Who is the most talented Simpsons voice actor?

Let's settle this.

Attached: Simpsonsactors.jpg (599x638, 122K)

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Yeardley Smith, because she's managed to make voicing one character into a thirty year career.

Is this even a question? It's Tress.


I was actually referring to the MAIN 6. Though she is great.

Gonna go for Hank

probably one of these two

Humberto Velez.

Harry Voices the most funny and entertaining characters.

I don't really care about Dan's impressions as much when i watch the show, i rarely laugh when he does anything.

Gotta go with Dan or Hank, for sheer range.

Homer's German VA was better than Dan, especially at emoting and being dramatic.

She's super unlikable as a person and she's somehow managed to think Lisa is her avatar. She gets super butthurt if the writers do something with Lisa she doesn't like and she's also tried to get them to insert her idiotic ideas into scripts.

I'm pretty sure Dan and Hank are the only of the main cast that the writers don't want to murder.

Why would that be?

>top right guy voices all the brown characters

so it's her fault we got zombie simpsons?

We already covered Yeardley in the above post and Shearer has been a known douche for many decades who thinks the show should have ended with his lame Spinal Tap crossover in Season 3. They also hate Nancy Cartwright because of being a Scientologist which is likely why every other Zombie Simpsons episode is Bart torture porn.

Hank's natural voice lends itself best for playing foreign characters IMO.

Yeah. Like Carl, Lou, Bumblebee man, and... never mind just those 3.

Hank has the most raw talent. Great VA work and he has amazing live action chops as well. Brockmire is fucking amazing.

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Give the lady props for destroying her vocal cords for her art.

Go and watch about two Futurama episodes and you'll start hating Tress very very quickly.

What are you talking about, there's also Ap...oh wait never mind.

RIP Russi ;_;

Lies, they make you love her even more.

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Sad but it's not as if she was that important to the Simpsons. She only did three characters both pretty insignificant ones.

I bet Nancy could take over her roles desu.

The episode Nancy wrote was surprisingly not terrible.

Shearer did a very nice job of conning them into funding his retirement account. So props to him.

>records dialog from home and does only the absolute minimum of work, then heads off to the golf course while collecting a $275,000 paycheck for it
>and still bitching about the quality of the show every chance he gets

Surprised it took her this long to try to write one. Dan's been writing on and off again since season 12 I think.

He and his wife, although none of their episodes were that good. Also Shearer wrote a script a while back.

Which episode was it?

Seconding Hank, though that might be personal bias because Mystery Men is one of my favorite movies.

He was literally the first person to complain the Simpsons were "going downhill" Back in SEASOM THREE OR FOUR.

They decided to make Barney sober. Yeah, fuck them.

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See Also if he had his way, every episode of the show would be Sideshow Bob Roberts. I don't think Harry has ever really cared for the more emotional/character driven plots or anything but his Oliver Stone wannabe political thriller plots.

Hank's range is fucking ridiculous. He makes Mel Blanc look like nothing.

Wait weren't most of Blanc's voices done by speeding up the tape?

>She gets super butthurt if the writers do something with Lisa she doesn't like and
>oh boo hoo Lisa would never say this
>Lisa is too mean spirited here
>Lisa would never imitate Bart's skateboarding stunt from the movie
And so forth. Fucking overpaid spoiled princess.

At least she kind of had decent tits in Ginger Ale Afteroon.


Yeardley sucks as a live actress though, I've never seen her in anything where she wasn't wooden as fuck.

lady gaga

And hearing her swear in MAXIMUM OVERDRIVE was fun.

I guess I always liked Harry's laid-back style which isn't full of histrionics and screaming like half of Dan and Hank's characters.

She was also in some low budget stoner comedy from 2010-ish where she plays a foul mouthed high school teacher or something.

It's a toss up between Schearer and Azaria

I always did wonder why they have so many Bart abuse and suffering episodes.

I always found her massively obnoxious in everything she's ever voiced. I suppose credit for having a single lifelong vision and sticking with it since she wanted to he a voice actor since she was 8 years old, but I've never been able to respect people who are only interested in doing one thing with their life.

