can we have a thread to make fun of writers/artists/animators? no political shit (from either side) i just want to laugh at stupid or crazy people ruining their lives like we used to
Can we have a thread to make fun of writers/artists/animators...
Other urls found in this thread:
Is it true that Dobson has a gay brother who he is incredible jealous of?
>to make fun of writers/artists/animators?
Go back to kiwifarms
He's so brave for saying it.
we always did this, if you dont like it fuck off newfag
Why does he draw eyebrows like that
This is mean. I got made fun of like this all the time when I made cartoons and it fucking sucked. It didn’t give me a thick skin or make me a better artist or make me think more about what I was doing, it just hurt.
v Joke
^ Your head
This is so realistic.
Ok guys hardmode, DONT post d*bson
Is this from that one animated show about a gay rapper?
I have a PhD in mental retardation and this guy matches the persona.
Steven Universe had a bigger budget than many Disney cartoons.
holy shit
dobs can be reasonable
What, he contradict himself too much, I'm not even sure what point he's trying to make.
You got a source there pal
Imagine being at computers
This coming from a guy who made an artwork called "Slap a Jap" where he essentially pissed all over the japanese animation industry.
That coming from aguy whose antisemitism showed when he essentially indicated he thinks Peanuts is utter garbage and not influential enough in any matter, to the point he thinks it is offensive when he as a cartoonist is compared to Charles Schulz.
>people who think like this also hate ren & stimpy
I like it when Alex still gets shat on for giving up a season 3 deal.
yes, he works for like msnbc or some other big news source
People give him shit for turning down a third season?
He wanted to end it at two seasons, didn't he?
when this comic has better autistic morals than reddit...SOMETHING IS OBVIOUSLY FUCKING WRONG!!!
>He wanted to end it at two seasons, didn't he?
When season 1 was airing, he mentioned how he had the idea for three seasons. One for each month of summer. Then he got burnt out by the time season 1 ended and had to be talked into doing a second season and left as fast as he could once it ended.
>All of the day bro
Every time.
Theres a lot more to storyboarding than one drawing
Every Dobson thread is the same. The dude hasn't done anything interesting in ages at this point, how many times can we just redo the same thread?
Wake me up when he calls more tranny teenagers nazis.
The idea that somehow the glasses "don't work" though is preposterous. If you can make Mickey Mouse's ears work, you can make infinity glasses work. There are cartoon designs out there with even more insane elements than that.
Genuinely the funniest image the internet has ever produced.
Why are people just "not allowed" to like anything Nintendo that came out post 1991 to these types? That never made sense to me.
But he's 100% right lol
How in the fuck are all the fans of Other M self labeled feminists? They should hate that thing more than the average fan. It’s like if you found out BLM supporters secretly loved minstrel shows.
okay arin, go back to making a new games grumps video
Fucking lol
Her art is fucking hard on the eyes
Because they define themselves by their nostalgia.
How is the original Prime below Prime Hunters and Metroid 2? Is he mad at the developer or something?
It never fails to crack me up that Dobson and Movie Bob both adore Other M, a game with legitimately sexist writing
>I use Apple because PC is McDonald's
>Sports dudes are dumb because they can't understand the periodical system
Also Dobson:
>MCDONALDS NIGHT! (All alone by himself)
>I don't understand maths
Imagine being this much of a cunt
>People are not allowed to like things I don't like!
Well I'll be jiggered, even a broken clock is right twice a day. As much as I'm ambivalent about SU's off-model nature (which does lead to the occasional shitty board as it's done since S1) it IS a part of the show and has nothing to do with laziness. It's like criticising any cartoon that's consistently boarded lazy for being so. Dobsob usually has terrible takes and will continue to do, but this one is bang on.
Uh, what? I mean, a nice back can also be immensely sexy.
Also, that other post seems like deliberate fraud.
Cause its First Person.
Is Bob more psychotic than Dobson?
Sure fire way to never get commission again.
I have a hard time getting mad at this because I've seen ten times crazier shit on this very site. Can't exactly put myself above her morally just because she has a show and other nuts online don't.
If your client it's asking you for tits and you accept then you have to you draw them, he didn't called it a "loophole" for nothing, a fraud
>Implying Dobson knows enough about anatomy to draw a sexy back
I think the point was for it to not be sexy, so it wouldn't really matter if he knew how to draw a sexy back or not. Either way he's a cunt.
Bob seems like one of those guys who might think they are some undefeatable super ninja after buying a sword and then goes around picking fights with people on twitter because he now owns a sword and knows that purest form of kenjutsu and cannot be stopped by modern western bullets.
Isn't that basically the same mindset all the colonializers had? "We are the future, those neanderthals must be destroyed"? And the nazis who explicitly stated to abolish all the reactionaries?
Bob apparently just wants to outright kill anyone that does not follow his political viewpoint.
Was it autism?
I think so
>childhood ruiner
Is he admitting he's a pedophile?
Bob is legit fascist. Police should be keeping a close eye on him.
What future does a weirdo that still lives at home well into his late 30s, talks about movies all the time and writes a book about playing Mario 3 earn? How does he earn anything doing that?
Bob was driven mad by bullying in school. Can't blame them, if he was acting like he does now no wonder people would ridicule him.
But Prime plays almost nothing like most FPS games, he would know that if he played any FPS game aside from MP.
More importantly, aren't there any First-Person games he'd like? Thief? System Shock? RE7? Bethesda Fallout? Elder Scrolls? Doom? Quake? Deus Ex? Prey? Dishonored? Bioshock? Perfect Dark? Goldeneye? Just Cause? Halo?
>Such a prude you can't draw nipples
I didn't really post it for people to get mad, I thought it was funny that Sugar's first big acknowledgement in the animation world was her porn art and that got featured on CartoonBrew.
Bob was most likely that weirdo who kept acting like a 10 year old while in highschool, kept wearing super mario shirts and talking about pokemon at 17.
He thinks Captain N is a real alternate dimension and the princess will talk to him if he defeats the macho media, like Call of Duty for instance.
He just associates FPS with “dumb jock genre.” That’s all there is to it.
He played skyrim at 10fps
Either way, im glad they're probably never gonna reproduce.
The world doesnt need more of them.
>post yfw you're not Moviebob
So he's just a retard who can't be bothered to look deeper?
Definitely - the main issue with Thundercats Roar isn't that it's a poor interpretation of Thundercats, the main issue is that it's just shit. Thankfully it seems to have evaporated
What's the original?
>tfw even DSP is beating Dobson
As if that blob could actually back up all the shit he talks.
I wonder if being this obnoxious to fans has actually gotten him the work from animators he's posturing for?
Bob is more hatefilled than Dobson which is actually impressive. Both are totally impotent though.
