Stonetoss thread

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Other urls found in this thread:


Before this thread gets pruned, does anyone have the edit where Chad tells yellow shirt to "be himself"?


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>Guaranteed replies!


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that nothing will be done about because fuck you that's why.

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Assblasted jannie already put the thread on autosage.


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At least he was kind enough to not delete it.


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Please post the one where he hates the blacks,jews and gays.

Are you trying to get /pol/fags?
Because this is how you get /pol/fags.

Realtalk, has antifa actually killed anyone yet?

Only good comic in this thread.

No, there has been zero politically motivated terrorist killings by anyone associated with ANTIFA.
I'm sure there is an ANTIFA person somewhere who killed due to a personal reason, though. But it's irrelevant to them being ANTIFA.

Stonetoss visits Yea Forums right? This is the only forum I’ve been to that uses the word “brainlet” and Stonetoss uses it in his faq. Or is “brainlet” more common than I thought?

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>Stonetoss visits Yea Forums right?
He's the one who posts these fucking comics dude.

It's literally just /pol/ bullshit with Shmorky artwork. Of course he's on Yea Forums.

The Dayton shooter eas an antifa faggot.
A couple weeks ago one tried to shoot up an ICE facility.
They're currently rioting in Portland.

Last I heard Portland was mostly peaceful. Did that change?

The dayton shooter. He said he was far right in his manifesto but his social media history showed he was far left and an antifa ally.

>with Shmorky artwork.

Wait, he's not Shmorky, is he?

>The Dayton shooter eas an antifa faggot.

Yes the guy who killed his sister and posted rants about women clearly did his shooting out of politics and nothing else

wow case closed

one of my local chinese cuisine restaurants is owned by some mexicans
they make the best teriyaki beef


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>The Dayton shooter eas an antifa faggot.
It wasn't politically motivated.
>A couple weeks ago one tried to shoot up an ICE facility.
We don't know who did that shooting or what their motivation was and nobody died or even injured.
>They're currently rioting in Portland.
Why even bring that up in a question about killings, no one died.

This continues to be the most forced meme on Yea Forums

He did pop up right when Shmorky vanished and has changed his online alias once before...really makes you think.

have klurf

>shoot up facility with ICE employees
>"We don't know who did that shooting or what their motivation was "

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>chinese cuisine

The Dayton shooter left a manifesto? This is the first I heard of that. I thought the FBI said his motives remains unknown.

Authorities claimed it was white supremacist & posted on 8ch when the site had been down for almost a full week.

Social history media also showed him pro-gun control, yet he circumvented gun laws to gain access to weapons to kill people with.
Some people only post what they think other people want to hear on their social media. Not necessarily what they actually think.

just assume everything is a lie and nothing is true
its easier this way

>Posts an article that also shows we don't know who did it or why
>""" alleged """
OK, good job. You proved literally nothing.


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Are you sure you're not confusing him with El Paso? Again I looked and the most recent statement from the FBI was they don't know what his motive was. Do you have a link to his alleged manifesto?

>teriyaki "beef"

Antifa rioters have been trying to assault people with concrete all day today.

I dont see any news reports so that didnt happen

>We don't know who did that shooting
Willem Van Spronson.

Do you have any links, footage or images?

Nice of them to use actual cement this time instead of dubious milkshakes like the last protest

yep. lol.

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You say that about everything that nazis attend, even the "Unite the Right 2" that happened last year where only ten nazis showed up and everyone just laughed at them.
I remember seeing a timeline of Stormfront tweets for that event. Every five minutes he'd yell "GET READY TO FIGHT ANTIFA ARE HERE" and then nothing happened.
Then he noticed the DJ was black and the tweets kept focusing on that. First it was like, "Wow a black man supports us that's based". But then he posted a picture of him talking to a white girl and he was like, "What the hell why is he talking to that white girl... what is he doing here... what's going on? Is he going in that car with her?!?"
Honestly you people might all be schizophrenics.

Next time they'll be hurling boulders.

Half of the contents of this post are pure fiction

You can tell from the filenames who posts this shit constantly.

like i said mexicans owned the place

>Posts an article that also shows we don't know who did it
The article literally names him.
Willem Van Spronson.

Comics and cartoons you invasive shit stains, the mods do nothing about your garbage and it's fucking sickening.

You're mixing him up with the other white guy with glasses.

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When a member of Antifa can be recorded on video assaulting a random guy trying to help someone with first-aid, swinging a blunt object at this good samaritan's head in an obvious murder attempt, and he's identified as the perpetrator, and he's brought into custody, and he only gets a year of probation while keeping his job as a college professor, I really can't be bothered to sympathize with them even slightly.

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Piss off you stupid fucking myopic historically illiterate burgers. Radical anarcho-communists who delude themselves into thinking they're fighting nazis have killed plenty of innocent people.

Replying to these threads and bumping them ensures we will have more of them.

My bad, I was told he left behind a right winged manifesto but that was just people claiming he was a white supremacist.

You can fucking google it. It will literally be the first search result. That way you can pick out whatever source is to your liking, and not play the retarded gamr where you spend the next hour calling every single report on it "fake news".

if eric clanton was a white supremacist we would still be talking about & embellishing his crime

Next time they'll be tossing stones

fuck you faggot sage exists and it's not like it matters when there's a 100 of you fuckers desperately wanting to get into a piss chugging contest.

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Healthy skepticism is your friend and just as important now as ever.

>sage exists


Which half? Face it, this doesn't even come close to how pathetic you lot are on a daily basis on this website alone.


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>>> alleged

>you lot
>this website

You are cordially invited to go back to






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Always reply to Stonetoss posters.
Always bump Stonetoss threads.

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I just did.
First page of results I saw were all reports of the police being lauded for keeping the protesters separated and keeping violence really limited while confiscating batons and Shields.

It's two groups protesting with a limited amount of violence from what I read

I Googled it.
It's just some "clashes" like what happens at every other protest.
You really trying to equate this to the fifty or so mass shootings your side has been on this week?
Horseshoe theory my ass.

>fifty or so mass shootings
>your side

My yid detector is fucking exploding

seethe incel lmao

>fifty or so mass shootings your side has been on this week

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You misunderstand what I'm saying entirely.
The reason these threads keep getting posted is because they keep getting replies. I don't want them any more than you, but let's be honest. If they were ignored, they'd be auto-pruned on a fast moving board like this and the trolls posting them would quickly learn that it's not going to get them any replies.

But that's not what is happening.
"Don't feed the trolls."

>oh no Antifa attack poor white supremacist ;_;

Yeah, yeah, we're the Jews while you vote for Israel's biggest cocksucker ever. Because suddenly Israel is our greatest ally and not a country that's draining us of our money, right?
You're clearly a shill. Enjoy your fucking recession, I'm out.

>this person's views arent in vogue so its okay to physically assault him

No, the Proud Boys were a legal, peaceful protest.
Illegal antifa rioters showing up to their protest to start fights is not "protesting", it's rioting.

You'll never get people to stop replying to this stupid garbage. You may as well just piss into the sea of piss.

