There are no human characters in Questionable Content
Questionable Content
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fuck off tranny
did you edit the dialogue from the blue character in the last panel ?
I don't know where you got the idea that I could be a tranny but I admire your persistence
Surprisingly, no
>Surprisingly, no
well that's just foul
the entire comic is robots after humans went extinct and some of the robots are programmed to think they are human and behave like humans but come out as stereotypes.
i like it.
You aren't immune to Questionable Content
>maybe he'll fuck the tranny
>maybe she'll fuck the robot
I see now the name of the game will be
>maybe the robots will fuck each other
What the fuck? I was told Winslow was a gay shota. Did you all lie to me?
Don't worry, Roko will transition into being a male robot and it'll all work out.
they're going to swap bodies since Roko has "dysphoria"
Terrible. I mean shipping pink with purple is fine enough but I really wanted the shota to take it in the ass...
I suppose I'll have to settle for Clinton being dicked.
I thought that twink was a fag. Maybe he still is, but just has good taste.
Never miss a day of Questionable Content.
He could still end up taking a strapon in his ass or Or maybe he ban be a bi-bot...
There is hope.
Terrible, and thats a good thing!
The twist is that none of QC is real and it's just a training program for new AIs on how to interact with others.
The last panel of the comic will be Marten waking up in a robot body in an unrecognizable post-singularity world, and Pintsize takes his hand.
>implying Roko isn't going to introduce him to Yaaaaaaaaay New Friend (spookybot) where her lack of morality will lead her to will tie him down, sexually tortured, teased, and then left sexually frustrated by half a dozen or so of her robot clones
I hate how much I like this.
There will always be a new maybe.
>maybe the tranny will fuck a robot
>maybe the robot tranny will fuck shota
So is Sven now her boss or is she referring to some other piss clown we haven't seen yet?
Someone we have not seen yet.
Just because Roko looks like a woman and uses feminine pronouns, none of that means she DOESN’T have a robo-horsecock installed. The twink can still take it up the ass without having to resort to strap-on. Have faith my fellow QC fans. The Hack will not let us down
Okay, first of all Jeph will always let us down. Secondly, why would she have a robo-horsecock when her bread fetish would far more likely see some form of vagina oven?
lets us read and enjoy questionable content
i love that album
there’s a yeast joke here somewhere
>robolet twink thinking he has a chance
This is a crackship.
You just posted cringe, my dude.
he posted truth
You're all correct; somebody's going to get fucked but in a surprise twist it's you for reading this tripe.
People like you have been saying this shit here for a decade but here you still are.
what makes you think i don't like getting fucked
We must read and enjoy Questionable Content
I better see porn of these two soon or I'll start making my shitty bulge edits soon.
I want to see Roko carry Pinkie to the machine shop and demand that his shattered pelvis be replaced with something tougher.
who's the blonde green eyed bitch?
>takes his hand
fuckin a-plus post
WTF I hate scattelore now.
I thought the Tranny's brother was a robosexual after the lady robocop, what ever happened to that?
He's headed down the poly route with brown autist and big gay.
Sexy Robot
if that plot line ever gets picked back up
Goddamn, that takes me back
Sic Semper Jeph Jacques - Brutus
Are there any discussions about where QC really dropped the ball on its worldbuilding?
it tried to maintain a post singularity setting without any of the technological windfalls typically associated with such a setting. just an ever increasing robot cast among a mostly oblivious group of twenty somethings. there's an inherent incoherence between setting and storylines.
Oh no what I was asking was have there been any good discussions about QC tech or how characters could/should act?
I want to cum inside Roko
That’s what a tranny would say.
I liked her better as a cop with bread fetish and the her being cop related cuteness in general, but if she gets it on with the pink sleevebot she may yet still be salvageable.
>shorter than I'd like
Yeah, Winslow never had a chance.
Thing is she could have very well taken into helping may/working as volunteer while still staying as cop. It's california for fucks sake.
Pretty sure her new body is even taller too, or she's wearing elevated shoes off-panel almost all the time.
>[yellow]"Cis as the day I was born."
The comic takes place in Massachusetts. Marten’s mom lived in California.
and his dad?
You don't understand. There are bad cops, that means the system is bad, which means to be good she can't be part of the system, so she quit her job, thus making the system worse, so she can make things better.
Tall chicks wearing heels and lifts is top-tier, user, one of the drawfags should get right on it.
Iunno where his dad lives, all I know is he divorced Marten’s mom and got gay married at some point.
There are subtoe changes in the art, here. Either Jeph is trying to adjust his style again or he's finally hired a ghost artist.
Either way,
>robo relationshit
Oh, boy oh boy. Yet another will-they-won't-they. Relationships in QC seem to be like some kind of round robin tournament, lately.
Can't help but notice Roko's amazing shrinking nose between the 1st and 4th panels.
>subtle changes
That's more like it
When sexbots become an actual thing I'm unironically ordering the Bubbles model. I'll be 90 by the time it happens but IDGAF.
