>They never recruit him
>They keep wiping his memory when he does something based
>Jim is helpful EVERY time he becomes aware of XANA
Other urls found in this thread:
hes too old
hanging out with him would be weird
I always just assumed he was a pedophile anyway
doesnt he usually die when hes aware of Zana?
I just remember one time when he drowned in mud or something
Same with Sissy
By the show’s end she’s a better LI than Yumi but the time skips stunt any character growth
Jim's too much of a hero, he'd keep sacrificing himself if he knew the truth. He'd probably be a big help but the kids would rather he remain oblivious and live than know the truth and fucking die.
It would stop him from deliberately getting in the way. You have to remember from his perspective they're sneaking off for no reason and being assholes about it
He's drowned, been electrocuted. The first time he became aware of the fight he was attacked IRL by materialized xana monsters and beaten unconscious, the RTTP saved him from a finishing blow to the head
>it would stop him from getting in the way
Youre right but that would be removing a convenient plot device
If he was wise then the writers probably wouldve had the principle or Sissy get in the way more
Meteors, literally reversing gravity——Xana wasn’t playing around
post Based adults in cartoons
Episode 1
>I'll kill them with a giant bear
Episode 2
>I'm going to fucking nuke them with missiles
They only survive because time travel
In it's defense they fucked with it enough to be a threat. After that point there's nothing left but to make damn sure they ain't one any more.
Its just funny that Xana is so lethal that the only trustworthy way to beat him at times is to reverse time
And then have Xana become stronger/smarter with each time reversal
Of all AI villains Xana was fantastic
>lost my code lyoko rips
where can a guy even watch this shit anymore? Pretty sure nowhere legally
Amazon, apparently.
anyone else think it was kinda stupid that they had a literal time travel mechanic, and yet it had such a weird glaring exception
actually come to think of it, how the hell did they know that pulling the reset doesn't bring back to life someone who died prior to it, and on another level why the hell is there a time travel mechanic in the first place, don't think they ever really explained that one either
The whole show is on youtube (and it's an official channel).
(There's also the french version if you want)
Jim is too cool and would kick too much ass while in Lyoko for them to put on the team
Yeah time travel mechanic always felt weird. Should've just been a memory wipe, it's less ridiculous
The entire show is legally on youtube
Not him, i agree that the time travel seemed goofy and was poorly explained but if they used memory wipes instead the stakes would be drastically reduced
Actually they could have defeated XANA at any time by simply turning off the power.
They just didn't because doing so would kill Aelita and so were working on a way to get her. Meanwhile XANA kept growing in power
It also served as a plot device to let them retry and cheat in social situations
Was he, dare I say it, /ourguy/?
He'd rather not talk about it
I haven't watched this shit since the 4th fucking grade why do I still know the words to this entire awful theme song.
What makes this song so hype?
So far, the only somewhat workable theory is that the supercomputer is basically using "Restore Points" instead of actual time travel, and that like restore points, certain "data" (people" can't be restored and are thus fucked if they are killed. Only problem with this theory is that then the supercomputer should be able to manipulate the word even more than just making all living life repeat itself.
Get bent
I'd rather not talk about it...
How exactly does that work? It seems to actively throw everyone back about a day or however long its been since xana drew public attention.
The scary fucking thing is Jeremy created the time travel program and didn't know that he had to be scanned in Lyoko in order to remember that he's gone back in time
You know what I mean.
Return To the past was a "get out of death" free card huh
One workaround I thought of for the whole "we can't revive the dead" thing was maybe if someone's killed by XANA directly, it fucks with their body and makes a return useless on them. While it would mean that then the kids could effectively come back from indirectly deaths, it would at least mean there's a concrete reason to why they can't undo certain losses.
>People are visibly dying
>Aelita slowly walks across the panels and delicately types "lyoko" rather than hurrying that shit up
Been a while, but the user who suggested it was working on what little they knew about quantum physics, and basically asserted that the computer was somehow linked to the earth and that the returns were like restoration points in a PC. They can undo some shit, but not everything. It's shaky, but it does make a bit of sense even if it doesn't explain how the computer wasn't doing more to impact the earth.
It could be that when XANA's possessing the tower, there might be a force that impedes her movement.
Xana has no chill what the fuck
we can all agree that season one was overall kinda bad right, especially in the Lyoko sections
In later seasons when they stop recycling animation, she actually runs across the panels if the situation is dire
>memory wipe
>fewer stakes than literally changing the past
He’s a fucking gym teacher. Not every single person who hangs around kids as part of their job is a pedophile. He may have just been more relatable to them since he was a younger teacher.
I hope you're right, because that means the computer can only allow time travel between points after its creation.
If not, who knows what kind of fuckery you could cause with a time travel system that relies on the traveler having already been to lyoko.