>hurrr your dad worked in health care all his working life, what a loser
well fuck you too

That's kinda harsh.

You forgot the furry stalker.

How was that her fault?

The script of Days of Wine and D'ohses was pitched by Dan and his wife in Season 4, Mike Reiss and Al Jean rejected it. They pitched it again to Mike Scully in Season 11, of course he greenlighted the thing since all semblance of Q/C was out the window by that point.

Huh. I had no idea the male female characters ratio was this slanted in simpsons, albeit a few girls are missing.

Image is a bit misleading since many of the female voices are/were done by Russi, Tress, Maggie Roswell, and Pamela Hayden.

>that Pinky & The Brain episode where Brain plans to melt the ice caps and drown everyone
>Maurice LaMarche goes "Hey, this isn't right. Brain isn't supposed to actually kill people."
>the writers are like "That's nice. Now let's get this stuff recorded."

I think that’s because Dan has said Barney is difficult to voice, so maybe sobering him up made the voice easier. The writers realized sober Barney isn’t funny, made him drunk again, and now pretty much don’t have him show up anymore.

I've never heard a Simpsons impersonator who could do Barney accurately.

Thank god Yeardley hasn't tried her hand at writing an episode yet. That would be utterly horrifying.

Marge, Lisa, Mrs. Krabapple, and Selma are the only female characters the show ever bothered developing.

character development is a meme

Hear, hear.

Barney's own Duffless could have been a riot in the right hands, who were no longer attached to the Simpsons' body by S11

Lol source for this?

She's also the worst of the main cast at DVD commentaries (not counting Harry since he refuses to do any).

>"Oh gee it's been ten years since I've seen this episode I forgot about it completely."
>"Gee, you can sure feel Lisa's pain in this scene."

Brilliant, insightful commentary there.

Last Exit to Springfield would have even been total garbage in Season 11.

In fact Jean and Reiss rejected the script explicitly because it was too much like Duffless.

He said Two Cars in Every Garage and Three Eyes on Every Fish was his favorite episode of the series.

Of all the voice cast, Harry was the biggest star when they started and I think maybe the writers were a bit intimidated and overawed by him.

Dan said Granda Phil is his favorite of all the characters he's ever voiced and he's not even a Simpsons character.

The Simpsons hasn't been good since Phil Hartman died so my guess is him.

This is a nice meme but Hartman wasn't honestly that important. He voiced all of two characters neither of whom were that central to the show.

>Lisa would never imitate Bart's skateboarding stunt from the movie
Wait a minute...

This image is fucking misogynous because it clearly depicts how women work less than men. Delete it right fucking now pig! And increase the lady's salaries while you're at it, voicing one (1) single character is hard work! End the wage gap!

good post

Dan and Hank, Harry a close second

VĂ­ctor Manuel Espinoza.*

Harry and hank

I find behind the scenes Simpsons drama so interesting for some reason. I want to know more about how Harry and Yeardly are apparently assholes.

He's kind of cringy in those interviews when he tries to think on his own jokes for Homer, he just regurgitates catchphrases and stills thinks of himself as the "real" Homer Simpson.
Really makes you realize that the character voice is only an small part of the whole character. Same thing happens with Mario Castañeda.

I think the only VA that actually manages to interpret well his character without the scripts help is Rene GarcĂ­a and Eduardo Garza.

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me too

Yes, he's still legendary tho.

Yeah but he’s speaking German, so who gives a shit?

Shearer's douchebaggery has been a well known fact for a long, long time.

>wanted the show to end in Season 3 after the stupid Spinal Tap crossover he lobbied for
>basically hates everything since Season 4
>denounced Homer at the Bat because it had too many celebrities
>thinks every episode should be a political thriller/satire and doesn't really care about the comedy aspect or character exploration
>managed to basically retire from the show and still collect a huge check for it for about 15 minutes of work a week to pad out his retirement fund
>most of the writers especially Al Jean have hated him for a long long time

Gotta go with Hank, but I have a soft spot for Dan because of he can deliver on the emotions (also because of Hey Arnold).
sums up Yeardley. Even outside of Simpsons she still is just Lisa. And Nancy is a creepy Scientologist that always distracts me when I hear her. The rest are all great.

