shit but you always give Static Shock a pass for doing the same shit

And don't say it wasn't in your face, it was pretty in your face almost all the time

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I want Static Shock to shock my scrotum.

Different times, better writers who weren’t trying to cater to the PC crowd. OP if you’re gonna throw some criticism of its “PC NATURE” at least give a valid reasoning.

actually rewatching static the past few days, shits awesome
theres pc stuff but ut doesnt seem all that shoehorned in because its like, the concept of the show

The difference is that this show came out before Yea Forums anons' minds were fried by the internet into seeing everything through the lens of a neverending culture war against SJWs. If the exact same show (or the original comic) came out today they'd be screaming and shitting calling it SJW Calarts tumblr propaganda.

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Anybody who actually watches old cartoons, and doesn't just remember them through nostalgia lenses, knows that they were full of politics and social justice messages.
Animation and cartoons have always been progressive.
Sometimes the messages were even more blatant and shoehorned: The amount of female characters who are inexplicably much better than their male counterparts at everything is STAGGERING in 90s/early 2000s shows.

But of course, old thing good, new thing bad.

because mcduffie


Nowadays, Execs bow down in fear thinking they lose money because some loud Twitter landwhales complaining about racism.

By that time whoever made those series had a genuine feeling and talent to pursue their creation.

What was so PC about static shock?, the only political episode I remember was the gun one and they handled it well. They didnt try to demonize gun ownership and the shooter was shown under a sympathetic light as a victim of bullying rather than as an inhumane monster.

Turning premises into talking points leaves no room to discuss what's really important: the competence of the writing. A PC subject handled in a nuanced way by a good writer is very different from one clumsily handled in a preachy, two-dimensional way by someone who just wanted an audience to get up on their soapbox in front of.

But most people aren't going to make posts that wordy, they're just going to go "they turned all the protagonists into lesbians! Something something throw the word cuck in there."

Because Static Shock was his own original creation. The creator wanted more black super heroes so instead of whining about how Batman should be black, he made one.

nah man but have fun with your tumblr boogeyman

were you even born when the show came out? the execs didn't chase the pc culture fad because it wasn't that significant at the time. they wanted to ride the popularity of hip-hop and rappers.
>let's make a show for the children of the black community
does that sound remotely like a executive?
>kids like hip-hop. let's make a show that capitalizes on that.
it was always about the money.

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Static Shock is the weakest DCAU cartoon, other than that robot show.

Politics or whatever everyone is whining about aside, that flying static disc is cool as fuck and you can't deny it.

>in my imaginary scenario, I win!
Fuck off you semen-guzzling faggot.

He's right though. Some of you are so ingrained in this culture war you can't not seethe at the sight of a black person in a TV show or comic doing ANYTHING remotely heroic or cool

Bullshit.I always Hated the sister that was always right,and the gay turn out was forced as fuck.But the show really makes up for a likeable Hero that make mistakes and learned from actually see the characters growth in the show and by the time i dont remember a Cartoon doing anything similar.
If He was made today He Will be styling over the stabilished DC white male heroes while whining about whipipo

>the gay turn out was forced as fuck

Hes right but hes also acting as if its only a Yea Forums thing. The majority of people are high on politics nowadays and they are all jumpy as fuck over things contradicting their particular position. Look at the retards who were calling Goblin Slayer "fascist".

He's not right, though.
And I can say with 100% certainty that people have explained to you in excruciating detail the problem they have with "woke" shit no less than 20 times, but you just keep on being retarded.

>My made up senário is real REEEE!
fuck off nigger Just make cool characters that doesnt shit on stabilished classic ones (or outright take his place)and we are Fine.Why is soo hard for you people to understand?

Static Shock wasnt SJW bullshit. He was a superhero designed to appeal to urban youth as a role model instead of some thug. He fought criminals, didnt glorify them. The only episode i remember completely was the one where richie got shot lol

>Look at the retards who were calling Goblin Slayer "fascist".
That can't be real

His white friend later in the season turn out to be gay out of nowhere...i was extra annoying because for a show that have a Hero the developed along the way,they could at least do the same tô his white friend choice.

Orange Man really changed the world...cant wait for 2020

He was never openly gay in the show. McDuffie said he dropped "hints" but nothing was explicit. Besides, he was already gay in the comics. They had a whole story arc about him getting assaulted because of it, putting on a gay rights march, and Virgil learning to stop being homophobic.