>first big acknowledgement in the animation world was her porn art and that got featured on CartoonBrew.
What a chad
I may be a loser, but at least I'm not him.
There's a man who loves to hear himself type. Jesus Christ
This is the guy who called Megan Fox a dumb slut.
If you wanna hate Matt and Trey then hate them for how they shit on Isaac Hayes before he died the fucking ungrateful cunts.
>shitting on a scientologist
Didn't they apologize, saying they didn't know the extent of the situation?
What the fuck?
Hey remember when Bob was friends with Devin Faraci? You know, the movie reviewer who would get black out drunk and grope women?
Seems like he blames anti-progressive middle class white people for his lack of robot friends.
Chozone. Yeah.
Devin ''Gamergate is worse than ISIS'' Faraci
>edd and eddy getting it on
That is something that surprised me. If there's one thing tumblr/twitter does, it's hunt down people who draw "pedo shit", so why don't they care that Rebecca did it?
Was the first Just Cause an FPS?
John K was fucked from the start jesus christ.
WHO is this guy & why does Yea Forums care? I know of Dobson's antics but this guy seems for Yea Forums related.
He really has a thing for terrifying father figures in his work. Now I see it's because he had a terrifying father figure
Does someone have the autistic DA journal rant Dobson had over Christmas? When his Jewish gf at the time invited him over for the holidays and they made and effort to give him a whole day and act like it was Christmas and he thought they were making fun of him?
God he's a cunt
He's actually Yea Forums related but he started shitting on cartoons too
Everyone thinks their views are the only correct ones, otherwise they wouldn't hold them.
He's a sensitive man
>Blaming Trump
>Not blaming social programs and welfare for eating up the American tech budget
Sure, but it takes a whole new level of lacking self-awareness to not notice that you are basically the same as any slave trader or genocidal maniac, just on the other side.
>matt and trey
>right wing
>they're very openly liberal.
Whoever wrote this must have never seen any art in their entire life.
Even if there were three of me we still couldn't be Moviebob.
>I won't draw porn
>ignore all the fetish porn I drew before
He actually thinks he is one of the intellectual and culturally elite of this society. Somehow he is a higher being than the rest of the filthy unwashed braindead masses.
Because sugar made an lgbt show so all previous crimes have apparently been dropped.
If you're a nobody, you get fucked over by everyone.
If you're a somebody, you'll be praised by everyone.
Your bait is so bad.
Beyond any typical subject of "you're not X" I am most glad I'm not Movebob.
So what's the deal with the vast majority of modern feminists and racial outrage people, and LBTQ proponents being white straight males?
I barely ever see a female feminist, a minority rallying against racism, or the rainbow crowd being fought for by rainbow people.
Its always white weird guys usually in the entertainment industry. What's going on? Is it really the soi? Is it white apology, or are they all hiding something?
Because people don't listen to women and minorities.
They're in it for self-gratification.
It's the in-group competition. Some people are more wired to hate foreigners and some people are more wired to hate their fellow countrymen.
They both are doing the same thing but in different ways.
Dobson wants to be seen as the perfect feminist that is fighting all the evil misogynists on behalf of all women everywhere.
Bob is doing the "fuck those damn white people!" thing by pretending somehow he is not white and all minorities are liberals and all white people are republican, and nazis, and worthy of extermination.
It's outrage culture in full swing, if you don't look hard you'll pretty much only see stuff that's designed to piss you off
How much of a faggot do you have to be to bother with someone's request but not actually draw it and do something "cute" and "cheeky"
Nearly every artist is like this
Cognitive dissonance.
They want to do stuff, but only on their terms.
Then reality sets in and they realize how deviant their clients are.
Excuse you, those straight white males identify as lesbians for brownie points now
I figure most are turbo betas that can't make it so they fall back on kissing feminist boot to maybe score and feel better that they haven't done anything important.
They think that if they support woke ideology, women might want to have sex with them (much like how working class whites think supporting Conservative economic policies will make them better off)
Not just that, but they almost always tend to be fat, bearded, thick-rimmed glasses, white males intricately tied to something very nerdy like video games or cartoons.
There is a weirdly high population of fat white male nerds that also happen to be the loudest, most obnoxious outspoken defenders of feminists and minorities everywhere. And they tend to get violent with their words more often than not too.
Socially liberal, economically they hold more right wing ideals.
>no political shit
Welp, better luck next time. As if.
That pic is not even close to depicting what the dems criticize.
>They think that if they support woke ideology, women might want to have sex with them
No, most of them don't. you have to acept that peoplewho disagree with you actually have the convictions of their opinions.
Any of those "they don't really stand to what they say" discourse is just a dflect, an excuse so you don't need the requirement to actually study their opinions to understand why they have those.
You are given a Death Note and told to pen within its pages the final fate of Dobson. What do you write?
Inflated to death, obviously. Though it probably won't work.
He falls over.
Trampled by fans
They also want to look like noble heroes fighting the good fight against the evil people. But in their own way. Which in this case is being very bitchy and annoying on twitter and talking about how everyone else that does not think like them is a part of an evil conspiracy.
More like CN looked into it and saw that it was merely smut from some retarded fangirl phase and thought better of it. This was made years before SU was a thing and obviously (while they're incompetent in other ways) CN, like every business known to man, runs background checks before even seeing someone for an interview nevermind letting them run a show.
>Animation obsessed leftist draws/likes SJW-triggering lewds
mauled by a bear
Mauled by a bear that causes him to inflate and drift off into space.
Eventually...he stopped tweeting
CN for the last decade or so has been almost entirely friends hiring friends. The faux "student story program" they toyed with last november only to have Jessie Greenberg hire a few of her close contacts from twitter (three of which previously worked at CN before) shows that they only hire friends and do favors for them.
Killed in a fist fight with Moviebob after one of them sets the other off with one of their myriad shit opinions.
Seriously, it's fine to have different opinions in a general sense, but how is it possible that two people with access to the limitless information of the internet form so many nonsensical opinions? We're talking shit that doesn't make any sense. Dobson is upset that Mario wasn't voiced by Lou Albano. He's mad at Mario 64, and subsequent Mario games because a real voice actor did Mario's (very limited) voice work instead of a fucking professional wrestler. Dude takes shitty licensed Dic cartoons as gospel over stuff like manuals, official art from the development team, marketing and promotional illustrations, and word-of-god decisions. It's like he's mad that the real movies don't follow the Asylum versions more closely.
W-what was I supposed to talk about at 17?
All one of them?
Read these comments to see who they cater to and who's in charge now
No, he gets as many fans as needed to trample him to death. They approach him at a con or whatever. And just when he thinks he's finally making it - DEATH
I gleefully await the inevitable day he's exposed for sexually harassing uninterested women.