>we're the Jews while you vote for Israel's biggest cocksucker ever. Because suddenly Israel is our greatest ally and not a country that's draining us of our money, right?

Thats pretty antisemitic. What is your political stance?

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Yeah, it's pretty funny to assault stormweenie 2.0 dorks.

I live in Portland and there wasn't a riot.

The Proud Boys tore themselves away from all their goatfucking and incest out west to mill around one of our parks.

They were outnumbered by thousands of citizens who threw basically a cosplay party with music, dancing, food and booze just waving anti-nazi signs, no violence, no threats.

The Proud Boys fled the city after thirty minutes and claimed to have been driven out by Liberal Terrorism.

but user, according to Antifa apologists like you, EvErYtHiNg iS PoLiTiCaL

I'm sure you find right-wing terrorism just as funny.

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No they attacked them with giant cement trunks a bloo bloo bloo can't these giant dorks call for the genocide of niggos in PEACE!?

Rioting is violence.
Again, from everything I've read:
Very little violence. Police kept the two groups separated, confiscated their LARP shields and sticks and that was that.

This has literally never happened. I live there.

>this thread

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>people will see white supremacists as the bad guys by default
>all your side has to do is not fistfight with nazis & riot in the streets
> fistfight with nazis & riot in the streets anyway

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The Wormwood version is the superior commie comic.

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I don't know why you would make such an obvious lie.

>They were outnumbered by thousands of citizens who threw basically a cosplay party with music, dancing, food and booze just waving anti-nazi signs, no violence, no threats.
>The Proud Boys fled the city after thirty minutes and claimed to have been driven out by Liberal Terrorism.

Nah, I just really don't care when a bunch of commie larpers slap the shit out of a bunch of nazi larpers. They're both pretty goofy but one is calling to genocide the browns and gays.

Okay that one got a laugh outta me

>stop invading our culture
Since when has America had a culture?

>linking to incel youtubers
do you people actually watch these clowns?

Reminder that Islamic terrorism is classified as "right wing" and whites still don't make up a considerable amount of terrorists per capita.

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>Source: ADL

It's funny because they still haven't actually killed anyone, and Portland showed that fascists smuggled in weapons to their rally under the protection of the police

Imagine being pro-fascism


>but one is calling to genocide the browns and gays.
We get it, commies are scum.

The proud boys are literally mostly Hispanic and Black, they are just conservative dudebros of all races. There is a video of an antifa attacking a black proud boy from yesterday.

The other is calling to genocide the whites, so I dont see your logic.

The proud boys are nationalist radicals who exist to promote nationalist radicalism. All counter protesting against them is a defensive act by nature.

And nobody started a fight with them. Nor was it "antifa" who showed up; it was practically half the fucking city. We did not want their inbred hick nazi bullshit here and told them so.

Tim Pool is a lefty you deranged zealot

>There is a video of an antifa attacking a black proud boy from yesterday.
You have a link?

>Portland showed that fascists smuggled in weapons to their rally under the protection of the police

I would like to unsubscribe from this leftist fanfiction blog

lmao, did you pay for this retard's legal defense?

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Why is the leader always shoving things up his butthole to own the libs?

Imagine gaslighting this hard

>The proud boys are literally mostly Hispanic and Black
I think you meant /pol/, not the proud boys

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illegal immigrants deserve abuse

i do too, there was a couple of people arrested for violence/ trying to incite violence via infiltration but if those mother fuckers thought they could come down to waterfront park over hawthorn and not get told too fuck the hell off there high as balls. also i remember someone hacked one of the traffic led signs to make it read "FUCK NAZIS" portland ain't the kind of town to welcome that shit.

Local user defends attacking a peaceful assembly because he's "on the right side of history"

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You're literally using the anti-defamation league as a source.
You should really rethink your life.

>ignores the other study pointing out his fallacy

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>Portland showed that fascists smuggled in weapons to their rally under the protection of the police
AP news is reporting that the police were confiscated weapons and arrested 13 people.

>a peaceful assembly
yup just like the Unite The Right rally.

Do you have anything to back up what's in this post? Links, facts, etc?

Unite the Right was just a bunch of nerds in polo shirts with Walmart torches until Antifa was bussed in.

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>why are you believing something from the ADL? That's fake news! Why not trust this anonymous post from /pol/ about the jews controlling everything?

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>portland ain't the kind of town to welcome that shit.

You're right, only hobbo shit and heroin needles are welcome

>“I dreamed I saw my maternal grandmother sitting by the bank of a swimming pool, that was also a river. In real life, she had been a victim of Alzheimer’s disease, and had regressed, before her death, to a semi-conscious state. In the dream, as well, she had lost her capacity for self-control. Her genital region was exposed, dimly; it had the appearance of a thick mat of hair. She was stroking herself, absent-mindedly. She walked over to me, with a handful of pubic hair, compacted into something resembling a large artist’s paint-brush. She pushed this at my face. I raised my arm, several times, to deflect her hand; finally, unwilling to hurt her, or interfere with her any farther, I let her have her way. She stroked my face with the brush, gently, and said, like a child, “isn’t it soft?” I looked at her ruined face and said, “yes, Grandma, it’s soft.”

What did Jordan mean by this?

The neutral argument is that politics involves too much marketing and emotional manipulation, making it impossible for any reasonable individual to run: voting for A or B is a waste of time since they will only behave as rationally in office as they did during their campaigns.

A lot of people voted for a TV star and the same things happened the last time that was an option, too.
It's really difficult to give a fuck about the system when people don't know how to think straight and never try.

"Brainlet" has meant "idiot" since at least 1858.

Remember when a right wing incel DIDN'T kill anyone at the Unite the Right rally?

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weird how no matter how far right or center-right a shooter is, it's always pOlItIcAlLy MoTiVaTeD
But as soon as ANTIFA gets on the kill scoreboard, there's enough mental gymnastics to win a gold medal.

Okay that’s actually funny

Yes, unironically.
You don't get to go to another group's legal event, start punching random civilians, and then go "LOOK AT HOW VIOLENT THE EVENT IS, SHUT IT DOWN!"

Imagine using "incel" unironically and expecting anyone to take you seriously

it was a hundred to one, portland isn't the city to welcome nazi bullshit and it never will be, good luck with your day of the rope bullshit.

>You don't get to go to another group's legal event, start punching random civilians, and then go "LOOK AT HOW VIOLENT THE EVENT IS, SHUT IT DOWN!"
You also don't get to run over people in a car and then claim that Antifa made you do it.

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Sounds like a white incel

I mean... he's not wrong.

Nazis could take over America tomorrow and they'd still stay out of Portland because it's a citywide homeless drug den.

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>not one person has posted the very cool Proud Boys Theme Song

Bunch of vids here

Not for lack of trying, bike lock man was really lucky. It’s like the Bernie supporter who couldn’t aim when trying to assassinate the republican congress. They can have the same rage as a right wing asshole, but have none of the execution.

I agree with this one


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No, but you can attack a guy's car with blunt objects, provoke him into rear-ending a car and then use a fat woman's cigarette and heat induced heart attack to get him sent to jail for "hate crimes."

