>Contest announcement will be Wednesday!
Like teacher, like student
>Contest announcement will be Wednesday!
Like teacher, like student
well that was easy
Well that performance was just embarassing
So... Ringout is an automatic victory at this stage?
Most tournaments have ring out
so ring out via finally getting what little of her shit she had left together and pulling off one competent counterattack after he got cocky and went in for a quick stab win
I guess that's fine...
Fuckin Mikiri counter
Remember when this comic was good?
Finally, it is time.
Are your Gokus ready yet?
Not really. I mainly enjoyed the early world building stuff in the first few dozen pages.
Actually, even up as far as the big castle raid story arc. Went incredibly downhill after the timeskip in particular.
The key has been exposed now in front of Solomon David and all to see. GG Allison. Expect everyone to come harder at you now to kill you and take the key in order to help defeat Solomon.
watch her or White Chain pull some rules lawyer shit on the final fight with solomon and then he throws a tantrum of "no way fag!" then Gog Agog tries to eat him, and does, but solomon has perfected his "NUH UH" lying so he gets to live.
This. Besides, I doubt Eris Lo-kai is just going to give up on taking the key just because he jobbed and got ringed out.
Maybe Gog will eat him.
It's never been bad
Yeah I saw a really good page of it just today, why?
I don't think a simple piece of headwear was going to stop people from recognizing Allison when pretty much almost all of them know who she is already.
It's pretty clear by now that none of the demiurges consider Allison a priority problem as none of them have dedicated any resources to getting it as it would almost be trivially easy to do so. They are pretty flippant about dealing with Zaid. They're too busy making sure their competent peers don't manage to murder them. Each demiurge is going to get their shot at manipulating Allison to further their ends but I think it's wrong, as many out there think, to believe they want her key for themselves. They know better - to the demiurges, the key is clearly radioactive.
The only people who have demonstrated a real desire for her key are likely idiots, Maya maybe excluded.
The pages focusing on vast alien cityscapes and other outlandish environments have always been the highlight of this comic. The characters were at their best when they were glorified POV devices taking us around to see the sights.
GETTING the key would probably be a noose around your neck. The following two things would be true:
>You would empower another individual as much as or more than yourself to use it.
>Every other faction knows you have this power and want it.
Both Mottom and Salami Dave only want the power so they can fuck off so they need a specific kind of person they don't currently have to use it, while the danger presented is much greater this way. Grampa Dragon already cedes equivalent power to his top priestess from himself so nothing would change for him and he doesn't really care. Incubus is playing the long game with Allison so he has her where he want her and Jagganoth is in on it.
Even if some random layabout got ahold of it and tried to REACH HEAVEN THROUGH VIOLENCE they wouldn't have the army or support to actually go toe to toe with the others and would quickly be overwhelmed by them.
>Maya maybe excluded
Everything points to Maya being one of the biggest idiots in the comic.
>The only people who have demonstrated a real desire for her key are likely idiots
Jagganoth wants it and he's highly intelligent. Gog probably wants it too because of her insane envy. The reason why they haven't moved to get it is the pact of the seven part world
>tfw Allison will never step on your sword and kick you in the face
>There were people who were doubting based /ourgirl/
He might have thrown the fight, we don’t know how Gog fixed the fights yet.
Nobody has made a move to take the key from Allison. Allison only went to them. The act of seizing the key is trivial and nobody has lifted a finger to do so. Their effort is proportional to their want and if you ask me, that effort amounts to literally zero.
We know the Pact isn't magically binding. It's a gentleman's agreement. Nothing is stopping anybody from acting in any way besides retaliatory action by the others, which Jag is close to no longer fearing. If it was so easy to take the key and annihilate the others Jag would have done so already - ANY of them would have done so yet they have not. It means the key's power is fucking poison in a way we do not understand yet.
