
Don't forget, you're here forever.

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>Will tasting a crystal
Salt Lizard incoming?
Also, damn, Lemuel isn't holding back against Duane. He isn't wrong, though. Duane's idealism serves him poorly in many circumstances, it seems.

Will, what the fuck.

This is why it's generally a bad idea to leave five-year-olds unattended.

>that closeup of Will's mouth

What the fuck, Ashley

Kids will try to eat stupid stuff all the time

Lemuel has a point but I also think he's pretty close to having a psychotic break and smearing himself in the fresh blood of a maimed enemy casualty.

Duane is being a little bitch lately but I won't lie, I love seeing it. It shows why he's such a nationalist cunt in the present day. He already cried all his Librul tears, now there is only the Zombie Son of Alderode remaining.

Salt beast is incoming for sure. Ashley said on Patreon that the next page begins the "final act."

>He already cried all his Librul tears

There's no politics in not being emotionally equipped to see children turned inside-out and be responsible for the deaths of your subordinates. Duane is going through something anyone who's on the killing end of a war and not a psychopath does at some point.

I'm like 95% sure that phrasing was a joke, user.

What's wrong with that panel?


Methinks you just have a filthy filthy mind.

At last, the violent child murder we've all been waiting for.

I mean...

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Unlike many in this flashback, we know Will makes it until six years before the present
He's probably going to notice it's super salt that's from the Lizard like

Lem is best boy forever.

I was curious what the usual method of execution is in Alderode
Is hanging a military punishment? Do civvies get something else? Each religion might have its own death penalty practices for heresy
Have the Alds worked out pymary based electric chairs or firing squads. A place like Alderode must surely have an interesting variety to it

Really bad people in the state's eyes probably get those torture pits we saw back in Ch 7. March dissidents and the like.

When you're on a battle field there isn't much time for ceremony. A good beheading takes all of 10 seconds.

Imagine it's your thumb instead of a crystal

I'll give cope this, severed arm due to toxic crystal growth is a pretty good idea

Wasn't his fake arm new when we saw him in the flashback?

Mikaila didn't know about it, so it's possible but not a guarantee. She also just might not have been in the loop about it.

Was that chapter 7. I thought it was sooner. I still never got what the deal with that was.

Pretty sure it was during the flashback to Duane's life in Alderode. And I get the impression that they publicly torture people to death to make examples of them.