Does moviebob wish he was an immortal cyborg because if he was a cyborg man then he wouldn't be fat? I get the vibe a bunch of the cyborg post-humanist guys are all either fat guys that see becoming a cyborg as the only way to un-fat themselves, or people that are like furries but for robots instead of cartoon animals. Maybe both, I could see some overlap there.
That's a pretty hefty charge to throw at CN without physical proof, user. Regardless, their staff isn't untouchable. Not sure if you remember this, but there was an incident where Rebecca had to publically apologize for a sketch in the SU art book that basically resembled blackface. It had some weird notes like the gem couldn't read, she loved shoes etc. but it was a character building excercise where they
pass a note around the table and add stuff to it. The actual drawing was done by a black boader, the next by a white one. It blew up so much I imagine either CN sent Rebecca a note of their own for letting this slip under the radar. It was removed from later editions and she apologized for it, which I can respect a showrunner for in the end. Bit different from drawing unrelated smut as a late teen/early adult which is why I doubt CN even cared in the end.
This image managed to embarrass Shadman
He wants to be a cyborg because he fears the world and wants to be immune to it.
*the text
Does he not know what atypical means
There's definitely some overlap between people who are the physical embodiment of their personal failure and people who want robot parts but I think Moviebob in general just fetishizes the future and the idea of progress. It's why he's so adamant about killing his political opposition. His way is the only way towards the future that must be a utopia, because things only get better with time and progress. Cyborgs and other sci-fi trappings are just something that comes with the territory of a "progressive future". So naturally he idolizes those concepts, even though there's plenty of media that shows how technology can make things a nightmarish hellscape for the underclasses. Even now your car can be remotely disabled because of software integration. Image if instead of your car it was something like your cyborg arm, or eyes, or your robotic heart. That kind of technology isn't necessarily bad but like anything it's going to pose a hell of a lot of challenges when it hits the mainstream.
I mean he isn't wrong
Him and Oney were at a restaurant and Oney drew it on a receipt then when the waitress saw it he said Shad drew it which made him feel awkward
>Fetishizes the future
So he's a furry but for robots
Well that's not bad at all, that's just self awareness
"When all you have is a hammer, everything starts to look like a nail."
This isn't some kind of cliche 80s sitcom. There are no "jocks" trying to horn in on video games with their special jock only genre. The FPS was fucking invented by a bunch of D&D nerds for Christ's sake. It so popular now that people who play it are just regular people from all walks of life. And the genre is so wide that it includes everything from STALKER to Chex Quest.
Here's the picture you're talking about, if anons in the thread are curious.
Sounds to me like something more abstract than just robots. As if he's fetishizing a concept.
Kinda, they come in three kinds, the "i wanna transhuman to fix/get rid off my shitty body", the ones who love the idea so much they mutilate themselves with half-assed garbage (Like that one particular user), and the REAL freaks that actually take care of their body to be able to try to live to its possibility and being able to withstand the procedure(s) and not be turned away due unsuitability, the later two is probably what you would say is "Furries for robots"
Transhumanism is more about surpassing your human limits, different people have different limits to just how far they are willing to go with it and motivations, even "Man it would be nice to have reactor or something instead of eating cause the act of it disgusts me".
With Bob i imagine it is because of his Godcomplex more then anything though.
Thanks user, would've posted it myself but my pc's in the shop and I'm stuck on mobile for the time being
Chozen was a good show.
Pussy pass
Concrete did nothing wrong its not her fault she was created black.
maybe but how the fuck would that influence their cartoons?
How the fuck is "pedo" if she made it when she was a kid herself? Kids like other kids.
>eceleb threads equal 3 day ban
>500 posts 150 images omitted. Click reply to view
let them fight
So when will /eceleb/ become a thing?
>not ASS-phault
E-celebs? Try lolcows. E-celebs thrive on attention. Lolcows attract it regardless of whether they want it or not.
I very inclined to belive that it's because they suck at it. I've seen people who hold distaste over 3D zelda like Arin, Brentalfloss and Dobson and i noticed that they struggle when playing 3D games that require precise control of the camera and movement at the same time, i know that in these games the controls aged poorly but you can get used to it, even in current AAA games Arin sucks ass in moving
It's some kinda of generation gap, my yourger cousins can't play 2d mario games because they can't deal with the idea of gaining momentum while sprinting they can't barely get the idea of pressing the run and foward buttom at the same time, and my older uncle can't use a analog stick for the love of it
I like how he was aways grotesquely fat and antisocial but the jerk "nerds" in his comics are aways obese and have no friends
This always felt like a more accurate parody of Yea Forums than Dobson.
No idea, the main issue is that it could rather easily be hijacked into a invasion/Lolcow board with doxxing and all the legal caveats, even though there is very much a increasing necessity to acknowledge that "E-celeb" content is here to stay (we always had it, but it has increased in volume over time, MUH BOARDCULTURE and all that jazz).
Basically it is too much hassle then it is worth to publicly enable, i know there have been efforts to push stuff to both /trash/ and Yea Forums, but /trash/ is unlisted and porn-focused so non-general threads have bad speeds and survival rates and Yea Forums is Yea Forums which makes actual discussion difficult because it is Yea Forums.
This. It would be like kiwi farms but anonymous. You'd have a fucking Dobson general.
You misunderstand. We do not aim at giving you a thicker skin or making you a better artist. We mean to call you out on your bullshit and make you feel like shit.
Nah you pretty much have to be a friend of a friend to get in on CN. Being buddies with Corey Barnes, Jessie Juwono, or Laurel Coleman in some way is the only real way to land a job at CN.
Jesus. That explains a lot.
That student story apprenticeship program was fucking bullshit. Two of those picked had previous professional level jobs in the industry. They did not need an intro level position that was claimed to be for students.
I think it's simpler than that.
He is probably just a weird manchild that wants to live in a cool futuristic scifi world because he is a fan of cool futuristic scifis. And now his twisted views on politics id warping that into thinking the evil people are the only reason he does not get to live in his cool scifi fantasy.
But he actually makes comics, so he is by definition Yea Forums, discussing a comic creator is not the same as discussing a youtuber, plus most of these threads actually talk about his comics and not only that but Dobson threads have existed for years now, in fact they've become less present as the years went by.
user, have you seen his book? he is DEFINITELY a weird manchild, and you are definitely underestimating him, the Politics being means to a end is something you realize very fast with this guy.
Seriously, between the two of them i'd prefer Dobson any day.
An old picture of the "girl"
Can you draw better than Sugar?
That tweet Arin made makes no sense. The video he commented on only poked fun at the repetitive nature of storytime animations. It wasn't malicious, so why did he take it that way?
As someone whose first Metroid was Other M, this bothers me. Prime is fucking amazing.