I see Alison trained under Great Destiny Man.
another page wasting the reader's time
The act of seizing the key isn't trivial, it essentially grants infinite power to its wielder. Each one has their own reasons for wanting or not wanting to grab it
>Mottom is deadly terrified of the power and the burden that comes with it
>Mammon was too absorbed on his riches and the count
>Jadis is a crippled who wants to die
>Solomon wants to be Royalty, which is a long complex path of study that can't just be replaced by some powerful MacGuffin
>Gog is insane and unfocused
>Incubus doesn't seem to care and would rather see his fellow demiurges burn around him
>Jagganoth does want it, as we know from his conversation with Incubus. The omnipotence would probably come in handy for his mission of cosmic annihilation and given that he's the greatest warrior in creation he probably has the skill, discipline and knowledge required to wield it properly
They're all dissuaded by the fact that if one moves against Allison everyone else will move against that one
It's poison in the sense that absolute power corrupts and is poison. This is why Mottom cried when Allison called her out. She knows that despite devouring worlds and having a gigantic court and destroying all challengers she's probably mentally weaker than she was when she killed her husband. Solomon David likewise went from a man who would go through anything and any level of hell or betrayal for revenge to a glorified bureaucrat resting on his laurels and looking for excuses to not advance. Mammon was a being of pure greed but he's turned into a fat, pitiable being who doesn't even remember why he began.
Meti claims to have attained royalty and central to her ideology is disregarding the keys, which aren't actually needed, and living as a beggar with nothing. This keeps her in a state of desire and necessary action. Likewise Intra claims the same and although he had servants and attendants he still lived as a mean drunk. Hansa was a god who attained royalty but he was likewise also an abusive drunk who didn't concern himself with those details. None of these people needed a key to get there.
Now that they have the key it can't be removed and they're essentially stuck with both it and the power it comes with. It's equivalent to a champion boxer from the ghetto who wins a fat prize, gets so fat he can't even make his weight cut, and his career is basically over.
The only beings who actually need the key are the Archangels who helped to make it. Because they physically can not do what mortal humans can even if they have the power and need a human host to make it happen.
>Ring outs
>In a setting where people can probably fly
Surely, Eris Lo Kai isn't going out like a bitch?
He has no wings
We don't know that it's just a gentlemans agreement. The Demiurges might have bound themselfes in another way.
please go away
Let's say Allison defeats the Demiurges and stops the Angel genocide plot by the end of the comic.The only way to not stagnate is the reject being king and go her own way otherwise Allison will eventually become a Demiurge herself. The key is not the issue here. The problem is human/servant nature to relax and become complacent and enjoy the spoils of your hard work. One can never relax while chasing Royalty because Royalty is the motion of continuously cutting yourself; therefore, if Allison gets to the end and sits back to enjoy being top dog on Throne, she loses.
I think this is where the Allison/Zaid thing will end up. Allison is the successor, but knowing where being king leads, she gives up kingship and continues to become Royalty. Zaid may take up the throne.
Go back to /tg/
It was pretty obvious she was going to do a sword step, but I was hoping for something more original. At least she did a callback to White Chain though, kind of a sweet gesture from her. Hopefully WC sees it and gives retarded Allison another chance of faith.
I think the timeskip has ironically slowed down the pace of the story.
Now there's a bunch of stuff that we haven't seen which will probably only be alluded to in terms of character progression and such.
Instead of just actually showing it to us.
We were at an interesting stage where Allison was taking cheat mode from some other god guy and now she doesn't even slightly resemble that same character in terms of personality. She may as well be a different character entirely. I see absolutely none of the old Allison in this one we have now.
It's like the author just had a massive sabbatical and forgot what he had written before.
>Hurrr durr main character is the same for several books (even though that is not true),
>hurr durr there was character progression, they are not the same any more
This is how you sound in every one of these
Go away already it's not like the author even comes here anymore
Timeskip is not how you do character progression.
It's the lazy man's way out.
>he is lazy
Show us thy hard efforts.
how is it wasting time? it's literally a fight sequence. they're fighting. it's a tournament.
i don't get what else he would have to do here for you to "approve" of it.
Remember that time when Allison channeled the power of a goddess to headbutt a devil?
Abbadon didn't!
>"have you ever made a game" argument
My fucking sides. This shit is going the way of paranatural by the end of the year.
Show us another work that you think had a well-developed character progression then
You don't have to be good at doing X in order to know that someone else doing X is garbage. Like, if you can't cook for shit you can still tell the difference between a dish done by a random schmuck and dish done by Gordan Ramsey.