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lmao he texted his mom a picture of hitler before he plowed into the crowd. You fags are hilarious.

You literally only need to cordon off shitholes like Portland, Seattle and San Fran and let them die from the bubonic plague and typhus in the filth they create. Save the firepower for Chirak.

>But as soon as ANTIFA gets on the kill scoreboard
It's getting rather silly how much interference the media is running for them. It's rare to see them even called out for what they are; instead they're just "counterdemonstrators" or "student activists", and no mention that they're literally an anarcho-communist terrorist organization.

That literally never happened, brownshirt cunt.

You people are so consumed by conspiracy theory bullshit it's amazing. You know you can distrust the media and not buy into every goofy ass /pol/ meme at the same time right?

Yeah they only need to kill like 60 people and then they'll be close to ring wing incels

oh look another thread about this weird shmorky clone immediately derailed

I wonder why this keeps happening.

>citation never

You retards are fucking hilarious. You know this is public knowledge right?

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Mainstream press is blatantly corrupt, I would rather trust unbiased guerrilla footage any day.

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Unlike all that hard heart attack evidence.


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>those many mental gymnastics and poor Photoshop skills
Kek. The best part was when he begged for mercy and got none

Actually, no sweetie. 55 of those dead people were killed by lone wolves who did not do it with a motivation. The media framed it as politically motivated as soon as they pulled up three year old Facebook statuses supporting the 2nd Amendment, sweetie.

>sweetieposting twice
someone is upset

It refers to "anti-abortion extremism." that's how you can know that it's bunk as a source, as being anti-abortion can't be extreme

t. Tranny

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>video shows heather heyer isnt hit by a car
>suffers a heart attack because she is horrifically obese and a chain smoker
>her own mother is on video saying she died of a heart attack

lmao dude

>public knowledge
So you're admitting that Muslims are much more dangerous per capita than the right.

I'm generally the last person to defend antifa.
But I'm not seeing a ton of violence here.

>top chick clearly has a ponytail going past her neck
>bottom chick clearly has a bun
>she got a haircut before she was murdered by a white nationalist
We are in too deep!

I get his joke, but technically if Bernie wins in 2020, his campaign for re-election would still be 2024

Am I talking to someone with a mental disability? You couldn't argue your way out of a paper bag.

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Ah the ol reputable UNZ Review. You got me.

>I'm generally the last person to defend antifa.
Don't bullshit us.

You can say the Dayton Shooter is an example, depending on your standards. It's one of those cases where they did it first and foremost because they're an incel, but if you look into their online presence, you can find a lot of extremist/dehumanizing language against people who would be their victims and a following of people who incite hate. Basically, if there was a white supremacist saying white supremacist things online, especially in regards to wanting to kill people, a lot of people would call it a white supremacist shooting even though they did it because they're an incel. If you subscribe to that kind of logic, then you can definitely say this is an Antifa shooting.

Listen you little faggot. The USA is not the world now is it? Islamic terrorism is still killing more people in the world and even in Europe than right wing extremism does.

There's more footage, the Proud boys never even meant to stick around to fight, just saying they're going somewhere makes all those retards show up first and bother the fuck out of normal people, easy PR win.

>get completely assblasted at ADL as a source
>link this trash instead

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Nobody will say that because Antifa is very useful to wealthy bad actors. And if anyone does they'll be kicked out of the journalist cabal.

Say "Muslims, per capita, are 20-40 times more likely to commit terror attacks on US soil than right-wing extremists."
I will literally concede if you do. If you don't, I win.

The ADL exists because a Jew raped & killed an underage cattle girl but couldn't get away with it. It's only fair you get linked an equally as biased source.

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>easy PR win
Yeah the Proud Boys have really good PR

Footage doesnt lie

Oh please he is just one of those fags who pretends to be a liberal but just waits for a liberal to cough before he jumps up and down pointing going 'the liberals did something dumb again' for clicks. Also that fucker needs to wash that filthy ass beanie of his.

The source doesn't matter if it's literal video footage.

When do we finally stop pussyfooting around and begin Civil War II: Revengeance?

What footage? Where is the footage of Heather having a heart attack and dying from that instead of the incel right winger at the UTR rally?

Look at all the diversity.

Seriously - I think Antifa's violence needs to be categorically condemned and people constantly try to weasel out of it by saying since they didn't kill anybody yet that means they've done nothing wrong.
It's disingenuous as fuck. But here?
I'm not seeing a lot of violence. There's plenty to link to and show examples of with Antifa, but this isn't it.

He's a """"CLASSICAL""" liberal.

incels too scared to do anything but talk shit online, only the real mouthbreathers go to these things.

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>oh no this footage completely devastates my world view
>wait, the footage was posted on a website I don't like, that means it never actually happened because events that contradict what I believe immediately cease to exist once a source I don't agree with shows it.

They're clearly talking about modern Soros-funded anti-fa, faggot.

The Portland protest footage you fucking stupid retard, i have nothing to do with your autist car of peace argument

Dumb incels

>When do we finally stop pussyfooting around and begin Civil War II: Revengeance?
Most people don't want that.
I would support calling the national guard in to deal with antifa rioters, though. Freedom of assembly is pretty fundamental to a functioning democracy, and antifa rioters do nothing but try to use violence to shut down freedom of assembly.

The bullet would have to curve user! It's impossible!

No joke there are 3 Sushi places downtown here, all very good, one is staffed entirely by Japanese Americans, the next was started and is staffed largely by Americans, and the last almost entirely by Mexicans.

>data and footage starts appearing ITT
>antifa sympathizers quietly vanish

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>desu let's do civil war
is "desu" the new "dude"?

>I'm not seeing a lot of violence. There's plenty to link to and show examples of with Antifa, but this isn't it.

So throwing a hammer at someone's head and chasing down a guy to hit him aren't bad? How about bear macing a woman inside a bus? Those shitheads are bloodthirsty as fuck, if they had the muscle strength and werent being recorded they'd beat someone to desth.

Anything to change the subject away from the incels trying to claim the Unite The Right murder was a false flag, lmao

Just stop, stickarms.

user you wouldn't know dignity if you had it drawn for you.

Fact of the matter is, the proud boys are incels.

I would not be surprised if the guy who "killed" Heather is found to be innocent one day. There's enough footage or pictures of his car being hit and Heather being nowhere near the crash.

It's a filter for "T.B.H" for whatever reason.

Honestly, they are harsh and sometimes incorrect, but this comic and are my spirit animals.

Word filter for, "tee bee aych."

Where's your evidence? Where's your statistics? Show research.

Im down for it. Finally get a chance to finish what uncle Billy started. The alt right is just as deluded as their southern ancestors in thinking they'd win if they got a second go. They just need to do what their forefathers did and throw the first punch

>There's enough footage or pictures of his car being hit and Heather being nowhere near the crash.
This is your brain on /pol/

Sorry bro, he's guilty and he's going to remain guilty.

She's right tho.

Wasnt it because the main right denounced the alt right because right wingers actually like Israel and 'based blacks'? That the actual white nationalists are way too few without the normal right wingers to go out on their own?

