Disgusting human edition. Discuss the movie.
Invader Zim: Enter the Florpus
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Why is this so good?
If you're new to the fandom and are interested in reading fics, have this quick guide to get you started.
There is not enough 777 in our miserable lifes.
I will always draw any Vortian characters if anons give me requests.
because it was made by a god at animation
I actually like this more than the original series
no over reliance on gir
all better
Me too. I'd love a revival or new series based on this style.
Yeah, that's cause, unlike most people think, this isn't an adaptation from the TV Series but actually from the Comics.
Same. I love the old show but it was a product of it's time and it's better to start fresh if they do a S3
>that greener
I like ZADF
i wish i can request something but i can't think in any interesting situation rn, sorry.
Holy shitting fuck, kek. This is so true it's painful. I remember a billion fanfics about Zim committing angsty suicide as soon as he found out his mission wasn't real, or Dib or less frequently Gaz killing themselves because Membrane didn't love them, or Gaz getting "rightfully" killed for being such a bitch. Most of the Zim X Gaz fics were fluffy soppy romance and Dib X Zim fanfics were hardcore violence where they murdered each other in edgy angsty ways. Fucking crazy times 20 years ago.
I really enjoyed this movie. Jhonen said that he would be willing to write for a new series as long as he wasn’t directing or producing or any of that. Let’s hope a good team takes him up on that offer.
My one and only complaint is that I liked Membrane's old style better.
Leprechaun Cat made me laugh.
Anyone have a screengrab or webm of those two kids in front of Membrane Labs trying to reach each others hands?
His power level is insane.
Then what would he be doing? Just the writing?
Jesus, i am glad i didn't know english at that time. Spanish fics were meh really, i remember only one that was just zim and dib sword fighting.
Despite being into all the Deviantart cringe I never read Fanficiton until I was 18 at least.
yeah pretty much he would help so long as he did not have to come in every day to over look stuff
> post yfw Zim revival with Jhonen as the writer and it turns out to actually be kinda good
Man, the quantity (and quality) of all these IZ threads that have reached bump limit, i'm God damn proud of this fandom (as usual), this fandom could be a mess (as all fandoms are) but it still feel like united, like a ugly family...
Same, i have never been this active in a thread. I hope we get a S3, just from pure aesthetic value it has a lot of potential.
Plus some episodes like The Trial can be made into a reality
tak is the spaceship right
Post more Vortians.
man i don't care that much if we don't get a proper S3, but damn we all need The Trial, at least as a single special (or maybe as a full threatical movie).
Tak's the tall purple hair girl of the back. She was in the old show.
This. Oh god yes.
I love how all the humans are such retards except the main characters
i have a Vortian OC, i feel there are not enough Vortian OCs.
God, that would be awesome
>Dib x Gaz
Such a treasure. The movie just adds fuel to the ship. I honestly didn't expect Gaz to do such an about face.
if we're currently reminiscing about this show, I wouldn't mind throwing my hat into the ring.
As a small lad, I loved two things in life, Ghostbusters and Invader Zim. At some point I tried to mix the two in a way or something.
It started that same generic way with the tallests doing an epic prank on zim and him getting sad. Then Dib and him slowly built up a friendship and then something like, Zim wanted in on the fame of discovering creatures like bigfoot with Dib, cause he thought it would give him power? So they went on poorly hunting urban legends and almost getting killed.
They are certainly gone as I wrote them on a family pc and I was too scared to post them. This new movie gave me a flashback of the whole thing and if I were autistic enough, i would rewrite it.
The reason Tak, Zim, and virtually any alien, can trick the entire human race (sans The Membranes) that easily.
I feel like the proper shitposty thing to do is request lewds, but I really don't want them.
Maybe wholesome pic of him helping zim with some designs? or helping dib fix taks ship again?
oh that makes sense gaz is a lot cooler and chill then I remember her being in the original show
It was earlier more innocent times for weird as shit nutty crackshipping. To their credit, even though a lot of the shippers were 7 year olds, 99.9% of them didn't think it had anything much to do with the show and knew it was idiotic. Shipping back then pretty often wasn't expected to be canon and sometimes existed just to be strange.
I mean the "lol we're so randumb" was part of the point, and annoying, but it made some sense. Jhonen said the romance stories made him sick to his stomach, which just encouraged the fans to do it even more just to be weird and gross, which summed up a lot of Jhonen's actual work so fair play really. That chart also misses the rare really bizarre ships fans turned to ro get more extreme and weird, though those were always rare.
As for everyone killing themselves in every fic, most of the fans were Hot Topic kids and preteens. It wasn't surprising. The slightly older fans were usually really JtHM fans who wanted to see why a gore serial killer comic creator got a kids' show and suicide, whether or not to do it and how and everything, was one of the biggest JtHM plots.
they are all educated at skool so its not surprising that crazy smart but slightly dumb people like the membrane family are the only ones not this dumb
The other alien races had very screen little time and most often weren’t named. So people gravitated to Irkens and Humans, the most commonly seen during the show.
You can add Professor Membrane to the easily tricked pile.
OG Gaz was a bitch
nu Gaz is like one of those good plucky female characters I've been hearing about
FemZim or trap Zim both make me diamonds.
So what was with the tweeny scenes that stuck out like a sore thumb? Did they change studios midway through or something, or were they just rushing to meet the deadline?
Tbh I always thought Dib and Gaz were meant to be asian growing up.
activate windows you fuck
and to think all this time they were latino
>Dib and Gaz were the first Mexican protagonists on a kids cartoon out of both Nick, Disney, and CN
It feels really weird for Zim to have that kind of diversity achievement.
Must've gone over budget. Jhnonen did it all the time in the old show.
regardless of what they are, the darker skin is oddly fitting.
My favorite scene was Dib getting all natty then normal, got me off guard hahaha
>You can add Professor Membrane to the easily tricked pile.
i have this feeling he knows about aliens, yet he's acting like he doen't know just to burst his son's passion about aliens in some odd way.
what about el tigre? wasnt that on nick or something
It was but Zim came out way before it.
user said "the first ones", not "the only ones".
That came out in 2007
I know alot of anons are saying that alot of anons grew up with a crush on dib and then they're feelings grew maternal as they grew as well.
For me it was always maternal feels and this movie ramped them up.
Its almost comical how much fucking cuter he looks in this movie.
That sounds cool, user. Innocent little kid fanfics like that are the only kind I've ever enjoyed.
user I’m always proud of you!
Man i dislike this thot OC that every horny motherfucker call "Gaz".
Like, damn, at least try to make it act like Gaz...
