What's a good way to measure the integrity of artists?
What's a good way to measure the integrity of artists?
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Scott Adams is based.
>Integrity of artists
Is that another word for pretentious stick-in-the-mud?
Seriously, I love Calvin and Hobbes but I read those anniversary books with the text commentary Bill Watterson comes off as such a prat
Not really, he pretends to be a rationalist libertarian paragon, but he switches sides whenever someone bullies him.
Are we totally sure Bill Watterson isn't Scott Adams with a hairpiece and mustache?
W-what in the holy hellish world?
He's actually a fucking retard lol
How much a brainlet do you have to be to not understand his personal reasons for not wanting to whore out
Somehow, I think Jim Davis learned there's a level of mass commercialization that will somehow result in the series gaining a new soul equal to what it would have had if it never sold out. And Garfield has reached it.
>ha, letting kids have stuffed toys of a character they like is so lame!
>look at me on my high horse
fuck off faggot
What does Bill Watterson do now?
If there's a spectrum of sellout among cartoonists, with Bill Watterson at one end and Jim Davis at the other, I figure Charles M. Schulz is right in the middle.
Bill Watterson is pretentious.
Go ahead, argue against me. I want you to act like you wouldn’t sell your creation to the first toy company that asked.
Little art projects here and there, and collecting book royalties. He is worth over $100 million.
I think you can meet a good middle ground.
Love him or hate him, Scott Cawthon is a good example. He maintains a very high standard in his works, and wants the best out of himself and everyone, and when he fucks up he owns it.
FNAF started in 2015 and is today the best selling toy brand that McFarlane toys has ever had by a wide margin. TMNT were very similarly handled under eastman and laird, and both seem to be lasting children's franchises, and though FNAF has only been around 4 years so far it's got no signs of slowing down.
I would totally sell out.
This. Anyone who says otherwise is just a salty incel tranny.
That they stick to their own code. Adams and Watterson are two different people, but they both have their integrity because they've stuck to their own principles.
Being pretentious is good.
Isn't Scott Adams a full-blown Randian AnCap sort of guy? He's very libertarian, I've noticed. And if that's the case, this actually is pretty much in line with his guiding principles.
You can shill shitty breakfast burritos and maintain integrity of your actual art.
Like if his comics started becoming ads for his crappy merchandise and impacted the quality then it'd be a loss of integrity.
As is, it's just a side hustle.
Scott Adams literally writes about how being a programmer is for chumps and that's why he went into comics instead, and has turned 30+ years of dilbert strips into his dream multi-million dollar empire which enables him to have lots of 25 year old "friends" who are big-tittied women that call him Daddy.
Adams just wants to live his definition of "success" and go to his maker having satisfied his life goals.
>though FNAF has only been around 4 years so far it's got no signs of slowing down.
probably helps that like many of the best brands it's a very versatile one
His entire schtick is not-quite picking sides so he can shift whenever someone else appears to be winning, ensuring he will always be on the winning side. His "art" of predicting the future is making a fuckton of half-guesses, then playing up the ones that were right knowing that only autists would care to point out the times he was wrong (and no one likes autists enough to listen to them).
FNAF started in 2014 retard
>the creator not wanting shitty plushes made
>"I should be able to buy whatever I want"
Holy kek, what a faggot. Just go buy a fucking bootleg hobbes if you want a best friend so badly.
I think the Dilberito was more of a passion project than a cynical cash grab. Scott Adams is a vegan and he wanted to make a convenient vegan food that supplied 100% of your daily vitamins and minerals. If he was just trying to get rich he wouldn't have been so insistent to make it so heavily fortified. That ended up being the downfall of the Dilberito, because the taste of the fortification couldn't be disguised.
Are you really so upset about Scott Adams not giving into your leftist hatred and zealotry that you need to post a thread like this on Yea Forums to make yourself feel better? Pro tip: Go post it on reddit or twitter instead, you'll get likes and upvotes and you can feel warm and fuzzy like your fat ass is actually being patted.
when does an artist have no integrity?
whats wrong with an artist using their creation to make money?
>SCOTT ADAMS BAD because he changes his opinions when someone convinces him he's wrong about something
Is that how you seriously go through life?
Just getting blown the fuck out constantly, and never changing your mind, knowing full damn well that you're going to get blown the fuck out next time as well?
This. Big fucking deal. Jim Davis is unironically based for turning something as mediocre as Garfield into a multi million dollar franchise.
>but-but integrity
You’d do the same fucking thing if you could. Unless you wanted people to kiss your ass and call you a good man for doing the bare minimum or merchandising like Watterson thinks people will do for him.
That's the opposite of what I said you retard, I said he's successful because he picks the team that wins.
>the downfall of the dilberito
didn't know there were enough Garfield fans in Dubai to support such a service but there you go I guess
You guys aren't going to want to hear this but I know most of what I know about Watterson from you guys and he sounds like a pedo.
How many questions can you ask about a tiger plushie, Red meme media faggot?
I respect Bill's decision, but are Snoopy t-shirts and plushies really so terrible? Commerce is not a dirty word.
Adams is the epitome of boomer
>I said he's successful because he picks the team that wins.
And this is bad because...
If you let merchandise ruin your work for you, that's as bad of an excuse as fans ruining something for you.
There is a difference between selling Hobbes plushies and slapping Calvin and Hobbes on every piece of food in a supermarket like Disney does. But C&H was never going to reach that level of popularity. There's still no real excuse NOT to put up like, posters or mugs for sale.
>says that salty incel tranny
The guy right there on the left. He's your cartoonist messiah.
There was no value judgement there except that Adams has successfully used this strategy to get rich, you fucking mongoloid.
>no one likes autists enough to listen to them
Bill Gates and Temple Gradin would like to have a word with you.
Its his right to refuse money. Too many people get the wrong idea of artists being whores.
Jim Davis has a net worth of 800 million dollars. Just think how much Watterson would be worth if a Hobbes phone was in Ninja Terminator!
And this is bad because...
Because he probably voted for ORANGE MAN and ORANGE MAN is BAD
people like seeing their favorite characters outside their medium. it makes them more important. Watson is being pretentious
And this is bad because...
I tip my fedora at you, sir.
I've always been curious about how pic related became so infamous considering Waterson's stance on merchandising, found this to be an interesting read.
I saw this thread on the 4channel home page. I just wanted to point out that you're talking about integrity in a comic strip. Think about what you're trying to say here. This is nothing more than frivolous entertainment, a few minutes to waste on pointless stupidity if you will. The fact that someone would try to inject some profound meaning into something so inherently meaningless only reveals how shallow and vapid their life must be, the concern of someone who doesn't have anything of real value to be concerned with in other words.
Calvin & Hobbs doesn't matter. Comic strips don't matter. If you're concerned with the "integrity" in a fucking comic strip then your life doesn't matter either by extension.
But that's the thing, that's you. Bill Waterson isn't really concerned with integrity either, he's concerned with an image constructed to separate his product from all the other comic strips that get no traction in the marketplace. There's no officially licensed Hobbs™ doll? No, of course not. There is however officially licensed Creator's Unwavering Integrity™ through.
Lmao, you still got sold a product in the end, you were just too stupid to realize it.
Putting this pasta in the fridge for later.
the only achilles heel of the dilbert tie-in vegan microwavable burrito
based pseud
I’ve read those same books and don’t see what you’re talking about. He’s very self critical and he’s very insightful about his time working on the comic and about art in general. I think people that specifically hate on him just seem to think that he has some sort of arrogance with his viewpoint instead of just accepting that his approach to commercial art was different. It’s not right or wrong, but he did manage to make millions without the help of merchandising
That was my first revoltech. I should take her out for some photos again, it's been years since I've done that.
You know the other day I was just thinking about how you never see Garfield plush with suction cups anymore.
Schulz managed to have best of both worlds. His comic is known around the world without ever sacrificing the value of his characters
>Garfield plush with suction cups anymore.
Jesus, every car 30 years ago had those on the back windshield. Now it's all stick family shit.
He could be, but I think in this case it's more a matter of having respect for what you've worked hard on
I don’t get why people like you care if toys are made from Calvin and Hobbes. No one who likes Watterson (at least in these threads) agrees that you can’t ever sell your work on a lunchbox or whatever. In this day and age it feels like it’s sadly more necessary than ever. But people admire that he is just about as well known as Peanuts and Garfield, and this is a once in a lifetime happenstance where a creator didn’t need to compromise to get to the level of success that he got.
this. watterson is going in for the long con. why sell a few stuffed tigers to a handful of fans when you can sell stacks of copies of your books for 80 years because you were some kind of principled sunday comic messiah who raged against the machine's injustices?
>I don't love money enough to sell out for it
Because boomers are fucking retarded cavemen living in their own imaginary world that doesn't exist anymore at this point.