Another piece of work having good or bad parts doesn't effect how good or bad certain parts of KSBD are.
To be fair, that was born from both Allison's anger and Incubus's influence whereas the current situation is less anger more panic. See pic related
>You don't have to be good at doing X in order to know that someone else doing X is garbage.
That's not what I said. Someone who does nothing can't call someone who does something "lazy". You can call it shit, sure.
user, you can tell at a glance that this guy just looooves to complain, he's NEVER going to give you a good example of character development because being constructive, backing up what he says and recommending Yea Forums stuff he likes goes totally against his internet salt man persona.
You're right that's not what you said before, I will agree ther. To go off what you just said though, someone can absolutely call someone else lazy even if they themselves don't do anything. Yes it's pretty hypocritical but it's not necessarily wrong. Just because you're doing something, no matter how little you're doing, doesn't mean you're somehow exempt from being called lazy even if it's coming from those who do nothing.
And to be fair they didn't call Abby lazy overall they said that timeskipping is a lazy thing to do.
>abaddon is a hack
who could have guess
>tfw too high iq to be a demiurge
Ooh, I told you she was gonna jump on the sword
this comic was better before Allison became a muscle girl fetish
>Show us another work that you think had a well-developed character progression then
I'm dying, this is fucking hilarious
user you're not supposed to throw around truth bombs like that
you'll shatter his mind
>going from getting both arms paralyzed to stepping on a sword and doing a multi-hit kick combo
glad she won without op shit but the way she did it looks weird
Yeah user, show us your effort in refuting the point instead of using a generic dismissal.
Please do not drag Uncounted or anything related to it into your mindless shitposting.
This, I don't relate to Allison now.
user, you asked what did shit better. It was that. Time skips are sometimes useful in speeding up the progression of a character. However, they can also fuck up the pacing of a comic and due to how they work can fuck up character progression.
She hasn't been /ourgirl/ for a looong time.
This, timeskip killed it
Tho to be fair Allison has been an atrociously unlikeable cunt ever since the raid on the treasury
The worst part about Allison as a character is that she brings no part of 21st century woman to this weird-ass world of Demons and Angels.
She might as well be from some imaginary fantasyland, her background and past have absolutely no bearing or influence on her situation. She's an empty character who exists simply to showcase Abaddon's world-building.
We know nothing at all about her actual hopes/dreams/aspirations at all except her feelings of inadequacy against a bunch of super-dimensional overlords.
In short, the Demi-urges have become the main characters, and they are just super-extreme oddball archetypes. The human element is lost.
The current arc is worse than the previous ones though
>I see absolutely none of the old Allison in this one we have now.
Just last page she almost got herself killed out of her own stupidity.
I disagree, Allison's had more character building time than any other character. In case you haven't been paying attention, Allison WANTS to rescue Zaid because she feels guilty and can't leave this whole situation unresolved. Her desire is to do this on her own strength, because she didn't like the weak person she was before, and wants to be stronger on her own two feet. That's plenty of motivation.
Making your body as light as a feather is a pretty basic kungfu qi trick. I'll be very suprised if this isn't a thing in Throne.
This is a fun little callback to the training, I dig it.
Yeah, just now
>this entire post
Haha oh wow.
Whether you like Allison’s personality or not, her character establishment and progression has always been present within the comic. Go back and read s l o w e r.
How would you improve the comic?
You're only gonna get dumb answers like kill off allison or make the demiurges the mcs.
Give allison the greastsword again
We all foresaw Allison jumping on the blade, but I don't think any of us called the rest.
make everyone turn their backs at allison so we end up in murderhobo phase where alisson has do do on her own
That’s what I loved about the devil drinking contest, the whole YOU’LL NEVER OUTDRINK A SORORITY SISTER bit was great and we lost all of that. It’s such a great premise and he’s completely wasted it.
u are dum
read this thing
This action feels less intense than older sequences. Maybe its just me.
>tfw no dark-flamed, rage-prone, tsundere, big tiddy autistic demigodess gf
Aesma is cute, CUTE!!!
Yeah, before the time skip.