Oh, and he also refused to do any DVD commentaries. I don't think he's that close to the other cast members or gets along well with them either. Even back when he still came into the studio (he started recording from home in about Season 15), he didn't hang out with them or anything.

We pretty much went over Yeardley's spoiled princess behavior earlier. Aside from , she's also hilariously butthurt at people who draw Lisa R34.

>Oh, and he also refused to do any DVD commentaries.
Really? That's crazy. I've actually never noticed.

Karl Wiedergott.

It could be worse. Yeardley is on way too many commentaries including episodes where she didn't really do anything and she's unbelievably boring and doesn't have much to say about the episodes or even remember making them half the time.

No one ever talks about Marge's actress, isn't she kinda secretive?

Also is there a good place online to find simpsons commentaries, I miss them and I don't want to fix my scratched DVDs for them.

>No one ever talks about Marge's actress, isn't she kinda secretive?
Julie's very stubborn about not doing her voices on camera because she says it will ruin the magic or something. Also she retired from live acting by the end of the 90s or so because she complained they'd never give her the roles she wanted. She wanted to play edgy characters who use four letter words and they only ever cast her as goody-goody types.

Julie can't even do Marge anymore. She sounds totally different.

It's suspected (but we're not entirely sure) that she trashed her voice in the movie redoing that one line 45x. If it's true, the voice director should go to jail. There's supposed to be union rules on how many takes you're allowed to get out of a voice actor because they can fuck their throat up.

>And Nancy is a creepy Scientologist that always distracts me when I hear her
She once used Bart's voice for an automated phone calling thing for the CoS until Fox told her she couldn't do that anymore.

>It's suspected (but we're not entirely sure) that she trashed her voice in the movie redoing that one line 45x.
Actually, I think they did over 100 takes. Which is even worse.

Aw, that's weirdly cute. I bet Julie is a very interesting grandmother. That's the kinda vibe your description gives me.

>MATT GROENING: Marge’s big speech in the middle of the movie we did more than 100 takes and kept rewriting and different kinds of performances and going through that and going in different ways.

Wait, didn't John K try to get Billy West to redo a Ren scream 130 times?

>She wanted to play edgy characters who use four letter words and they only ever cast her as goody-goody types.
That’s kinda sad, actually.
Wasn’t she also in Lion King 1/2 as Timon’s mom?

That's terrible if it's true. They shouldn't have ever thought that was a good idea and I'd be very surprised if Julie wasn't permanently fucked from it.

In his case it's just because he's a sadistic control freak. He also made animators redo some frames like 50x just to fuck with them.

there's that bit about him yelling at some poor kid working for him about designing a birthday present over 50 times, and then John just picked the first one.

The top three with actual range in their voices and those voices of who make and break the show. Other than losing Bart Nelson and Ralph, no one would give a shit if the VAs of Marge, her family, Lisa, Kerny, and Todd were gone.

Harry needs to hurry up and fuck off, maybe that'd kill it.

>Harry needs to hurry up and fuck off, maybe that'd kill it.
>like that's even gonna stop them

At least Harry boycotted the Family Guy crossover. He'll always be a hero for that.

One time they asked her if she used Bart's voice during sex and she said no.

Is that true?

Yes. I would have probably done the same desu.

Julie Kavner boycotted Krusty Gets Kancelled fwiw.

Yea anons cry about the REEEE SJW shit but the real reason the show is about Lisa more than Bart now is the writers are pissed Cartwright makes 50 times more than them and donates all of it to Scientology.

Yep, it's the only episode where Marge has no lines.

More like they have to give Lisa like 15 episodes a season to justify what Yeardley is paid to voice one character in her normal speaking voice (plus making 50x more money than the writers).