>So throwing a hammer at someone's head and chasing down a guy to hit him aren't bad? How about bear macing a woman inside a bus?
Sounds serious, any video links? Was that in the link here?

>show up to "event" for five minutes
>all the antifa trannies swarm out of every nook and cranny in Portland to attack you
>fuck off to a park some distance away and have a nice comfy BBQ with your bros
>antifa trannies make themselves look like psychotic retards fighting "nazis", when they're just assaulting police and random civilians
gg proud boys

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>this thread

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see Antifa getting violent was literally the dumbest possible option.

>media hypes up this super-duper ultra-dangerous SS luftwaffe mega-Nazi rally for weeks
>only 20 people actually came
>antifa larpers raged and beat journalists instead

Wont be south and north, it'll be inland vs coastie roasties, and all they gotta do is cut off the water and the food.

>/pol/ too busy replying to themselves to keep up a coherent conversation

>no guys the Proud Boys won this one, its a major PR victory

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Jesus Christ, just use Google!

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clearly photoshoped

It's pretty hard to get a foothold when everyone in power & every media outlet is against you. Then the usual sycophants and psychopaths dogpile on because they don't actually believe anything, they just like attacking weak shit to feel powerful.

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>over grades
So it's not politically motivated. You just proved that the media is lying about this false neo-Nazi uprising.

The ones where they're chasing people into the buses, fucking wstch them already

Yea Forums has a history of turning common and popular phrases and words into other things for humor.
Examples of wordfilters that did this in the past would be:
"teh" (common typo of "the") - wordfiltered to FUCK
Emo (many years ago this was very common) - wordfiltered to "bosnian."
"Rei" - wordfiltered to DONATE TO Yea Forums
This lead to some preexisting memes becoming unintentionally hilarious.


>It's pretty hard to get a foothold when everyone in power & every media outlet is against you.
user you guys memed Trump into office, remember? You had a Republican House and Senate for two years. Why didn't you fags do anything?

She took away his Yea Forums because he spent all his time on /pol/. He is literally browsing /pol/ in one of his youtube videos. You can check his thread on kiwi farms.


lol u tk him 2 da bar!?

>She took away his Yea Forums because he spent all his time on /pol/. He is literally browsing /pol/ in one of his youtube videos. You can check his thread on kiwi farms.
Not politically motivated, sweetie.
If you're not a fake news-spreading incel, say "It was not politically motivated."

Say hi to the cripplechan tourists, everyone

I'm not sure how you wouldn't consider it a win for them.

>Not politically motivated, sweetie.
Yes nothing at all political about killing your mother because she restricted your access to the politics board on Yea Forums.

You're an incel, my dude.

>over grades
Not politically motivated.

I wonder if he got permission to use Trump's face for that product.

Pools' closed redditor

How did Q user play into all of this?

How did Epsteins 'suicide'?

The only people who would consider this a win for the Proud Boys are incels.

Feel free to prove me wrong. But you can't, because you're incels.

They didn't do shit and got out fine while Antifa had 13 arrested tards

I'll gladly watch links you post of antifa being violent today.

Whoah... he LITERALLY browsed /POL/???

Attached: some smug thot lol.png (300x300, 96K)

I just posted a picture, look at those green Antifa fucks attacking that poor white nationalist.

Does this board even have mods?

Attached: 1532464520250.png (2480x3507, 2.49M)

False, I am actually having sex right now, using my penis, with a woman.

Attached: stonetoss.png (1925x1101, 66K)

Click the link, it should open a new tab in your browser of what's called a 'web page'

>posting redpanels/rockthrow/nazi shmorky
Back to your containment, stormfag

I actually did forget that one.

Why are you shilling your gay site?

The janitors are busy dilating for the night.

Attached: confederate-flag-comic.png (625x390, 44K)

You asked


Weird how video games where you can beat up hookers, hot-wire cars and run over people in GTA somehow can't cause violence.
But seeing some memes on a Chinese cartoon imageboard does...

/pol/tards are immune from rules, there's been a dedicated screeching thread up for 6+ hours

Talking to a different user.

I remember when this artist couldn't stop sucking the president's dick wen he went by redpanels.

>/pol/ defense force defending their own


Attached: go-back-to-where-you-came-from-comic1.png (1000x1000, 100K)

Made In Abyss, duh

Trump already said that video games make people violent though.

Attached: 1532466771211.png (2480x3507, 2.89M)

>Hey which wars has that flag won again?

berseepon09 on tumblr and pixiv. Pixiv id: 65449733

I don't blame anyone who wants to hop off the jew jew cummies train to be fair.

Dont care


Attached: virginity-comic.png (625x1215, 103K)

>play doom and GTA
>confuse reality and shoot up the school
>media: video games didn't do this

>get bullied
>parents get divorced
>fall into suicidal spiral
>take drugs
>go to /pol/ a few times
>want to get revenge on the bullies
>grab dad's guns and shoot up the school
>media: he went to /pol/ a few times

Attached: flag-burning-comic.png (1000x500, 50K)

They're a joke that takes themselves seriously.

Ok, this one got me.

tim pool is about as left as the republican party

Attached: immigration-vs-wages-comic.png (940x300, 50K)

I still think that he should at least have had some balls and not tried to pretend like he isn't Redpanels. I mean the art style is basically the same save for the fact that people don't have noses from Bone anymore and the political views are basically identical.

Attached: vegans-and-cyclists-comic.png (1000x1000, 106K)

>media: video games didn't do this
You must be very young

Attached: 1526849493399.png (773x1000, 1.05M)

>"the alt-right are the real snowflakes. they get so mad over trivial things. it's pure projection. they're so..."
>*banshee screaming*

The common correlation is all the shooters being white males

Rumor has it someone was threatening to dox him or some shit which is why he had to flip accounts. That's just speculation though.

That's real bold coming from the people who threw an autism fit over a tranny cartoon frog, or whenever anyone says

More importantly, why is this board so fucking gay?

Attached: 1531200197451.jpg (735x976, 67K)

He supports abortion and free healthcare and thinks AA is good because someone told him he was a happa once, he's just not as left wing as the utter shitshow the DNC and DSA are, who are so left wing they think they can warp reality into agreeing with their feelings.

Attached: south-african-genocide-comic.png (1000x1000, 95K)

Reminder that Rockthrow/Redpanels is an unabashed neo-nazi

Attached: farewell-comic1.png (702x720, 117K)

>domestic extremist

Literally a made-up term used specifically for the ADL report. "Domestic extremist" means only extremists who have organized completely without foreign support, ruling out people like the Pulse shooter (who had ties to ISIS) and most left-wingers in international groups such as Antifa.

>artist student tries to pay with exposure
No, it's the employers who try to cheat artists with "exposure", not the other way around. Fucking Buckley messing up something this basic.

wtf i love unabashed neo-nazis now

Except Cruz, Lanza and this El Paso guy being jew spic mutts

>white genocide is real but the holocaust is a hoax
every time

That's the joke.

