I want an SCP cartoon.
What would one be like?
I want an SCP cartoon
Other urls found in this thread:
The Secret Saturdays
>CN makes an SCP cartoon.
>It kills all the kids that watch it.
> (OP)
Containment is amazing show with endearing characters and good writing. I heard just hired an animator so hopefully they can produce more. This show needs to be on adult swim
Why is this still popular? Didn't the cool kids move onto that Chinese game?
just give me pinata
shameless bump
And the Chinese moved onto this.
Just give me 1471 with the nurse mod
SCP used to be actually interesting. Fags ruined it.
Scp confinement
A crew of dedicated test subjects and lackeys journey into space to destroy the Homestuck satellites
Lobotomy Corp isn't particularly popular compared to SCP, which has several short films, is fucking booming in Japan, has a LN and several manga, has multiple spinoff and branch sites and is just generally a massive thing overall.
It was interesting when we were edgy teens/young adults. Once you grow up the old shit is almost as cringe inducing as the new shit like the sentient web comic.
>tfw the Mother and its 'milk' actually terrified me when I was younger
Must be a show to die for, I guess.
Personally I still find it interesting. Everyone always brings up the same shitty and cringy SCPs but there's tons of really good ones that nobody talks about because they're just not as popular. I know there's a few lesser known ones I like that I just have trouble recalling because nobody ever talks about em.
>He wants NuSCP
>What would one be like?
Stunning and brave
Give me my Antimemetics Division series or I will drop spiders in your bedsheets tonight.
It's not that SCP became cringey. Instead, what happens is they started demanding "high-quality" articles, which really just means adding 50 pages of autistic lore to your OC donutsteel. This more than anything ruined the site for me, because it seems like every new SCP is an overly-detailed world-ending Keter and they stopped focusing on the simpler articles that gave the foundation personality.
Some of the simplest ones are my favorites
also, post your favorites
The simpler articles are still made, or just the plain weird ones. They actually had a boom in articles that were just about random assorted anomalies for a while, like fish acting like trains or trains acting like fish (complete with internal structure).
You mean trannies.
>1 year later
>still trying desperately to make that a meme
You will never become the next shiggy, no matter how many years you keep trying.
3090 is good
Not exactly proving that you aren't asspained /pol/tards or Yea Forumsirgins here, you do realize?
Are you actually retarded?
>t. Gashmad Tranny
>bitches about "MUH TRANNIES"
>keeps garbage images on his computer seemingly EXACTLY for when people tell him to go back to /pol/
>spergs at people whenever they tell him this and tries to deflect
>almost always uses the exact same talking points across threads whenever he spergs
>reacts in the sane fashion whenever people call him out in any thread
Dunno. Are you?
Doesn't help that 80% of the entries are trash
You aren't proving that you aren't a cocksmoking faggot either, but I'm not judging.
I provided evidence as to why scp a shit, you kneejerked with m-muh /pol! and got called out on it.
A man of taste.
>I provided evidence as to why scp a shit
You've read all 5000+ entries on the site (not counting Tales, or all of the branch sites) and know them intimately instead of simply cherrypicking about 10 or so to try and validate yourself and your rhetoric?
Wow, it actually took a while for the “SCP is ruined by trannies and SJWs” shitposters to show up this time. Wonder how long until someone posts the fan image of a bunch of SJW fans and their “We are SCP image”
They probably werent familiar enough with 999 to know on first glance that this was an SCP thread.
>It's another "world-ending OC with a poorly edited entry" episode
I don't need to. The staff is evidently full of SJWs, and SJWs aren't capable of creating or managing anything good, only destroying it.
Politics,snowflakes,mary sues,self inserts like Dr Bright and LOL REDACT EVERYTHING killed SCP
Prove me wrong
>"i dont need to explain or prove myself in any way with evidence or reasoning because you're wrong and i'm right screeee!!
You need to be 18 or above to post on this website.
Literally all but the first one was extremely prevalent during the early days of SCP. Autists like just keep spamming the same shit over and over again that it look more prevalent than it is
Bitch please, I'm old enough to be your dad. And I already provided evidence of the staff being infested with SJWs.
But (You) keep trying.
Oh and lack of quality control
Only a bare handful of SCPs are explicitly political.
Gone in the purge.
>mary sues
See above.
>self inserts like Dr Bright
See above. Bright and the other OCs are increasingly used less and less.
Hardly used as a narrative device anymore. Can't really name any recent article that goes overboard with it.