I remember reading reviews of his Super Mario Bros 3 book, and it came off as a desperate cry for help.
I'm so sorry.
>giving him something that would turn him on incredibly
I thought you would want to make him suffer
it's super depressing and sad, good example of the alienation of modern life.
but then you see him tweet some shit about how everyone south of the Mason/Dixon should get marched into the sea or whatever the fuck and it gets hard to feel sorry for him.
>Dobson AND moviebob love Metroid: Other m, despite being rampant feminists
>they've actively called people "bigoted white nazis" for criticizing the game in legitimate ways
Someone please make sense of this nonsense.
I think a gossip board would be cool, but it would be really slow until something incredible happens and that’s the only time it would be active, there’s only so much you can talk about with celebs. Kind of like how everybody flooded into /cgl/ when dashcon happened.
What does MovieBob think of Spongebob?
Too manly to be a father.
What says.
MovieBob is basically that guy who thinks he is in a movie and he is the protagonist. "Only /I/ know the truth about the world". He has admitted countless times that he emphasises with Magneto because he believes himself to be the "mutant" of the story (The person with special abilities and part of an unique group) rather than just another human.
He's that guy who keeps thinking the world is made of "Good Guys and Bad Guys" with nothing inbetween because that's what TV and videogames taught him.
In shorter terms, Moviebob is basically Renaldo from Steven Universe.
it's amazing how wrong he is about magneto
feels good man
did 2700 people ironically like this or what, this is insane rambling
So, who's worse, Linkara, MovieBob or Preston?
Alternate option: Doug Walker
he is not wrong though. Where are my fucking flying cars?
He's right though
Bob has this weird hatred for blue color workers. Like, he has an idea for a Terminator film where a blue color guy goes back in time to stop the creation of robots cause they made his job redundant. Hell, he scoffs at Homecoming's version of the Vulture as not a compelling villain.
I get the idea he just was around people who said he didn't put in hard work in his life cause he just talks about movies and video games, and then acts like they ruined the world.
He's currently working with some storytime animators and people speculate one of them got upset behind the scenes and wanted him to make a fuss on their behalf
It still fucking baffles me how Bobbo and Dobby could actually like Other M.
I especially hate how Bob tends to go "If I don't like said thing, it is universally awful" like his hatred towards the 90's or Venom (the character, not movie). Like, he's going on and on about how everyone is unfair with the new Godzilla film when the film is outright crap. Must have been the bullshit "female power" of the woman who killed that Mexican city.
sorry man
i just don't get ANY hate for dobson in 2019
his period of hating him for shit was like 6 or 8 YEARS AGO
unless he did something as dumb as tracing big ben again, i don't fucking care.
If Dobson was still just an inflation artist, would he been more or less hated?
If he was JUST a smut artist and he never turned into whatever it is he is now?
I personally think he'd be far less detestable.
Though, I'm bias because I used to be really into inflation. far less so now.
>he thinks it is offensive when he as a cartoonist is compared to Charles Schulz.
How is that antisemitic?
I'd write that he lives to be 100 years old, he'll die of a stroke after having lost control of his body and mind.
Yea he is incredibly weird about the whole
>If I do not like X thing, then it is EVIL and must be destroyed!
He has no concept of what an opinion is or how people can have differing ones.
Bob, by far.
probably less.
a /youtube/ board would be perfect. it would soak up so much garbage from almost every other board.
Nah, Ronaldo actually admitted he was being an asshole. Bob would never do that.
haha stonetoss is bad, right guys?
we should post stonetoss comics to make fun of, haha
>Earning anything
I think Moviebob should probably be under government surveillance for some of the stuff he says. His political opinions make Mao look like a puppy dog. Shit at least Mao gave concrete if somewhat poorly reasoned explanations as to why he needed to kill people. Moviebob is just bloodthirsty. Would not be surprised if he shot up a steel mill or something one day.
Though if we're going from purely artistic stuff it's a close contest. On the one hand, Dobson is sort of a competent artist. When he tries he can draw. The issue is he doesn't try. Ever. And he flaunts not trying constantly and back when he had a mild fanbase he told them to not try either. So he was moderately competent enough to poison a bunch of kids, and then gave up forever. Moviebob's probably less offensive in this regard. His book is dumb and self-centered, and his movie reviews are boring, but he's never made a conscious effort to make more people do things the way he does them. Linkara's Lightbringer is legit Storytime of Pain tier material though. And he's all around a disgusting guy. If I had to pick between reading the Lightbringer or an equal amount of SYAC, I'd probably chose SYAC. So I think Linkara wins from a purely artistic standpoint. Or loses. Whatever.
Also I don't really get the hate for Doug Walker. He's not good, but he's rarely offensive. If anything I feel sorry for him. He wants to make real movies but he's both trapped by his persona/fanbase and clearly lacks the ability to make movies. At the very least he's not overtly malicious like the other three.
Didn't he also tip like $1?
Jesus fuck user, spoiler that shit. My testosterone output just dipped 15% by looking at this. I gotta do some pushups or something.
>it IS a part of the show and has nothing to do with laziness
How does that save it from criticism? It looks like shit even if it's intentional.
How about /incel/ for internet celebrity?
user I never said anything about it being criticism-proor, it's just not an instant win argument. Saying obvious shit like "the sky is blue" doesn't mean the sky is at fault for being that color. Saying it's off model when it's intentionally like that doesn't mean anything either, it's baby's first observation.
I like it!
Doesn't matter how old or young you are, if you are aroused by anyone or any depiction of anyone, real or cartoon, under the age of 18 years, 0 hours, 0 minutes, and 0 seconds, you are a pedophile.
Because they're desperate to show how they're the "good ones" in the hopes that a woman will touch their dick.
No game !̷̧̛̭̰̻̤̬̞̩̬͎̦̥̗̖͋̆̃͆̉͂̔̊H̵̪̭͈̥̦̦̰͓̎̎́̑̐̓̓̂À̶̹͖͇͚̬̦̼͙̬͖̞͎̯̠͆̃̂͆̃̚!̷̢̺̥̫̖͈̰͌̌H̷̨̢̪̫͕̗̝͙̎̒̈́́̈́́̂̊̓̇͛̕͠Á̸̡͖̜͖͈͂̿̉̔̍́̈́̓͋̓̚̚!̷̦̠̻̣̝̠̬̦̻͍̥̖̐̄H̵̥̜̰͎̰̘̭̰̞̘̓Ạ̵͗͠!̵̨̡̡̧̖̪̪̫͇͖̩͎̻̥͔͋
's no wonder he ended up like that.
I thought that was her boyfriend.
comic idea:
>these ass hats wake up and look out window.
>the communists win! they are excited!