>More importantly, why is this board so fucking gay?
Because you and I both want these threads.
If we didn't, we wouldn't reply and give them attention, making them last. But you're replying. You're arguing. You're contributing to the thread. So am I. If you want these topics to stop, you stop giving them attention.

A white kid smirking.

He's equating the denial of both as silly

The El Paso guy was a white dude. And Lanza was definitely fucking white.

You mutts always get so assblasted about this shit.

Attached: 1535320131269.jpg (805x977, 167K)

Attached: france-comic1.png (625x605, 64K)

We have seen his other comics, the dude denies the holocaust.

Attached: lefty-vs-right-wing-memes-comic.png (1500x500, 72K)

>delude themselves into thinking they're fighting nazis
Im pretty sure those people arent wearing swastikas for funsies.

>incel extremism
So the beta uprising has started.

Is it bad that I find this kind of funny?

Attached: fbi-infiltration-comic-1.png (1500x500, 76K)

Attached: epstein 02.jpg (666x375, 83K)

>Lanza was definitely fucking white

Lanza is literally a Jewish surname, jackass

>Because you and I both want these threads.
>If we didn't, we wouldn't reply and give them attention, making them last.
By posting, I'm making it more likely that the thread will be deleted. I am also helping to push it towards the bump limit.

Sorry dude, I'm not gay like you fags.

Attached: 1526442438027.jpg (824x936, 343K)

Stop enjoying things.

Attached: christmas-race-statistics-comic.png (1000x500, 53K)

The dude regularly references 1488
He has one comic that's a 6 million in the craftyjew pose watching a 14 attached to an 88
His css was named stylesheet88.css

He's an actual for real nazi.

>3 out of 4 right wing terrorists are right wing terrorists
>Source: ADL

Fuck off CTR

Sounds based.

Attached: fake-hate-crime-comic.png (1500x500, 70K)

Be honest, how much time do you spend in these threads?

Attached: lol.png (1110x802, 231K)

>There are people on this board who unironically trust the ADL

All of the day bro

Attached: magic-dirt-comic1.png (1000x1000, 54K)

hon hon hon

Attached: 1552759485987.png (1000x1000, 87K)

I know right? Why not trust /pol/ instead.

That's pretty pathetic bro.

Attached: 1532482099460.jpg (818x1170, 210K)

This thread sure is something

Attached: 2dd.jpg (600x600, 40K)

>By posting, I'm making it more likely that the thread will be deleted.
A thread that gets no replies will be deleted faster than one that gets bumped. The only exception is if every single reply is saging the thread.
You and I both know that is not what is happening in these threads.
Ignore shit you don't like. Don't reply. Hide the thread. And, if necessary, report threads that violate the rules.

this is such deep tier unironic racism that anyone trying to spin his views as 'just a joke' are disingenuous mother fuckers.

These threads always worry me. You have the sensible people who don't like stonetoss or think his comics aren't funny, but then you have the genuine lunatics who can't go 5 seconds without crying about the evil cis white male nazis, or their /pol/ counterparts who cry about women and black people being shoved into everything. It just turns my stomach seeing how low we've all fallen.

Stores really shouldn't be forced to make things for people they don't like.

I unironically feel more free than America when I remember people in my country can refuse service fro any reason we like.

>those fingers

Kinda freaking me out

>A thread that gets no replies will be deleted faster than one that gets bumped.
lol yeah this thread will definitely get no replies you dumb faggot

Attached: 1532467175659.jpg (848x1200, 158K)

There's only one way to stop it.

Attached: indiana-jones-and-the-kingdom-of-the-crystal-skull.jpg (1300x650, 39K)

you do understand that supporting one or two liberal policies doesn't make someone "on the left"
there are republicans who support abortion, does that mean they're leftists? trump said everyone would be taken care of in his healthcare plan, is he a leftist?
this is the same thing dave rubin does, where he trots out a couple of his liberal stances and then spends his days interviewing every right wing hack on the internet
tim pool supports the right and shits on the left every chance he gets, it's clear what side he's on
you and tim pool are so far on the right that you think the fucking DNC is too left wing

that his grandma shoved her vagine in his face

She's got weird fingers. Half of them are under her fluff.

Attached: 1520226800474.jpg (1072x1600, 522K)

>lol yeah this thread will definitely get no replies you dumb faggot
That's the point.
Because these threads get replies, including yours and mine, they continue to get posted. They continue to get people posting in them. The only way to help is to not patronize shitposts. Which, whether you like it or not, you're doing.

>Because these threads get replies, including yours and mine, they continue to get posted.
They'd be reposted if I wasn't here, so spare me your retarded logic. You are too stupid to roleplay at being smart, my man.

Attached: 1546913340141.jpg (1110x2047, 198K)

Thank you!

You've got about 40 more years of it until whites are too small a minority in America and Europe to even talk about doing anything and it settles down. Enjoy the ride, it's only going to get worse


Attached: women in bars.jpg (960x572, 702K)

I'm gay for that rabbit thing youre posting

Make them watch bad films?

Yeah I bet you are, gay boy.

Attached: 1551940411635.jpg (500x484, 125K)

I didn't say you were causing them I said you're actively working against your own cause. If you did ignored them it would be more helpful than posting.


European spics are white by default. The government even acknowledges this

>I didn't say you were causing them I said you're actively working against your own cause.
And I said you were retarded. You don't need to keep proving me correct.

Attached: 1521523975082.jpg (679x540, 115K)

>racism will end once white people become minorities
Imagine being this fucking stupid.

Aren't you going to scream about concentration camps?

user don't be racist, Jews are white...

...when they want to be.

Attached: only white when we want to be.jpg (974x928, 223K)

You're not helping the board by shitposting in a shitpost thread. Adding more shit to a pile of shit makes it larger, not smaller, even if by only a small degree.
It's like trying to cover up the smell of rancid shit with fresh shit.

Why is that retard still replying to me?

Attached: 1529866130151.gif (785x1107, 1.26M)

Concession accepted.

>user defamed and stripped of all his internets in one reply
how embarrassing for him

Yup, that guy is a real retard.

Attached: 1521342433519.jpg (625x800, 40K)

You have turned your entire argument into name calling when someone dared to criticize your asinine tantrum throwing as being unproductive. You've made no case for anything other than kicking and screaming and demanding that someone do something to stop people (like yourself) from shitting on the board and pointing the finger at everyone else, while contributing to the exact problem you are whining about.


Attached: 1565660065351.gif (420x396, 529K)

Is this the same retard replying to me or a new one?

Attached: 1525141368789.jpg (3120x4160, 3.73M)

You cant be racist against corpses.

i love jordan peterson, heres a clip of him reading that

>being unproductive


Attached: antifa-israel-comic.png (1500x500, 72K)

Watch as I wake up tomorrow with no ban. This board is a fucking joke.

Attached: 1532425872712.png (2166x3106, 3.4M)

Do you people consider anyone liberal?
It seems that nobody is ever liberal enough for you guys to admit they are liberal except some hypothetical textbook superhuman with zero flaws and you would probably call that person far right as well.

Imagine getting so upset at "nazis" you spam furry porn

No shit. The point was he said he was helping, when it's obvious that's neither what he's achieving or even intending.