Same desu.
>Dib's delicious tan
I'm normally pretty racist but I enjoyed this little change.
Pretty enjoyable. It managed to avoid falling into the trap that so many revivals have. Didn't derail the plot and managed to stay faithful to the tone of the original show. Animation was gorgeous, too. The amount of effort they put into that 1-minute dimension scene is incredible
it's weird how tall they're in fanart
>Tak and Zim eat human food
>somehow grow
>become tallest
oh god, that's actually terrible
by human standards even a 'tall' Zim would be a manlet
words user will never hear #5475
I think that the joke is that he is just as unaware as everybody else despite being a super science genius.
idk, i never gave a fuck about the Membranes' ethnicity when i was younger. It was at 2010 i think i started to think about that topic, and i related them as latinos just 'cause Jhonen Vásquez is latino and the Membranes are prety much based in his personal life...
The movie made me rewatch some old shows, anybody has a torrent with all the episodes of My life as a teenage robot?
Unchain Zim
Fantastic movie. Loved the "My name is Dib Membrane and I'm 12 years old" adult aged animation
it's because he's a cyborg
those arms are probably not the only part about him that are robotic
So bullyable!
Pretty funny irkenswap happened in the actual show.
Probably everything except his digestive system and upper head.
>those antennas on Tallest Membrane
makes you think
So did I. My chinese friend and her brother are so much like gaz and dib.
How would Dib get along with
>Dipper Pines
>Jimmy Neutron
They never came off as Mexicans in the first show and only revealed years later. So does it really count?
I've seen a lot of fics where zim becomes the new tallest because earth's gravity is lower than irk's
Still want to reminding people about this,saw this on Tumblr today.
They would bond over the paranormal obviously. They might argue occasionally because they're both kind of annoying, but they get along well.
I don't know. They could bond over having annoying sisters maybe, but Dib is actually pretty fond of Gaz. They don't have all that much in common imo.
>Jimmy Neutron
They would get along about as well as Jimmy gets along with Timmy Turner, which is to say, not very. They would definitely clash over who has the superior intellect/has better space adventures. Jimmy could probably have fixed Tak's ship and would rub it in Dib's face.
I just watched this today and it was quite good. It felt exactly like I remember IZ being, it's like the show hadn't aged a day.
I loved the animation/art in general, Membrane was amazing, and all in all it was a great time. There was little stuff I really enjoyed like the plight of the kids trying to connect their hands and the communicator Irken pilot(s) getting a bit of focus (I've always loved their designs and they had a cool voice in the original show, same as here). It was also awesome that Tak's ship had such a big effect on the plot.
I saw some Yea Forums threads saying it was shit and I really can't understand how someone thought this was bad for legitimate reasons. Also saw people saying the voice acting was bad but everyone sounded just as I remembered, from Zim to Gaz to the Tallest. Fantastic revival.
> Saying it was shit and I really can't understand how someone thought this was bad for legitimate reasons.
Probably regrettable Hot Topic moments.
I'm surprised Horvitz can do all of those Zim yells and screams as if the show had just been cancelled yesterday.
>tfw want to share the movie with my kids but they’re too young
What, are they babies?
How can kids be too young for a kids' cartoon?
>be 8 and watch the first half of the first season with my sister
>be 12 and watch the rest of the show and join in the Deviantart fan autism
>be 16 and rewatch the show because I’m working in fast food and remembered the foodcourtia episode
>be 25 and now watch this
I used to think it was Spongebob but honestly I think Zim was the big childhood show for me.
2 and 5. The older one might be ready but the first time I watched Zim as a 6 year old it gave me nightmares. I ended up going back and loving it two years later.
>Typical shonen 12 year old
I was 5 when it came out and I loved it
movie is not as dark as the show so the 5 year old should be ok 2 year old will just like the colors
not gonna lie, I would be so down for a series revival with this art style and different characters architect like gaz
Eh possibly. I’d rather wait to watch it with them for when they can really appreciate it.
I accept the reason that Dib/Gaz live in a moderate house and go to public school is because their Dad wants them to grow up well rounded and normal. But why the hell don’t kids at school suck up to them when they’re the wealthiest kids on the planet?
this would unironically be the reasoning
People don't seem to make that connection, Dib's a weirdo, and Gaz is intimidating and would see through that shit in an instant
because they're really dumb
They're in elementary school. Little kids are stupid.
They never bring it up and they're both pretty anti-social in general. Gaz just plays video games and Dib's a conspiracy theory weirdo.
Only the first half, the second was original, wasn’t it?
Got any...non-shipping based fanfiction? Like, comedy stuff, maybe?
I read that the princess of Japan got bullied incessantly at school. Kids can be hard to impress, and Dib and Gaz are assholes.
Zim letting The Tallest's use him as an irken cumdumpster
Continuing the Irken OC lineup from last thread
>no Old Kid
Did he died?
What a cool gang.
Kids are shitheads who don't have the foresight to make friends with rich kids unless they see them throwing money at others
Just saw it. The animation is cheaper and worse than the original series but considering the comics and the more upbeat tone of the special it sort of fits. But the lack of jagged details and blue everywhere was jarring. I give the visuals a 5/10, the 5 being all the action and fighting.
The sound, writing and music were all on point, I'll give it a 10/10, so overall it's a 7.5/10. Great but like a Newgrounds fan-animation of the original (and I should know, I made one).
Hope there's more but if there's not I'm fine with it. Nice to hear the cast come back one more time. Shame on Nick for not giving the animation a higher budget.
Cool Gang
I might ink and color them tomorrow. My eyes are getting sleepy.
Looks cute user.
It shouldn't matter, they're humans as far as Zim is concerned. Plus mexican isn't an ethnicity, it's a nationality. Louis CK is Mexican and he's as pale as Dib was.
I think one of them is dead
Excuse you, he is a valuable member of the team.
AH! I love how you drew my boy (far right). Kudos, user.
Cuz he's hungarian/irish
It only had about 80% of the random yelling and repetition jokes I expected, enough to get on my nerves just a little while still staying true to the spirit of the show I watched when I was 10
Top jokes and gags?
My personal fav, the weight thud behind it just gives it tons of energy. youtu.be
Only just got around to watching it. I give it like a 6/10. Was extremely hit an miss.
Sometimes it really feels like the original, and has some pretty good comedy.
Other times it's Justin Roiland...
Justin Roiland himself voices 2 and a 1/2 one-off characters, and that's a half because Foodio 3000 was such a redundant and forgettable , but recurring character.
I would've given it, like, a 4/10, but sometimes the animation was really good.