I swear to fucking God if Hollywood, Disney, anything touches Calvin and Hobbes I'm blowing my brains out. Just leave it alone, it's perfect as is.
>Bill Watterson: "car stickers of calvin peeing on things disgust me."
>Scott Adams: "hey mass shooting victims, sell me your account so i can make money lol"
>happenstance where a creator didn’t need to compromise
Ok let's play this game
>there's a Calvin &Hobbs luchbox for sale at Target
Now do everybody a favor and explain how this compromises the comic?
>Now do everybody a favor and explain how this compromises the comic?
Well uhhhh, y-you see (looks at writing on hand) ...orange man bad?
it becomes a part of a retarded world where famous creative works are expected to pull in millions or billions every year?
>Heh heh let me only come up with examples of marketing that is only harmless and innocent sounding like lunchboxes and ignore things that might go against the strip itself like a DVD special that gets the characters wrong or unhealthy frozen food like "Dilburritos"
You're disingenuous. How much control over your product when you let it get licensed do you imagine creators get? Especially after the creator passes away?
>Not a single person:
>Not a single person in this thread:
>Not a single person in the entire world:
>Not a single person, being, thread of conscious, shade of sentient color, or even a self-aware microorganism:
God I am so fucking sick of hearing about that fucking man, I can't even turn on the TV without his disgusting bloated face randomly appearing all over it. Can't you stop talking about him for one god damn thread.
But you're living in your own imaginary world.
Neither of them are wrong.
Stellar argument, well done.
Only correct post in this thread.
I hate to point this out to you guys but these posts didn't explain how a Calvin & Hobbs lunchbox comprises the comic.
I mean, its a pretty simple question so it shouldn't be hard to give a straightforward answer to.
I accept your concession.
>Bill Watterson decided not to license his characters, which eliminated some of the watchdogs. He didn’t want to have a lot of merchandise, but that’s kind of a double-edged sword. When you license a character, then you increase the number of attorneys who keep a lookout and protect the images.
well that sucks
"dude shooting at one foreign soldier isn't a war bro"
You gonna explain how it compromises the comic or not? I'm betting on not.
I'd like to live in a world of Calvin and Hobbes merchandising. With official toys and hoodies and t-shirts. However, if it makes Watterson and his estate unhappy/uncomfortable, then I 100% respect his/their wishes, and will buy the books to support them.
If he's not starving, he has no integrity.
He's a fucking loonie bird with pathological control issues. When he dies or his wife dies or whoever controls the estate dies it will be sold off to the highest bidder eventually and there will be merch at some point. If he wasn't a retard he'd set up and run a company in a way that could set up the brand to fall into a niche he would be comfortable with C&H falling under. The way it will go without Waterson at the helm will be disastrous. We'll be seeing shit like Hobbs condoms and Calvin toilet seats by the time it's all said and done.
Yeah I'll accept your concession too, why not. We're all self-declared winners.
Why are you ignoring posts that answer you like It's as if you're purposefully ignoring the people who answer you so you can pretend you have a point.
You're not wrong. I'm pretty far removed from the whole FNAF thing and even I have to respect him for being so dedicated to quality. He pulled that one RPG game, improved it, and then released it again for free to make up for it, and even told Universal where to stick it when they weren't making the movie right
I asked you to explain how a Calvin & Hobbs luncbox compromised the comic. But you didn't do that, instead you started asking about creator control which has absolutely nothing to do with the question I asked you.
I ignored you because instead of answering the question you evaded it, simple as.
Watterson almost took up an offer to make a Calvin & Hobbes TV show but then he backed out because he said he just didn't like the idea of hearing Calvin speak and he wanted to leave it to the imagination what he sounds like.
"I remember hearing how Bill Watterson went to a convention and announced beforehand that he wouldn't sign any autographs or talk to the press. I could never understand this sort of mentality. Like it or not, this is a commercial industry we're in and it carries certain obligations. If you want to be a serious artist, go take up painting or something."
>I asked you to explain how a Calvin & Hobbs luncbox compromised the comic.
The basis of your question is flawed and removed from reality. Since when is licensing exclusively limited to lunchboxes? Do you even understand how this works? For someone who speaks with such authority in this conversation, you clearly have no true knowledge of the subject.
Its a really simple and straightforward question my guy, don't get upset with me because you can't bring yourself to answer it honestly. That's your shortcoming, not mine.
Based Sparky laying down the realness.
this is what happens when you don't kick a dorks ass enough in high school, they get delusions of grandeur. a couple of swirlies in the toilet would have nipped this right in the bud
Calvin and Hobbs celebrated the endless creativity children are capable of. Get them a different toy, one that isn't branded, and let them imagine their own Hobbs.
Schulz had no problem with merch but he was always strict about maintaining his strip's integrity and what kind of merch they were allowed to make with it. Also goes for the Peanuts TV specials. So he was able to have Snoopy coffee mugs without becoming a sellout to his art. Watterson didn't have this inbuilt mental separator in his head.
the truth is if your boy likes calvin and hobbs hes probably already a little faggot and the toy he really wants is a dilido for his butt
Now we're redditing with power
I've never seen an interview with him where he gave off that delusion of grandeur vibe Watterson has.
He also took a break from the strip for six or so months in 1991 because he was butthurt at his publisher after the fight over merchandising. That's six months worth of strips we lost out on because of his chronic anal retentiveness.
You're bypassing his point entirely - the question may seem simple to you but it's clear from your question you don't understand how lincensing works.
When you license your creation, they don't approach you and say "may we make a single style of lunchbox with your character on it?" They're asking "can we make several different types of product with your character on it that you get no say in".
You have to give up a certain level of creative control, and in Watterson's case he simply didn't want to do that.
He probably disapproved of merch because people would make their Calvin and Susie plushies have sex or something.
>When he dies or his wife dies or whoever controls the estate dies it will be sold off to the highest bidder eventually and
He has a daughter, although she was born after the strip ended.
Actually the reverse is true
If this was the early 90s Calvin would have probably just been voiced by Tress MacNeille or Kath Souchie and nobody wants that.
>make newspaper comics that are funny but aren't exactly high art
>make pennies
>comic gets popular
>no longer has to make pennies
This is a poor version. Something with actual artists would be better.
Yeah Watterson said Moe was based on every grunting bully who tormented him in school. People with unresolved bully issues end up having an unbearably self-aggrandizing view of themselves. Just ask Yea Forums and a certain rock critic who is memed there a lot.
Right, you don't have the intellectual honesty to answer. Sorry. Better luck next time.
Aw but I wanted to play a Calvin & Hobbes beat-em-up on the SNES back in '93.
Oh god that would have been so fucking cool.
>play as Calvin or Hobbes (if two player)
>go beat up waves of mutant snowmen and Moes
>there's also a Spaceman Spiff level where you go around in space and blow up enemies
>Susie is the final boss you have to defeat
>gameplay and graphics are better than earthworm jim
fucking waterson i swear
Looks like the user who posted really is a brainlet
>wanting a game adaptation of anything ever, during the SNES era
>like you wouldn’t sell your creation to the first toy company that asked.
There's a saying in the business.
>what matters is what you say "no" to
I wouldn't say "yes" to the first. Maybe not even the second or third.
There are some standards that need to be met to get as much money as possible out of a franchise, and short-term bullshit won't always cut it.
Maybe you want to jump on that under pretense of retiring early, maybe leave a shitstain on the market everyone else has to dodge for all you care, but smarter people have more respect for the value of goodwill than that.
America is a nation of empire builders. You're not American if you don't guard your work from pillaging tribes.
Waterson losing out to bootlegers what a a fucking dumbass
Lmao could you be any more triggered right now
He P E R S U A D E D you to think that that was his intention.
Yeah I could be more triggered, I could be like
He also has his silly podcast.
I heard Waterson used to go on long walks and think about what a pious saint he was for keeping his retarded cartoon from being printed on a t-shirt
>I could be more triggered,
Lmao I believe you spaghetti boy
And all the people who would have made their Calvin and Susie plushies have sex if only he hadn't been smart enough to prevent that from happening.
>Lmao could you be any more triggered right now
>Lmao I believe you spaghetti boy
Sounds like you got triggered.
>be Watterson
>see a happy kid playing with a Buzz Lightyear toy one day
>smirks to himself
>"i bet he doesn't even know he's being exploited by the capitalist pigs who licenced that toy and ruined the story for him"
>"hey mister, ever seen toy story?"
>"no, you little idiot"
Keep replying bud, I believe in you
One thing that bugged me about Watterson is that he suffers from John K syndrome in that he loves to glorify 1930s era newspaper comics without understanding how those strips were possible and why the economic and other factors of that time that allowed them to exist aren't possible anymore.
>If you want to be a serious artist, go take up painting or something.
In the end that's what Watterson did.
