name a worse wife
Name a worse wife
Did she really kiss goofy?
Why are her breasts vibrating?
Peggy Hill
Because that's an edit.
Americans are way to cucked to get away with cleavage.
Peggy Bundy
terrible as wife, great as "escort"
How was she a bad wife?
Because she kept Pete in check?
And Pete was a massive asshole, let's not pretend he isn't.
Peggy Hill, Bloberta Puppington, Lois.
Lorena Bobitt.
>constantly making out with the neighbors
>abandoned Pete and C.J
Why are Pegs the worse wife material but great lays?
Ur mum
Rose Quartz
Made for HYUCK
for all we know she could've died in a tragic car accident or gone off abroad to make a fortune that she selflessly funnels back to her husband and son
Debra Barone
They love being pegged
But she is a good wife?
Lois Griffin.
She's a low IQ high school drop out felon
And? Being low IQ doesn't make her bad wife.
Peggy Hill and TV Becca Butcher.
The love *to* peg.
No but the violence, entitled behavior and shitty parenting does
Lois Griffin.