Stonetoss threads always bring the mentally ill out. The comics themselves are innocent jokes, or rather repackaged quotes from radicals. Somehow the radicals feel at home in Yea Forums, since these strips really don't deserve the aggressive reaction that they get.

Imagine trying to help save the board from shitposting by shitposting.

Imagine getting upset at furry porn being spammed in your incel thread.

You guys don't deserve posters of my quality.

Attached: 1541307373028.png (868x871, 641K)

fuck off back to pol, polfag

>inb4 n-n-n-no I'm not from /pol/!

Of course not.
If you want a ban, you should post ontopic rightwing comics that dont break any rules.

Attached: bash-the-fash-antifa-comic.png (1500x500, 63K)

>are innocent jokes
they're dog whistles that say 'stormfront welcome'

>You guys don't deserve posters of my quality.
I agree. I don't think Yea Forums has done anything to deserve you.

If you don't want to be an incel, you should have sex with a woman. Its really simple.

Attached: 1532480035187.jpg (980x1032, 111K)

"Ironic shitpost is just a shitpost"

Doesn't antifa despise Israel? The American Left seems to be against funding Israel and want to boycott them.

This comic seems to have become true. Or maybe it was always true and I just kept thinking it as a joke.

hey you're the one who thinks anyone who has one liberal opinion is a leftist
does that seem reasonable to you?
funny how it doesn't work in the other direction, the guy who has one conservative opinion isn't a rightwinger

the american conservative-liberal axis is a joke anyway

Attached: liberalism.png (1259x506, 153K)

Attached: male-feminist-comic.png (625x605, 57K)

Your average lefty poster, everyone

Attached: Ironicshitposting.png (500x397, 53K)

Probably a good thing, seeing how far left Yea Forums posters are going.

Attached: white-people-disappearing-comic.png (625x605, 42K)

AIDS is not a cure for cancer.

I'm way above average, retard

Attached: 1527017627605.jpg (1000x1300, 829K)

so you're saying you're in favour of banks being able to decide what you use your money for using any reasoning whatsoever, since you rely on using their services?

They did ban all those democrats from entering. Democrats have been very open with their hate with jews, making the Nazi insults ironic. Or it might have always been projecting, like everything else with them.

>imagine thinking the ironic containment board wasn't ironic
>believing that it isn't an echo chamber just as bad as Tumblr in it's prime

Antifa are evil liberal anarchists. If you see them in the street throw rocks are them. They are spoiled manchildren believing they are crusaders of a just cause. Smash them, crush them.

They can and do, especially under federal pressure.
There happen to be a lot of banks and they all compete so they keep control to a minimum.


Attached: second-amendment-comic1.png (625x605, 48K)

>Violating the NAP

Liberal Yea Forumsmblr is a cancer that needs to be snuffed.

>imagine believing that it wasn't ironically being ironic

I have a feeling you'd complain if you were refused service anywhere

Attached: right-wing-censorship-comic1.png (1000x1000, 102K)

>Imagine not knowing about the pickle gun or the repeating air rifle made before cap locks

Puckle gun*

>small government and private property rights for everything
>except for social media, the state should force them to let me post

Attached: anti-semitic-leftist-comic1.png (1000x500, 54K)

>unironically supporting violent lynching vigilantism
Please get roped. You're literally the same.

Just thought you should know you can't bump your own thread.

I don't get it

muh out of Africa migration can't happen because modern blacks aren't modern whites.

>What is sarcastaball?

I was under the impression Nanachi was a boy?
At least that's the impression I got from the anime.

Did the furry poster get banned or run out of content?

Attached: 1561732607833.jpg (351x319, 30K)

By a monopoly or utility, yes.
A cake store?
If they can afford to deny me service, that's up to them.

>*Cancer is not a cure for AIDS
They're like furries. Never let them think they're welcoming here. Having someone call you a degenerate is more livable than attention seeking furries that shitpost about their fetishes.

you fags got assblasted about theaters doing women only showings of Wonder Woman.

Attached: 1532481239013.jpg (567x839, 62K)

Attached: gun-free-zone-comic1.png (625x300, 27K)

I still don't get it.
Why would aboriginals want to live in modern society?

>muh 4d interdimensional-hyper-cube-non-denominational-uberchess-strip-poker

That sounds like something trannies would be upset about.

That's the point, yeah

You get assblasted over pic related

Attached: 1565857775762.gif (480x360, 3.86M)

I still dont know where that's from.

Attached: 1520392990035.jpg (600x500, 77K)

Attached: can-i-go-to-the-restroom-comic.png (625x605, 50K)

The magic dirt sucked out all blackness when the future white European humans left Africa, but since the Africans didn't leave over magic dirt they're still black. Aka Africans are still dirty and whites weren't African

I'll admit, this one was funny

2016 election reaction.

>hey you're the one who thinks anyone who has one liberal opinion is a leftist
I am?
When did I say any such thing?
or are just assuming my entire ideology based on me asking how you define "liberal"?

I consider myself a liberal as I believe in everyone's rights to do as they see fit as long as it harms nobody else, yet for some reason I am constantly told by so called "liberals" that this in fact makes me far right which always leaves me wondering how they define even moderate right wing let alone liberalism.

>the american conservative-liberal axis is a joke anyway
Political parties in general are a joke.

Attached: 1555902126445.png (750x900, 558K)

>out of Africa migration

This shit has been debunked exhaustively

Attached: 1562873422861.png (605x616, 206K)

>Big government and no property right for anything
>Except when corps can stop mean words!
Why do you insist on relying on arguments that work equally well against your own point?

Got some dry spaghetti here

God those are some hot rabbit titties.


I really don't feel like rabbitholing "magic dirt".
But all things considered, I'm happy and impressed I know nothing about it.

Why bother? You will deny it anything posted.

Attached: 1541603621634.jpg (403x403, 41K)

>All earliest hominid fossils found in africa

Oh look, a rarity in these threads - someone not retarded with good taste.

Attached: 1532481154386.jpg (980x1032, 110K)

>fails to include the different species of hominids that humans bred with outside of Africa thereby obfuscating the point into, muh blacks are monkeys


Attached: iq-and-race-comic.png (940x300, 51K)

>All earliest hominid fossils found in africa


Attached: 1536240765895.png (829x905, 530K)

>When did I say any such thing?
when you criticized me for saying that ("anyone who has one liberal opinion is a leftist") was ridiculous
if that's not what you meant then why quote me
>I consider myself a liberal as I believe in everyone's rights to do as they see fit as long as it harms nobody else
you may consider yourself liberal but in reality this definition is so vague that you could be anything from ultracapitalist to communist
what you probably are is socially liberal, economically conservative

>junk DNA from another extinct species that broke away and died before modern humans somehow makes those modern humans less modern

>demonstrate human race did not evolve solely in Africa
>"a-are you saying n- i mean blacks are monkeys???"

You're in a cult.