I guess he's having fun with his schlocky paintings of dinosaurs. It's like Grace Slick who said how she had integrity and retired from rock before she got too old to do it without looking stupid and then spends the rest of her days peddling cheesball paintings of white rabbits and Jimi Hendrix.
Can I reply, too? You seem a little bit frustrated and I want to help.
I'm glad you agree that you're triggered.
In USA you can die by Diabethes because you cant afford the health care. but you can get Diabethes when trying get money wiuth salary.
Oh it's because that stuff doesn't actually matter.
After he had a nice cushy nest egg to soften the long slow descent into mediocre artistic obscurity. That's not how integrity works.
There you go, keep it up. C'mon
Gladly because you'll still be triggered enough to respond.
Same thing. She padded her bank account with horrible crap like We Built This City on Rock and Roll to soften her descent into creative bankruptcy and obscurity.
Another, you can do it
Like honestly, if he got into painting and he was serious about it, shouldn't his works be exhibited in an art gallery or something? Oh wait they're not because they're probably Squidward in Repose tier.
>this mad
Keep responding.
More. Follow me
I understand Watterson and can't fault him, but it is more than possible to do both (Peanuts, to use a close comparison). Merchandising and licensing can be a death knell, but they can also contribute some robustness that helps push more niche works into something sustainable. Other times they just give people what they want: a bowl with Snoopy on it. Even in cases where no one was asking for it, I've never thought "Bob Dylan, what a hack!" because he was willing to do a Victoria's Secret commercial.
You're doing exactly what I expected you to do.
This way, behind me
He also said one of the reasons he quit was that C&H was kiddie stuff and as he was pushing 40 he wanted to do more "serious, adult" art. Wait, so you didn't even take the strip seriously to begin with and brushed it off as a phase your 20-something self went through?
Over here, let's go
Believe me, some boomer autists think Dylan was a sellout for doing TV commercials. I've heard them on Steve Hoffman Forum.
>and as he was pushing 40 he wanted to do more "serious, adult" art
You mean like cheesy paintings of dinosaurs? That's totally gonna make you the next Raphael, Bill.
You sound bored. Tired of being mad yet?
Honestly he never gave off that vibe unless you think it's because of his mustache.
No down votes to pacify your frustrations here, reddit! Just this leash... C'mon
Calvin did appear naked an awful lot in the strip desu.
Also he did admit he pretty much ran out of good ideas and said everything he had to say.
Who's leading whomst?
He seems to not understand how the Internet works or webcomics and he insists only ye olde newspaper lets you make a living in the business.
This way, c'mon spaghetti boi
I thought he was so pure he didn't care about money.
Watterson much like Jesus, threw all the money changers out of the temple of comic strips!
I think Watterson's self-righteous as fuck.
Uh oh, I think I broke him.
Lamp you lose
that image needs some chromatic aberraton
>"hey mass shooting victims, sell me your account so i can make money lol"
Sounds like you didn't get your ass kicked in high school enough.
That's what happens when you don't have delusions of grandeur.
This way, let's go..
Sounds like you're broken again
This way skettie boi, over here...
what a dumb fuckhead
But he's not pretending, he just doesn't want to sell out. It's not like he tells other artists not to, nor does he decry it while doing it himself. He couldn't be doing it to earn more money, he would eclipse the profits from any good will just by merchandising.
>releasing the same shitty flash game again and again, and just stealing lore from theorists.
Really dedicated to fucking quality.
>Make a living
Seeing how Watterson owns a house and basically doesn't work now I don't know how much more a living he can make whoring out, or if by 'living' you mean jewing out and making as much money possible being a back ally whore.
Holy shit you got owned. Every single reply to your posts just obliterated you, thanks for being retarded enough that the user you're replying to could brighten up my day.
Bill Watterson sounds like a fagget
No? He believes in government programs
Watterson used to go into random bookstores, take copies of his books off the shelves, sign them, and place them back on the shelf as a little surprise for whoever bought them.
Then he found out they were being sold on eBay and stopped doing it.
>Scott Adams literally writes about how being a programmer is for chumps and that's why he went into comics instead, and has turned 30+ years of dilbert strips into his dream multi-million dollar empire which enables him to have lots of 25 year old "friends" who are big-tittied women that call him Daddy.
This sounds fucking awesome though, holy shit
Scott never made bones about it, however.
If it was JUST that, fine.
But he's brainwashed himself and some of his followers that truth doesn't matter and only "persuasiveness" matters.
>His entire schtick is not-quite picking sides
Also speaking out of both sides of his mouth.
"I think X is not persuasive, but I'm just a cartoonist so my opinion doesn't matter, but if it turns out to be wrong I told you so, and if it turns out to be right I told you you shouldn't trust me because I'm just a cartoonist."
He phrases things so whether he's wrong or right, he's right.
True, his hypnosis fetish is /d/ tier. But he also knows that a lot of systems in the US and the modern economy are so fucking stupid that you can really avert problems by acting like something is not the end of the world, and create success by willing it, which, you can.
Dude is an idiot. His humor lies in not understanding the decisions of the people, so he defaults to anyone in a position of power being an idiot, evil, or apathetic.
Uhh, what is going on in this thread?
4 more years, tranny
Watercolors mostly, if I recall correctly.
One or two anons have a massive hateboner for watterson and are sent into a frothing rage every time they're reminded that he's far more principled than they will ever be.
Looks like somebody needs a diaper change.
So anyway guys guess who's in the news again? Yep. And now they're blaming him for the gloomy weather today.
>Like if his comics started becoming ads for his crappy merchandise
You mean when he had Dilbert and all the characters in it start propagandizing for Crypto Currencies?
>anyone in a position of power being an idiot, evil, or apathetic.
To be fair, that's a pretty good bet.
Bill Gates spent the entire 90s bring called the devil.
God you're fucking cancerous.
Your fake levity makes it really obvious user
Four more years, user. Hey, maybe there'll actually be REAL concentration camps, that'd be great.
Scott Adams is a cartoonist who is very obvious with his BUY MY BOOK shilling. He's a multi-millionaire vegan who smokes weed and fucks women decades younger than him. It's not exactly a unique profile.
The only reason I can suspect people are mad at him as opposed to any other charlatan self help book hawker is because he said "Trump might win tqbh" back in 2016.
Wow one year off that totally ruins his argument! Have sex.
user, Calvin had way too much attitude for that. It would have been Charlie Adler.
Did they endorse a specific coin, or are you just so deeply entrenched in ideological warfare you view the mere mention of crypto by engineers as an attack against the banks and not just precisely what a bunch of engineers would talk about?
>nobody says anything about concentration camps
You're such a whiny bitch.
Watterson is the guy behind the newspaper comic strip, Calvin and Hobbes. He's fairly inoffensive with a fairly inoffensive comic and he dislikes merchanding.
Adams is the guy behind the newspaper comic strip, Dilbert. He too is fairly inoffensive, but he sells merchandise(and books).
Watterson retreated from the public eye while Adams occasionally talks about politics and persuasion in a podcast.
The natural divide in this thread, therefore, is between the "true artist" Watterson, and the "charlatan" Adams, when at the end of the day they both just made funnies in the Newspaper.
>artistic integrity
> But people admire that he is just about as well known as Peanuts and Garfield
Not by a long shot, one more generation and Calvin and Hobbbes might as well be Lil Abner or Gasoline Alley
>woah who mentioned camps?
Now THIS is some A-grade pilpul
Didn't expect Schulz to be such a hack, yo.
dick tracy is the best newspaper comic
>Konami TMNT
>treasure Tiny Toons
> virgin/capcom Aladdin
If anything the era was best for licensed games
People are mad that someone could be making billions yet doesn't want to sell out. The person also doesn't decry or tell others not to. He just says that it's his own choice not to.
Scott Adams is alright but nowhere near Watterson. Not even near Jim David in terms of business accomplishments
They guy turned merchandising into an art form. He was Davis before Davis.
>He too is fairly inoffensive
You can't consume products and get excited for the next products if you're a broke ass faggot livin' at his home.
>the guy who writes a comic about business humor treats his property like a business
Wow! Did you come to that realization all by yourself?
user, are you accusing me of beinf poor because I'm not a consumerist pleb?
This is a whole new level of corporate cocksuckery.
>An artist who keeps his art separated from his life
>Somehow that's bad
>Somehow that he feels comfortable with what he accomplished with his work is considered bad by complete estrangers
Why people are so compelled to feel butthurt when someone doesn't live like they would live if they were on his shoes?
>Oh, if I WERE Watterson, I would totally have sell out C&H decades ago and would be riding my expensive Lamb right now! With a fucking mansion and with a big titty porn actress as my lover! Fuck Watterson for not doing it!!!
Davis just has his comic, but Adams has his business and persuasion books, WhenHub, and he was even in the food industry for a while, as OP already mentioned.