It probably would've done better if Vasquez actually watched the original series, and Then adjusted it, so it didn't feel like he just got off a Rick and Morty binge, then asked Basedland for some creative input like his creation weren't anything more than short lived cringe pop media meme materiel.
Kind of odd how Zim's big plan was basically Planet Jackers plus the Santa Suit and the Florpus wasn't even necessary considering how eager the Tallest were at blowing up anything in their way.
I do not care for Invader Zim: Enter the Florpus
>Just make it look retarded so it doesn't look like im too interested
Good strategy.
The peace song is unironically stuck in my head, how did they do it?
>Zim enters a crushing depression spiral after finding out the truth about his mission, to the point of surrendering to his greatest enemy (before Dib told him about the bracelets)
>His final plan is to throw Earth into the path of the Armada, knowing full well the tallest hate him and will undoubtedly blow up the planet
>Yells "I win" as the Armada closes in and the Earth gets sucked into the Florpus
Shitty fanfic tropes aside, Zim essentially went full suicide bomber there for a minute.
It's better than Chicken and rice, user
>the only reason why gaz/tak is a thing is because of Zadr
Fucking fujos
>It probably would've done better if Vasquez actually watched the original series
Going by interviews, he seems to actually take pride in not having done this. It really is a shame.
He kind of has a history of that desu.
I hope this series gets a revival
But he's always done it out of a misplaced sense of invincibility, and with the belief that the Tallest love him. This one felt like a "fuck it, maybe I can prove I'm useful to them even if I die too"
In that scene? Nah, he was ready to die. Better than to be captured and tortured and leave humans something to analyze and reverse engineer.
nice try Sugar, we know you like IZ
Always thought it was weird that Zim is like 100+
I just don't think Irkan's concept or fear of death with their personalities being backed up by AI. Both Zim and the Tallest give zero fucks about the Florpus when they hear about it. Brushing it aside like it doesn't really matter.
That other guy on the massive seemed pretty fucking worried about it, though.
>you don't exist
i forgot Justin was even in this film. Foodio 3000 was on screen for like 30 seconds and only had 3 lines. did Justin even write anything? don't see him in the credit outside of his voiceworks. also come on user, the OG show had the same loud humor in later episodes such Mysterious Mysteries, Game Slave 2, Zim Eats Waffles, etc.
Yeah but that guy is a loser, steering and shit. He was probably smart enough to realize it'd be extremely painful though.
Megamilk Vortian? I'm just assuming references for a female version exists.
>Yeah but that guy is a loser
t. the tallest
>expecting logic in invader zim
Any credits for screen writing, voice direction, and what not was almost exclusively Vasquez. But even so, I cannot exclude any possible intervention from Roiland, just from him not been given credit. As the scenes are far too Roiland-esque to just be coincidental from Vasquez With Roiland as a VA.
People talk about Gaz being different, but there's a time gap between the show and the special, right? She's a precocious child in second or third grade. Wouldn't it make sense for her to get a bit less antisocial as she grows up?
Yep, 2 years according to Zim.
No he doesn't, stop re watching Rescue Rangers.
Now this, this is a truly advanced bot. They must have used at least two gumballs for this one. Maybe even three.
Henshaw. Go home already, it's no Mardi Gras right now.
Then yeah, wouldn't it make sense for Gaz to have more complex feelings and be less concerned with trying to come off as cool and distant?
Maybe she had relaxed a bit since Dib locked himself in the room and leaving her alone, letting her have the sweet isolation with her video games. Gaz only momentarily bothers smelly Dib just to feed him like an animal.
>I'm surprised Horvitz can do all of those Zim yells and screams as if the show had just been cancelled yesterday.
to be fair he did literally the same exact voice when it came time for skylanders for years
It's pretty much consistently shown that the Tallest and Zim are *not* indicative of Irken competence as a whole.
Probably got used to it or practiced as he could with other characters like with Kaos or Billy.
Horvitz does lots of screamy characters.
chupalo aweonao
if that's the case then Roiland could sue Vasquez for not including him in the credit. it's still the same loud randumb humor from the old show, old key writers like Eric Trueheart still wrote the story after all
Anonpurple se que estás en este hilo. Extraño jugar Minecraft contigo men ;_;
It's better this way. Don't fight it.
but you wouldn't hang out with spergy nerds even if they were rich, unless you're the spergy nerd.
I just want to fuck female irkens and impregnate them with my filthy disgusting human semen
I wonder who could be behind this post.
>the episode that showed that if GIR's brain actually worked he'd be hyper-competent and almost unstoppably evil
10/10 doodleanon
He has a skeleton
but curiously no arms and skull
might have had his headcase insured with science
pretty sure irkens dont even have genitals anymore.
they canonically don't know their own anatomy anymore
I love that Dib actually got a version (not the originals, obviously) of the chintzy alien sleep cuffs from the first episode on Zim in this movie only for the Irken to escape them with insulting ease. It really shows that Dib was in over his enormous head from the very start
It was great how it seemed like a throwaway gag only for it to come back out of nowhere
>looks like another typical Zim failure
>it blows Dib up
Hot damn.
Don't be creepy
How would you feel if show continues from here with Tallest Sizz-lorr
The Massive is pretty big
Was Sizzlor in a position of punishment or of respect?
In all fairness Membrane was an intentionally shitty dad until the movie and some of the comics kinda fix ficed him.
Like the whole joke was he was ridiculously negligent.
He didn't get the hint from both Zim and GIR being able to hack whatever they want even though he asked them to hack for him lel
It borrows from the comics based on the last series.
>proof his family actually cares about him
>Gaz more approachable
>slightly less random
He was a fry lord which seemed like an overwhelmingly terrible job, despite Sizzlorr's seeming prowess and skill.
in my autistic headcanon sizzlorr will rise up and stage a coup against the upper irken ranks
My dick is bigger
The florpus is necessary only because teleportation is extremely dangerous in the iz canon
It's the only thing keeping the continuity
>The earth's diameter is 2.3 Massive wide
>12,742 km/2.3 = 5540km
>The Massive is 2.1811e+8 inches long
Look, It's not bad... but it's misses A LOT of what the fan base wanted.
Yes, it was nice that Gaz, and Dib's Dad were made actual characters. But Dib and Zim got zero character development. After 13 years waiting, Dib and Zim have gained nothing. It's just another "scheme of the week" episode in long format. Would it of really been so hard to have Dib learn that he doesn't need to try so hard to get his dad to be proud of him because he always was. And would of if really hurt to have Zim gain some independents or self-motivation after learning the Tallest didn't care about him. I would of absolutely loved if at the end, Zim decided to try and conquer Earth for himself and not the Tallest.