Take your medicine and go back to sleep, kid.
possibly the dumbest thing i've ever seen
these pages are really shitty dude. there's nothing spooky or disturbing about someone's contorted creative process to make a scp that messages their political beliefs. can you say anything that isn't so basic?
i swear to fuck i'm sick of these fucking scpfags showing up on my board insisting their super special god ender who is totally not just a single paragraph of text could beat everyone in dc and marvel combined
Include this one next time user!
This is probably the worst thing you could ever say regarding the site. Back in Series I and II, this could apply, but it's literally retarded to say so now.
>namefag is an absolute retard who supports fellow retards
Golly gee, what a surprise.
nope, you can't say anything that isn't so basic. thanks for confirming it for us
>fuck i don't have anything good to keep the (You)s coming, i'll have to keep calling user underage
You still have much to learn in the art of (You)farming, young padawan. But keep trying, and enjoy the last one. It's on the house.
>going into powerlevel threads to begin with
That's your fucking problem. It's not because of SCP, it's literally just how powerlevel threads tend to go.
Shitposting like this isn't really doing you any favors. Nor is clinging to 10 articles out of literal thousands. But you do you.
with stuff like the homestuck satellites on the site the ones that are worth anything might as well be isolated spooky stories that are written in the same way
>that one power level thread where someone made a power level bingo and only the SCPfag who made the thread got butthurt
Honestly, this autist and his fuck-circle kinda remind me of Barneyfag, except for SCP. Similar behaviors and obsessive hatreds.
>with stuff like the homestuck satellites
Literally a single article from Series II or so that faggots like you keep on using as if it represents the 5000+ articles the main site has alone. And that's just from the actual SCPs. It's not proof of anything, outside of you quite likely being retarded, autistic, or both.
Oh look, I can do it to but for good pages.
Gee, maybe cherrypicking SCPs to fit your narrative isn’t a good idea huh? But you’re probably just gonna call the majority of these shit because muh SJW boogeyman
I unironically like groups of interest more than Foundation
If one were to try and list all the SCPs the autist conveniently ignores to try and fit his narrative, we'd be here for literal days. Probably need multiple threads, too.
Have the bingo?
literally just keep it to the ones that are actually good like the basketball tape or the wish granting owl pillow that has to be related to creamed corn to work
any of the shit that relies on lore to be good like 4231 should be ignored
post it
Someone should chart out the distribute of le ebin upvotes across all articles. I bet it's skewed heavily towards "just enough upvotes to keep the article from being deleted"
right here mate
That bingo was absurdly shitty, and doesn't even cover the bare minimum of things that have stupid high powerlevels, and get discussed on here. We'd have to include a shocking amount of fiction just to fill it up. Probably dedicate an entire thread to it, even.
Most of the simpler SCP's are fine enough, but you can't make a show out of them unless it's just random gags and skits thrown out every other day. Which can be fun on its own, but doesn't tend to hold a show unless you're making a comedy.
Wait, really?
I can't actually recall anyone other than shitposters getting angry over He-Man. And by "shitposters", I mean the kind of people sho get pissed off at anything not DC and Marvel period.
Then again, that bingo is pretty terrible and is mostly memes and shitposts to begin with.
t. angry that the guy who made it gave his scp logo the rainbow color
I didn't even notice the SCP logo. Just pointing out that it's an inherently shitty bingo that's made out of low-effort memes and shitposts. It doesn't even scratch the bare minimum of powerlevel shit that we end up having threads for. Or hell, even powerlevel shit in general.
Martin Mystery
He-man is what catches your eye, and not Sonic, Scrooge or whatever left-of-kratos is supposed to be? Heck, Who shouldn't be there either, since he's apparently a small fry by Time Lord standards.
>Not power level thread material
where do you think you are?
No matter what. I still think that scp-3999 is one of the best even now.
If it were actually made well and not because one guy got triggered in an SCP powerlevel thread, it would've included shit like the Time Lords, the Daleks, the Xeelee, the Flood, the Motherfucking Bydo, Ultraman, Godzilla and the other kaiju, SMT, the Crimson King, Made In Heaven, more shit from the Kirby series than just Kirby, etc.
But it's not. It's just a bingo made as an asspained reaction to one thread. It's the equivalent of kids on a playground mocking another kid for being silent and not helping them to bully other kids, which makes them mad.
>I want an SCP cartoon. What would one be like?
Courage the Cowardly Dog.
Scrooge is a powerhouse when he gets mad, but he's nowhere near powerlevel wank material.