Marge sounds like Patty and Selma now

Fun fact about Julie, when people would ask her what Marge sees in Homer she you'd to reply with
"He's good in bed"
But over time her answer has evolved to
"He's got a big penis"

>watch old Simpsons
>episode has guest star
>they actually give a performance as a character

I want to go back

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That was on one of the DVD commentaries I thought.

>it's a David Mirkin commentary

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At least most of those don't have Mike Reiss talking loudly and drowning out everyone else.

She was also Adam Sandlers mom in Click.

He wanted Two Bad Neighbors to be a political episode and Bill Oakley told him no.

desu I've never cared for how she does Bart's voice after the classic seasons. He lost that bratty intonation and became steadily more squeaky voiced and whiny. I guess it fits his evolution as a character from America's bad boy to a sorry punching bag who exists only to be tortured and degraded in every episode.

>they aired this after an episode and thought it looked good

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>bumblebee man
Yet Apu catches him shit because Apu was a well rounded character

Pretty sure Billy outright hates John at this point.

Does anyone not hate John at this point?

I'm not familiar with Zombie Simpsons. What's all this bit about Bart torture porn? Like what.

She's also done solid work for the some of the English dubs of ghibli movies.

Yeardley had a Twitter account but she deleted it after there was some...unpleasantness.

What do you mean?

I imagine people were posting rants about how terrible Zombie Simpsons is or else talking about wanting to fuck Lisa.

>the fucking DEVIL is in the background

It's just an edit of one of those Simpsons full cast drawings.

I'm fairly sure Nancy's only experience with live acting was some bit part in a movie in the early 80s.

In most of the classic era interviews from the 90s the VAs just complain that they didn't understand the jokes or there were too many celebrity guest stars.

partly yeah

She was in the Twilight Zone movie. And that movie is really only known today because 3 actors (2 of them were children) were killed on set due to a freak accident.

I think Yeardley did more than just Lisa's voice. But it's rare.

Yeardley's favorite episodes of the series are ones like Summer of 4'2" and Lisa's Substitute and she said she doesn't really care for campus activist Lisa. In short, she likes any of those "Lisa's feels" episodes.

Al Jean had sent the NoHomers admit the following email back around 2004:

"As you well know, Mr. Shearer has been vocal in his criticism of the show's quality in recent years. Thus, I am forwarding you this email and would like you to repost it in my name.

Our show has won every award it could possibly get in the past year. Dan Castallaneta received an Emmy for his performance in Today I Am A Clown. All this was made possible thanks to people who worked much harder than Mr. Shearer. He complains about his gradually-reduced roles in the show. Whenever I schedule a Thursday afternoon table read, I can never be sure that he will show up. Many times I've been told that he wasn't coming. Therefore I've made sure not to give him too much to do in any given episode.

Mr. Shearer has told me that he's upset with the show's current state and he was happier in Season 4. Well, I ran Seasons 3 and 4 along with Mike Reiss and I don't remember him being very happy back then. In particular, I remember him strongly objecting to Homer At The Bat, an episode that is now regarded as a classic.

In addition, Mr. Shearer has said that he feels cheated by the show financially. He is set to make just shy of 5.5 million dollars this year for what can generously be described as a few hours of work a week. When I consider how much our firefighters and teachers make, this attitude makes me want to vomit.

-- Al Jean"


Not that that absolves Al of his many crimes against humanity.

How come everyone hates Al Jean so much? I thought Mike Scully was the guy who ruined the show.

It's a long story. Go ask NoHomers. I hate even discussing Zombie Simpsons. It's like watching your Alzheimer's grandpa screaming gibberish as he shits his diaper.

Quick rundown?

I don't think it can be as bad as Yeardley Smith thinking Lisa is her avatar.

Why didn't she do more voices
Did she just not want to?

BASED Yeardy because she gets paid the same amount as the others and she does less the work

She has like literally zero vocal range. None. She can't do anything but her normal voice and Lisa, which is just her normal voice pitched up an octave, although she really stopped doing it anyway after Season 7 or so because she got lazy.