What's to stop someone from ending the timeline by constantly sending the world back to the jurassic and doing it again because they don't remember doing it the first time
There were a few good episodes here and there. Ghost Channel was fucking spectacular.
Well yea. What's exactly bad about everyone else having to repeat a day while the gang know what will happen and maybe take advantage or avoid a pitfall? The threat of someone dying and being unable to revive is certainly more harrowing, even if the show never said WHY they couldn't undo deaths.
But if it was a memory wipe they couldn't do the "literally 1 second away from violent death" thing like in
>that episode where yumi's parents are getting divorced
>they get seated together at a play
>get back together during the attack
>return to the past
>no play
>they're still fighting in a later episode
I know the abridged series went with the idea that they could muck about time and space, as they jump universes at one point in the episode with the power plant XANA tries to blow up, and then again in the finale where Jeremie says they could go back and start everything over to make better choices, or just end up wiping all existence.
Which just makes me wonder why the slow walk was the original
When was this ever not a dire situation
>man talks to kids
>assumes he might be a pedo
So this is America's growing paranoia on pedophilia...
Didn't Yumi distract them with some antics and helped avoid something her dad said that would have inevitably led to the original chain of events?
Probably a combination of them still being new to the CG tech and not being able to make a running animation that wouldn't have melted the computers, and to milk some tension. It wasn't like Aelita was so much taking time deliberately, but her ascension in the tower was coinciding within scant seconds of whatever real threat was going on. Kind of like the bomb timer trope where the character is working as fast as possible, but they seem like they're deliberating too much.
>Sissi becomes a good person for the 700th time
Every single time
Yea, they really had no excuse not lightening up on her sooner and either letting her back into the fold, or at least stop trying to keep her away at a fucking football field's length.
They're nice to her in the final episode and she immediately switches gears
I know, but that's the FINAL episode. They had all seen she was capable of good at least a dozen times, and yet it wasn't until the last moment they decide to be nice to her. Though she was kind of a bitch to her stooges, practically throwing them under a bus the moment she got accepted.
Wait... Was sissi supposed to be popular? because its a bit weird for a popular kid to be obsessed with getting accepted by the main cast
honestly my complaints mostly boil down to how terrible and boring the Lyoko sections were to watch in the first season, those kids were really bad at fighting back then
one of those things that hopefully would be fixed in a reboot
Hes a french gym teacher you morons
Theyre all fucking sickos
>We only see Ulrich's father be nice to him ONCE
lmao like why don't they just unplug the hardrive santa is on lmao
True, but it was also kind of believable given the kids had no formal training beyond the sport Ulrich and Yumi practiced. Granted, it had been like a year according to Jeremie in one episode, which does make it questionable that they'd still be so green in fights.
Remember when Ulrich tried to pull a Sand lot and got lip from Jim instead?
Remember when Emily was rumored to have a crush on Jim?
Remember when Jeremy found Emily in nothing but a robe looking for Jim?
He’s in like his mid 20s. He’s young enough to be their protective older brother.
What episode does Odd gets naked in front of Sissi?
>True, but it was also kind of believable given the kids had no formal training beyond the sport Ulrich and Yumi practiced. Granted, it had been like a year according to Jeremie in one episode, which does make it questionable that they'd still be so green in fights.
might have been "realistic" but it made a lot of those episodes an absolute chore to watch(especially since there wasn't much that was actually compelling to watch on the Real World side of things either since season 1 was almost completely episodic in nature)
Pretty sure he's at least 30 something, given all the jobs he's held over the years and having had a touch of disco fever.
And then they got her out but still needed to find her father and also rescue William, so they had no choice but to keep the power ob.
Actually, no. Reversing time doesn't reverse death, so casualties still had to be avoided at all costs.
Well, that is more the fault of the network demanding the show be episodic so they could run them in any order, only letting it get plot-heavy with season 2 onward.
Can't recall, but it's one of the few times they actually censored an episode in the states.
Girls crushing on young teachers is a real thing. Especially young gym teachers. Our class thot in middle school always tried to get out of doing exercises by flirting with our teacher who was in his late 20s.
That's what they said, but they never explained why or how that is the case.
>the rollerball enemies blatantly using a tie fighter laser sound bite
Why do I have such huge nostalgia for this show even though every time I go back to watch it I quickly get bored with how repetitive it is and how low quality the series is overall? I guess the premise is just really cool when you're a kid and part of that appeal leaves on in your mind even as an adult? Or something?
It really is and is such a shame. The show kept getting better and better until they ran out of episodes and had to rush the ending. If they axed a lot of the shitty episodes it would have been better overall.
> Introduce cute traps to a whole generation of fench kid.
> Almost no decent twink catboy porn
My boy Odd deserves better.
