What are your favourite single issue/ one shot comic stories?
What are your favourite single issue/ one shot comic stories?
Marvel Mythos: Captain America.
Does Joker Asylum count?
I guess
>series based on retelling origin stories of its respective characters
>Phantom Stranger one comes along
>fuck you here's four possible origins, decide yourself
I know the fallen angel story was essentially canonized later, but still
This comic hits all of my pet niches.
From the same issue. It's a great issue as a whole but I particularly love this page.
Fuck off pedo
Mesmo Delivery
Mowgli's Mirror
Pax Americana
For the Man Who Has Everything
The Kid who collects Spider-Man
Friendly reminder that this was written by Tom King, so no, it's NOT a great anything.
>Pax Americana
Came here to post this
>Yeah! That's your spinal cord, baby! Dig it!
Probably that issue of Swamp Thing where a drug dealer sells pieces of a tuber grown on Swamp Thing to several people who all experience different effects depending on their life styles.
Also the Gredel issue where Hunter is shown the future and chooses to arrogantly ignore it.
Holy shit this is awesome!
The Golden Child, the Prez issue of Sandman.
I cant recall which issue but it was Lemire's run. Moon Knight talking about his childhood. Shame the arc got kinda silly with the Society of Sadism.
>Pax Americana
I liked an earlier attempt by Morrison to play with time during The Invisibles
>The Invisibles vol 1 #12
Astro City has many great single self-contained issues, but The Nearness of You still remains the best of them all.
Nah. Tom King does great with cosmic DC.
Jonah Hex #50 is absolutely the best comic Darwyn Cooke ever drew.
Don't be fooled by the movie. Comics Peni isn't titillating at all.
>The Invisibles vol 1 #12
It was pretty good. I'm overall not a fan early Morrison, though.
The Diary of Danny Drake (Hellblazer 56) was probably Ennis' best issue of his run.
David Lloyd's art is great in it
who did the art for this?
Sandman had a lot of great single issues, but pic related really stood out. Ramadan is up there as well.
Wish they expanded more on this
Whatever happened to the Caped Crusader.
Captain America House of M tie in.
...you didn't read the actual comic, did you? Neither depect her as you're thinking.
Was it his dad came out of the Source wall or some shit?
No, Krona summoned him with the power of Nekron to piss Hal off. But the Source Wall does play a part in this story.
That sounds cool. I'll have to look for that issue.
Are we talking about single-issue stories or do they actually have to be literal one-shots that aren't part of a series?
That was Bemis' run.
Or Men of Good Fortune in Sandman
The first KFC special issue was top