Hey bastards, would you be happy if Disney died?
Hey bastards, would you be happy if Disney died?
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Yes, because then DC movies would rule the roost again.
The resulting free-for-all would result in some interesting new media as everyone rushes to try and fill the void.
Honestly, yeah. They're killing the industry I love. Okay maybe DIE is a bit much but it doesn't seem like they're ever going back to the Disney they were before.
I thought Walt was already dead.
However to answer your question, yes I would like them to dissolve under the crushing weight of the empire they're desperately trying to maintain, and give over the mantle to a new generation to flourish in it's ashes.
I mean all the jobs that would be lost would be devastating but i kinda wanta see what would happen, so yeah lynch the mouse
Only if they got the proper time they need to kill Netflix first.
No, my happiness is largely unaffected by the status of Hollywood studios one way or the other.
disney will never die. even if the company goes bankrupt it'll be bought up by another company and on store shelves in no time.
Not really. No one is constrained as it is. You'd just have Disney stuff snapped up by conglomerates just as large (or larger), making even worse shit.
Do I need to pretend that Disney is the only media corp doing "awful things" or buying up out-sized control over media as a whole, just to fit in around here? Because Disney isn't making the most alarming acquisitions, at all.
I feel like I'd be explaining monopolies to 5-yr olds. Inb4 "Shill", do grow up someday.
If Sony acquired any of Marvel's library, they'd just take over kicking the shit out of DC.
No. Despite the popular prevailing opinion on this board, Disney really isn't bad. Then again, I don't vehemently oppose monopolistic markets so maybe that's just me.
If they died after Treasure Planet, I've would've been sad because there weren't any sequels. But if they died, Star Wars 1313 would exist along with a Rogue Squadron Trilogy, Battlefront 3 and a bunch of good Star Wars games as well. So yeah, I would be happy if they died after Treasure Planet.
I do not want it to die, I just want the normies to stop paying for the shitty trash movies they have made the last decade.
They can make good shit, but they skip that because people see a "cool" Michael Bay lookalike trailer for something and they just gobble that literal piece of shit up.
Or they see some fucking atrocious 3D remake of something that was close to an animated masterpiece and think "that was for kids, but 3d! That sure is for grownups". Fucking trash taste retarded fucks giving money for bad shit.
they dont need to die.
just let their stuff hit public domain so they are presure to make new stuff and others can use their stuff and change it for the better
Bittersweet, it'd be seeing the horrible tyrant that keeps wipming out villages and that used to be my childhood friend die
Yeah, Disney isn't the problem, it's a symptom of the greater market; provided conglomeration continues to be a viable and ideal policy, and so long as antitrust laws continue to fall by the wayside, there will come another Disney.
I feel like they would have be systematically dismantled by the government or something since if they just up and died magically someone else would become the cancerous monopoly instead of removing the problem in general
Disney lives and dies by two things. Chinese and Retarded Normies.
Yes but you vote Republican, aka Pro-Corporation.
So complaining seems stupid.
Disney writes our copyright laws. They are never going to let that happen.
What WOULD happen if Disney died?
Well if you are a mass-media company, it seems pretty intelligent to target 98% of the world's population. That's just common sense.
Hundreds of people would make "edgy" Banksy level cartoons/drawings about how evil Mickey is and how he is brutally killed.
Hopefully the death of the mentality known as Animation is Just For Kids. Disney created this shit mentality and so long as Disney lives they will continue this shit.
There's few things I want more in life than to see Disney dissolve in my lifetime.
Yes, it seems far more important to you than getting laid, marrying and having kids, getting a job with real security, or even just cleaning up your shit-pile of a life.
This. I can tolerate Disney because they at least are, ostensibly, still an entertainment company. The only real damage they can do is to my free time.
Imagine if AT&T got it.
>Disney created this shit mentality
Not really, it was the deluge of toy commercial animation decades ago, ironically much of it churned out by the same Nip-Nongs you worship so vehemently.
It is not a monopoly tho.
They are huge and have insane power, but other people can and are allowed to make all forms of media.
If other companies could not do this, and disney would buy properties left and right just to kill it to save their own properties, that would be a monopoly.
