Lauren Faust Thread

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Women shouldn't work in the animation industry and she is proof why.

>Lauren Faust Thread
don't do that

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Birthing that evil into the world was impressive in it's own way

Let's get this out of the way
Colorful Equine of Thine

If women tend to exploit strangely profitable, albeit disgusting peripheral markets by habit, they should be everywhere in every industry.
She was too good at her job during a time when everyone else was quitting or just getting started, so there was a dearth of quality portable designs, then there was the tiny equine standard, and now there's a desert again for the foreseeable horizon.

Don't blame her for the industry being so bad that her work shines so much brighter than the rest.

Every single work she is credited for besides pony show was made by her husband, darling.

DC Super Hero Girls is genuinely fantastic and I love it. It has all of the strengths of the horse show, but amazingly they've been enhanced, and Faust has added other things to the show that she's never done before.

I am specifically talking about the miniature horse show, berk.

I haven't followed pony stuff since 2013, is the show and fandom still going strong? I can't believe it's lasted so many years

>has all of the strengths of the horse show
I am not as attracted to the girls as I was to the horses, so clearly not all the strengths

It's become a strange mutation of its former self, the global community has quieted down and the original target audience has grown up and is now participating.
Make of that what you will.
What was once prey has now become predator.

>It's become a strange mutation of its former self
I agree about the show at least, I just thought the constant story arc changes from season to season were getting vapid
>original target audience has grown up and is now participating
in the brony fandom? Is that a bad thing? Like do girls sexualize the male characters or something?

With the rest of the fandom dried up, leftovers make up a nice thick crust of degeneracy.
In general, the only content creators are politically charged or are more furry-fandom than anything.
The older ones all have careers now, I think.

It's ending in two months. And thank god.

>the original target audience has grown up and is now participating
Really? I didn't think teen girls would care for it (even ironically)

And shes the only one who made a genuinely successful show. Unlike Sugar and Nefcy who bombed while the networks covered their asses.

The last Bronycon happened earlier this month after several years of declining attendance. Hasbro's ordered the MLP property to be rebooted to gen 5 sometime in the future. The fandom is still a thing but it's mostly just gone back to being a property for little girls at this point.

Where does time go, my friends?

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Show, absolutely not. It went downhill after its fifth season and just completely overdosed on new ideas that never worked. The fandom’s still one of the bigger ones, but it’s not a quarter as big as it was in 2012, and mostly just closet furry teenagers at this point.

I lost all my respect for her when she tried to shill for Thundercats Roar and similar shows (comedic wacky "lol-memes" reboots of action shows). Obviously she's entitled to her own opinion about Roar, but she can be in favor of it without lying.

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That wasn't a lie, that's just parroting what she was told at some meeting with some bean counters.
Whether or not they know what they're talking about, that's something financial fortune tellers scry over day in and day out.

Reminder that her vision - if left untouched by retarded executives - would've been a lot better.

Wait, was Arin Hanson actually correct about something on Twitter once?

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If it isn't a lie, then it's at least misinformation. Regardless though, she didn't have to say that at all, she could have just said that she's alright with the show on a personal level and left it at that. She didn't have to try and "prove" the other side wrong

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Not about this, Thundercats 2011 wasn't cancelled because nobody was watching it, plenty of people watched it, enough to justify renewing it for another season. The second season had several episodes written before the plug was pulled on it, and only because CN was actively looking for any excuse to cancel it over less-than-favorable toy sales, and Lego swooped in and offered them a cheaper alternative. Season 2 probably would have happened if Chima wasn't a thing, ratings had nothing to do with it

Lauren Faust with her pet, Tara Strong.

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>6' vs 5'11"

It didn't sound like she was alright with it.
Her comment reads like she just reached acceptance and put it out there to drop it and move on.

I feel bad for her but she at least cared. Yea Forums is a shit board anyway.

>when she tried to shill for Thundercats Roar
That's not shilling, you retard. She's stating an industry trend that she's privy to thanks to her position in the industry. Do you ask blind people for directions when travelling?

So then they're kind of both spouting misinformation then. Or at least what Lauren is saying is misleading. She's saying there was a lack of interest because kids go to games not cartoons, but plenty of people were watching it, and it was only "not considered successful" because of toy sales.

>Lauren and Tara will never take turns sitting on your face

That's not an industry trend, it's a misconception. Marvel and DC movies spent over a decade being popular with kids, and those are action movies, so evidently kids don't have an aversion to action from things that aren't video games. And even if they did, then how does it make sense to shoehorn memes into everything? If kids went to video games for action, then wouldn't they go to the Internet for memes?

What’s that thing on the left?


The fanbase is now a lot more Fujoshi than ever
And male characters get a lot more attention

Action movies aren't the same as action cartoons. Just because you and a bunch of us anons really want something doesn't mean there's an entire market demand for it. TV shows need to hit an insanely high threshold to be considered a success now.