He owns a nightclub in florida
Brun better end up with someone or I'm dropping this shit for good.
Boy I forgot how much he's changed her appearance. Should we complain on tumblr?
She’s technically wearing full body armor. So her design isn’t technically too different.
Do not read Questionable Content.
> Sexbots
> a thing
> 20xx feminist politics
Probably banned and illegal.
>I'll be 90 by the time it happens but IDGAF.
Strongly suggest you just claim it's a motor assistance bot for elderly people like yourself.
No one needs to know it has a synthwomb installed
Yea Forums decided just to call people tranny intermittently regardless of the context.
Twinkbot has a glow mode
Oh, I forgot to post the page. Maybe it's my subconscious trying to stay away from Questionable Content.
Love is now a perversion in the mind of Jeph Jaques
We're really gonna do this shit all over again god dammit
AC2 never ever
This is the shit QC has been doing since the start except now with fewer humans and backgrounds.
This is literally the only plotline QC has.
This is why we keep coming back.
Jeph Jaques raped and killed a girl in 1990.
Honestly that's kind of impressive for a 10 year old.
Maybe this is Jacques expressing a desire to partake in snu-snu.
considering the current state of the videogames industry, it's definitely acceptable that old titles won't be touched; bad-touched.
>This is why we keep coming back.
Was it?
I was only coming back to QC threads for draw user's interpretation of lewd robutts.
It all comes down to the same thing user: robot fucking
What’s the most dynamic panel he’s down for this comic? Something different from the usual “people standing and talking?” Anybody ever pose dramatically ... while talking? And no, I don’t mean that stupid angry fists at the waist thing.
I'm new here. Why is there a QC thread on Yea Forums? It seems like the opposite of everything Yea Forums otherwise seems to be, like, in every way. And half of you seem to hate it anyway.
I mean tbf I hate it too and read it anyway too but I assumed that was cause I have trash standards
once you move past constant disappointment in things you love the familiar misery of something you hate somehow becomes welcoming.
We're just in too deep
Not everyone is a stormfront proud boy latent mass shooter on this website despite what they might have you believe.
Also I've been reading this trash since it was an indie rock version of Friends and I have no reason to stop now.
what a relief, he's not a faggot
Do not read Questionable Content.
Where were you 11 years ago to warn me?
Go on...
This comic is terrible.
No, we have been beyond terrible for a while now.
I don't know the word for what we are now.
Roko is sexy, but she's also a thot, despite the fact that she doesn't breathe.
Half-ironic-but-not-really investment in the comic. There's a long, sordid history. I jumped on board during The Trappening. It's been years. There was actually a brief period of relief, but the threads started back up for reasons I cannot remember. Stay away from these thread lest you be sucked in too. There is no greater hell than compulsively following along with the latest relationship teasing in Heph Hacques' chronicle of mediocrity. Read Questionable Content.
questionable consent
Help, I came back from my trip and my computer went to the store and fell in love with another computer that used to be a cop and god dammit I just want to check my email.
Doesn't breadbot want to fuck boy claire?
Here's how it's gonna go down. Roko fucks Elliot. CIS Boy AU Claire fucks Brown, and Winslow enjoys a wholesome, abstinent relationship with Melon.
Or Boy Claire and Elliot get together, which would throw everything off.
Roku doesn't want to fuck Eliot nor does Eliot want to fuck Roku. Roku wants to fuck Clinton, Clinton wants to fuck Brun, Brun wants to fuck Clinton, Clinton is okay with fucking Eliot, Eliot wants to fuck Brun, Eliot is okay with fucking Clinton, Renee wants to fuck Eliot, Renee has probably sexually assaulted Brun at some point, Winslow wants to fuck Roku, Spooky probably wants to fuck Roku, May wants to sexually bully Winslow but not actually have sex with him, Momo wants to watch, Marigold wants to watch Momo watching while wearing a Japanese schoolgirl outfit, Dale wants to tell Marigold to not be weird but has to work tonight so he texts May to stop her but May misinterprets and shows up to Clinton's dorm room with a pool noodle, bag of champagne poppers, and novelty sized cowboy hat and spends the even looking at naked pics of Clinton's mom and splitting a joint with Clinton's roommate, Clinton's roommate wants to know who this blue barbie doll is but enjoys the company of a fellow aficionado of amateur MILF anal porn.
Anyone else remember when this was an indie rock reference comic about a dude, his mate, the girl he wanted to fuck and an inappropriate robot?
And because you keep posting these comics, I'm beginning to question if you're human.
That never happened, who even is this stev... wait what am I remembering, this is impossible! This is a comic about the struggle of transgender folks and the final victory of social justice, what is happening??
Better plot than what we've had in the last years.
Is Jeph just going to keep drawing Roko hotter and hotter because I'm fine with that
Fuck you, you keep that masterpiece out of your filth.
seems like it
Yes but now with two completely uninteresting characters nobody likes
Bubbles has a tickle zone but we don’t see it in the comic. Show, don’t tell, Jeph.
