Heres your green goblin bro
Heres your green goblin bro
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would've been kino
Looks really good, seems hard to explain unless they gave him a shapeshifting element too.
Honestly the suit in the movie would've been fine if they just threw some fucking ragged purple cloth overtop.
Green Goblin is a stupidly difficult concept to adapt; probably can't be done right anyway. This would have been more interesting than what we got, but still
It's really not if you understand that it comes from characterization.
Norman Osborn is similar to the Joker, he *enjoys* the theatrics of being a supervillain, he does it for fun. The garish costume is an expression of that flamboyance and eccentricity and it should just be played straight to show how off his rocker Norman is. Just get an actor who's as good at chewing scenery as Willem Dafoe was and let them go to town and don't be fucking ashamed of it like a coward
Most comics naturally are since they're developed both in a medium and culture that appreciates totally different aesthetics.
But you've gotta sell that to normies in a streamlined movie.
>But you've gotta sell that to normies in a streamlined movie.
SM1 fucking did it without any problem, what the fuck.
You meant shit goblin, bro ?
With power ranger armor but no web shooters?
Were you born after the movie came out? It was very successful and popular.
Why would you want to explain with shapeshifting a mask that was possible to make in 00s?
I wasn't talking about success I was talking about them shying away from being comic accurate to streamline and appeal to normies.
Because they'd have to explain why he went through the trouble of making this super intricate halloween mask just for giggles while the Goblin helmet was presumably just a modified Military helmet
Dude, he's crazy. He doesn't need a reason to come up with a mask.
>I wasn't talking about success I was talking about them shying away from being comic accurate to streamline and appeal to normies.
It was a pretty accurate portrayal as far as characterization goes.
Dafoe's motives and personality were true to comics Osborn. He wore a mask because he wanted to, because he was nuts and having fun, and it being hammy as fuck never stopped all the normies from fucking loving that movie, in fact most people are of the concensus that Norman is the best part of it, so what the fuck argument are you trying to make?
A purple cape would've done wonders to his appearance.
Hes a psycho maniac in a comic book movie. If your main concern is "but why mask?" then you're the reason we got an entire generation of military gear, leather jackets and hockey pads.
Raimi Spider-man is campy as fuck. Its borderline Adam West at times. They could have done the goblin.
Best Goblins
1990's & the one before that crazy goblin- especially that sweet ass depiction of Norman's stress & the insanity in the Goblin voice
Spectacular Spiderman Goblin- casual, controlled, but clearly an alter ego
You're really missing my point
a billionare gone supervillain wears mask to hide his identity, wears a hideous goblin mask to scare his enemies
>for centuries the hobgoblin was a symbol of fear and terror, I want this face to be the last thing my enemies sees
Uh can someone fucking give me an explanation as to why they did not go with this???? Even in the capeshit world of the early 2000's, I think this could've been acceptable. Now I'm remembering there was no purple garment at all. Raimi is a hack and this trilogy is overrated
too scary/uncanny. Somebody had to think of the children.
Hobgoblin > Green goblin
>ut you've gotta sell that to normies in a streamlined movie
they basically just did with mysterio you ham-brained dingus.
>Goblin helmet was presumably just a modified Military helmet
it wasnt, it was from his personal mask collection. its explained through mis en scene you fucking hams
it was difficult to operate, not very fast or reactive, broke frequently (apparently) and i believe raimi has said he felt it would distract from willem's performance
If only
Just make it more green, give him the purple hat, purple vest, and put dots on the eyes.
Here's retarded idea. Make Goblin Serum containing DNA of Skrulls, they already look quite goblin-ish and make it become more of literal Jekyl and Hyde transformation tormenting Norman.
I like it
That's what Alex Ross did
Idk if anyone can do it like Dafoe someone post the Raimi screencap where he “pours over the Quran”
True but this is also a cloth costume full stop. I'm just saying the "power ranger suit" would have looked good with the tunic over top. And some purple paint on the long forehead part that's supposed to evoke his hat.
*blocks your path*
Suck my taint
>full stop
Shut up
Yeah, what I posted isn't that. Imagine if we got Ross's designs though. I loved that you could play them in the game
You're not the Hobgoblin!
It was only test footage
Only if it’s Jason.