Why don't they just make good shows with no executive interference. THAT ALONE would generate buzz if news sites caught wind of it.

For me, it’d be an Amazon-sized Andrea.

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>Amazon sized VAs that can barely fit in the booth
>towering over everyone at cons

I never said that action movies are the same as action cartoons, just that kids don't have an aversion to getting their action from something other than a video game. If kids don't like action cartoons, then the issue evidently goes deeper than it simply not being a video game.

And yes, there is a market demand for it. If there wasn't, then not only would the likes of Big Hero 6 the series, Voltron, and Miraculous Ladybug not be successful, but there wouldn't be as many people asking for more of them as there are. That is a market right there.

White women really age like milk lmao.

My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic

>the more roles they land, the more they grow

It doesn't. Every fucking thing in media lives and dies by corporatism because media is just product to shovel into our mouths. Anyone who makes art for a living knows this. Lots of great shows and stuff die because they didn't get enough word of mouth and needed actual marketing.


If I could draw realistic people better, I'd be all over this.

Imagine the idea those two in a threesome.

Ha ha that'd be pretty funny

haha what if Grey Delisle and Kari Wahlgren joined them

Or the whole cast of DC Super Hero Girls

As a joke

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She won't be remembered for Cats Don't Dance.

They're now in mid twenties.

Lauren Faust is really pretty and I'd like to give her a bouquet of flowers.

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Whatever happened to Thundercats Roar? Wasn't it supposed to come out last spring?

>Powerpuff Girls with Ponies

Yeah, nah.

>Not comically violent
>The show is more adventure than comedy
>Characters weren't (keyword here) overpowered like superheroes
Um, no.

God, the things I'd do to her.
Like holding hands

the nose knows

I liked her more before she somehow spawned a baby out of her barren uterus

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I want her to sit on my face

>It doesn't attract furries and zoophillics and vapid toy collectors!
That's a strength in my book.

Her tastes in husbandos sucks. If she were an ugoo cavewoman then I'd understand, but this is metaphorically zoophillia.

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I think it speaks volumes of the mentality and culture when Yea Forums cheered Faust on for quitting on Medusa and /mlp/ bashed her. It shows the level of maturity of Yea Forums and the level of idiocy and open droning of /mlp/.

A trend isn't a self-fulfilling prophecy. Action costs more to animate than amorphous blobs that stand and talk all skit/segment/episode.

Action cartoons simply do not exist if they aren't anime.

AAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHHAA. Wow is that Craig's real voice? He sounds handsome. His toon is also way skinnier than his IRL. I was expecting something gruff like Larson's voice.

They only greenlight stand around talking comedy because it's cheap to animate. You don't know fuck all about business or cartoons.

What's that from?

Aaahhh the magic of a good voice director.

Wouldn't YOU like to know, user.

I do want to know

Personally my take on any CN cartoonist who specialized in shock humour and lol funny cartoons is that ... 1) I can find vastly more talented people than them even within their own channel like the creator of Kids Next Door 2) I would not allow them to do dumb shit like feminist episode, Ashi, high school episodes, annoying characters like Bloo and Wander, ruining a robot fight episode, creating a generic villain, half wasting the concept of imaginative space.

I think only Yea Forums ever talks about them and hypes them. There's plenty plenty more cartoons from 20+ channels and I personally consider Nick, PBS, CN the lowest entry bars for cartoonists. I think John K and Bakshi are in fact mentally retarded if they aren't even capable of copying the 40s and 70s garbage comedic timing and garbage comedy dialogue. Just like I consider the people behind the new Tom & Jerry talentless for not being capable of copying Hannah & Barbera's badass Tom & Jerry.

I think the personality and intelligence of a cartoon speaks volumes about the creative vision behind it. Craig would never be capable of writing a suave spy cartoon without help and Genddy would never be capable of writing romance cartoons without help. All of the dialogue lines from Dexter were written by a different person other than Genddy.

>Biggest fandom in the world... You know who
>DC SHG the best show at this moment
Have sex, incel

Well, I don't know.

She didn't spawn a baby, she used a surrogate mother.

Why is this thread so bad?

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I still draw porn of it

And how would you know?

Because she said so on Twitter
>I wish the dialogue around breast milk vs. formula were different. I did not give birth to my daughter, so I got nothing but reassurance that formula is literally just as good as breast milk. My girl is happy, healthy, wonderful. Formula isn't fine -- it's GREAT.

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Oh sure admit you didn't give birth, but don't admit what happened behind Medusa and MLP. For fucks sake, Lauren get your priorities straight.
Anyway surrogate mothers are at least better than artificial insemination, far better. People have practically found their "artificial" wombs. Just got to know what effects it has in the long run.

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You've never heard of surrogacy?

