Discuss the other works besides Zim of Jhonen Vasquez

Discuss the other works besides Zim of Jhonen Vasquez

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>Jhonen: Invader ZIM was a mistake.

Johnny the homicidal maniac sucked. 9th grade ninja is supposedly good, but nobody watched it.

what other works, lol

Ninth Grade Ninja was boring af.

Johnny The Homicidal Maniac
Happy Noodle Boy
I feel sick
Filler Bunny

I remember really liking i feel sick and Squee, Squee always felt really similar to Zim in terms of humor

Randy cunninham was pretty good, started to have a more serious plot on the last season, but the character design and most of the personalities were pretty good, the constrast between Randy and Howard makes a pretty funny dynamic

I felt his run of Garfield was rather shoddy. I'm glad Jim Davis took back over and Jhohen is not the artist.

That TMNT short he directed was fun.

Didn't Nick originally approach Jhonen for a Squee show and it was eventually turned into Zim?

I Feel Sick is one of my favorite comics.


He looks exactly like the kids I beat up in jr high

Squee > Nny

Did Jhonen write 9th grade Ninja? I tough he only did the designs

Tfw no qte gothic boy to beat the shit up

I'd beat him up then give him a kiss on the cheek.

I liked the Sam and Max/JTHM crossover

I need to read Johnny The Homicidal maniac again just to see how it holds up but from what little I remember I am guessing it won't. Squee I remember really enjoying the most as well as that story where he makes fun of Liefeld's work.

The original Zim was funny for the split second cuts of people dying or screaming or saying something stupid. It was lolsorandum but hilarious. I don't think his sense of humor works for comics. Doing edgy humor while be restrained to not saying "fuck" is when his stuff is at its best. Great art style for sure.

I Feel Sick is probably his strongest work.

Parts of it hold up really well.

Always curious what he did for money. Seems like after Zim he just vanished for over a decade with no comics or cartoons and suddenly he's reappeared with new cartoon gigs.

This guy is a faggot, google his opinion on anime, hes retarded and Zim was a fluke, a stroke of luck

If he got money for Invader Zim merch, even 1%, he would be pretty set.

He only did the character designs/initial art director

This is not a joke: the Hot Topic merch was enough to make him a millionaire and so after Zim he fucked off for a long time just playing World of Warcraft. I think he was Forsaken Rogue or Mage, maybe guild leader running raids. Dave Chapelle did something similar at one point. If you've got "fuck you" money, you can say "fuck you "

I need to pick up JTHM sometime.
The Devil was my favorite part.

>I need to read Johnny The Homicidal maniac again just to see how it holds up
Same here man. I don't think I've read it since middle school.

I’ve just realized now that 9th grade ninja has a similar look to his art style.

Literally first time I even hear that name.

It's a bit uneven. Some of the stuff is just kinda cringy faux-deep and edge, some of it is still pretty fucking funny.

Attached: jhonen alien comic.jpg (897x565, 135K)

>cringy faux-deep and edge
I thought those werent meant to be taken seriously at all.

Johnny the homicidal maniac is awesome

Fillerbunny is cute.

I think he said he never saw a dime of that money.