Just answer me this one question.
Why the fuck do you want to buy Greenland?
What's wrong with this?
>strategic military location
>oil and other natural resources
>the USA would basically control the Arctic passageway
>literally the worst thing that could come out of this is Denmark says "no"
Now answer me why you don't want to buy Greenland.
>Toy company
Definitely not
But nowhere near the money Davis has from Garfield alone. We're not measuring what he's doing because Davis is hardly the guy that does anything and probably isn't even involved in current Garfield right now but he's got loads of popularity from not only Garfield but also US Acres
Because it's too cold for urban youth, and thus will be the perfect site for a white ethnostate and polar spaceport.
Even when he was working on Dilbert and it was pretty newish (before the animated series), Adams was openly saying that he disagreed with what he was writing and thought that generally the bosses knew what was best and the workers were wrong with most of their complaints.
The dude pretty much flat-out confessed that he didn't believe what he was writing, but wrote it because it would sell.
Integrity level: 0%
I respect Bill's belief. I am open to seeing a Calvin and Hobbes cartoon after his passing.
Jealousy, plain and simple. They feel it's a waste that could be better used by them even if it's not their work.
Denmark said no and acted offended though.
Corporate fucks wouldn't stop at a cartoon, which is one of his main reasons for not allowing licensing.
He was never on any side to begin with. He's one of the few truly politically neutral guys out there.
>user has it laid out in no uncertain terms that his argument is inherently flawed because he does not understand how marketing works in the first place
>Acts as if he wasn’t just btfo’d
Even if you’re pretending to be retarded this is hilarious
Snoopy selling people life insurance is pretty odd
This meme looks even more retarded when you try to format it with greentext
>Bill Watterson went to a convention
Yeah, bullshit Chuck.
He painted the covers of every Calvin and Hobbes collection, king sperg
>so far it's got no signs of slowing
It started slowing down after the first year. That's why the creator is smart for milking it as much as he could in that time frame.
That kind of shit hurts relations and makes the US look greedy and inept.
Good, it's describing something retarded. I can't wait until 2020 when this whole bullshit politics retardation is a distant memory.
Bill used to go to the National Cartoonist Society gatherings. Famously did a speech called "The Cheapening of Comics".
It would be a good idea not to bring politics into this thread.
>implying Denmark has an absolute say
If enough freelancers realize they'd be better off under America than the pittance they get from the Danes, Copenhagen has their hands tied.
Adams doesn't vote.
You understand that there is people living there? Why should their home's resources belong to americans?
Nuke the fucking USA you greedy disgusting bastards
What the actual fuck is wrong with Scott Adams
>Beter off under america
The burger delusions
Kill USA
Hurts relations how? The government of Denmark isn't stupid. They aren't going to work with us in ways that would be mutually beneficial just because we offered to buy Greenland.
hes an intelligent cartoonist but a retarded human being
To them, how is it any different than having their homeland's resources belong to Denmark?
To imagine were at the point where artistic integrity is considered a bad thing. Fucking brain dead consumerist whores.
They're autonomous state right now. Under USA you guys would ruin their shit and strip their autonomy because USA are country of greedy bastards who ruin land and humans
I agree with your point that comics don't matter, but that doesn't mean it isn't fun to talk about them.
She wasn't originally the Yea Forums mascot you know
Your only problem with this is a hypothetical nightmare scenario that you created.
>Nuke the fucking USA you greedy disgusting bastards
I'm going to laugh at the sheer asshurt from Puerto Rico when Greenland becomes the 51st state.
Today, Greenland
Tommorow, the World
kind of irrelevant at this point though isn't it? Let's review the recent US blunders:
>elected a reality tv show host to the presidency
>his opposition focused on Russia conspiracies for 3 years
>Failed to muscle Mexico into paying for a border wall
>Failed to coup Venezuela
>Failed to coup Cuba
>Failed to stop mass shootings
>Stood down by China on Iran sanctions
>Stood down by China on Iran warmongering
>American tech corporations already realigning to Chinese models, ie facebook -> wechat
>American corporations already realigning to Chinese government standards
>American media corporations already realigning to Chinese cultural standards
>Losing American hegemony in Africa as China offers new sources of protection, infrastructure and credit at better rates
>No public healthcare system
>Losing a trade war to China
>No real wage growth in decades
>Drugs flooding our streets, the people who produced them are in mansions
>Definitively an oligarchy, not a democracy or republic
>Recession due in March 2020 at the earliest, 2021 the latest
America still has some clout but its rapidly, rapidly fading. What'll be more exciting is when this shit falls apart and we get to rebuild in a new direction.
As if USA wasn't already a nightmare scenario
Asshurt americans being asshurt because first world countries don't wanna join their second world country club.
no i dont blame you, america is an indolent and violent empire of wealthy yuppies and the chronically overworked and underpaid. I want to reform the damn thing back the original vision of a democratic society unburdened by the past.
which means you boys should get to play in your front yards without us drunk driving our lifted pick up truck into it
>getting this upset over a work of fiction
Okay, buddy.
>Asshurt americans being asshurt because first world countries don't wanna join their second world country club.
>he still believes this
Hah; if it weren't for the niggers and spics, America would have a higher quality of life than Europe in nearly every metric.
I mean that, too; if you removed every darkie and brownie tommorow, America's stats would put the Scandinavians to shame.
>As if USA wasn't already a nightmare scenario
It's not, and you'd know that if you actually went here instead of basing you opinions on news reporters who are suffering the same mental illness as you.
>i-if it weren't for the niggers we americans would be better than the scandis i i swear..!!!
>Hah; if it weren't for the niggers and spics, America would have a higher quality of life than Europe in nearly every metric.
no thats fucking retarded and the poverty that they were made to occupy will be made to fit more white people.
see geopolitical and economic reality doesnt give a fuck about color coding
And then they do the same and you’re in last place again.
Enjoy having the highest death rates for mothers while giving birth and already eradicated diseases and other developing country shit real first world countries have pretty much eliminated
[citation needed]
Hey, it's not my fault you're statistically illiterate.
>no thats fucking retarded and the poverty that they were made to occupy will be made to fit more white people.
Nope, because white people on the average pay a net positive on taxes. Niggers and spics are a net drain.
>geopolitical and economic reality doesnt give a fuck about color coding
Yes it does, because color codes for other qualities.
Nope, they barely have any spooks compared to the US. They're all concentrated in their capitol cities and are raping with frightening efficiency, though.
not them but it would be hard to do this since Adams is so ideologically incoherent.
>>Scott Adams: "hey mass shooting victims, sell me your account so i can make money lol"
How is that worse than CNN taking the stories from mass shooting victims for free and then running ads on them?
>Enjoy having the highest death rates for mothers while giving birth and already eradicated diseases and other developing country shit real first world countries have pretty much eliminated
Niggers and immigrants, respectively.
Americans are fat idiots. Even if burgers were just white you would be nothing but bunch of stupid hillbillies fucking your economic system under your fatness and diseases and greedyness
Immigrants make only 6,8 % of my country's population
use your brain you absolute cuckold, do you many billions of dollars generated by cheap prison labour alone? the instant you magically remove all brown people, and we'll just ignore how much of a tax burden this would put on my Caucasian ass, american industrialists will just restart the process of creating ghettos that lead to prison assembly lines.
youre a retard and thru your misinformation essentially treasonous and selling our nation out to the fucking chinese with your pie in the sky racial idealism
>Americans are fat idiots.
Skewed by niggers and spics.
>Even if burgers were just white you would be nothing but bunch of stupid hillbillies
Nope; statistically speaking, even the poorest of whites are more civil than the richest blacks.
>fucking your economic system under your fatness and diseases and greedyness
Niggers and spics
And majority of them are white immigrants btw
no, white Appalachia. fucking feudal diseases are coming back because rich people are scared of what the workers will do if they get public healthcare like every other developed country
>use your brain you absolute cuckold, do you many billions of dollars generated by cheap prison labour alone? the instant you magically remove all brown people, and we'll just ignore how much of a tax burden this would put on my Caucasian ass, american industrialists will just restart the process of creating ghettos that lead to prison assembly lines.
Yeah, and you know how many billions of dollars we'd save on prolonging the life of obese sheboons as they gorge on carcinogenic Chicken(tm)?
Imagine being THIS much of a corporatist cocksucker that you'd defend slavery and 3rd world metrics for the sake of "muh taxes to keep all those niggers alive :^("
You absolute retard.
>no, white Appalachia
Nope, 3rd world immigrants. The problem with poor white communities is the opioid epidemic, which is caused precisely by the shift of jobs to spic pseudo-slave labor.
>public healthcare
Would instantly collapse under the tax deficit of niggers and spics.
Good luck, it's on Yea Forums.
no retard corporatism would be ignoring economic factors so you can sperg out about Wayne Brady.