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is from around the time she was working on Cats Don't Dance.

And this is why I think CN and Nick hired overall dumb people to do their bidding. If I was her I would not let my own fanbase's hype go to waste like that to the point they go against me and consider me a laughing stock. I'd use it like my own army and manipulate them properly, none of this 5 year old "haha hihihi I love you k bye bye hehehe" bullshit.

Craig in the late 90s was quite a good looking dude - had a bit of a garage band vibe. And Faust met him in like 2000, and I don't think he changed much in 5 years after his appearance on Space Ghost.

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>to the point they go against me
Bronies were always split about Faust with the retards and furries being against her and the people of taste actually realizing season 1 is the best season and everything went to shit at the end of season 2.

Harnessing bronies is a double-edged sword. You have to accept scat fetishists and pedophiles and whatnot. It's like harnessing furries. It killed Tiny Toons.

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Admitting she didn't give birth has less of a chance to get her blacklisted from getting work in the industry.

I don't know what you guys are on about. Faust stated that she left ponies because of creative differences and heavily implied it's because Hasbro wanted more and more princesses. Faust didn't leave Medusa, she was dumped when Sony had an executive reshuffle after the leak. New executives dumped everything the old executives greenlit, which was Medusa and Popeye and a few other things.

There are no secrets about this.

Buy the new DCSHG dolls

She was in the last bronycon.

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Actually the final episode airs in September in China

I'm surprised they did that, that's all.

>to get her blacklisted from getting work in the industry.
Get the fuck back to where you came. If I hear one more redneck commie go on about "muh blacklisting" I'll geo locate you and punch you in the face.

I want Blurays, Warner!

They look kinda good... I'm still bothered by every doll's blank expression. Can we ever get dolls with emotional expressions?

What is it about?


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purple smart taking over as ruler

Thanks for the bronies

Every idea sounds good till you know its horrid execution. It's not what it's about, it's how it's executed that matters. Whoever is in charge of S2-S9 has this retarded way of writing things,

It's like a combination of Star Vs, Adventure Time, bad Yea Forums shows and the vilest most depressing Canadian and British cartoons you can think of.

I for one envy Faust for not watching even 1 episode of season 2. I gave up at season 4.

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>I did not give birth to my daughter
Honestly kind of sad reading that.

Actually the best way to explain in a nutshell what the writing for S2-S9 is like is to show you this episode of the PPG:

Who do you think made Jem

She was still in charge when season 2 cane out

The movie was good.

She wasn't. She, just like the development team for the movie were in charge of the pre-production stage which means jackshit for Hasbro. Hasbro takes all the ideas of the pre production and throws them in the trash bin then writes an entirely new product not even based on the original.

Retards and furries, yeah.

I think she was involved in the first two episodes (because they were made for season 1) and helped with certain ideas but nothing more.

She was the goddamn creative vision of season 1 just like she is now for DCSHG, don't you ever forget that.

Are her characters in DC Super Hero Girls more like Sawyer, more like Danny or a little bit of both?

Faust seems capable of writing much more suave characters than Craig and Genddy.

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I'm pretty sure for once whining on the internet did something good and killed that fucking thing in the womb.

>the people of taste actually realizing season 1 is the best season and everything went to shit at the end of season 2.
Oh please don't try to be that person and bring that autism here in Yea Forums.

They do, look at Tumblr. They're lighthearted pegasisters of vary races.
We got black pegasisters! Isn't that wonderful?

What? Didn't they planned the reboot?

New interview

The porn is still going strong too.

They can't express themselves neither for an intelligent audience neither for a dumb one. Faust stated she didn't create Foster's Home and PPG, but she did it in such a whiny way that it looked like she hated working on it. She didn't even mention intelligent phrases like "The work on PPG and Foster's Home does not represent my real writing style".

Same problem with Larson. He stated Faust worked on S2 in pre-production but didn't work on the production. He didn't bother underlining "technically" and saying "Yes practically all her hard work got trashed just like the people behind the movie". The retard fanbase also took it as "Oh so she's responsible for everything in S2".

These people would suck working for human resources and advertising. Too introverted and confusing when trying to communicate something clear.

>personal miniature equine
Learn synonyms.

Say what you want about GR15, it’s one of the few shows without lesbians in it

Lauren's draining his essence.

There was a huge fuss made over one of the characters having lesbian aunts recently, so nope.

She's succing him dry. At least he seems happy about it.

I love Lauren Faust. My favourite character is the yellow and pink character I can't remember the name.

Flitter Floosh??

shy yellow?

Oh you mean Bumblebee. Mine is Rara Zatanna.

Bumblebee doesn't have pink hair

Floaty Butter?

Nutter butter.

The huge fuss came from a bunch of /pol/fags, even before that, there were already characters that were for all purpose implicitly lesbians, the show and the fandom has never tried to shy away from it or minded it.