>She has like literally zero vocal range.
Doesn't stop Seth Green.

Attached: Badvoiceactor.jpg (2296x3000, 1.17M)

That happened when they renegotiated the VAs contracts in 2006 and Fox was so ineptly run back then (seriously, Newscorp almost went bankrupt due to the retardation of Murdoch's sons) that they didn't realize until it was too late what they'd have to pay her to voice one character.

Nancy comes off as nice enough in interviews but her affiliation with the CoS is very off-putting to a lot of people.


I’ve known a few CoS members and many are nice people, just in some weird shit.

They're "nice" in the unnerving brainwashed "Think happy thoughts" kind of way. It's not what you think.

Yeah, they just threatened to replace him

At least Seth tries.

>unpleasantness on Twitter
Well I never



One of these actors is not like the others, one of these actors has vocal range.

Don't need to watch Maximum Overdrive to hear Yeardley swear.

She drops F-bombs in pretty much every podcast interview she does... which is pretty much every other week. Not to mention her own true crime podcast. She has quite the toilet mouth.

As for this question, the correct answer is clearly Hank.

>You made Lisa cry. IT ANGERS!

You don't gibe the man enough credit.

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He'll always be the nigga from Mr Show for me

The name's Janny. Lyle Janny.
And I come before you good posters tonight with a meme.
Probably the greatest-- Ah, it's not for you.
It's more of a Reddit meme.
Now wait just a minute.
We're twice as smart as the people of Reddit.
Just tell us your meme, and we'll force it!
All right.
I tell you what I'll do.
I'll show you my meme!
I give you the Yea Forums Feed & Seed!- [All Gasping] I've sold memes to Friendster, [s4s], and ytmnd and by gum, it put them on the map!
Well, sir, there's nothing on earth
Like a genuine, bona fide
Fucked & sucked, Sneed-owned feed & seed
What'd I say?
Feed & Seed
What's it called?
Feed & Seed
That's right! Feed & Seed
Feed & Seed
Feed & Seed
Feed & Seed
I hear that meme is underage
It requires wisdom like a sage
Is there a chance to attract Mouse NEETs?
Not on your life, DC Pajeet
What about us brain-dead plebs?
You can post in GOT threads
Were you sent here by Shareblue?
Relax, goy, I'm one of you
The mods gave me a 3-day ban
Reset your router, my big man
I swear it's Yea Forums's only choice
Throw up your hands and raise your voice
Feed & Seed
What's it called?
Feed & Seed
Once again
Feed & Seed
But comfy Simpsons threads will be broken
Sorry, Mods, the hive mind's spoken
Feed & Seed!
Feed & Seed!
Feed & Seed!
Feed & Seed!
Formerl--(Annoyed Grunt)



Harry Shearer, by far. Every other actor's voices start to mush together at some point.

They are nice, but they do a 180 when they are told by their superiors that you are bad for whatever arbitrary reason.

Of course, more people are doing that these days rather than just Scientologists. So any annoyance you have for them doesn't really matter at this point.

I wonder at what point her soul became crushed enough to go along with every other celebrity filled episode?

See I hate her and lisa but that gives me a boner for some reason and I am mildy concerned by the revelation.

When she got multiple raises

So you're basically saying she's the walking stereotype of a Gen Xer which means being edgy as fuck simply for the sake of being edgy.


He's also refused to perform his voices for fans most of the time.

Ok although in Harry's defense it may be difficult to just do some of the voices on the fly. With voice acting sometimes you have to get into character which takes a little while and if the voice is a bit on the harsh side have some tea with honey on hand. I believe in particular he's said Mr. Burns is a bit throat straining and he usually has to drink tea when doing the voice.

Are they still making 500k per episode? I would do a lot of gay things for that kind of money.

275k since 2006.

Seth at least has two voices. Chris Griffin and his normal voice.
Yeardley doesn't even have that.

Now starring X as themselves.

Fucking kill me.