>Yeah, and you know how many billions of dollars we'd save on prolonging the life of obese sheboons as they gorge on carcinogenic Chicken(tm)?
Fucking none because white people will have their quality of life reduced in the zero sum game that is capitalism. If you remove the poor people, poverty doesn't disappear. New poor people are created.
no, appalachia
>Would instantly collapse under the tax deficit of niggers and spics.
No study has ever indicated this and even far right think tanks inadvertently concluded it would save americans trillions of dollars
Lemme get this straight tho, as a white man, you're telling me that I should support:
>paying to remove all black people, including my neighbors and co workers
>hope that this doesn't make me poorer as the prison industry yawns hungrily in my direction
>stop asking for a public healthcare system or any kind of control on the bourgeois elites
The American taxpayers arent gonna support this you fruit loop
also remind me, after we finished paying for the genocide/forced transfer of all our brown people, how does this restore us to any position of global respectability given that we can no longer reliably flex our military or industrial muscles at brown countries who are increasingly being backed China?
>all of this in a thread with the Dilberrito in the OP
Never change, 4channel.
Jim Davis is worth over 800 million dollars.
Speaking of burgers thanks the lobbyists americans get way lower quality on their food. It's why corn syrup is still used and everything is so fucking sugary. Which is why obesity and diabetes are on the rise.
>Fucking none because white people will have their quality of life reduced in the zero sum game that is capitalism. If you remove the poor people, poverty doesn't disappear. New poor people are created.
Not at all. There's suddenly a labor shortage and surplus of jobs. At absolute worse, the jobs decrease in step with labor.
>paying to remove all black people, including my neighbors and co workers
>hope that this doesn't make me poorer as the prison industry yawns hungrily in my direction
Prison industry would collapse without it's slave caste of dumb animals who can't stop doing drugs, so you have no worry there. At worst, they'd go for those Appalachians you hate ;^)
>stop asking for a public healthcare system or any kind of control on the bourgeois elites
Where did I imply this? I'm absolutely for public health care and the like, I just recognize that it's unsustainable in the presence of nigs and spics. It might save us some money NOW, but with the way demographic trends are going, it'll only speed up the inevitable.
Are you kidding? With how much we can save on healthcare on darkies, we could put half that back into the military and the rest into infrastructure and development.
China is playing their game of neo-colonialism, but you're an idiot if you think that they're not scrambling to find an anchor before their economy implodes.
Scott is the exact opposite of an Ancap. He’s a capitalist left-liberal
That statement is pretty correct though. That’s why religion exists.
Because CNN doesn't advertise itself right after a shooting with "hey come get yourself interviewed by us, we'll pay you!"
When they're interviewing people, it's a public service, they do not pay you. Adams was literally shilling his own product that is meant to monetize things like interviews in hopes of making money on a tragedy that happened fifteen minutes ago.
As opposed to “don’t buy my book”?
you're right obviously, but it's better to just ignore them, they WANT attention, that's the whole reason they do it.
Sounds like people going on CNN are getting scammed
the jobs dont pay enough already our wages have been stagnant for decades
i dont hate Appalachians, they're working class like me. clearly you only like a certain type of white person tho since youre cool with enslaving them and the other members of the working class too. prison industry wont just disappear, who do you think will fund your genocide retard?
the inevitable what, my dad affording his insulin? black people didnt make insulin expensive, rich people did.
we *dont* spend money on brown peoples healthcare, not appreciable money. we dont do that for ANYBODY thats why working people are dying.
people have been saying the chinese market will crash foe decades and it isnt happening meanwhile every 5 to 10 years we get a recession. another one is coming in 2020 and we dont even have healthcare set up for it and we're in a gig economy.
youre a jackass, stay out of my neighborhood you unamerican retard
>youre a jackass, stay out of my neighborhood you unamerican retard
based hank hill socialist
Did we decide we like Scott Adams despite the fact he’s a fucking loser who makes a shitty comic to “dunk on the SJWs”
Oh, I'm sorry, I just realized you're a dumb commie. Don't worry, you'll get the rope too.
>we *dont* spend money on brown peoples healthcare,
HAH, that's fucking rich.
>prison industry wont just disappear, who do you think will fund your genocide retard?
The prison industry exists EXCLUSIVELY because we didn't ship niggers back to Africa before Lincoln got shot by that faggot booth. It has always been about maintaining niggers as slaves. You seem to be under the hilarious interpretation that pigs will just start rounding lower class people and pressing them into chain gangs.
>the inevitable what, my dad affording his insulin? black people didnt make insulin expensive, rich people did.
No, the inevitability of even public healthcare being able to keep your dad alive because too much money is going towards keeping mortally obese animals alive.
>youre a jackass, stay out of my neighborhood
Why would I want to go there anyways? It's full of niggers.
Says the commie.
>“dunk on the SJWs”
Since when was Dilbert ever about that?
america is on the decline dude, very strange that you don't realize this. China is becoming the new america, but with 5x the potential power. And they don't have elections to care about, they can plan for the long game.
Dilbert Creator hates the SJWs so I wanted to know if we have to pretend to like it and Scott Adams. I however miss when Dilbert was about the music.
>China is becoming the new america, but with 5x the potential power.
I'll believe it when I see it, but China is due for another collapse. The day they become anything more than a local power is the day that he'll freezes over.
im a democratic socialist, a guy with my politics is a frontrunner for the presidency with a massive grassroots organization that hes not just using to affect political action now, hes said he wont dismantle in the future.
i came to socialism because my neighborhood and neighbors are suffering while elites get fat on our sweat. like a lotta people i know whether they use the word socialism or not.
people arent gonna agree to mass murder trade unionists and pay to transport every insufficiently european person to africa. what about the asian populations? do they stay or do you cause an international incident with an ascendent superpower?
your whole project is retarded, ours traces back from fdr to eugene debs to the coal wars to the radical republicans who won the civil war.
meanwhile you guys are mass shooters and public spectacles
youre a jackass and trying to >cope
for most history china has been a major economic player, youre blind
Economic, yes.
Geopolitically and militarily? No.
>Not even near Jim Davis in terms of business accomplishments
Is there *any* other cartoonist that made as much money on his comics as Jim Davis?
what the fuck are you talking about china is the center of asian trade through most of history and the reason why china is so large is because of its military dominance
read a book
Of course you are
>im a democratic socialist, a guy with my politics is a frontrunner for the presidency with a massive grassroots organization that hes not just using to affect political action now, hes said he wont dismantle in the future.
Trump promised a lot of things too, friend. I'm honestly a bit saddened that you're so easily swayed by the promise of 1000 neetbux.
I do agree with UBI, though, on the condition that all other welfare (except maybe healthcare) is dismantled for the sake of minimizing administrative cost.
>i came to socialism because my neighborhood and neighbors are suffering while elites get fat on our sweat. like a lotta people i know whether they use the word socialism or not.
Ask Russia how that went for the proles.
>what about the asian populations? do they stay or do you cause an international incident with an ascendent superpower?
Nah, Asians are cool, they can stay. It's primarily niggers and Jews that need to go, with spics being a close second. All other populations are chill.
>your whole project is retarded, ours traces back from fdr to eugene debs to the coal wars to the radical republicans who won the civil war.
Which makes your continuing failure to effect lasting social change on your pet niggers all the more embarrassing
>meanwhile you guys are mass shooters and public spectacles
Oh man, you're scared, I can feel it. You're scared that people are waking up and recognizing the raw deal we've been given.
For what it's worth, you and I would agree on a lot of things, you just see only one half of the problem. Corporations hold no love from me either.
The reality is that women are treated differently by society fot exactly the same reason that children and the mentally handicapped are treated differently. Its just easier this way for everyone. You dont argue with a four-year-old why he shouldnt eat candy for dinner. You dont punch a mentally handicapped guy even if he punches you first. And you dont argue when women tells you she is only making 80 cents to your dollar. Its the path of least resistance. You save your energy for more important battles
-Bill Watterson
Thats litterally my point, China has never been more than a power outside of Asia. It's nothing more than a regional power that had never, ever, been able to expand outside Asia.