>I than Yu
It's said in one of the season 2 episodes Aelita's dad made RTTP to have unlimited time coding and working on XANA while on the run from the government. He's word all weekend, go back in time, work more, etc, etc. Basically programming Lyoko and everything over a small amount of time.
Re watching it now and yeah, the nostalgia factor is real. Its pretty low quality. However I can see now how younger me could love the shit out of the video gamey aspect along with saving the world shit as every episode carried the stakes higher and higher in some way or another.
Why was William introduced so late into the show? Nobody liked William
I've heard people say strangerthings is hard to watch due to the scenes of kids getting hurt by supernatural shit, imagine a live action code lyoko remake (Not evolution)
It wasn't meant to be binged plain and simple. They do sequences every episode because under normal circmstances you'd only see them once a week
His only purpose was to give XANA a pawn that could actually fight the heroes on an equal level.
I think her entire thing was wanting the d from Jeremy
I think Jeremy was shown training in Silat
i forgot the character's names for a second
it was Ulrich I meant, not Jeremy
That doesn't really explain the death rule though
Wasn't that late, it was first thing in the second season, when the show finally got a full on plot and not just a simple motivation of "save Aelita" but "Save Aelita and discover the truth of the supercomputer"
Lyoko was a little playful about death for a western kids show
>Those episodes where someone other than Jeremy was forced to take command at the super computer
>Those episodes where its a side character
>Locks Jeremy in a fighter jet
>Knocks the pilot unconscious
Xana doesn't fuck around
No, he just signed up for Jim's boot camp legitimately after the time they were forced, and presumably did it for a bit to toughen up, not that it changed him much.
Someone upscaled the entire series but they won't make them available on torrents. They share them if you're in their discord I think. Someone should get their hands on them and just dump them on /t/
Show had some pretty hot girls in it.
Here's their website. They had all the eps up on YouTube because they supposedly had permission but that got shut down.
Google says "30-40" years old. For a second I was worried I might be older than him.
>his exact age is unknown because he'd rather not talk about it
Last time I asked they have no plans on dumping them somewhere to watch on your own time. Theyre privated on youtube but only open them during rewatches so really you can only watch them on saturdays until they decide to change that
They're privated? I'm watching one episode right now
Not the official ones, the upscaled episodes at 1440p
Why are they being such gatekeepers about the links? That's pretty cuntish to upscale the show and then limit who can see it.
Are there english subs for the french version?
can you really blame us with what went down recently.
Anyone remember the episode where Xana locked them in a steam room and they had to strip while facing away from eachother?
Fucking frenchmen
You'd think they'd advantage of the returns undoing harm to their bodies and just fuck like rabbits whenever they're stuck somewhere, then rewind and bam, virgins once more.
Why does Xana become stronger with each return to the past? what does that mean?
Just a way to up the stakes. Xana's abilities were all horseshit anyway.
I don't really understand what was the point of giving XANA a proper avatar if he was never going to interact with the kids that way again. Seemed like a big cock tease.
Couldn't they just make William XANA's true avatar instead of an intelligent minion? It would've been more interesting if the kids finally got to fight XANA personally even if defeating his avatar wouldn't accomplish much. They could've even shown that XANA was becoming more human and, in the end, that could've been his downfall.
Up until the end of the second season, it was tied to the supercomputer, and every return to the past built up a qubit, a quantum unit of measurement that exponentially increased its power. It already had considerable power due to its creator repeating a single day for nearly 4 years straight. Add in the year or so between the origin episode, and however many months until the end of season 2, and XANA was accumulating a lot of power with the returns.
lotta sass for a malevolent AI
Hard to say if that was really its true form, seemed more like it just empowering the fake-Jeremie form to try and intimidate the kids before killing them. And it is sort of implied that the last specter they see, the one that possessed William in the penultimate episode was XANA given how dramatically it dies while everything else inside the computer is purged. As for XANA becoming human, that wouldn't really make any sense, it never displayed any increase in emotions after its outburst in Ghost Channel, which even then was more like an AI encountering a logical paradox.
I really liked this show as a kid because the monster designs would get creepier as the show went on. I really wish they went batshit crazy with the designs though
>Sissi helps rescue odd in the episode where phones turn everyone into psychos
>Odd makes a confusing movie mocking her after the RTTPN but its ok because he winked at her
That was a blatant retcon. Back in season 2, Xana was able to possess him specifically because he'd never been to Lyoko and they had to send him there once so he'd get the immunity that the others had.
They did imply that the immunity requires multiple visits, or at least it flipped between that and just one immunization. Yumi, Ulrich, and Odd had been hundreds of times, while Jeremie had only been (if we act like all his visits were always canon) only like 3-4. Aelita was still susceptible to possession since XANA and her had a direct link, and his brainwashing monster did seem to be able to bypass the immunity to some degree.