Also, I hate that Prof Membrane is supposed to be a genius but doesn't believe in aliens. They could of easily added a plot point that he always knew of aliens but pretended not to believe in them to protect Dib from some darker truth.
Also, why the fuck would you have Tak's ship, but no Tak. Tak provided so much to the dynamic, yet they seem to ignore her. I'm really hoping that the fact they hat Tak's ship is a hint that she will return as the antagonist of the next movie, or episodes, or what ever they're trying to do with goddam show. Chances are we'll just sit in limbo again for 10 years.
I never gave a shit about their ethnicity.
There were just like another filth-er, humans out there.
Just all the same.
Same. I always imagined he was a political dissident.
Disgraced Irken Elite or thrown into Foodcourtia because his height was a threat to Red & Purple's reign
God damn the backgrounds of this film were so beautiful
>8 inches long
Muy kinkarino
just like real life
Not sure if Zim would really know the truth from Tallests that is not from the millions of fanfics that done this. Only feeling depressed remembering Armada goes on a straight path and the Earth is far from its location. He gained back his spirit and pride once the Membracelet came out and forgot about it like its nothing.
Zim already did trying to control Massive to go to Earth and that didn't work. It never crossed Zim's mind to try to like move Earth closer to Armada's path, like building some rocket engines or a giant creature thing that would listen to Zim's command and push the Earth.
Not like Skool actually teaches anything.
cursed image
Considering how much value the Irkens place on snacks and fast food? He's probably their equivalent of like Secretary of State or something.
What kind of press conferences does Sizz-Lor hold?
It means times 10^8. In other words the massive is 5080 km long
>Ywn pound that Irken female ass against her command panel and activate the self-destruction system
>Look, It's not bad... but it's misses A LOT of what the fan base wanted.
Fans are fucking stupid though. If you gave the fans everything they wanted the movie would be nothing but 80 minutes of gay slashfic and grimdark action shit.
I loved how like 50-60% of Zim's script was evil laughter and he eventually stopped laughing and just started yelling "AH HA HA HA HA"
I thought Tak's ship only agreed to the prison break to save Tak
Lard Nar laughing
not at anyone
just happy
we need more happy Nar
I loved Zim in this. Fuck peeps who wanted character development.
Even in the comics, the only character development we ever got was that he wanted to be a dad and now he just sells humans and annoy other alien races.
They're the same picture.
Mostly debating whether or not the Deep fried double stack hamburgers should use one slab of bacon or two.
On the one hand two stacks seem naturally better, but can the burger handle the strain of keeping the bacon in place?
These are questions Irken minds must know for the compositions of snacks are paramount.
Also stuff about armaments and whatnot but that's not all that important.
i dont want to watch it simply because i see people claiming "BETTER THAN THE ORIGINAL WE NEED A NEW SERIES".
Never a good sign.
I wasn't a massive fan of the original series, I only saw a few episodes here and there. The movie was fun enough.
Is it ever explained how the Irkens have such incredible technology, but pretty much their entire race is more or less incompetent?
EtF just re-affirmed for me Gir fucking sucks and the show would be better without him.
What are you talking about? Dib learned that while in his own way as fucking dumb as everyone else, his dad loves him, which was literally an open question in the original series. (Also it's entirely possible Membrane's playing dumb, they kept the clone.). Emotionally Dib gets the support he's desired the entire series from both his sister, who has a bunch of bonding moments with Dib throughout the movie, and dad, who finally shows he has Dib's back in spite of it all. He gets to legitimately save the world with his family, which is what he's always wanted. He just doesn't get EVERYTHING he wants.
Zim is forced to confront his delusion about himself, his place in Irken society, and the Tallest. He breaks, and is only pulled out of his depression by Dib accidentally giving him an idea to FORCE the Tallest to acknowledge him. While this doesn't change the absurd nature of his plans much, it does alter his motivation dramatically while also keeping Zim's primary strength, his unquestioning belief in himself and his mission, intact. The mission's just...changed.
Like for a show that is literally about cynicism, violence, and hopelessness, the special was practically cuddly.
He's quintessential Mall Goth comedy, and despite his hatred for his fanbase, that's exactly who Jhonen Vasquez writes for.
Dib's a conspiracy nerd who's always bothering people to see that Zim's an alien, and Gaz is pretty antisocial and kinda scary.
Plus she'd see that they're just trying to suck up to her.
Do goths even exist anymore in significant numbers? Emo took over and has borderline died in the UK/Ireland/Australia from what I know, and I feel it's been years since they were culturally relevant in any American media.
Are Goths still around but just no longer socially relevant? Or are mall goths something else entirely that robbed the name?
I'm far too old to have significant knowledge of what teen subcultures are currently thriving, but surely the continued existence of Hot Topic and wash-away black hair dye more or less prove the continued existence of goths in some way or another.
there is literally a goth store down the street from my house.
Its full of fnaf bendy and mashmallow shit, with ancient shaman bullshit talisman and rick and morty for some reason.
They stole it from the Vortians who used to be their allies until recently after the show started when they sent someone for planetary takeover. Kinda like a bajoran cardassian parallel
Can you watch the movie while barely having seen anything of the original series? Never got around to it for some reason.
My local goth shop is kinda weird. It's more into vampire goths and circus goth so it's always a hoot to visit.
The place is expensive as shit though but I see a few goths walk around in my town.
You'll miss a reference here and there, but it's pretty standalone. Basically all you need to know is that Zim is a reject to his race of conquerers, sent to earth, a shit planet far outside their realm of interest just to get rid of him. Everyone on earth but Dib is a complete moron. That's pretty much the gist of it all.
Old Kid made a cameo in a scene. It's hard to see tho.
>Everyone on earth but Dib is a complete moron.
Well, everyone but Dib and Gaz.
Gaz just doesn't give a shit and figures Zim's so incompetent that whatever he does won't work.
Except it actually does this time.
Pa' qué tanto color, hijo'e la vortiana!?
Yeah I've seen some episodes so I know that part. Might as well watch the whole series before the movie anyway, since I just googled it's only 27 episodes. But if it turns out I'm not patient enough it's good to know I won't be clueless. Thanks for informing me though!
There he is! There's Gibbons!
>the Tallest are dead
>the world knows about aliens
>Dib and Gaz have a good relationship now
Yep, this is meant to be a conclusion, no more future eps
Except it only worked because Dib allowed him to pull his plan off and she thought Dib wasn't dumb enough to allow his "enemy" to completely fuck up
The color palette and character desings also come from the Comics.
