How long does it take for him to solo the DC/Marvel universes?
How long does it take for him to solo the DC/Marvel universes?
He doesn't. Hal kicks his ass.
did he unlock the master control?
Depends on he gets his hands on Galactus or the living tribunal and pull a marvel zombies
How long does it take you to stop ruining fiction as a whole? Literally all anyone cares about is power levels. You retards done give a shit about the characters themselves, you don't give a shit about the story, you don't give a whit about worldbuilding. All that ever matters to you is who beats who in a fight. Fuck you. Kill yourself.
The watch can't do energy beings
Ben 10 is better than 99.999% of Yea Forums characters. Him being more powerful than 100% of them is irrelevant
Let’s go with yes.
when will you fags learn that a better way to fight what you hate is give something better.
why not open a thread about discussion of characters development and shit? why shit on a thread just because people having fun triggers you?
Yes, I am mad. All you retarded sacks of shit ever seem capable of talking about is power level faggotry. Fuck off and die.
Ben is an unlikeable piece of shit who has his head so far up his ass he can smell his own lungs. Fuck Ben, fuck his power levels, and fuck you.
What about the Marvel universe?
Because they're too scared to have their ego crushed when no one gives a shit and the thread dies with no replies. I'll be honest, power level threads are at least better than the twitter outrage, waifu, and /pol/ threads. They seem to have given Yea Forums a whole new appreciation for Hal Jordan, for instance.
That was because of Death Battle
Eh, same thing.
well then all he would have to do is turn into Ditto and make enough copies to turn into multiple Four Arms, Diamondhead, Way Big and other strong aliens to have an army that cant be beat
thats not how ditto works, if he changes back or to other alien all the forms will dissapear.
That’s Echo Echo’s thing, and even then the clones divided by personality when they’re not Echo Echos, he could barely use 3
Disregarding powerlevel faggotry, what do you think about Ben himself?
How's the reboot?
I do make threads trying to have real discussions. Literally nobody is interested because all you retarded cunts care about is power levels.
Day in and day out it's the same shit because you all lack a sufficient number of brain cells needed to talk about literally anything else. Fucking kill yourself, Goku worshiping troglodyte. Your precious god is a dead beat piece of shit who doesn't care about his wife and children, only his training.
>b-but he's a farmer tho
Fick Toriyama and his slapdash retcon. It's too fucking late, old man. Your golden boy is a shit father, a worse husband, and a godawful friend. Earth would be better off destroyed than have this heinous cunt as its protector.
Not very good
What's there to talk about? The reboot is garbage, the original is the best, OV is second and rest suck
>i do make threads
dont lie in the internet next time.
And so you honestly think power level wank is a reasonable alternative? Fucking hell, you really are that fucking stupid. If there's nothing to talk about, either gush about the good stuff, or leave it the fuck alone. Oh wait, I forgot, you can't just celebrate what you like about the show, because this is Yea Forums, where positivity is illegal. Jump off a cliff and hit every rock on the way down, you boring cunt.
a very positive post you have there son.
So you’re not denying Ben could destroy the Marvel Universe.
I would love o be positive, but nobody around here is capable of having a real conversation about anything. Mostly because you're all a bunch of tards who only read wiki entries.
I literally don't care. Maybe he can, maybe he can't. Ben is still an obnoxious douchebag either way.
Well if we go by death battle logic he'd solo the universe very quickly until everyone just goes back in time to kill him before he starts doing it.
Let it go Kuro
>Powerlevelfags miss the entire point of characters being the sum of their parts and boil them down to a moveset and a list of feats instead of an actual character
I hate this shit, it's the worst
Well, sorry we have different ways to enjoy a given work. Why does it matter to you, anyways? We have our way to have fun with something, you have yours. How does our method of enjoyment harm what you do elsewhere?
Thats exactly what ditto can do, there was an episode just of Ben making two clones and all 3 bens turned into different aliens
That was Echo Echo, it was in Ultimate Alien
yeah mixed those two up, always preferred ditto over echo echo
If only bencucks could read some comics for once, they'd know he's actually pretty weak in comparison to most actual heroes.
If he has access to that hybrid attachment and claps both superman's and martian manhunters asses with the watch, he would have a god tier start desu.
That looks like pure autism, but as I was saying his watch is fucking broken and if anyone had it and a decent amount of intelligence they could take out most settings desu, especially with that evolution add-on or that hybrid add-on, those two just increases the chances of soloing desu. Just think what a half krypton half martian after a million years of evolution in a pure battlefield would be like, fuck ever facing something like that.
He should just stick to fucking his cousin without a condom on.
It is people like you who encourage Kuro’s existence
What about the Celestials, then?
I don't mean to, it's not my fault that the creators went full fucking retarded by making the watch way too powerful and adding new things to it, just calling it as I see it. I'd be fine with them sticking to the basics from the original show instead of turning him into a fucking op god.
Penance Stared
Ditto is cute!
Too bad for him that Hal also cucked him and got Gwen pregnant in the end.