Until now, that is, but I'm still expecting a collapse as China is so often want to do.
everuone knows 4 chans mascot is pepe the frog
>Dilbert Creator hates the SJWs
there will be no rebuilding, china will be the super power america never dared to be. People don't understand the threat china is to the world, and there's no stopping them.
t. Seething loser-thinker
>there is an eldrich abomination made entirely out of garfield merch living under the ocean
动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门
>Isn't Scott Adams a full-blown Randian AnCap sort of guy?
not at all
how the fuck did you reach that retarded conclution?
yang?! are you retarded or do you not read any news? bernie obviously lol. yang is silicone valley ghoul and his ubi would strip all other social programs, its a scam.
no obviously i meant bernie sanders whose policies have defined modern political discourse since 2016
>but muh ussr
not even remotely democratic socialists, but even they improved life expectancy and literacy while being invaded from day 1. you can look that up.
nobody serious is proposing it tho
>Oh man, you're scared, I can feel it. You're scared that people are waking up and recognizing the raw deal we've been given
im scared of ecological collapse, antibiotic resistant infection, oligarch pedophiles like epstein/trump/clinton and heights. not armed incels. as much as i dont like living in a country that is constantly shot up by you crazy people, it is excellent optics for helping normal working people come back to socialism
>i-i agree with you actually!
well racism is the unthinking mans socialism after all :^)
but no, we really dont agree substantially at all. i just dismantled what u said so you want clout back.
no no no lol
you need to uh, do a little fucking homework you moron
even ignoring their historical wide reach (silk road????) we live in modern international times and as i already said, even american tech corporations are remodelling to suit chinese practices.
>hey guys debate
>lmao wrong answer sorry you just lost
wp my guy
>people praise watterson for his integrity and shit on dabis for being a total sell out
>they dont realiea schulz is the perfect middleground having produced something with soul that can still be enjoyed and has been recently modernized and adapted still retaining all integrity
Hahaha, oh man, I retract whatever sympathy I had for you. I can't wait for him to fleece you idiots like he did last time.
>a-actually the USSR was good to it's people
Damn, don't drink too much koolaid at once.
>im scared of ecological collapse, antibiotic resistant infection, oligarch pedophiles like epstein/trump/clinton and heights.
All valid fears, we agree there. I don't think Trump is one of Pesos, though, he's just a useful idiot.
>not armed incels. as much as i dont like living in a country that is constantly shot up by you crazy people, it is excellent optics for helping normal working people come back to socialism
Yeah, as opposed to the literal 10x as many black mass shootings, lmao.
>but no, we really dont agree substantially at all. i just dismantled what u said so you want clout back.
Yeah, nah, you didn't dismantle shit. Why are you talking like a nigger
>no no no lol
you need to uh, do a little fucking homework you moron
even ignoring their historical wide reach (silk road????) we live in modern international times and as i already said, even american tech corporations are remodelling to suit chinese practices.
Firstly, stop typing like you're on Twitter.
Secondly, actually read what I wrote.
Thirdly, because a bunch of silicon valley yuppies are trying to muscle in on the Chinese market does not mean that China is a rising superpower. I know it may seem that way though, considering your fetish for inefficient economic models.
Our licensing and IP protections are all sorts of fucked up. It's like they're tailor made to be beneficial only to the most greedy assholes imaginable.
You can lose your trademark if you don't spend millions hiring lawyers to bust up a kid's lemonade stand who drew your cartoon character on it in crayon.
>no no no lol
>you need to uh, do a little fucking homework you moron
>even ignoring their historical wide reach (silk road????) we live in modern international times and as i already said, even american tech corporations are remodelling to suit chinese practices.
Firstly, stop typing like you're on Twitter.
Secondly, actually read what I wrote.
Thirdly, because a bunch of silicon valley yuppies are trying to muscle in on the Chinese market does not mean that China is a rising superpower. I know it may seem that way though, considering your fetish for inefficient economic models.
Just drive by shit posting but can someone post the graph of life expectancy in Russia that drops like a rock in 91 for some reason
im not chinese, I just see the writing on the wall. The chinese are ultra-nationalists. They are and will continue to exploit the west using capitalism to gain more and more control over the corporations, the shipping routes/ports and the governments themselves. They have a ridiculous amount of money and they are smart and know what to do with it. They've already broken into the EU through Italy, with the it being the first G7 nation to join the one belt one road, and they've already influenced EU policy through using Italy as a veto power.
They don't play by any western rules, they only play along to keep face. As their power and control continues to grow more absolute, they will shed off what pretense they had.
Commiefornian here, he's right
There's no argument or debate here, bud. I asked you a simple question. Here it is one more time:
>Explain how a Calvin & Hobbs luncbox on the shelf at Target compromises the comic.
See the reason I asked the question is because I knew you couldn't answer it honestly and instead you'd just start shitting all over yourself just like you've done so far. Worked like a charm.
he is retard
Scott unironically thinks the founders should be removed from currency.
all artists are prats regardless of their thoughts on monetization.
How is it that you get your question answered and then ignore it entirely?
it's weird, I used to love dilbert and had many collection books as a kid/young adult. I don't understand what happened to him, was he always like this?
>da blahkz did et
you will never be a part of my pta, jackass
also im statistically more likely to be shot by a cop than a random black person
also there are millions of rape accusations against trump whose flown multiple times on the lolita express and was publically epsteins best buddy
theyre all from the same elite class
sorry it's not a stormfront link
Irrelevant point. The Jap comic company and artist relationship model pretty much rapes the artist in favor of the company as far as story or property rights are concerned. Unless you're like Oda and had a comic running for decades at or close to #1 in popularity at all times, you have absolutely no say in anything and are the company's bitch.
specifically how are they lying then
>he's still shitting all over himself
Where was it explained how a Calvin & Hobbs luncbox on the shelf at Target compromises the comic? Quote the text.
>Dilbert Creator hates the SJWs
Adams kowtows to leftists views all the time if you watched his periscopes. He's constantly praising minorities and women and wants to erase non-pc us history like the founders and confederacy.
obviously, somehow trump followers block this out, it's some weird cognitive dissonance. It's almost entirely a cult of personality and has nothing to do with real life.
If those accusations are true, I gladly await him getting what's coming to him. For now, though, his usefullness as a bait to the MSM is significant.
Dilbert hasn't ever been about "dunking on SJWs". It's still the same comic about office life being hell that it always was.
You're conflating some interviews he did with the comics he made.
Where would you put Berke Breathed?
>Snoopy selling people life insurance is pretty odd
I thought he wasn't the Metlife mascot anymore.
Not him, but its 'boy who cried wolf' syndrome.
He has had rape accusations against him going back to 2016, and none of them were proved credible. Worse than that: Other politicians in his party had completely fake rape accusations made up for the sole purpose of political spectacle.
Are they true? Maybe a few. It happened at his hotel. But the sad fact of the matter is that other people who were desperate to be on TV tarnished future accusations by making it appear as if they were political chaff and not serious attempts to achieve justice. It's the natural end-result of the #MeToo movement slandering people like Keanu Reeves: Now no one cares, anymore.
rich people arent punished under capitalism, especially in america. Again this is my problem, we have a likely pedophile president and we can't even independently as an electorate call for a god damn investigation.
That's a shame, we should never forget how heroic the radical republicans, union loyalists and abolitionists were in slaughtering those godless slavemasters. God damn shame they tricked the poor white workers in the south into working for them, all because of racecuckery...
We should *all* remember the defeat of the Confederate traitors
I used to see Bloom County merch in the early 90's, screensavers, mousepads, etc.
Haven't seen any of it since.
>rich people arent punished under capitalism
That's just not true. Rich people get punished all the time; it's just their money allows them to buy more creative liberties with the law than your average person.
Epstein is an example of this. He managed to get away by bribing another rich person the first time, but ran out of cards he could play the second time. Smollett is another example, he was able to shift blame to two guys who had zero capital or favors to spend, and he walked free for a short time.
Right, so then they're not punished which is my point. I know the money is how they do it, im saying thats a problem and an example of how capitalism erodes civil democratic society.
>no one cares, anymore.
Oh they do.
Katie Perry's career is completely fucking over now.
No amount of keeping it on the DL and subtly trying to shush people is going to stop this shit.
Will lead to an avalanche of rapey agressive lesbians and "hetero" women in power being outed for being touchy and fisty with unwilling women and girls.
Best part?
Women are STILL fucked in white collar jobs and schools where men know that their lives can be ruined with a single accusation.
>Right, so then they're not punished which is my point
>Epstein jailed for life
what happened with katie perry?
If this were 2016, I would agree with you.
It really isn't anymore. That ship has sailed. The political spectacle around seeing celebs fall has run its course for now.
Is that Sweet Bro or Hella Jeff?
>trump, clinton, pinker, dershowitz, ghislaine maxwell walk free
>rich people are punished
I'm afraid I'm not the people you were initially arguing with or accusing of samefagging but I do agree with them. Since you seem to have not acknowledged the concept illustrated in (which answers your question) I'll try to explain it as best as I can grasp myself.
You are trying to narrow down the concept of a licensed product into a singular object here, which is not how licensing works. In order for a lunchbox (licensed product) of [property] to be produced and sold at [retailer], the [property] must be licensed. This involves relinquishing creative control over their [property]- i.e. somebody else, multiple people, etc. who are not you get to make a number of decisions you have no control or say over whilst creating a [product] to sell to the masses with your [property]. Somebody else gets to make a bunch of decisions about your [property] whilst making a [product]. This means that your comic has been compromised. This also extends beyond the mere lunchbox, as the post earlier quoted notes.