I'm sure there are effects they use to make his screams louder than they actually are.
I'm not arguing the possibility of more episodes, but none of that really means much. Continuity has never been important in this series.
Rikki did some of the color in the comics but I felt bad when he stopped two pages in and never came back.
His colors are really nice.
>implying they're dead
>implying they won't immediately forget
>implying they haven't always had a good relationship
I think the Tallest could have been written a bit differently. I'm fine with Purple wanting to stay on the straight line, but I really can't see Red acting that way. I would have rather had it that Red is driven into such a rage at the revelation that Zim wasn't dead that he decided to stay on the straight path specifically so he could kill Zim himself. At the end he flies into the Florpus thinking that Zim is dead with a sort of Ahab-esque peace.
>the Tallest are dead
Not confirmed.
>the world knows about aliens
They're incredibly stupid.
>Dib and Gaz have a good relationship now
I imagine it's going to be exactly the same.
>>Dib and Gaz have a good relationship now
Does no one remember that one scene where she walks into Dib's room and just sits there listening to him? Or when she stopped him from exploding?
The main problem with her and Dib was that Dib was constantly annoying her and bullying her because he's a narcissist.
The way the scene is supposed to read is that everybody is running around in a panic while ignoring what is actually going on. So, they know shit went down, but don’t really realize about aliens and such.
Is it too late for mine to join the fun?
She's sorry for being so late, but she was busy getting tattoos in my place
I actually meant to tag but works too
That's obviously Takfan13.
>less random
I liked this movie but the gags felt so forced most of the time
>borderline died in the UK
go to glasto or brighton theres some sorta goth subculture there
Zim tied up to a dartboard while Irken soldiers throw darts and shoot lasers at him
That's a great design, I loved the collar the pilots used and it's nice seeing it utilized.
It's not too late! Go ahead and draw your irken into the group pic.
Also, we made an IZ discord for everybody yesterday since there didn't seem to be one before, we have some good artists there too: discord.gg
Honestly, now I just kinda want to see Red act like Ahab in general now. That fits way better than it should.
Gir comedy was always the one thing holding the show back
Thanks user! I liked the pilot's collar design when I first saw it, so I used both that and the Irken Elite gauntlets when making this Tall-ish OC.
I dunno what role he'd play yet with this clashing-jobs attire, but I did decide to name him Napo.
I don't see how Membrane and at least some people could ignore it or deny it. At the very least there is a giant fucking crack on the planet now. They can bitch about muh science all day but something like that is cause for concern no matter how you slice it
Plus he’s got Clembrane hanging around forever now.
user, do you remember the scene where Zim removes his disguise in front of the neighbor, he screams "alien", but when Zim puts his disguise in front of him he just goes "eh it's nothing".
You can literally tell people anything and they will believe it
Except ghosts' existence, bigfoot, and hobos...
I really like the idea of Red going forward being competent but completely driven by blood lust for Zim. He showed he could actually be a good commander in Backseat Drivers when he
>Analysed the situation
>Ran a manual diagnosis of the Massive
>Destroyed the Resisty's ship
>Ruined Zim's plan
>Commanded his workers to their battlestations
>Saved the entire Armada
All while under the pressure of crashing into multiple planets and being under constant threat of death. It's honestly a really cool scene. Red absolutely intended to kill Zim after that, and only relented because he assumed the brain eating parasite had done him in.
Ironically, if the parasite hadn't escaped, Red would have definitely killed Zim.
What's the appeal of the membracelet?
Still even if they make a rational explanation. There is no way it's not a big deal.
Look at all the pretty colors! GOLD! TURQUOISE! PURPLE!!
Dib is a fucking bully!
>on the next episode of "Everything I Enjoy is Inevitably Infested with Gay Shipping"
It's always been infested with gay shipping, user.
i wish i had free time so i could draw my crildren and stuff...
Imagine a season 3
>The improved artstyle
>Better humor
>Less reliant on Gir, but use him at the right moments (like the peace song from Enter The Florpus)
>Some episodes like The Trial can be fully made in HD glory
>The retarded Clembrane Dad
>Actually show what happened to Tak
>Membrane Family are space fugitives
>Professor Membrane gets more screentime like he did in the movie and is MVP
>Gaz also gets more screentime and is more likable
>You can still have Zim try and take over the world since his previous plan was stopped in Enter The Florpus
>Dib Vs. Zim thing could still go on
Have The Tallest escape the Florpus and seek revenge on Zim
Just imagine all of the possibilities
Oh, and this masterpiece would be the new opening theme
Huh, I just noticed now that this intro features the original design of the massive rather than the EtF design. I guess that makes it canon that the Tallest actually upgraded the ship rather than the design just being a retcon.
Mostly I just want to see Red continuously smack snacks out of Purple's hands because no one on the Massive gets to eat until Zim is dead.
Consider: Splatoon x Invader ZIM
That guy was a negative nancy.
I bet you like steering as much as that faggot did.
>They can bitch about muh science all day but something like that is cause for concern no matter how you slice it
thats the joke, aliens arent real, get over it.
Commentary track when?!
The Invasion of Haruhi Suzumiya
They exist, but the style isn't as prominent among teens anymore.
>Have The Tallest escape the Florpus and seek revenge on Zim
Better yet. Have the Tallest remain stuck in the Florpus and every time Zim report to them, they're in a new artstyle.
>More Tak episodes
>They all have plots making fun of fanfic bullshit like her intro episode
Eric Trueheart writes Tak is dead in Season 3, so he'll get people stop asking her for appearances in comic and show.
Requesting HD screen cap of Why are you wearing those shirts?
This is the only way to do it desu
>The tallest try to kill Zim from inside the Florpus
>Zim gets haunted episode
Imagine a full episode with anime artstyle
Fuck you convinced me.
Bonus: Red doesn't care about the Florpus but is furious that they had to steer to get out of it, blaming Zim for the indignity.
There's enough material between the season 2 episodes that didn't get made and more issues of the comic they could adapt to make an entire new season of the show with. I want to see it happen.
I haven't read the comics, but did they adapt any of the comics into the movie?
The Trial feels like a series finale. What's left after Zin inevitably beats the Tallest either by accident or fanfic tier assmad?
Wow. They made Dib really fucking cute
Besides the bit of Zim appearing and Dib end up a slob, the workout...
Some references like the Shmoopsy and Floopsy show that was shown one moment that GIR was watching.
>Dib has to literally beat her off with a stick to avoid the disgusting and painful Irken mating process
Zim by definition only works when all the major players have stupid as fuck motivations. My man gets it.