>they het a knock on the door
>they end up in the gulag
>referring to a movie/show as a ‘picture’
God, I love John K.
Even though he did some....things?
I’d be more surprised if it turned out he wasn’t a sleezball. In John’s mind it’s still the 50’s, and the type of shit he did is perfectly except-able. Hence his use of old-timy phrases like ‘picture’.
as someone whose first metroid was prime, i just dont like metroid
also castlevania is better
>White Supremacist (Right wing) caused casualties: 500+ this year alone
>Antifa caused casualties: Not a single kill ever
It scares me that some day people will talk about me on these threads
Your stuff sucks btw
Dayton shooter was antifa.
So was that guy who tr ied to shoot up tge ICE facility.
Leftists just suck at everything.
Does he date anderson cooper?
i bet he doesnt add sugar to his kornflakes
i bet he doesnt add milk either, just drinks em with water
>amid amidi
>cartoons are serius u guyz
>this is an industry
>dont laugh at me
Does he actually have a job? Or does he just post shit and call it one?
>Bob has this weird hatred for blue color workers
thats everyone who has ever rejected him in his life
>any unlucky girl he has shown interest to
Doug is not really a bad person. Just a completely not self aware in every way person who thinks he is an amazing filmmaker and professional reviewer. He just does not realize he is not the most hilarious person around, has no fucking idea how to make a movie, and comes off as a spergy weirdo most of the time.
Thing is that he is now old enough that his antics look less like wacky hijinks and more like sad middle age weirdo territory.
We live in an INDUSTRY
Fighbird didn't deserve this
This thing hurts my brain
Did this guy say he no longer wants to go to cons because women accused him of harassment at said cons (or as he says "critique and give advice")? After reading this I can see why.
And complaining about white men is not progression, but this bitch will never learn that because look at the big echo chamber she's made for herself.
>It's about shows I DON'T like asshole!
A black, gay, and white lady who are all from California is not diversity either. You're not going to hear different voices from people who immerse themselves in the same community, no matter what gender or sexual orientation. It's why cartoons are so fucking stagnated right now.
dies at 90 years old after finishing his masterpiece having lived a life where he learned to let go of his ego, his anger, his constant need for validation and his insecurities and focused on his work as an artist/animator and his relationships with people he can interact with in real life
Men aren't going to step aside and refuse to pitch their ideas to producers just because everyone else is too shy to do it.
thats a lot more free money than most people get
compared to those 3 linkara is based
>reviewing shitty comics to a modest fanbase who considers everything you say to be the absolute truth
>roleplaying online with other neckbeards because it gets you off and completely owning up to it
>dating and fucking a very obvious tranny because you enjoy it
>indulging in stupid nerd shit but still being self aware enough not to dress as obese mario or draw yourself as a fucking bear or edit looney tunes sounds over your speech
>wafuing the best m&m
>being smart enough to keep a distance from everyone else even when you are shooting the stupid channel crossover movie but still remaining on everyones good side
i would have a beer with linkara
Won't work
"The conditions of death will not be realized unless they are physically possible for that human or could be reasonably assumed to be carried out by that human."
Moviebob's firts video on the Escapist was about Halo and how the humans were less progressive than the Covenant because they had more species on their side fighting together.
Moviebob has been an idiot since the beginning.
whats the sauce on this, ive seen it a few times but never found out?
It's from a handful of 5 sec clips someone on Twitter did. They didn't amount to anything more than animation tests. Unfortunately that's all I got. I can't remember their Twitter tag.
>we need more nuanced cartoons
>we need women and minorities to make those cartoons because they have the life experience to add that naunce
>I love the power puff girls
>even tho they are 3 massive stereotypes
>a cartoon as in the art form is an extreme type of symplification, that's why they appeal to everyone, they help people both project themselves into them and empathise with them because they can visually convey things in such way than more complex art couldn't
>writing, however, for this art form that thrives in fucking simplyfication should be complex and hard to grasp to the point we need specialty people to make it for us and not just add a couple simple layers to each character like the most successful animation and movie company Disney has been doing forever
I don't understand people that praise Other M in general but self-professed feminists praising it honestly just fucking baffles me. Even Yea Forums of all places admits that shit is sexist as hell compared to the rest of the series. Never mind the fact that it's just a shit game in general.
And beyond that, what kind of tasteless faggot has Fusion above Zero Mission? Fusion isn't as terrible as most make out but it can't compete with ZM, that game is almost as good as Super.
I can't believe he got something right for once in his life.
Oo are you
Ur mum lole
they would never admit to it, but its because her boobs are the hugest in that game, the biggest they have ever been.
how right can one man be???
So long as you're not retarded and remember where you're from, you should be fine.
And if people are talking about you on here, you might wanna do some self reflection to make sure you're being the best you you can be.
Otherwise, fuck off.
Make fun of, not obsess
The biggest mistake these people make is incessantly doubling down on their stupid bullshit. Look at what happened when Linkara's weird porn shit got leaked. He went "Mmmhmm, yup I did jerk off to that" and everybody immedietly stopped giving a fuck. If he would have sperged out we would have 3 Yea Forums threads a day about him being a "dirty cock slut".
this is the only comic from this living embodiment of hatred that i like.
>And beyond that, what kind of tasteless faggot has Fusion above Zero Mission? Fusion isn't as terrible as most make out but it can't compete with ZM, that game is almost as good as Super.
Sounds like you just want to play the same game over and over really.
I preffer fusion, better bosses better fights better atmosphere and great story. If anything i think ZM has a superior soundtrack, but they are remixes so i dont think it counts.
M&T are anything but liberal. I don't know what the fuck they are but they hate any change that isn't socially progressive.
well, i mean like, more than half this country is white. also most of the western world is white. so most of the feminists will be white.
also this , unironically.
>Other M above Super and Prime
Where is he posting his shit taste now? Is he still using twitter?
Massive pussy
most people are surface level, NPC if you will, they just look for all the right buzzwords and dont digest it, the reading equivalent of eating the toppings off a pizza.
i dont even know what infinity train is, i only know that this person is a giant wuss. Have these people ever heard of...ignoring people? Or how about, when you see a anime avatar call you a cumslut who desearves to be raped to death by trump or what ever, you just roll your eyes because, you have never met this person nor will you ever meet them, and they might as well be words on a screen that cannot ever do anything to you ever? sorry but disliking MP is one thing, but saying its the worst metroid is on the same level as saying the earth is flat, like, you just have absolutely no credibility every after saying that.
A lot of people subscribe to the "enemy of my enemy" mentality and like everything that's shitting on the enemy no matter how vapid. Look at all those 'literally who' journalists who respond with "HOW DARE YOU SIR!" every time Trump tweets and get a bajillion likes.
But the earth is fucking flat. Otherwise people on the bottom would fall off.