TL;DR If you allow someone else to create a lunchbox of your dudes, the consequences are far reaching. The people with the authority to create this lunchbox can do a lot with your characters you will have no say in. This compromises the comic.
You seem to have ignored this and instead choose to act as if multiple other people noting that your entire conception of this appears flawed is a non-answer. Multiple people mocked you as a consequence, myself, I'm confused as to how or why you'd choose to do such a thing.
Unironically Chad.
He knows he looks ridiculous; he doesn't care, he's in it for himself.
We could all be a little more like blue and pink yoga pants man.
>trump, clinton, pinker, dershowitz, ghislaine maxwell walk free
But Smollett, Epstein, Manafort, Flynn, Cohen don't count?
This is just going off of memory.
>artist alludes to praising Trump
>Yea Forums goes mental hating him
youre naming small fry. what do you know about the old school american mafia? im an enthusiast on their history. part of how they kept afloat was thru this kinda of thing, always have underlings you can sacrifice. its fine to lose a middleman or a fixer so long as you havent lost the people who employ them.
it was only after we started prosecuting the heads of the families that we were actually able to break down the mafia.
If you really studied the mafia, you would realize they didn't "break down", they just fractured and entered the federal government or big business. They stopped mowing each other down with typewriters in the streets because they became too rich to need that anymore.
>siding with Bill Twatterson
Not even once.
>Somebody else gets to make a bunch of decisions about your [property] whilst making a [product].
>This means that your comic has been compromised.
Lmao ..nope! I know though, definitions of words are hard, let me help you:
>.accepting standards that are lower than is desirable.
Again, how does having a Calvin & Hobbs luncbox on the shelf at Target compromise the comic? It doesn't lower the standards of the comic, retard. It literally can't. The comic has long since been over and done with.
So now: explain how a Calvin & Hobbs luncbox on the shelf at Target compromises a comic that's been discontinued since 1995. Does it compromise the story? Does it compromise the artwork? No. It absolutely doesn't.
What you're trying to claim is ridiculous at best. You're literally trying to claim a Calvin & Hobbs luncbox on the shelf at Target manages to travels back in time and lowers the standards of the comic.
>in Comics
Comicbooks are a real man's integrity
>Epstein jailed for life
>not rich
>you would realize they didn't "break down", they just fractured
Money is supposed to be circulated by things that actually matter
I never said anything about the physical body of the work or Bill Watterson's writing. I quoted another guy already talking about what you're referring to, additionally, but I will try to expand on his points further.
Firstly, you are cutting out a definition of compromise. Compromise is not merely the acceptance of lower standards, but a mutual meeting of demands via concessions.
"settlement of differences by arbitration or by consent reached by mutual concessions"
"to come to agreement by mutual concession"
As mentioned earlier, again, allowing this lunchbox to exist- to license these characters- is to relinquish creative control of the characters regarding the production of consumer products. This is a compromise. Watterson has chosen not to do this.
Based on what's going on online, I think it's shifting from wanting to see celebrities fall into wanting to see the morality mob on social media fall instead, celebrity or not.
Do you even understand how journalism fucking works? I mean actual journalism, not some fat asshole telling you how crisis actors are totally a thing
>responds to harsh truths with racial slurs
Yep, you're American
Imagine wasting perfectly good trips on such a stupid lie
I would eat the fuck out of that.
>There's a Calvin &Hobbs luch box for sale at Target
>Now do everybody a favor and explain how this compromises the comic?
This is the question I asked.
Let me make this crystal clear for you: a Calvin & Hobbs luncbox DOES NOT change or comprise the comic an ANY way, shape, or form.
He made a couple of strips back in 2016 about a SJW joining Dilbert's company. It was the usual strawman bullshit you'd expect from somebody his age.
are you legitimately autistic or do is this just your idea of an epic troll?
give it a rest tardo
pretty sure hes just a standard gen xer
But I just explained to you how what you're doing compromises the comic.
To be fair, Adams has a history of being a piece of shit
it has already it, look at the text
>gen xer
He's in his 60s
Lmao you want some too?
Nope, you very much didn't.
You tried to pretend the existence of a lunchbox would somehow travel back in time and make a magical change to a comic that ended in 1995 which is ridiculous. The only thing here that's compromised is your ability to think rationally.
>Ha ha! You failed to answer my retarded question to which I have already decided ther answer to! That means I win for some reason!
>still shitting all over himself
I did no such thing I am afraid,nor has anyone else who's discussed this with you. I'll leave you to it, as the concept and the means by which compromise is enacted has been explained multiple times.
Yes, Mr Lunchbox is indeed soiling himself
Your mother has been dead since 1995. Your father, in 2019, sells private nude polaroids she took for him to a porn site, which posts them. Do these nude photos compromise the memory of your mother?
>I did no such thing
That's exactly what you did. There's no mechanism involved with making a lunchbox that would retroactively alter the comic in any way.
>got btfo
>and still shitting
>a man!
>made completely out of straw!
Now explain what aspect of the comic would be altered retroactively because of a lunchbox. How would that work? Who would be doing the "compromising" editing?
>I'm right because I say so! You're all stupid!
Congratulations, you trolled us. Now do something productive with your life.
>he can't answer a simple question honestly
Yep. That's you.
There's no aspect of your mother that would be altered retroactively because of her nudes being released. Except her integrity.
What's the problem with this one?
They're literally complete opposites of each other. Watterson has all the talent but wants none of the fame/money/etc while Scott (who I love) has basically no talent but will do anything to further dilbert and his career
From the guy who is given a similar scenario that proves his is bullshit, and dismisses it as a strawman.
Bill thought of himself as an artist
I doubt Adams thinks of himself as anything more than a cartoonistm
You need to sit down and listen white boy
>No reasonable person doubts that the Holocaust happened, but wouldn't you like to know how the exact number was calculated, just for context? Without that context, I don't know if I should lump the people who think the Holocaust might have been exaggerated for political purposes with the Holocaust deniers. If they are equally nuts, I’d like to know that. I want context.
Typical /pol/ "I'm just asking!" bullshit, ten years before /pol/ was a thing.
>He made a few comics years ago
What's the problem with that statement? He didn't say the Holocaust wasn't real.
Yes, that's what I said. I'm sure you want to dismiss that, but /pol/ spammed those comics for a while, because that's all /pol/ is good for; regurgitating shit to get a reaction
Can you explain your beef with that statement?
That user is upset with Scott Adams because he either thinks Adams denies the Holocaust, or that user himself denies the Holocaust and is upset that Scott Adams didn't do so.
>Now explain what aspect of the comic would be altered retroactively because of a lunchbox. How would that work? Who would be doing the "compromising" editing?
It's another simple question my guy. Why can't you answer it?
>who is given a similar scenario
Lmao we were already discussing a very specific scenario, you obviously felt the need to try to evade that discussion and tried inserting one that had nothing to do with the conversation we were having. Good luck!
You sound upset. I’ve never seen any Dilbert comics spammed on this site.
JAQing off over something that's been VERY well documented to prevaricate over condemning assholes who try and downplay the HOLOCAUST
>40k years into the future
>calvin stickers still appearing on spaceships
Maybe I just miss the days when Adams used to mock incompetent CEOs instead of jerking them off on social media
I'm not mad at artist getting rich with merch. Are the peanuts worse because they have merch?
>Oy vey da Shoah happened the way we said it did, no reason to ask questions about historical events.
Thanks for proving my point. Now fuck off back to your containment board.
I guess you don’t actually read Dilbert then and just have an axe to grind against Scott
Are you even aware of why you don't like Scott Adams or are you skimming articles to make excuses? Cause it's always the same thing in these Dilbert threads. Someone goes "Scott Adams denies evolution!" or something Then someone actually reads what Adams says, and the original user gets BTFO and stops using the argument for a while.
So stay right here?
Why do people get triggered by Watterson so much, it's bizarre.
Based and repilled my fellow kekistani. Sneed! Why won't women fuck with me?
So, who wants to bet that Scott is in this thread, sockpuppeting and pretending he's totally not the same guy who pretends that consent to sex is total bullshit?
Watterson's a whiny faggot.
Maybe he can help you with your reading comprehension and rage issues.
Your son wouldn't have died if you'd been a good father, Scott
>Post count goes down by 70 posts
Holy shit
Your attack would only work on Scott Adams, maybe you can go tweet that at him and accuse him of posting on Yea Forums.
That wasn’t his son
Jesus liking them
Jesus was a whiny faggot too.