Based Terrible poster.
Speaking of Roko's nose, it is a bit bigger than average, is she falling into the Jewish Princess category?
>hating Haddaway
We're coming for you, bitch.
Nedroid and QC are about the same level of comic.
Nedroid was a funny gag strip that never got preachy or had to rely on pandering to get an audience.
Terrible, thanks for posting.
Only if it’s heterosexual.
For some reason this is the only webcomic lolcow that isn’t unofficially banned here.
no no no
once all the characters have something approximating a pair, spoookybot initiates the fuckpocalypse.
A cloud of aphrodisiacs descend upon the city and latent malware in the AI's gets turned on. Everyone migrates to the town square and just begins to form a giant fuck pile. The robots provide some structural rigidity to the mass while the humans keep everything lubricated.
All the characters have sex with all the other characters, including the dog, until finally in the distance sirens are heard. The automated systems have been breached, and the missiles are coming. An atomic orgasm finishes off the human species and all the simulacrum AI that were necessary to placate them.
how can one user be so wrong
How else would he be able to post?
Welcome to Questionable Content. Enjoy your stay.
It used to be way bigger, if anything it's getting smaller as time goes on.
Which one of them has the most terrible trouser snake?
Some guy keeps on posting it and half of the idiots keep on coming.
Turns out it's Marten, surprisingly. Despite all the jokes Claire's packing a perma-flacid 3 inches while Marten can't wear skinny jeans because there is no room to fit a Pringles can. Winslow has a surprisingly large penis too, though it's actually only a bit larger than normal and only looks enormous due to his tiny frame.
>Possibly literally if he's human
This is the robot that quit the cops because it thought they were bad, right?
Violence solved all problems when people don't give it exactly what it wants?
Leveraging special benefits for its friends?
And it was one of the "good guys"...?
>Baby don't hurt me
Shit choice for becoming besotted with someone.
>shitting on BDHM
Seems like Roko's just fine with violence as long as it's not against the "little people." Take that as you will.
>Winslow still not used to his new body's functions
>Keeps getting random boners thinking of Roko
>Tries to hide them from Hannelore
>Just makes her more curious to see what he's hiding.
>implying Hanners and Winslow haven't been fucking on the reg since he became a twink
Where else is she going to find a guy who can survive an autoclave and make her breakfast?
>Probably banned and illegal.
LOL probably made in China or Japan, neither of whom will give a fuck what feminists think about anything.
>Show, don’t tell, Jeph.
But that would require good writing.
actually that would require no writing.
just dynamic and interesting art.
which is even more unlikely.
The simple fact is none of the people complaining about this comic could do anything so good for so long if their worthless lives depended on it.
>hating “What is Love?” by Hadaway
That character confirmed for shit taste.
Jokes on you, I'm actually Dave Willis.
I didn't even read this before posting it, let's discover this terrible page together
>huffing e-cigs
>not huffing May's exhaust port
Jeph forgot a background again
Moments of introspection mean Jeph can be even lazier
I wanna see the adventures of May trying to get Winslow laid.
Can someone draw a lewd version of this? I'm not saying like one of those "before and after" bimbo/slut things, but I'm also not not saying that.
So basically armored and unarmored Bubbles? Come to think of it, you could also do it with pre- and post-butchening Faye. And do a reverse one with May.
Should someone remind Jeph that Winslow was already volunteering at the AI support group?
Goddamn it, user. I can't draw, I already fapped, and I have a mighty need for this now.
I appreciate the multi page teen problems joke.
Was there an art shift? Roko is looking extra fuckable in the last 3 panels.
>May the "I help autists to get laid" bot is about to activate
So the next arc is going to be Winslow trying to fuck Roko while May decides that she wants his iCock inside her?
>winslow goes buy a baguette
>staples it between his legs
>goes to roko's apartment
>subscribe to my patreon if you want the uncensored pic!
>>subscribe to my patreon if you want the uncensored pic!
Is this advertising or an attempt at parody?
Asking for an unpaid volunteer worker.
Jeph is cockteasing at swallowing the pron pill for patreonbucks. Give it two years and he'll be SJW-Fenoxo.
Except with robots!
He doesn’t even do porn. It’s one ass pic, one smooth robot chassis, and one fucked melon (not the robot)
hey guys I was in a coma, why isn't QC about indie music anymore?
>Probably banned and illegal.
I remember reading that they already have legalization against it in Canada and there have been discussions about it here in Sweden (which actually ended when a surprisingly reasonable feminist mentioned that it was sexist against men to deny them sextoys)
You might want to go back, the world is not what you were used to anymore.
Now you go to jail for wrongly addressing someone, causing them permanent snowflake ptsd.
God, almost makes me wish I were the one in a coma.
somethingpositive is doing this shit too
Jeph had to make her quit to appease the Tumblr horde.
Humanizing police officers is racist, after all.