Honestly the film industry would probably die even faster
Disney is literally the only thing keeping people in the theaters
Disney is dead. What you're seeing is a loathsome meat puppet wearing Disney's face dancing to klezmer and destroying cultural iconography.
That is a good thing.
What's amusing is that Disney is the 53rd largest corporation overall, and is dwarfed by Comcast in the category of Media.
if you're retarded which I'm sure you are
now fuck off back to your retard farm and cry about sjws ruining the shit you don't even pay for by putting women and black people in it
Yea, so these Chinese fuckin things see the light of day
well kind of. it'd allow cinema to be more diverse instead of being owned by disney, and it would allow more interpretations on classic stories.
But Song of the Sea is Irish
Thank Your Fucking GOD, Who ever his is that Disney DIDN'T buy the DC Comic.
>that Disney DIDN'T buy DC
>You'd just have Disney stuff snapped up by conglomerates just as large (or larger), making even worse shit.
Yeah, in the current regulatory environment, other media conglomerates like AT&T, Comcast, and Viacom would descend on the dismembered corpse of Disney like a flock of vultures.
The only way to avoid that is to completely overhaul the federal government's entire approach to media consolidation and break them all up.
kek I'm referring to to this 2015 oscars academy voter comment
Fuck me, and retards like this get to vote, without even seeing half the lineup?
I knew the oscar was cancer, but not even watching the things you get to vote on?
Projection is strong in this one. Chris Rock was right when he said Hollywood has lost the average person. Hollywood no longer cares about making good movies. Their business model is the same one The Producers made fun of.
If I recall correctly, what's really sad and impressive is that this voter was only the second worst one that year. That's because there was a guy who said that he didn't see any of them because he just dumped his young child in the theater unattended and went out to make phone calls in the parking lot.
Turns out that, while no name was provided, the actor in question was some hasbeen who gained Academy status from a few minor roles in the late '70s and had done nothing of import in the intervening decades.
Disney can still distribute what goes public domain
>The only way to avoid that is to completely overhaul the federal government's entire approach to media consolidation and break them all up.
Mitch has been hastily assembling a corporate-friendly SCOTUS to prevent such a thing from ever happening in your lifetime.
>Honestly the film industry would probably die even faster
I mean, if Disney ain't there, will people be more inclined to see the next Fantastic Beasts film? The next Fast and Furious Film?
Those are two terrible examples unless you are being sarcastic. Those are two of the few non-Disney franchises that rake in the cash.
Disney dying would not have guaranteed those coming out or being good. Lucasarts was quite capable of fucking up without disney as seen with TFU2.
Like everything else WB, Fantastic Beasts is more diminishing returns. The sequel made like $200 million less than the first one.
Hobbs and Shaw ain't doing much, compared to the big FF franchise offerings.
How big of a faggot you are?
This is why the whole "If Based Disney died the evil Comcast and AT&T would just take its place" is so funny both of them already have studios and neither of them are even close to Disney's level especially AT&T which is currently enjoying WB's worst year in decades
>Fantastic Beasts
>Raking in cash
you're an idiot
Dunno. Don't particularly care, either.
Fuck Disney.
Fuck off, Boco.
What said.
Fantastic Beasts 2 was a huge disaster that even the normies I talked to said they don't want to see anymore, and Hobbs and Shaw is pretty much a small thing this year.
I want Disney to succeed in making great movies.
I want them to lose their monopoly on a lot of copyrights.
Limit copyright to 50 years or the lifetime of the creator(s), whichever is longer, and I'll be happy.
Really, is there some pressing need for other studios to be able to make shit with Mickey Mouse and Pluto?
Is it THAT hard to make your own fucking cartoon mouse? Pls Explain.
/x/, we've been over this, Disney died years ago, he's not cryogenically frozen.
But it is not a monopoly.
This, why do people need their franchises? There are limitless other things people could do with just a small use of imagination.
I think Boco wants to draw and sell fag-art of Disney characters without being sued.
That's all I can come up with.
Ignore the tripcode "people".
As I did when I responded to someone else entirely.
This isn't the 80s boomer