Surprise, surprise. A male feminist with closet misogynistic beliefs.
My friend was telling me that there were articles that came out about his company about not hiring enough diverse people but he said "I interviewed everyone who applied for these positioned and women and minorities never come by!"
i thought his first vide was the game overthinker and it was about how VIDEO GAMES COME FORM JAPAN! which was the stupidest over simplification ever, and that was the last bob chipman think i ever watched ever. I feel like a guy who went to work in the coal mines of Centrailia for one day, left, and then found out what happened 50 years after.
I don't see anything in these tweets saying that she wants all these minority groups to supplant men entirely in the industry.
basically, if you are white and want to make an animated show or work on one, please dont? what should all these white people do then? you dont want them in politics, or on tv show, or in movies, or in cartoons, or comic books. So then what? should they stay home, forever?
based Oney
>Dobson thread
>"No political shit"
That's fucking impossible
Ctrl+F, no results.
Feels good man.
I heard he lifted it from cartoons without really understanding why things like that work better in animation than comics.
Why is his palm covered in shit?
You know you're a shit human when even Yea Forums is calling you sexist.
Because it came up horribly rushed as it is?
I sort of get him but I still wouldnt be saying that in front of everyone and look like an idiot
The narrative is that women and minorities are being ignored even though they are highly coveted in all mediums nowadays. The problem is that they lack the skill so they never find enough.
The man eats corn he turned into flakes himself, ya fuckin' commie.
If it's free, then I take whichever liberty I like. If it's a commission, the client's word is law.
Imagine being at computers.
I mean it's also possible that John K's father was a normal dude and that John K is fucking lying
Now I'm imagining a Terminator/Back to the Future style mashup with John Henry as the main character and I need it
>shut up, bob
>A black, gay, and white lady who are all from California is not diversity either.
I couldn't agree more. There's nothing I'd love more than for animation studios and TV stations to look outside the standard cal art/scad/ringing pool of artists they always go with. You'd get a hell of a lot of fresh ideas concepts and designs and I'm sure each show runner would push eachother competitively more than a bunch of jerk wads that graduated together.
When you write an impossible scenario with the death note, it defaults to a heart attack
The fact that a mega-faggot like Shaun is actually just a thousand times more cognizant, sane and likeable than Blobbert is an amazing testament to just how fucking shit of a person Moviebob really is.
At least the Dayton shooter had some casualties
>black gem is black
more like creatively bankrupt than anything
Bad bait, try again
shut up newcunny
IIRC she wasn’t a kid. She was a storyboarder for EEN’E at the time
Yeah I don't get it either. You could probably tie it into his story about Christmas and his jewish girlfriends family though
Facebook, he still makes some "art" and comic occasionally
I'm just trying to wrap my head why he'd want to upload his consciousness to a robot, so he could be immortal. It wouldn't be Bob, it would be a copy, he could never experience immortality.
Marries Chris Chan. Requesting the fan art of this.
He loves Skyrim. Would play it on a mac far too old too play it. I don't know if they still exist, but he actually did Lets Plays.
That just seems dumb. They're paying you to do it, just do it
Maximum 40 days. If you try to push it more than that, they just die in 40 days of heart attack
Dobson would be far more successful if he just stayed CattyN.
I dont know who this is
> We like saying "hugbees". Go on, try it!
I think you might be confusing Rebecca with another SU boarder named Raven. She worked on Ed, Edd n' Eddy.
She was 20 years old.
Even if she was in her late teens tumblr should've hunted her down since the Ed's are 11.
Go back to tumblr you fat white female.
the fuck is this post
>Wake me up when he calls more tranny teenagers nazis.
>White Supremacist (Right wing) caused casualties: 500+ this year alone
Really? That seems a lot. Do you mean internationally or something?
>I can’t even hold a pencil
Casualties doesn't mean killings, it includes killings, alongside grievous injuries.
Anyway, that number doesn't include the mass shootings that almost happened but got foiled, like the three that got intercepted this week alone.
Honestly why this one week? What made them all decide they'll shoot everyone this one particular week?
It's a direct parody of two Dobson comics.
Arin has admitted to being a shitstirrer
Linkara’s most positive trait is actually growing up, unlike bob and Dobson.
It used to be hilariously easy to get a rise out of him, as SA and Yea Forums proved repeatedly, until what could have been a career killer came out and he handled it perfectly. Bob and Dobson simply cannot help shoving their feet in their mouths because their egos won’t let them think someone else “won”
Sure, he might get a bit obnoxious sometimes, but he’s nowhere near the level of spiteful gremlin that Dobson and bob are.
>Men making shows about girls is NOT diversity!!!
>What about stuff like PPG, Infinity Train, Amphibia, Inside Out, Loud House --
Unironically, what DID she mean by this?
>Men making shows about girls is not diversity
>What about all the shows made by men?
What did YOU mean by this? She clearly meant diversity in creators and having a variety of creator voices.
Dont act retarded. You were defending rebecca sugar for drawing ed edd n eddy porn
firstly it wasn't my post
secondly, you're saying that "I" should go back to tumblr for defending someone for something that tumblr would hunt someone down for doing?
Try lolcow farm
Just don’t let on that you’re a man or have anything positive to say lmao
Someone need to write a book, like the one about Chris-Chan, where we hypothesize what would happen if Bob Chipman ruled the world. It would start off with government mandated Super Mario games, then delve right into transhumanist eugenics and gulags.
Because it's a fucking stupid thing to say. It implies there is blame on guys who want to make a show with a female lead as if they're the ones greenlighting their own pitches. It also implies that somehow, diversity for the sake of it is going to create more interesting stories.
Y'all are idiots. She's just saying that while men creators writing about women is great, having actual women writing about women is also great and there should be women writing about their own experiences as well.
Y'all stupid.
Smut =/= porn. No one's saying it was a smart thing to do but let's be real here it was nothing compared to what's currently on r34.
Shaun is a bong so his entire social circle is probably white working class.
>Because it's a fucking stupid thing to say.
No it's not.
> It implies there is blame
No it doesn't.
>. It also implies that somehow
There's no somehow about it, she explicitly explains that different experiences create different stories to tell.
It really just seems like you're angry at an imaginary tweet that you pretended she made, instead of what she actually wrote.
Being a man or woman doesn't inherently mean you're automatically going to create different stories if both people grew up in the same liberal California bubble while going to CalArts. That's fake diversity. There is no guarantee someone is going to have a different experience if you just look at their skin color or genitals. So to put that on "Male showrunners is not diversity!" is a horseshit deflection. It's like when people say how much of a harder time black people have when the more accurate thing is to say poor people, who do tend to be mostly black but there is still a huge community of people who can be helped there. It's a bad statement and she should feel bad for making it. It's clearly calling someone out, but when someone points out an example of who she might be calling out, she backtracks and says "no, not that".