I have no idea what half of those names are, but I'm assuming at least some of them covers the 5 things on the bingo I don't recognize. But props to the maker for Powerman.
>not knowing Ultraman
>not knowing R-TYPE
Boy, are you in for a ride.
I didn't specify any names.
2, 3, 7, 10 and 16 are the bingo things I don't recognize.
Who would voice him
I never even watched it. I just know it's the cartoon about cryptids.
Holy fuck you are retarded
Delet this right fucking now
it would just be constant "no u" tier powerwanking and jobbing
imagine an upbeat suicide song, cuz that would be the vibe
You and the other guy posted the same scp (#3333). So is it good, or not?
Actually good though
Did any of you guys play SCP roleplay? on gmod?
If you're fellow SID you're my bro
I don’t understand why this /x/ fanfic is always posted here
Why do people come into threads just to say how bad the topic is?
Seems retarded
It wouldn’t exist, because the circlejerk discord wouldn’t allow it.
I prefer the manga
Something about the community is really off-putting. I read the comments of a page I liked and it's nothing but inside jokes and the same dozen people who all know each other, talking about how "the chat" helped them write it. And it seems like I have to read 10 other pages to understand anything. It's just dense and insular and unapproachable. Maybe I'm just autistic
heh heh...SCP-682!! (only insiders get this)
Never read the comments
but what if I’m a brainlet and don’t understand the SCP and look there for clues?
You won’t find any.
Because Yea Forums and most of this site has become an absolute garbage circlejerk where nothing can ever be discussed outside of hivemind-approved content.
Wow. That's really pathetic.
Maybe you should get a life.
This isn't an SCP. This is a self-indulgent blogpost.
I really like the simple concepts that allow for a whole lot of very short but interesting outputs.
Like the clockwork machine that reprocesses anything fed into it, or the magic vending machine, or the plum trees that take on properties of whatever material they're planted in.
Things that lead to lots of really really short writing that plays around with the central premise.
>Started reading SCP because a random SCP video about SCP2399 that pooped on my youtube rec list
>Exactly this one youtu.be
>It all so creepy and awsome
>Noticed that the more I read the harder is to find something that could give the the same vibes of the firsts SCP I read
>Noticed how the recent SCP entrance are nothing compared to the firsts series.
>Noticed most of the fandom are underaged kids obsessed over 5 or 6 overgloryfied shits
>Noticed the Yea Forums fandom prefer porn bullshit about those 5 or 6 overgloryfied shits instead of actual foundation discussion
>Noticed how the mentioned spergs fucked up pretty hard the recent foundation documents
>Everytime I tried to have an actual foundation discussion thread gets derailed into foundation hate because of the mentioned spergs
>In three years I've just just two (2) actual SCP discussions that don't get derailed into foundation hate circlejerk
I thought being part of the SU fandom was tiresome, but, damn, this is far way worse that the rock fuckers.
Go to the discussion forum, mah boi, that's the worst part.
This! SCP peaked during series 3
Being part of "the fandom" is a pretty dumb move.
Just read the articles and pretend they were written by robots that have no opinions
there's thousands of these things
you can only do "machine does its job REALLY good" so many times
Are there really enough "cute" SCPs, or is it going to be an edgy horrorfest?
reminder that this exists
How can we improve SCP's reputation?
Maybe curate a list of easy-to-understand pages?
link it , i wanna see it again and i dont remember the name
Right here senpai.
I fucking hate these pointless word filters.
yeah , i saw , thanks bud
Quite welcome, my guy.
Which SCP is the cringiest and SJWest?
And ive already seen the sattelite.
Ur mom
I saw a picture on Yea Forums that made me cringe.
Is that an SCP?
Pic related.
Warning: It's cognitohazardous.
I don't think it would work as a cartoon. While a lot of it is goofy and whatnot a lot of it is pretty grave (or at least it tries to be).
Like Anime
how much they sanitazed the wiki? because they deleted alot of stuff from the Things Dr Bright Is Not Allowed To Do At The Foundation
If you hadn't posted it, I would have.
They haven't really sanitized much of anything. The rape coral is still there, as are the magma centipedes and the Vorehole amongst others.
Needs an Umineko rep
I find it funny that even though it says 1471 is male in his entry everyone disregards that to make furry-fapbait.
I haven't. What's the number?
Not for children, so probably a shitty comedy.
On that topic, what number is the girl that has to be raped to prevent the apocalypse?