Attached: 1553330920540.png (645x704, 423K)

Attached: crime-think-comic.png (1000x1000, 83K)

U.S is ripe to being divided. I don't know how they can have another president after Trump. If radical Left took the house in 2024, would everyone just accept it? Even with milquetoast republican, I just don't see it.

>/pol/tard accusing others of being in a cult

>All earliest hominid fossils found in africa
and china.

So are you planning to respond to
And apologize or are you just going to puss out and refuse to admit that you prejudged?

Attached: pride-comic.png (940x300, 41K)

>picture from a random website and an intentionally misleading """""infographic""""""

>This comic seems to have become true. Or maybe it was always true and I just kept thinking it as a joke
That's literally all that Stonetoss is, humorous observations of real events. Some people just can't handle that he doesn't share the same humor they do.

>Why bother? You will deny it anything posted.

yeah I'm gonna apologize for having adequate reading comprehension unlike you

>oh these are just some humorous observations with a different kind of humor hehe

Wasting your time

Attached: 1543006730236.png (2000x1955, 258K)

You posted two pictures, no links or even a peer reviewed piece. I know that peer review isn't the end all be all way to validate a study but come on man at least try to post something you wouldn't see on Infowars or a buzzfeed tier article


Attached: communist-workers-comic.png (940x300, 41K)

>when you criticized me for saying that ("anyone who has one liberal opinion is a leftist") was ridiculous
Again when did I do that?
You realize that not everyone posting anonymously is the same person right?
>what you probably are is socially liberal, economically conservative
The fuck does that even mean?
What is "economically conservative" supposed to mean? Feudalism? Using giant carved stones for currency?, the barter system?
How does conservatism even apply to economics?

Attached: censorship-by-the-left-comic.png (1000x500, 32K)

You didn't even open the images because they are all articles that either reference a study or have a citation at the bottom.

Attached: 1539138129435.png (512x512, 214K)

>What is "economically conservative" supposed to mean?
Imagine being this ignorant of basic political terms
An economic conservative is a person concerned with a balanced budget, limited government spending and low subsidies.

Do you have any idea how far even modern Africans are from every other race in the world?

Attached: 1559483336487.jpg (700x875, 166K)

>he complains about infographics
>on an imageboard

The citation in is citation for the pictures used, not the info. There isn't even any info it's just a headline. The other ones I can't find, not even on Jstor

Jesus fucking Christ. You Stormfaggots could never color inside the lines in kindergarten, could you?

You are lazy and stupid.

>The discovery of the creature, named Graecopithecus freybergi, and nicknameded ‘El Graeco' by scientists, proves our ancestors were already starting to evolve in Europe 200,000 years before the earliest African hominid.

>An international team of researchers say the findings entirely change the beginning of human history and place the last common ancestor of both chimpanzees and humans - the so-called Missing Link - in the Mediterranean region.

Don't reply anymore.

>post bad information or intentionally vague info
>bitches about it

>can literally google the headline
>its the first result
>dont because then based black people would lose a battle

Attached: 1562326422514.jpg (187x333, 32K)

>Again when did I do that?
my quoted post:
>you do understand that supporting one or two liberal policies doesn't make someone "on the left"
your answer:
>Do you people consider anyone liberal?

is that clear enough? I asserted that having one or two liberal policies doesn't make someone a liberal. you answered negatively. now you're saying you didn't?

>The fuck does that even mean?
>What is "economically conservative" supposed to mean? Feudalism? Using giant carved stones for currency?, the barter system?
>How does conservatism even apply to economics?
these aren't words and phrases I invented, they're common expressions used when talking about politics
economically (or fiscally) conservative is the republican party pro-business pro-ultracapitalist policies
economically (or fiscally) liberal is the old democratic (since the new democrats AKA the clinton-obama wing of the party are also pro-business and pro-ultracapitalist) social-democratic policies

Then both republicans and democrats are both economically conservative by that definition and simultaneously economically liberal since both have their pet issues they are willing to spend significant amounts on.

>still not banned

Attached: 1541310644879.png (658x463, 53K)

>"I would be hesitant about using a single character from an isolated fossil to set against the evidence from Africa."

I'm not wrong in saying the picture used doesn't have any info and is just a headline. I never

Pre-ice Antarctica could also be origin of white people. Several ancient cultures mention land of fair skinned gods far south and ancient marine maps that have been copied from far older maps show the coastlines of Antarctica thats been hidden under ice for millenniums.

Quiick. Would she give birth in rabbit litters or no? The futre of this thrad depends on it.

Attached: 1492997960022.jpg (540x462, 28K)

>Mass shootings only happen in libby-lib gun-free zones
>Thank God I live in Texas, where any libofascist shooter would be taken down by all the good guys with guns

Going off what we've seen in MiA, probably a litter.

Attached: e21.png (872x1236, 546K)

Attached: Screenshot_20190819-053217.png (1080x2160, 350K)

>is that clear enough? I asserted that having one or two liberal policies doesn't make someone a liberal. you answered negatively. now you're saying you didn't?
I didn't even see that particular part of your post
but even still it still fits with my question which is who or what is an example of a liberal by your definition.
I don't see leftist and liberal as synonymous personally but if you think tim pool isn't liberal enough to be a liberal who do you think is?
>economically (or fiscally) conservative is the republican party pro-business pro-ultracapitalist policies
economically (or fiscally) liberal is the old democratic (since the new democrats AKA the clinton-obama wing of the party are also pro-business and pro-ultracapitalist) social-democratic policies
Both parties are (and always have been) pro business and anachronistic as the term might be corporatist. The only difference between the parties when it comes to big business is what specific big businesses they happen to back.

What the fuck are you mongoloids jabbering about?
Magic dirt is about the idea that immigrating to a country automatically makes you the same as native citizens of a country.
i.e. the 'joke' is that stepping onto American/European soil magically makes you American/European.
It's nothing to do with the origin of mankind.

But yeah one specimen totally disproves the other stuff

lol yes, they're both economically conservative parties since back in the late 80s/early 90s when the DLC (democratic leaderhsip council) took over the dems and pulled them to the right in an effort to pick up republican votes
they're not fiscally liberal since being fiscally liberal doesn't mean spending on "pet issues", it means being supportive of redistribution, and neither clinton nor obama were that

We're on page 7 and the thread stopped bumping a long time ago. Even if that weren't the case we're a handful of posts away from bump limit.
Until OP reposts the thread in about 10 or 15 minutes.

But it does have everything to do with that. Since your species came from Africa you aren't European

Really you aren't even white

Oh sorry.
I should have gotten to the point:
The future of this thread is to be deleted in about 20 minutes or so and then reposted by the OP.


Attached: affirmative-action-comic.png (625x605, 53K)

Attached: pocahontas gets superpowers.gif (350x190, 2.97M)

>it means being supportive of redistribution,
Redistribution is a pet issue.
There isn't just a single generic "charity" that the government spends on there are hundreds of particular avenues for spending money on helping people from things like foreign aid, school lunch programs, homeless shelters, the red cross, etc
and both political parties and even every politicians has a different one that they decide to favor.

>then reposted by the OP.