>Tak comes to Dib with an offer to combine their respective abilities to destroy Zim once and for all
>Dib agrees, not understanding she’s telling him to knock her up
The Trial doesn’t end woth him beating them, the control brains just decide he gets to fly The Massive for 10 mins. Invader Dib is the theoretical finale.
The first ten minutes of the movie is the first issue of the comic word for word.
Honestly, I could see this working as a contrasting companion episode to Dark Harvest.
As someone whose never read the comics I have to ask, is Gaz properly in character based on that incarnation? She seemed really unlike her TV self.
They adapted some aspects like random references, moo ping 10, Dib waking up and going downstairs for breakfast which I thought was going to be a reference to when Zim put him in a simulation but then they switched zim with clembrane in the scene, shmoopsy floopsy show
No, she's more sadistic than passive and bullies Dib and Zim both.
sorry this took awhile to get to, when I made/posted her, I was just fucking around in MS Paint and posting it before an appointment, and couldn't edit her in until after
this is the best gaz i have ever seen in my entire life.
R.I.P. Spencer, Devone,
Maria and Lawrence
Dude, for a 90s reboot there's conspicuously very little overt gay shipping. There's enough fodder to keep fans of all the main ships happy, but there's no shoehorning of LGBT themes to pander to the progressives.
In other words, perfectly executed. Keeping the real fans of the series happy, not trying to appeal to non-fans for twitter clout.
Spinser, Divon, Mareya, and Lolrins
See ordinarily every instinct would be screaming that this is a terrible idea, because nearly every reboot is a monkey paw wish. But the movie was so well-done, I can imagine it actually being good.
>yfw you lived to see Invader Zim return and it was actually still good
What a time to be alive
Makes sense that they upgraded in the two year timeskip. They were using Vortian tech back then, but they probably conquered a more technologically advanced race since.
>>Actually show what happened to Tak
>>Membrane Family are space fugitives
This isn't rick and morty though
I liked it.. Nice to see one nick cartoon didn't come back wrong.
(Jungle Movie was good too but technically that was just sitting around already written just waiting to get produced, so no shock there)
I swear this is literally doomsday from bvs.
Considering how many males in these threads are grasping for straws for the only two female characters that get screentime in the series, no wonder this show is so female orientated.
>tfw no forever shota grandaddy bf
what did she meant by this
No love for Clembrane? He even managed to give a fight in to Membrane!
The power of familial bonds and niceness being a theme on an INVADER ZIM movie is so.odd, but so damn cathartic.
>I am 12 years old and in an adult situation
How prophetic. Truly Tak-fans are the most cerebral members of the Zim fandom.
I defend Clembrane whenever I see people insult him.
fuck Tak
I wanna fuck Tak's ship
Just play everything for uncomfortable black comedy and it works fine as an IZ episode.
fish face
It’d have to be some gigantic, grotesque body horror creature with Irken cybernetics and Dib’s incredible intelligence/autism. And by the end of the episode it’d be so frustrated by it’s unstable mind it would implicitly kill itself just like Dibship did.
Perfect, or they lack the ability to increase its developmental rate to anything useful and it just becomes another "Professor Membrane thinks Dib is insane" denial character like Clembrane.
That sounds so fucking rad
>that narrator cut in when Gaz pulls out the ham
got me.
SOOOO now that the Tallest and the Massive are burning in Puppet Hell, What happens with their empire?
Technically they still have their homeworld and Invaders in many planets
>"And from that day forward, I, Dib Membrane, vowed to protect Earth's children from alien sex predators!"
>*20 years later, he and Tak are happily married with 8 children*
Control Brains pick new Tallest, business as usual.
theres more than one control brain and most Irkens live on Irk
Yeah still, I'm sure losing the Massive is at leas a big deal for the empire.
Maybe the resistance has a shot now
>"From Vort's heart I stab at thee! For Irk's sake, I spit my last breath at thee!"
trudat (but then again they lost their ship and are floating around the far reaches of the universe from the irken empire so idk)
Is there a collection of all of these?
I mean, it's kinda implied the Massive was Tallest Miyuki's stupid pet project. So it might have just saved the Irken economy or something.
>rewatch the tak episode
>Tak eyes can do that MiB thing
>doesn't work with Dib
Maybe the irken are a weak species.
So Gaz was pretty different in this incarnation to any other previous one. How did you guys feel about the character change?
The best Gaz yet.
Palpatine effect.
Moderately intelligent race in a galaxy of idiots.
>Dib learns from his wife that all Irkens are artificially grown as hosts for the PAK
>Realises all Irkens are siblings
>This means Zim is now his brother in law and the uncle of all his children
Horvitz did a damn good job with this gag. Zim's screams sounded so pained and distressed.
That should say >bigdad instead.
I think they mentioned it’s because Dib was so much smarter than his classmates (so it wouldn’t work on membrane either)
>tfw Zim will never be the weird drunk uncle who comes into my room at night and touches my privates while I pretend to sleep
why even live...
Possibly the worst thing that can happen to a character. Wagner obsessing over your waifu is a close second.
is the exact same character but with more screen time and played as "SHE IS DIFFERENT NOW".
congrats for falling for the meme.
I fully welcome the change. A Gaz willing to do a active stuff and get involved makes for more fun stories.
I'd be lying if I didn't love some GIR humor
The LUL RANDOM humor usually sucks ass, but the jokes surrounding him being utterly obsessed with food (Despite being a robot), some of the reactions others have to his insanity, and just his casual insanity in general, like casually mentioning "I ate a baby there" with very little emotion
I don't know, without the reaction humor and some of the fucked up things GIR does, I actually think the show would kind of suffer.
It's also nice to have at least one person who Zim actually has a mutually friendly relationship with.
New reaction image
Anyone have a mega link to the series?
imagine those fat fingers in your butthole
thicker than that guy's neck
The closest I can see them getting to any functional romantic relationship is kvetching like an old jewish couple.
>The one driver on the Massive
Poor guy.
>”INTRUDER! PREPARE TO come on in!”
I giggled like an idiot.
Yeah, if I remember correctly the reason why she was shitty to Dib was because Dib was always annoying her and fucking up any family time they had with their father.
Also, seems like Doctor Membrane is spending more time at home, so that must make her feel happier in general.
He's my favorite.
I can.only imagine he becomes Irken Doomguy in the Florpus.
>That nacho place you love so much
>GIR loves that place! I think it's dirty
The fact that Zim will go to a place he thinks is gross so GIR can get nachos makes me happy
Lol i posted it again.