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I'm honestly more mad that Hostreak wasn't Static's recurring villain, or Ebon keeps jobbing.

It probably is. Not sure how Hot Goblin Cock in every hole is fascist but I'm sure they found a way.

It did. A bunch of blue checkmarks got pissy because they thought it was glorifying racial genocide. Also remember the meltdown they had over AoT and supposed xenophobic messages.

It was literally made by Milestone Media, a coalition of african american artists.

So any "peecee shit" that pisses you off now is typically the exact same as back then. You're just a little snowflake reactionary.

Its like the only one that had teen heroes , it was more appealing to youth

Why were they called bang babbies?

Well, there's no character in the show named Static Shock, so I think you're going to be disappointed.

The episode where Static went to Africa seemed like the most blatant example I could think of, but I never really minded it from the show.

Then again, I'm not the kind of person that constantly screeches about SJW pandering or whatever.

I can't recall a time that Virgil's sister was listed as right about something aside from when it involved giving Rubberband Man a second chance or it was something that their father was already advocating.

You're thinking of the comics. Richie was never outright said to be gay in the show.

Because they were born again in the Big Bang.

You remember the show? It was part PC, part shill.

Contrarian group think. Same people complaining about current shit like star or steven are the same ones who wished SJW/PC writers would fuck off of their shit and make their own shows.

Static Shock was actually good and had nothing to do with pandering.

If it was made today, Richie would have had a black boyfriend and all you howler monkeys would be screeching at that.

Because it was actually good?

I'm surprised nobody remembers the Richie's racist dad episode. It was well done but even the project zeta one gets brought up more here

>implying it's "peecee shit" just because the artists were black
That's not how this works. What we complain about today is people taking already existing characters and using a reskin to try and dodge criticism for shitty writing. Static Shock was an original character AND had good writing.

I never understood why it’s called that. The thought of putting my dick in a mans butt is gross and unappealing, it’s not something that causes a reaction similar to a traumatizing fear.

This style of writing reeks of underage Discord+Facebook poster.

I suspect that when it gets to the point of people becoming violent over it, they do have an irrational fear response. I suspect it's because they have deep-seated insecurities about the whole thing and treat any thoughts of it as anathema instead of resolving them like a rational adult. It doesn't mean that they're always secretly gay themselves, but it does show that it's a topic that triggers their fight or flight response for whatever reason. The word homophobic is just overused lately to include things that have nothing to do with any of this.

Gee, why would there be a problem with more promotion of degeneracy in children's cartoons

I wonder if it was made today would Fujos attach themselves to Virgil and Richie.

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Because Static Shock was not afraid to portray niggers in a negative light and call them out on their bullshit. If Static Shock was made today you can be damn sure that every black villain would have a sad backstory even that lazy good for nothing nigger Ebon would have one. Static Shock had some SJW shit but also shat on blacks as well. It's basically superhero boondocks.

Because Static is a good character. It actually tackled issues instead of paying lip service to them. Vergil was a kid who dealt with issues that the black community faces internally and externally. It was a real take on sensative issues

sounds like projection

That sounds homophobic, user.

When was Virgil's sister ever right? Richie was gay in the comics and the show never blatantly stated it.

What the fuck are you talking about? This show messages were just things like "don't be racist, treat everyone the same" or "mental health is important" and "be good to your family"

There is no white privilege, or male privilege or anything privilege, is this show is sjw the anyone who is not a literal nazi is a sjw.

Because you whine about those. Whine about everything really.

Static did it respectfully and handled everything with a level of respect most weren’t liable to give

How many shows would have treated both school shootings and gang violence as not black and white

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Ebon was the leader of a crime syndicate, he looked out for his brother when they were human and took care of buisnes

Becuase that's a show people grew up with and never dared at that age about stuff like that. So now they have to be edge Lords and bitch about how things are different and bad now. When really they are the same.


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You forgot "don't join a gang" and "don't play with guns".

Fucking idiot.

You really think a Static cartoon made nowadays would be so open and frank about gang banging violence? Praise misogynistic rap culture? Make most of the minority characters villains?

The main issue with Static were the crossover episodes that made the Justice League job in order to make him look good.

Pretty much this.