Nah he's got a Rocco's Modern Life thread to kill next in his schedule. He'll probably shit on something else, like 12 forever or that KO show before he reposts this. But repost he eventually will, for the next month or so

Attached: green-energy-comic.png (1500x500, 82K)

This same OP very frequently reposts the same thread within minutes of it being deleted. Either by mods or even if the thread just hits bump limit and is auto-pruned.

But that doesn't stop him from posting in the other threads too at the same time.

>every single person I don't like is the same person

Attached: female-scientist-comic1 (1).png (1000x1000, 127K)

Not every single person, but you probably are.

>I don't see leftist and liberal as synonymous personally but if you think tim pool isn't liberal enough to be a liberal who do you think is?
lol why would I have to give you a description of a liberal when it is self-evident that your description (person who holds one or two liberal beliefs while otherwise being right wing) is dumb
I asked the same question about conservatives to show you how dumb it is
it's clear that if someone has one or two liberal beliefs while otherwise they spout right wing propaganda all day every day they're - right wing
>Both parties are (and always have been) pro business and anachronistic as the term might be corporatist.
this is partly true and partly untrue, democrats used to support unions and labor
it was done out of fear of a communist revolution and not out of the goodness of their hearts but it was still done

no, republicans want to cut all that "waste" and use it to finance tax cuts for the rich
democrats are half-and-half (or 70-30 for-against, if you're a pessimist)

How many of these are you?

Attached: lol.png (874x784, 224K)

More than half I'd guess.

it's literally one to two guys and the mods won't perma the little rats because /pol/tards make them money.

So you're not going to just repost the same thread after this one is auto pruned, then.


Attached: bitcoin-crash-comic1.png (800x255, 52K)

You realize that's just the default file name if you save it off his site, right?

I bet this clown doesn't even own a gun

How many people go to stone toss's site?

Attached: christmas-comic.png (625x605, 49K)

So they're all you then?

This is a /pol/ website.

Attached: national-borders-comic1.png (1000x1000, 80K)

Different user here. You should always take official historians with grain of salt. The early discoveries of human history were forced to fit with the narrative of the holy books. And archaeology is a constant business of trying to state why YOU need the funding more than the other guys, which is why several archaeological sites have been abandoned, pavement over or even banned.

That said, I wouldn't yet accept based on this evidence that Europe was the origin of homo sapiens, but had that one body been found in Europe before the several bodies in Africa, people would be arguing the other way around.

yup its definitely tons of different people lmao

Attached: lol.png (780x586, 168K)

Think of how many times barneyfag has been permanently banned and how he still shows up.

Attached: donald-trump-and-no-wall-comic.png (1500x500, 84K)

Silly question here:
What archive site are you using?

Attached: american-freedom-comic1.png (1000x1000, 89K)

>500 posts
gg no re

that looks like desuarchive

Same with the azulafag

Or murrlogic;
wait, he was perma banned too right?

Thanks to me we hit it way faster, too.

Attached: 1532482299599.jpg (641x914, 86K)

lmao no buddy there'll be another when this one dies, the saladtoss shill is invincible

I thought he was

Thread stopped bumping at around 300 posts or so.

I think you missed something important here.

Right, when I started posting. It autosaged because of me. Pussy janitors intimidated by bunnies.

Attached: 1546269133633.jpg (1447x2047, 332K)

>lol why would I have to give you a description of a liberal when it is self-evident that your description (person who holds one or two liberal beliefs while otherwise being right wing) is dumb
Because I'm asking for your opinion?
>I asked the same question about conservatives to show you how dumb it is
Did you? I must have missed that.
But for the record my opinion is
Liberal: Anyone that supports the individual liberties of everyone regardless of race,sex,age,identity,sexual preference, religion, nation or creed so far as it does not directly conflict with the rights of others.
Conservative: Anyone that wishes to either maintain some form of status quo or return to an earlier set of social values.
They are not antonyms or even necessarily mutually exclusive.
Now what is your definition of those terms?
>no, republicans want to cut all that "waste
Republicans have their pet charities too and I'm pretty sure they have consistently speant money on things like medicare and foregin aid.
>tax cuts for the rich
Tax cuts for everyone if you're not being overly pessimistic.

Or before.
Wait - Weren't you in favor of this thread being deleted faster?
So shouldn't you be thankful they made that happen by making it un-bumpable sooner?
Or were you just looking for a shitpost thread as an excuse to post furry porn?

Could you imagine if he just reposted the same thread as soon as this one hit bump limit?
Like, wouldn't that just mean all that effort was for nothing because he just did it all over again anyway?

murr is still around, he gets banned every once and a while though, he's one of the reasons we don't have cotc threads that often.

Oh no that was the point.
He's still around even though he was permabanned.

it's not like resetting your ip address is hard or anything really. but dishing out perma's or taking any actual action besides sit on your ass and soak up the dough might help.

All ameeicans are mentaly ill

At the risk of defending the janitors and mods:
They can't be on all the time.

>Republicans have their pet charities too and I'm pretty sure they have consistently speant money on things like medicare and foregin aid.
charities aren't redistribution, they're mostly scams
yes, they spend on medicare because cutting medicare would kill them with their voters, but they're always trying to phase it out and shit, it's very clear what they want to do with it (kill it)
foreign aid they cut as much as they can
>Tax cuts for everyone if you're not being overly pessimistic.
no, tax cuts for the rich
if government programs that help you are cut, and you pay a 100$ a year less in tax, that's a net loss, and a big one

>Now what is your definition of those terms?
I kind of agree with your definitions (if we limit them to the social side of things), but again, tim pool is a guy who supports a couple of instances of these principles while carrying water for those who want to roll them back, often by straight up lying (or just being really really dumb, it's hard to tell the difference with him)

true and stone toss fags always spam post at dead hours anyway, when they do it during the day it's usually gone in an hour or so at least. still doesn't excuse the other /pol/ thread that's been up for 6 hours.

correction checking back it's been 22 hours, dear fuck.

>true and stone toss fags always spam post at dead hours anyway, when they do it during the day it's usually gone in an hour or so at least
Let's not get carried away.

> still doesn't excuse the other /pol/ thread that's been up for 22 hours.
which one?

Attached: toph2.png (1000x1500, 1.51M)


You don't know that I'm looking at your tits, you're blind.

I don't think you know what the word "spam" means.

That might just be close enough to being on topic where your best bet is to just ignore and hide the thread. If nothing else, deleting the thread would probably stir up more outrage at it being deleted then the people complaining it's there.
That's not how Yea Forums is supposed to work but in practice that tends to happen a lot.

it's been proven that Scandinavians are their own subspecies of humans separate from the ancestors of africans/asians. at least they were, not sure if modern scandinavians still carry pure genes or if the world is too race mixed now.

>tim pool is a guy who supports a couple of instances of these principles while carrying water for those who want to roll them back, often by straight up lying (or just being really really dumb, it's hard to tell the difference with him)
Can you provide examples?
He seems pretty liberal to me.

Do you actually believe this? or are you just regurgitating rhetoric to seem cool to people that do?

Unironically someone in Antifa killed themselvs trying to bomb an ICE building so they can’t even get that right.