God bless the movie because now we're getting sexy Gaz fanart popping up that isn't bigdad's.
Zim is not a good example of their entire race. The tallest and Zim are easily the most incompetent Irkens.
Every time another invader is mentioned, it's show that they can actually successfully infiltrate planets and lower their defenses for a head-on Irken armada attack.
I laugh at this every time.
>Zim is not a good example of their entire race. The tallest and Zim are easily the most incompetent Irkens.
This. The Irkens aren't based off of intelligence or how good they are at conquest but by height.
I'd love to see a version with the smiling guy feeding a watermelon slice to a monkey.
Imagine. Imagine being on the Massive being the only one there who realizes the significance of what it's heading towards. The only one who realizes the danger. But no one around you will listen because you're surrounded by retards.
They won't listen because you're not tall enough.
What are Zim’s Biggest fears?
Navigator for Tallest.
Having to actually confront his fears.
Being found out as an alien, not being accepted by human society/irken society, sometimes GIR
>Shipping back then pretty often wasn't expected to be canon and sometimes existed just to be strange.
Do you blame Adventure Time for changing this?
Not him, I blame Chinese Cartoons.
Going by the movie. Being re-coded as "Nothing" thus losing his sense of self-purpose and being thrown away as garbage. Fear of failure basically.
This is also good.
clowns, in the comic dib wears a clown mask to scare him and it works
Jhonen's been in a relationship with a jew for 12 something years so that makes perfect sense
Irkens are very familiar with the threat of the It
Zim is basically just a giant senile ego wrapped in the body of a cricket alien. I would guess popping that ego might legitimately kill him.
>post peace day
>the world believed it wasn't an alien attack that happened
>membracelets were just hacked
Who is this hacker known as 4chin?
As a side note, if Tak does ever actually come back I could totally see her just taking over Dib's shed now that her old base was destroyed.
Vortians > Irkens
Space goat rebellion now
It just feels too hard to hate GIR when he's the only person who loves, or hell, cares for or even tolerates Zim.
I think that would actually fit the mood of the show really well. Dib has to acclimatise to the fact his 2nd worst enemy is now permanently laying claim to his garage as her territory. Of course his dad sees nothing weird about this and allows her to stay there without question.
Her former father was a wiener magnate.
I find it hard to hate GIR considering he's the only one in the show who actually, genuinely loves, hell, fucking TOLERATES Zim
>genuinely loves
did you miss the episode where he tried to kill Zim?
Jhonen said in an interview that GIR loves his master and wants to do his tasks right (despite his incompetence), comics confirmed this further. That episode had his personality warped because he suddenly resented Zim for his inability to conquer Earth
Isnt that when he gained sentience and realized his master is retarded. Gir at his normal levels likes zim.
Way better. Actually has some character and willing to get in on the action
You mean when he was barely even GIR anymore?
It is still a show about failure, and what greater failure is there than being cucked out of your own cuckshed. Or making useless hybrid alien mutant minions that can't really do anything.
GIR goes Crazy and Stuff, yes.
There was also one issue that GIR caught some virus that made him want to kill Zim too.
>I would guess popping that ego might legitimately kill him.
I mean, Zim found out the Tallest was never coming to Earth on his own and a lot of people read that he was trying to commit suicide at the end of the movie by not caring that the Earth was going to be destroyed by the Florpus as long as he can finally finish his mission like a good, loyal soldier. So you could be right.
I like this
If only that Dib in the image was replaced with Prof Membrane, considering Roger Bumpass does voice him and Squidward.
>There was also one issue that GIR caught some virus that made him want to kill Zim too.
That didn't count since that wasn't GIR
I was kind of hoping that after the Tallest shit on him again right before they entered the glorious there would be a shot of him just shrugging, kicking his feet up, and waiting for the shitstorm that would at least hit the tallest too
He's also canonically a crotchedy old man. So his whole "that sounds like a yes" line could be passive aggressive revenge on the Tallest for abandoning him. That's the great thing about Zim, he's not stupid he's insane.
I would imagine dexter and jimmy idolizing professor membrane
>Tak resents Dib for foiling her plans and attacks him whenever he tries to enter his garage.
>Dib, a veteran at fighting-off Irkens, subdues her with a spray-bottle of water.
Sugar is hideous. Literally el goblino w/ a lighter shade of skin
I don't get it. Is he like a furry Shadman?
I was hoping there would be a tiny spec that was him in an escape pod leaving all the dangerous morons to die in space hell.
I love how the aliens look in this show.
saving this for future reference
Season 1 - Tak in the season finale
Season 2 - Tak as a recurring character
Season 3 - Tak as a main cast member
>They fight over the custody of Takship like divorced parents over a child
Only thing I didn't like is her outfit. It's not bad, but I prefer her older goth one
Mimi should've shown up in the background of multiple Season 1 episodes (collecting data or whatever) as a big tease towards the finale.
Our boy dib getting his own goth gf, based
It also didn't work on Zim
I liked the start of the comics, but once someone other than Jhonen is writing Zim it loses ALL appeal for me.
>Oh well at least i beat Zim again
>oh Dib , you didn't present me to your girlfriend
>Of course she is
Smol Tiddy Alien Frenemy.
I always liked Mimi's design, really drove the point home that she was a special custom unit homebuilt by Tak.
I hope to see more of sadistic Dib they nerfed him in the movie
Me too. It has a lot of species that are legitimately cool looking instead of being cliche or deliberately stupid looking. The show doesn't seem to take anything seriously, but the subtle dedication to being a genuine science fiction series is much appreciated. They could have taken the Rick & Morty route and made the aliens look stupid because "lol we don't give a fuck", but they didn't. I really loved the Resisty.
Zim came out in 2001 zoomer
fucking brit
Yeah I've never read any but I can't fathom how any shipping in the Zim universe would be at all palatable.
>trying to take advantage of Zim after he already gave up, lost the will to do anything and was no longer a threat
>not sadistic
>Prof. Membrane likes Tak because she can do REAL SCIENCE
This dynamic is so simple and yet so effective.
i'm assuming that info about irken anatomy is suppressed by the control brain and that their development is deliberately stunted by snack consumption
Old dib would have disected him first
I always thought they were latino, though that's just because Jhonen is.
As a springboard for black comedy, that's literally it.
I know what you're referencing and wish I didn't.
Everyone calls Gaz goth but Dib is about as goth as she is. Especially the old design.
Do clones have nationality now?
