2019...I am forgotten

2019...I am forgotten.

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Other urls found in this thread:

dropbox.com/s/tbtcr67tr4aaf0w/Jack Complete (1.0).rar?dl=0

She's literally getting that costume back in Excalibur in October.

I'll never forget her

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Other than Storm and Jubilee she was the best X-girl. That accent made me fall in love with southern girls.

this show is completely forgotten too

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2019... op still retarded

Was her fun personality exclusive to TAS? Because I remember 616 Rogue being kinda angsty.

TAS!Rogue was probably the most chipper I've ever seen her. With any luck, eXcalibur might give her back the personality to match the outfit.
It's been so long since I watched this show, I honestly forget her top was see-through and her actual top was basically a boob tube.

first childhood boner

Forgotten? Faggots won't shut up about her despite that era basically being where her character went to complete shit and never recovered.

Rogue should be the Captain Marvel, not Carol.

Rogue always used to be chipper, in spite of her affliction
It wasn't until the movie that they made her a sad sack.

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Fox cannot rest until the ruin every member of the X-men

>Fox cannot rest until the ruin every member of the X-men
After Dark Phoenix it's impossible for them to ruin them. Now Disney will go and ruin them instead.

I guess her character has gone Rogue

Forgotten? But the comic is still ongoing.

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she deserves more (and better) fanart

It would be hard to do worse than the last 3 fox movies

Time will tell. For now we wait until Marvel gives us any info on the MCU X-Men.

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It hasn't been updated in two years. "Ongoing" isn't exactly how I'd describe it.

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I don't think that's a real comic, user

2019, I am spam.

if anyones looking for a pornstar similar to this version of rogue to beat off to. i recommend abella danger

t.cum brain

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People say the 90s were the Dark Age of Comics for character designs. I say that title truly belongs to the 2010s.

TAS got it from the late 80s/early 90s comics, where Rogue was always shown as trying to be upbeat despite her issue. Rogue as an angsty goth started with X-Men Evolution, mostly to better fit her into the late 90s/early 2000s teen high schooler model, then was publicized through Fox's original X-Men movie.

She should yeah. Especially considering she literally stole Carol's powers in her debut appearance and basically killed her off. If Marvel repeats that twist in the MCU, I might actually respect them again.

personally, i don't see a resemblance. i do like spanking it to jewesses though, so thanks.

>...I am forgotten
This keeps messing with me, is it a reference to this?

Attached: Jack20010302.jpg (510x652, 54K)

Attached: Rogue drains Ms Marvel.webm (640x480, 731K)

Attached: Rogue fly.webm (640x480, 2.25M)

Attached: Rogue vs Sentinels.webm (640x480, 1.24M)

that's fucking hilarious

Attached: Rogue.webm (720x480, 1.96M)

Nah, Marvel doesn't have the balls to do that.
Besides Carol is full super girl tier flying brick + Binary x 10 modes. She's broken.

Rogue would lose a lot of what makes her work by doing that. Make it Jessica Jones. Even have a bit of drama with luke cage and their daughter

Also...there's a rumor that they are going full Sentry with Captain Marvel and are saying that her entire past was made up by Fury and a "marvel"/mutant psychic.

Except Rogue literally spent most of the 90s as the X-Men's bruiser DUE to having Carol's super strength, nigh invulnerability and flight powers. She avoided using her power-stealing ability whenever she could because Carol's powers were more generally useful.

She's the most iconic female and had the most iconic and impression leaving romance of the 90's.
The X-men movie and Comics ruined somethign that would have been beyond easy to do for shock points and for the interests of poor casting and an even poorer stories.

Dude, she wouldn't just have carol's flying brick powers except slightly weaker in strength.
She'd be DC supergirl level + have binary powers except jacked up by a factor of 10.

She'd be way too broken to be a simple low tier flying brick.

Where's RogueapureAnon?

I'd storytime it but I don't think anyone else would appreciate that. Have the archive instead
dropbox.com/s/tbtcr67tr4aaf0w/Jack Complete (1.0).rar?dl=0

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Very nice curves.

No it ain't.

>that era basically being where her character went to complete shit and never recovered
What happened, exactly?

I still have some fond memories about JACK despite dropping it at some point because it seemed to go nowhere. Edgy as fuck it wasn't bleak or irredeemable.

Rogue's powers mean she can't touch anyone. When Rogue fell in love with Gambit, this mattered to her a lot more than it had before. user is angry. Angry about Gambit.

Could touch people finally.
First thing she does is break up with gambit and fuck magneto in a holocaust museum. oh and she loses her signature powers and manages to become a MASSIVE bitch inspite of the fact that she can both touch and has complete control over her power and has access to every single power she's ever copied or tempstolen.