You're just ignorant as fuck and think if anyone blindly says stuff like "diversity is good" they must be right without thinking about what that means.
Arrogant people as a whole lack self awareness, because otherwise they'd comprehend their own insecurities.
Because fatso is really into scat
My good man, that isn't shit, that's how you shade a character properly, just paint it in black then turn the layer's opacity down, just like a real artist would do.
Go to therapy Luke.
>Person makes a good point
>Can't refute it
>"Better call them Luke, that's a good trick!"
I’m sure all of these female, POC, and LGBT animators just love to be pigeonholed.
>Hide conversation
I keep pushing the button but NOTHING HAPPENS...HELP!!!!
When it comes to killing people, Lefty terrorists in the US might as well be constrained by divine intervention. Look up the Weathermen and how many times their bombs somehow didn't end up killing or even hurting (other) people.
I agree, I think we SHOULD have more shows made by all kinds of people. That's why we should ask artists who never thought of making children's shows what they would want to do. Last time we did that, we got Courage the Cowardly Dog, Ed Edd n Eddy, and Invader ZIM. Those were some truly innovative cartoons that, to this day, still have cult followings. One of them just got a reboot movie because it was such a huge hit.
Oh but wait, those are all men, I guess they don't count as making animation diverse because they're not women drawing bean heads with shitty love triangles.
I LOVE how theres like, THREE implyied light sources on this page...AND HE FAILS RENDERING ALL AND EACH ONE OF THEM.
>It's a MIRACLE that I'm able to do my job when backed up by loads of people
It's a wonder he didn't sprain his neck sucking his own dick like that.
>refuses to suck LA dick to work in the animation industry
>still gets occasional work via connections with people who know how real he is
>manages the only funny Lets Play channel on YouTube
>still animates and does art
>fucking taught himself music and Blender because he wanted to grow as am artist
>is making his own game
>resurrected Freddy Freaker and produces officially licensed merch
Based Oney
She's a woman so it's fine. Also the children are portrayed as gay, which is progressive.
Bernie isn't even a boomer lol
You’ve never read Bob’s Terminator movie pitch then.
>dumb jock genre
but that's FIFA
He’s a lazy asshole who has to be forced to get off his ass to record himself playing video games and did everything he could to not pay the people working with him.
They're called helicopters
I love when people who are objectively privileged pretend like lower-middle class blue collar white people are these gilded oppressors of minorities and the proletariat.
Like mother fucker you talk about video games for a living. Poorly. Not even professionally. You have ZERO real problems compared to a fucking janitor or mechanic who has to feed his kids. You GET to go to college and learn imaginary bullshit for a degree that literally only qualifies you to work in fields that directly involve people getting said degree, but you're pretending like you've got actual struggles that aren't self-made.
Don't lump people who played Pokemon in high school in with untouchable faggots like Bob
>like the one about Chris-Chan,
I never heard about that. It really exists?
>We shouldn't be mad at Chef for leaving, we should be mad at that fruity little club for scrambling his brains
Isaac Hayes had a literal stroke and his posse of handlers from the Church of Scientology started handling his business for him until he died. His stance on the Scientology episode was always "yeah I don't dig it but hey they make fun of everyone what's fair is fair" until a few years later when suddenly representatives speaking for him came out all "oh Mr Hayes totally said he HATES Matt and Trey for being bigots and he wants out NOW".
>Bob finally gets his wish
>Jetsons future with flying cars and robots
>Finally gets a robot friend
>Robot leaves to hang out with the cool kids
>Bob goes full Amish after deciding that there's too much toxic masculinity in technology and that it's all inherently bigoted just so these fucking robots don't feel discriminated against
>If anything i think ZM has a superior soundtrack, but they are remixes so i dont think it counts.
I like ZM's tracks on their own, but a lot of them don't mesh well with GBA sound hardware, especially the choir-heavy ones
Fusion has an advantage of being 50% ambience and 50% creepy so more raspy sound didn't hurt it
where the GBA hardware definitely doesn't hinder either is sound effects, I fucking love the crunch on the missile fx, fuck that muffled shit from SM
>Dobson somehow tramples himself to death
I don't know what's worse that when i read "100 years" i immediately though that's too long, or that i knew that the reply is going to point this out.
The Escapist rehired him. His stuff is on their youtube channel.
Lame bait
>Also I don't really get the hate for Doug Walker
after both kickstarters he is the bigger evil out of all 4
But critics were unfair with the new Godzilla film shitting on it for the same crap that they give capeshit a free pass for.
>being a newfag
>posting in a thread you don't like, thus helping it survive
Lol retard
>looks like a Looney Tunes version of Benjamin Franklin
Fucking kek
They use safety harnesses, ask any Austrian.
Don't forget how all FPS games are the work of the devil and how Shigeru Miyamoto came to him in a dream and told him that Microsoft and Sony were gonna send an army of FPS dudebros to kill his dog. destroy his childhood home, and get rid of all the Nintendo games.
Also, the dream ending in Bob getting the Master Sword so he could cleanse the Nintendo non-believers in the name of God King Shiggy.
>bully's hair isn't blonde
it's shit
Linkara is just kind of an autist. He used to be a massive hypocrite for virtue signalling about being a feminist while looking up Muppet m&m rape porn, but as far as lolcows go he's pretty mellow.
Dobson is a huge faggot with bad takes and a permanent victim complex, so he's pretty bad.
Moviebob is on a whole nother level though. Even woke Twitter finds him distasteful.
But not Left enough. Don't forget - anyone to the right of one of these idiots is Right Wing.
>until what could have been a career killer came out and he handled it perfectly.
what was that?
Fucking hell, he is such a beta.
he's right, the best game is Majora's Mask
compared to the other games nothing, it's just flat out, brain rottingly sexist. The only way it could be MORE sexist is if Adam went on a rant how Samus was a useless woman that couldn't do anything without a man's input or action, while Samus slobbed his knob. Just, holy shit Other M is so bad.
I thought they were libertarian or something?
Less. At least most smut artists don't have any delusions of grandeur over what they do.
If we were living in the Universal Century, Movieblob's first, best destiny would be menial labour descaling the outer walls of O'Neill cylinders or alternatively being rendered down for nutrient paste.
so oney is a pedophile?
The entire scenario from Thinner by Stephen King, but it's happening to Dobson.
Do you know the source to that gif?
Eh that's a pretty reasonable stance desu, I wouldn't want to listen to a bunch of Twitter faggots talking my ear off either
you got proof, bud?
Write that his porn stash is leaked openly on the internet, together with chat logs from huge companies confirming he has been blacklisted permanently from any animation company in the western world for being a pedophile in their eyes.