>libertarian artist sells out to company to make money no mater how cringe
just as consistent as Watterson's decision
people have given Ditko shit for liking Ayn Rand to much but his integrity is pretty solid
he would work for money, didn't really care if his works made money outside of the comics
but he wouldn't let people shit on his ideas
He's not such a stick in a mud that he thinks money is bad but its a shame he never would do interviews
Yeah, that's why Alan Moore respects Ditko even if he finds Objectivism bad.
>Janny extends the life of this thread by deleting nearly 100 posts
>Thread still continues with the same discussion
Why are jannies on this board so fucking retarded?
Saying obvious lies is pointless
Now you're a whiny faggot as well.
Hit the road with bullcrap aobut Jesus.
Janny just wants to buy a Dilberito
Stop attacking the messenger, Scott
Didn't your posts get deleted?
Did you just use a youtube/twitter meme on 4channel?
There's a great longread article that explores this, how Sparky compares to Watterson in selling newspaper comics and how integrity measures up. lareviewofbooks.org
based and redpilled
Why are you so obsessed with Scott adams?
>thread about Scott Adams
>somebody mentions that time Scott Adams outed himself as a piece of shit
Go to bed, Scott
Had to tweak the url because of Yea Forums's filters
kek he triggered af thats why
>Scott Adams used a sockpuppet to talk about how smart Adams was, and how anyone who calls him out on his bullshit is stupid and is jealous
The more things change...
>Go to bed, Scott
Sounds more like you let Scott Adams live rent-free in your head.
So what's the problem with these? In your own words.
Why would you shill for the shitty burrito? Even Adams considered it a shameful failure. That's why in the OP, because anyone who knows more about Adams than some Gawker headline has heard about it.
Which one? The one where he says consent to sex is bullshit because men should fuck women whenever they want, the one where he compared women wanting equal pay to special needs people being violent, the one where he pretended to be a victim of "reverse discrimination" when his own words contradicted his bullshit or the one where he pretended to be a fan so he could insult anybody calling him out on his bullshit, then acted like he was superior to the people who immediately figured out he was acting like a teenager on facebook?
Dude I didn't even understand what the big deal was about a lunchbox and licensing but they repeated the answer so many times now.
If I got the reasoning right it's that your question is a loaded one. Like if I ask "what's bad about a pig flying?" It's like well it's impossible for a pig to fly so you'd have to shoot it up in the air and it'd die and that'd be some animal abuse I guess but the question ignores that.
Your question ignores that it's impossible to just sale only the lunch box with how licensing works.
And after you changed your question to how this one you got. But that one is kinda easy to answer. Sure the old comics exist no matter how tacky target takes the lunchbox licensing. But you see a new thing of beloved comic and in little ways it'll effect your concept of the original, especially if it's a 360 interpretation of it. Sure the old exists but you can't unsee the new revisions and it changes the minds perception of the original. Usually why creative sort wanna keep the rights. Why Disney doesn't let just anyone do their own mickey mouse cartoon.
This thread is pretty pathetic. Imagine getting this butthurt just because someone said he liked Trump. Honestly get help.
Don't bother, he's just going to call you intellectually disingenuous for daring to try to explain this stuff.
Hate toward this guy and calling him pretentious seems weird when all he seems to have done is just not sell licensing, when most artists in the field feel they have to, and it worked out fine so he let others know it's ok to do that. I don't see him saying everyone has to act just like he did or they suck.
God it's like when a girl goes around without makeup, that's it, and other girls that feel they have to wear makeup start calling her pretentious when all she did was not do some shit every whore does. I think it's a subconscious self hate or like because someone does something different than you would you feel like they're judging your actions even though they aren't so you get defensive.
>ITT: People shit on cartoonists because they don’t shill out or have their opinions.
If you'd been a good father, your stepson would still be alive.
>they repeated the answer so many times now.
No, they most certainly have not. But please feel free to quote where they did. Pro-tip: they NEVER answered the question.
>And after you changed your question
I never changed my question and nothing you wrote has anything to do with what I asked. Again:
>Now explain what aspect of the comic would be altered retroactively because of a lunchbox. How would that work? Who would be doing the "compromising" editing?
This is just an extension of the original question which was:
>Explain how a Calvin & Hobbs luncbox on the shelf at Target compromises the comic.
Both questions are extremely simple to answer. You just can't bring yourself to do it.
And no, your shifting concepts or interpretations of the original comic are NOT a change to the original comic. There are NO magical revisions to the comic because of a lunchbox or your retarded headcanon.
>still shitting himself because he lost an argument
>keeps insisting he's smarter than anyone else, while using the same bullshit arguments, and it's everyone else that's the moron
Yeah, Scott Adams is definitely in this thread
Hush spaghetti boy, you've long since capitulated.
I hate his whole "laws are sexist cause men used to rape all the time and it was fine then" argument cause it makes me think he thinks feminist society keeps him from being the alpha raping caveman he truly is. But also I'm sure my 9 year old niece could beat him in a fight.
Like I do think there's some valid criticizing of feminism and overly feminizing society but the mra men that argue for it are always pussy ass dudes that I know I could clock in a minute. And when I hang around other actual men no one gets into political bs we just talk shit in comfy ways. Like maybe incels really do only bitch cause they need that excuse for why they're so insecure and weak and it's easier to blame anyone but yourself.
>spaghetti boy
Are these some new memes? I can't keep track of /pol/'s bullshit sometimes
Lmao, you lost. Better luck next time!
>three wonderful dubs
>wasted on juvenile bullshit like this
>the sting of defeat
Keep replying loser!
Ok but see I also summarize their argument that you can't just make a licensing deal for only lunch boxes cause that not how licensing works which means your question is not a good one since you ignore that fact.
And adding an extension to your question is changing it.
I also did answer how perception of original material changes with new shit made of it. Like this a known thing. You can't unsee shit.
I mean I know you're just fucking w everyone at this point screaming you're right but like why.
>I mean I know you're just fucking w everyone at this point screaming you're right but like why.
Because it's the only way they can feel any kind of validation
Spaghetti boy is oooooold insult. Before cuck and pol.
Whenever someone says they miss old Yea Forums I remember this was how frustrating threads were w idiots arguing skills at shittier level and once they got called out insisting they were trolling not serious at all and just acting like a retard derailing and ruining any convo after.
Whereas now everyone just calls each other meme insults.
>their argument that you can't just make a licensing deal for only lunch boxes cause that not how licensing works
Right, they're arguing a point that has nothing to do with my question.
>And adding an extension to your question is changing it.
Nope. The extension just expanded on the original. Which doesn't matter anyway considering you've not been able to answer the first one.
>how perception of original material changes with new shit made of it
The comic isn't "new shit" and the existence of a lunchbox makes NO magical revisions or compromises to the original comic. Your perceptions are irrelevant, they make NO changes to the original material.
>Spaghetti boy says whaaaat
Vive le difference, I guess.
>public service
imagine being this fucking spooked
> (You)
>Right, they're arguing a point that has nothing to do with my question.
It's literally explained your question is based on a false premise by that.
>Nope. The extension just expanded on the original. Which doesn't matter anyway considering you've not been able to answer the first one.
Your original is impossible cause there's no way to just license for a lunchbox. But sure theoretically if possible to only sale a Calvin and hobbes lunchbox there's nothing wrong with it. But that's impossible to do. Also expanding is changing it doesn't matter what you call it. Adding/extending is changing.
>>how perception of original material changes with new shit made of it
>The comic isn't "new shit" and the existence of a lunchbox makes NO magical revisions or compromises to the original comic. Your perceptions are irrelevant, they make NO changes to the original material.
The comic would be the original material, lunch box would be new shit. Perceptions do matter in how people interpret material. You real dumb if you don't get that. Or do you think you're smarter than Disney execs too now?
Christ I blame your hs English teacher. Because you were never taught reading comprehension.
user, if you find out you're wrong, and don't correct, or pretend to be more than half-sure about things you don't know for sure, then you're not only stupid, but you don't know you're stupid
Cringe thread
>your question is based on a false premise
No, it's not. Sorry. It's actually very simple question with a simple answer. You're just too weak-minded to give an honest answer.
>Your original is impossible cause there's no way to just license for a lunchbox
My question has nothing to do with just licensing a lunchbox. Here, read it again:
>How does having a Calvin & Hobbs lunchbox on the shelf at Target compromise the comic?
How does Calvin & Hobbs lunchbox compromise the comic? Your job here it to explain how this would happen since your that's what you're trying to claim.
>The comic would be the original material
Alright, now explain how a lunch box magically changes original material. You're trying to argue that the original comic is somehow altered and compromised because of a lunchbox which is ridiculous. It isn't. Your perceptions change? Too bad, because your perceptions aren't the original material, sorry.
Ok, now ignore everything I just wrote and answer the original question:
>How does a Calvin & Hobbs lunchbox compromise the comic?
>how dare he have questions about the 12 million that died, does he have no respect for the 18 million that died? how can anyone believe 24 million is an exageration?