Absolutely this

Does any of that make more sense in context

I don't remember any of this in the cartoon.

Wait...what are you talking about?
Cartoon and 90's era Rogue is when she stopped being shit and became popular as fuck.

>there's a rumor that they are going full Sentry with Captain Marvel and are saying that her entire past was made up by Fury and a "marvel"/mutant psychic.
no there isn't

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Not that I’m complaining but why is Rogue wearing such slutty clothes while playing baseball?

The best defense is a good offense, are you going to rush second base when she's a 'possible death upon touching' hazard?

>stopped being shit in the 90s
I'm reading through the Claremont era for the first time, and currently Rogue is my favorite X-man since her introduction. I'm at around '86, does she change significantly by the 90s?

Wrong Carolfag.

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Da HELL is going on here?

sunset has been working on that weak ass game for like 2 years and will probably continue to for the next 5 unless he hires other people to program for him (his patreon has the dosh for it)

>this girl
holy horsecock on a stick she is ugly as shit


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if you've got anymore, please make an album

Fuck if I know- I don't even recognize these characters. What scares me is that I originally gave up on Jack because of the length, and that one was pulled from the 2007 folder

does anyone have the 90s cartoon and/or evolution up for download?

can you mega upload niggers just use watchcartoononline like everyone else

She literally becomes nothing more than Gambits cock sleeve for a good decade.

>Baby, you’re 9/11, because I could never forget you.

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You think in that timeline Rogue and Carol have vigorous hatesex constantly?

Tigra had the exact same voice in that 90s Avengers cartoon.

In what way?

Gambit has no personality outside of wanting to fuck Rogue and Rogue is litterally the one with all of the personality and popularity in the relationship.

The fuck are you saying?

Let's be honest about something. Rogue used to be fucking ugly. Like straight up butch and a massive bitch. She fluctuated between that and a cheap imitation of kitty pride with a souther accent.
No seriously.
She was no one's favorite x-man. And after she gained the ability to touch and went back to her super powerful bitch roots and didn't have no man(you know after they realized that everyone was skeeved out by how she got back together with and was still with magneto) and everyone outright hated her.
Was so bad that they actually threw all of that out and made her back into an bad copy of her original 90's self and are trying to hook her back up with gambit.

It's bad.
Rogue is fucked as a character now and was nothing anhyone really liked before.

i'm pretty sure your looking for /d/

I had this issue. First page was a back view of her with butt crack showing.


No she avoided using them because she didn't want any more personalities and other people's memories floating around in her head. Power theft is incredibly useful and the periods where she wasn't restricted by the downsides she was completely broken.

Hopefully dead.

It happens not long after Claremont was removed - what a surprise. Still it's not sooo bad initially especially if you're reading for the first time, but by Onslaught it's worn thin. You're still good until at least around 96-97

She was lame til just after the Morlock Massacre - Once the ANAD X-men were taken out of the spotlight she started to shine

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Lancelot? What are you doing there you stupid turtle?!

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Rogue Lust: PowerSlave

I absolutely hated this version of her. Please tell me I'm not the only one.

Rogue is my favorite X-Men character. If the MCU does Rogue I hope to god they get her right. Anna Paquin's Rogue was fucking awful. As long as they keep the flirty Southern Belle personality, the green & yellow costume motif, and give her flight/super strength (I don't care if it has to be some other explanation because obviously YASSS KWEEN Brie Larson ain't gonna lose her powers) I think they'll be off to a good start. And cast young. She needs to be early 20's.

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was she an analogy for aids?

Pretty sure she's allegory for puberty.

You're not. Emo ruins everything.

Bimbo Rogue best Rogue

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southern belle is best Rogue.
long had enough of this emo/goth/punk/whatever saturation

I rewatch this series every few years. Man it had a great run, those 4 seasons were terrific. Glad they stopped before beating the horse dead...

Rogue and Gambit and Mr and Mrs X is a very fun Rogue

Dude...she is one of the favorite characters for many cheesecake artists. Started with Savageland Rogue and now all the pinup artists draw her

>MASSIVE bitch
What? Mike Careys run has her a very enjoyable character. She was a bit more angsty but not over the top, she was always protrcting the younger students

>Hopefully dead
Nooo! I liked the bantz and it was a good opportinity to dump lewds

Nothing /d/ about it.

phase 5 carol is 100% going to get ROGUE'D

based feige putting all his ducks in a row

You're not. Goth rogue was created to capitalize on the movie. I like the moves, but wanted them to stay self contained.

Hjuhhufhdj leg s

But she’s coming back, and soon.

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>Rogue used to be fucking ugly
>Like straight up butch
>a massive bitch
Literally when?
>a cheap imitation of kitty pride
Literally fucking when?

Guys, I think I found a loophole.

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what the FUCK is that face