>racebaiting in my zim thread
Don’t talk about Lawrence like that
>I saw some Yea Forums threads saying it was shit and I really can't understand how someone thought this was bad for legitimate reasons
Because they didn't. They picked one or two things they didn't like and claimed the whole thing was shit so they could say "I told you so" in the event the board turned on it.
Dib looks like a school shooter
They aren't going to give those kids their money, besides every side character in IZ is a shitty goblin creature filled with hate.
The Supreme Investigator.
>Tak turns out to share just enough traits with Zim to drive Dib insane
>Constant, shameless screaming
>Nonstop evil laughter at even the slightest of good fortunes
>Loudly announcing her name for no apparent reason
>Driven into rage by the idea someone is lying
This shit is gold! Since we're in shipping territory at this point.
>Gaz can no longer stand the bickering between Dib and Tak every single day.
>She then leaves the house and soon barges in on Zim's base to get away from it all. Making herself comfortable and treating it like a second home. Almost like a cat.
>Zim tries to get her to leave but she's Gaz and he fails every time.
>One loud ass alien is more tolerable then a loud ass alien, her loud ass brother and probably Clembrane.
>Plus Zim has plenty of cool alien Vidya and Gir is always providing snacks and free food.
>I know what you're referencing and wish I didn't.
That's a pretty common theory you know. I've seen it in at least 4 different stories
>Only time they get along is on collaborative plans against Zim
>Not using an excuse to go get Bloaty's
I don't remember much about Tak, did she have a personality? I just remember her whole character being wanting to kill zim and being goth
Nick was actually worried about his design because of this and Jhonen had to fight to keep the coat.
>the only character development we ever got was that he wanted to be a dad
gonna need proof for that bud
It paid off all kinds of lose threads, mini-moose, the tak ship, Zim finding out he's being brushed off. Just because it didn't hit plot points from your fan fiction doesn't mean it was bad
As far as tall Irken theories go, I always preferred the "growth hormones in human food effecting them" more, seems to go more with the shithole Earth that IZ always liked to portray.
She was obsessively dedicated to her role as a soldier in the Irkin army. Which was replaced with an obsession with taking over Earth from Zim.
What stuck out most about her was she was the only logical, competent, and determined (unlike Gaz) character in the IZ universe. Also she claims that she never wanted revenge on Zim just to take back the mission that was rightfully hers.
He's so adorable
>The whole dream sequence where he's getting cheered by the stadium full of people.
It's hilarious to remember that Zim and Dib are both equally up their own ass. Zim is just more in your face about it.
Ehh, squatting at Zim's house is way more funnier.
Dang i need to check the old show back
It's very similar to classic Invader Zim. It's a little less dark, some jokes miss, and Gaz and Membrane are nicer to Dib.
I always thought that Dib leaving his ego unchecked resulting in him essentially becoming Zim was the entire point of their character dynamic.
>he hasn’t rewatched the original show at least five times and read all the unfinished scripts
Pleb. But no the majority of it holds up so you should check it out.
>she claims that she never wanted revenge on Zim
Which was a lie. Of course she wanted revenge, that's why she came to Earth, knowing the Tallest didn't give a shit about this planet.
They have a subjugated race making their tech.
Some GIR jokes aren't funny, but if you don't EVER find him funny I can't imagine how you enjoy the show at all. Most of his more understated moments are very much in line with the comedy of the rest of the show.
Goth is out of fashion. That just means only TRUE goths remain.
Honestly I think those are improvements.
In an episodic show you need strong characters and Gaz and Prof. Membrane were more plot devices than characters in the original series.
It very intentionally returns to status quo for the most part. You can't tell me you really think there's NO way a series could come after Florpus?
It runs apps and causes world peace.
Did Dib carry Zim to his father's speech on his back or did he carry him bridal style?
Naturally everybody hates and remembers GIR for the obnoxious overblown quotes, but I feel like he had relatively more of that in EtF than he did in a lot episodes. Apart from "I ate a baby" I can't think of a line he didn't scream in the movie.
Dragged him by his foot
He probably dragged him all the way there by his foot.
>tfw actually have a thicc (real thicc not obese) discord goth casual fbuddy I play vidya with
I’m not sure if she’s an IZ fan. I know she loved Danny Phantom as a kid.
Well, it was written by the creator of the show, with all the original voice actors back. Same crew. It's not like season 7+ of the Simpsons where the original writers all left and new writers tried to fill their shoes. Instead, this is a direct continuation that feels like it very well could have been an unused script from 2004.
>Irkens are space-jews
>Jhonen has a jewish partner
>might be half-jewish himself
What did he mean by this?
That Christmas episode takes a whole new meaning now if that were the case.
Clembrane was JUUUST barely acceptable. I think if anyone but Vasquez voiced him it would've been painful
Alright, which one of you fuckers did it?
>But Dib and Zim got zero character development. After 13 years waiting, Dib and Zim have gained nothing. It's just another "scheme of the week" episode in long format.
This is what i LOVED he most
If this was another creator he would put emphasis on that "look zim i am like u" but because is Jhonen he knows that shit is not the core of the show. Its basically what make me score the movie above 8
>Not Space-Nazis
Can you name the issues where aforementioned things you listed have appeared? Asking for a friend.
>You're the worst GIR!
>I think if anyone but Vasquez voiced him it would've been painful
This. I'm so fucking glad Roiland didn't end up voicing him.
Now you gotta write the fic.
The last two issues, 44 and 45.
Clembrane becomes more tolerable once you realize Jhonen is voicing him and basically telling his creations he loves them.
Always assume Zim is being stupid over anything else.
Alright time for a new bread
>Membrane is just ecstatic that his son landes a keeper because she does REAL SCIENCE
Self-hatred for being Jewish is pretty common among anyone with Jewish ancestry.
More than that (for me) it's just that Jhonen gets what works about his sense of humor.
Jhonen has a gay sugar daddy?
Someone make a new thread, I'm too scared of failure.
where were you here
Who do you think is the most Jewish character on IZ?
Obviously Zim.
The entire series is an allegory of Christ's suffering in the mortal world.
Made a general
Bloaty. He suffers all the time and eats too many pizzas.
I say this as someone who is half-Jewish.
Contribooting with invader Blin he wanted to be tall.
>making a general
nobody post in this thread
You fool. You were just supposed to call it Enter the Florpus discussion.
Superior new bread:
Oh christ, Roland voicing him would be like Matthew Broderick playing Walter Walt in terms of miscasting
>I know what you're referencing and wish I didn't.
it's a good story, user.
And me with the attention span of a flying squirrel. Maybe I'll greentext something if the threads are around long enough.
>12 yo can destroy rocks with his barely hands
What is Dib powerlevel?