The writers love doing episodes where Bart suffers or is humiliated/degraded in some way. Or the future episodes where he's a sorry loser. I don't know why they hate Bart so much but it's probably because they hate Nancy for being a Scientologist.

>Not to mention her own true crime podcast
What is it with aging cat ladies and true crime shit?

>She's super unlikable as a person and she's somehow managed to think Lisa is her avatar. She gets super butthurt if the writers do something with Lisa she doesn't like and she's also tried to get them to insert her idiotic ideas into scripts.

Which has nothing to do with voice acting ability.

Fuck if I know.

This is how the town reacts when you fap to Lisa porn

That artist was Stephen DeStefano. I believe John fired him off the Spumco R&S and then got rehired once Bob Camp and GAMES took over.

Attached: 2c1945d3759193b6179edd8eb5cefd15--stephen-destefano-cartoon.jpg (736x1341, 109K)

Nancy is the only of the main five who has kids IIRC.

And then the son of the director responsible continued to defend his dad online while mentally abusing some Hollywood thots.

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Yeah in interviews she almost comes off as a normalfag soccer mom until you realize that she belongs to a fucking cult and is probably chemically lobotomized by them.

Harry's voices are less tiring to listen to than Dan or Hank's (they can get obnoxious at times).

Interesting how the female VAs all seem to have considerably less range than the male ones.

I kinda feel like Dan is on top, seeing as how he's proven capable of working outside the show far more than anyone aside from Hank Azaria.

I kinda feel like if the crew, money and everything else but the voice actors were sucked up into a black hole, either of them could get decent work elsewhere, which is harder to say for most of the other cast members.

Dan's worked for Nickelodeon, Disney (before the merger) and even voiced Doc fucking Brown in the Back to the Future cartoon. he could easily hold his own away from the Simpsons.

...Also, I don't think I've ever heard any shit about him being a dick, a prick, part of a cult, a serial rapist or any other skeletons in the closet.

Dan also voiced Krunk from Metal Arms, so he will always have a special place in my heart.

I don't think anyone who's worked with the guy has said a bad thing about him.

Yeah dude, there you go. He was pretty much a true professional from the beginning.

>...Also, I don't think I've ever heard any shit about him being a dick, a prick, part of a cult, a serial rapist or any other skeletons in the closet.
I suppose you can argue Dan isn't guilty either of trying to insert his retarded ideas into the show (maybe you'd have an argument about making Barney sober, but it is just possible he didn't like doing the voice).

Shearer has done a lot of stuff outside the show although most of it is related to his silly obsession with political satire and fighting The Man as if he can't let the Nixon years go.

I thought he wrote a stage play about Nixon a while back or something.

Yeardley reacts to it by angrily deleting her Twitter and denouncing people who fap to Lisa porn.

Didn't he voice the Genie in the Aladdin series?

Back in the 90s she got butthurt when people at cons asked her to recite lewd dialog.

Fantasies of being murdered get women wet, especially the old bags.

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I didn't realize he was the robot devil in Futurama until years after the fact. He's damn good.

Designing butt ugly shoes and plugging an anorexia charity are among her other pet projects outside the show.


I don't want to speak ill of the dead, but while Phil Hartman was able to do act out many characters (and out act many other actors,) he didn't have much in the way of vocal range; his characters all sounded alike.



Good luck stopping us.

Yeardley and Nancy both look like a Boston terrier, I swear.

wow, men and women really ARE equally talented and deserve the same remuneration after all


I think Harry wasn't really aware of just how much money the show was making back then.

Why though? Most normal men don't find child voices a turn on.


I don't think any of them can be as cancerous as Tara Strong desu.

What do expect? Beckys going to Becky

For sheer variety and delivery, it's between Dan and Hank. If we're counting her, then you can add to the mix.

Holy shit, rent free. No one even mentioned her and here you are REEEEEEEEEing about her for absolutely no reason. In a Simpsons VA thread.

Is he wrong, though?

What was the last one that did that? All I can remember the one with Jack Black voicing a chill hipster guy