After the evidence is leaked on all social plattforms, he becomes one of the new targets of the sjw movement and is driven eventually to suicide when even his family disowns him.
>literally self-taught composer and 3D artist
Okay Arin
Yeah, it’s possible to disconnect for a while without needing to explain yourself.
You just sound mad that he wasn't as big of a retard as you hoped he was, Arin
At this point I'm convinced half the retards that hate Oney are just upset he turned out to not be as retarded as them
He called two tranny teenagers nazis last year (During pride month, hilariously enough). One because they disagreed with him on calling everyone nazis. Another because they edited one of his comics into a parody or something.
people did the same with PsychicPebbles and all the other Newgrounds guys they used to have a laugh over how autistically incompetent they seemed to be so when it turned out these guys actually have careers and aren't actual retards, people started to sperg out and double down on it
I'm surprised he didn't get more shit for this
He got a load of shit last year for it and "apologized" while saying he was getting harassment for it. This was for one of the cases, mind you. Not sure if he apologized to the transperson he shittalked on facebook.
Dobson's just a fucking weirdo.
Am I the only one who read his character and pathetic fursona with Greg from SU voice?
He tried framing it on facebook like he was being attacked, because apparently the people that follow him there actual retards
But then someone actually showed the whole situation and the entire thread turned on him and he deleted everything it was pretty funny
He dies horribly at a McDonalds. Just replace the guy who dies in this story with him.
Some vintage Dobson for ya - when he got ousted from his role as President of the Anime Club in college.
It’s pretty fuckin patronizing when I see stuff like this. I’m gay, and I have some characters, and coincidentally, there is one gay character but it’s what I felt was most natural for that character. When creating characters and stories, you just need to make what feels natural and not attempt to force anything or else it just becomes cringy pandering. Telling minorities that they need to make stories representing their personal life is stupid as fuck. Humanity is a shared experience, and storytelling shouldn’t be restricted by what a person is. If it’s a good story then it’s a good story, no matter who made it. They like PPG because it’s a good story, not because the creator was a little girl telling stories about little girls.
>this is why he hates anime
I was about to make a JOKE about that but it's actually true.
>implying the girls only supported the new guy because he flirted with them and they wanted to fuck him
>not because the new guy was probably doing a better job and had a better personality
Nice misogyny, Dobson
Dude needs to calm down with his spergy grudges
Wayne Knight is a treasure.
so someone did to him the exact same thing he did to the previous president
>mfw I agree with something Dobson says
Brb, gonna go kill myself
>"fan service" type with no substance
Bet you it was something like Uresei Yatsura.
goes to show he would be living the exact same lifestyle if he never went online
Eww, Greg deserves better than that.
Just keep being yourself. I don't let the fact that Dobson likes the old Dic Nintendo cartoons or has an expansion fetish stop me from doing the same.
You are OK with THIS?
Dobson is an opportunist and racist.
1. Being so pissed about his girlfriend spending Hannuah and not Christmas with him, he draws a picture mocking her religion cause that is where he thinks it hurts her the most
2. Drawing a roommate from college as a cliched asian stereotype nerd and trying to profit of his likeness by creating a character based on him. Only to later turn his back on his roommate when he finds out he made it at Disney, actually complaining in a deviantart post how he is super jealous that this guy got all he ever wantedm because "he has been born with too much natural talent instead of working for it like me"
3. Creates Alex ze Pirate based on some chick he wanted to have sex with and broke contact the moment she got engaged with someone else despite acting for years like a friend to her
Dobson is so weird in how he takes absolutely any action whatsoever as a direct attack against him and is horribly insulted from anything said or done. The guy wants to be the permanent victim at all times
That's even hotter
I think it went so far as that he has disowned his own brother by now, because the later said something against him.
Which is hilarious cause Dobson's brother is gay.
>Dobson himself made this gif.
>no political shit
how do you make fun of dobson without looking at any of his political shit
>What future does a weirdo that still lives at home well into his late 30s
Where do you live?
Plus he’s married, he’s made it farther than most of us
well, look up his rantings about how he is sad people give him nice comments to his inktober stuff because he feels his other shit deserves more attention.
or his beliefs when it comes to videogames and game culture
or look at how ubisoft made fun of Dobson on twitter and even he had to take it.
or read up on his attempts to make burger king cheetoh chicken fries somehow about sexism.
Don't forget that time lectured a teen lesbian on how she was a bad lesbo for not liking Korrasami, and calling him out on his creepy obsession with underage yuri.
He kills Trump and get shot while insisting they make him new president
You feel like a loser for not being able to come up with a funny enough comeback. You think about what if someone in real life says this to you and you're just gonna stand there unable to reply like social norms dictate.
I'm interested now, where exactly should the three sources be?
That's Lamar (or Katie)'s work user. Very telling you picked a well known shot that everyone and their mother has shitposted with, you might as well have taken a smear to use as a representative of a whole work.
God I love this creepypasta so much
Its very easy to make fun of Dobson without getting political. Dude is a fucking loser.
Someone tell this dumb nigger that the US has ponied up 5 trillion in foreign aid. We could be on Mars, but you just had to feed niggers in Africa so they could become locusts.
>working two jobs and taking commissions
>can't scrounge up $500 to repay his girlfriend
That's like half a paycheck from a single below minimum wage job, I know he's got other expenses but what the fuck.
Is Bogleech worth mentioning? He does some good stuff but still argues in youtube comments like a child.
>Send request
Really sad that he thinks this is something worth making a comic over...
Disney contacts him to personally lead their return to 2D animation, then he trips on a Big Mac and breaks his neck.
>>White Supremacist (Right wing) caused casualties: 500+ this year alone
Let me guess. a lot of hurt feefees? Did you happen to forget the couple of shootings by Antifa, one that springs to mind is that literal boomer hippie who shot at an ICE detention facility (so ironically doing the ebil gnadzis work for them).
Prolly never happened to begin with.
Oh god no, it would bring in new garbage and that garbage would seep into other boards again
She kind has a point in that would be nice to have shows and people working on shows that aren't coastal middle class types that aren't all friends of friends and connected from previous shows and stuff.
Just some fresh faces would be nice
Based? Based.
He might be talking about all of Linkara's old fetish RPs or he might be talking about Change the Channel, I'm not sure. He did try to cover up the first thing, so I wouldn't say that was perfect, I don't recall him doing anything in particular during Change the Channel besides leaving Channel Awesome, but that was definitely the right choice in that scenario.
It would be nice if that's what she wanted. But what she actually wants is just more brown, Asian, and gay people working in cartoons.
Dan Didio once inexplicably got shit on at a convention panel for saying basically the same thing about DC's hiring practices.