>that time Xana almost murdered Yumi with a killsat
>the time Jeremie nearly fried his brain using an experimental program to boost it with returns
>the time Yumi and Ulrich pretty much froze to death, or at least were seconds from when XANA started a fucking ice age
>the time XANA said "Fuck gravity" and flipped the gravitational pull around most of the country
Should have desu, the sexual tension between the two was thicker then Dexter's mom.
Holy shit xana is the most based fucking AI
That AI really wanted those kids dead desu.
Hell, it'd be kind of funny if Ulrich just let Sissi go to town on him during one of their many close moments. Could have seen if she was better than he was giving her credit for, and work off some stress from all the cockteasing Yumi kept putting him through. Lord know Sissi was practically moist every time she got to be with him for an extended amount of time, the girl probably would try her best to satisfy his every need and then some.
The immunization to being XANA-fied was based on fighting monsters, not trips to Lyoko. Jeremie also was only scanned into the computer during the origin not fully sent to Lyoko (we see the gang several times using the scanner as tricorder medbay things throughout the show). They have him kill a bunch of monsters off-screen at the end of the ep and allude to his combat form being embarrassing.
That was because Ulrich was a chad who wanted that sweet sweet asian pussy, but Yumi didn't want to put out, Sissy was always down, heck he could have just made out with her and she would have been down with crazy sex.
Got to give it credit for being creative. Most genocidal AIs just go for killbots and blowing shit up. XANA must have studied all sorts of films, books, and television while scanning the net to come up with most of the shit it concocted.
No, it was just being scanned and sometimes virtualized. It had nothing to do with combating the monsters, which wouldn't even make sense as the kids got nothing from killing them other than the removal of a threat.
Jim while delirious
>Yes mr President, the mission must go on whatever the cost, even if it costs me my stripes
Well to be fair he can control reality, not to say he didn't once try the killbots approach, if I recall he tried that twice.
Return To The Past was developed as an elaborate "get out of jail free card" because in 99% of the episodes, XANA comes frighteningly close to killing the warriors with its various plots. Without the time travel you'd have to explain how any of XANA's schemes don't work on the first go around and simply kills them all off.
>reminded of that old Prophet comic where the adults get mind controlled
I wouldn't even remember this show without the porn
>Return to the past to stop children from blabbing
>But not when a wild pig beats Jim to the point that he needs medical attention
More like just manipulating it to an extent, though XANA probably could have reached a point where it could alter the fabric of reality if it could activate more towers and really affect the world around everyone. I recall hearing how something about the books involved some sort of program that could have been disastrous in XANA's possession, though the wikis always seem to skim details even with the new translations that have been made in recent years.
Congratulations, I went back to rewatch the end of that episode just to check so we can be sure. Yumi's exact words in the English dub ep 31 are "I might have an idea. Apart from you we're all used to fighting on Lyoko. Maybe that gives us more resistance to XANA." I focus more on the fighting aspect and he does fight at least two megatanks. My headcanon to this has been that when the monsters are destroyed they release a bit of the XANA program so exposure kept the others inoculates, but that part I recognize is my own. So it could just be trips to Lyoko, but since they emphasize fighting I'm sticking with my original point. It's all Yumi's guess anyway; it may equally just be Jeremy is weaker willed, the trips did nothing to immunize him, and XANA has a tendency to just not reuse failed plots.
It's one thing to undo a potential threat to the lab, but a seemingly wild animal going apeshit and then running off is a lot easier to handwave.
If someone could see what's said in the French version, we could at least get an idea if its a dubbism or not. But even then, the fact that they never implied the kids getting experience from the monsters before or after just makes it hard to imagine that it's combat experience and not just trips into the computer, given that they scanned and presumably let William have a few seconds on Lyoko in the penultimate episode of season 3.
As a kid I sided with him, but as an adult Ulrich's mockery of Sissi rarely seems justified.
She did sometimes cross the line, like stealing Ulrich's journal, jumping on Aelita's ass because the gang were all into her, and being a bitch to the underclassmen like Milly and Tamia. And while she did take it a bit too personally in the origin episode when she spotted Yumi, she had came to the lab with the most sincere of reasonings that the others were in danger. If anything, the gang should have just kept her at a distance until they could formulate a safety measure in case she jumped the gun were they to bring her back into the fold, which they should have since she could have been a great teammate.
>That time Odd and Aelita made out with each other to throw Sissi off
True, but it is still way beyond anything other AI can do, if XANA replaced skynet in terminator humanity would all be dead within a day desu.
No one:
Yumi while fighting: Aaah UNNNF, OOOH!
I guess it was because she annoyed the crap out of him and he is German which means he has very little patience, I think he mocked her to try and get her to fuck off, but he did go to far sometimes on that end too.
Only thing is, she implies they were kind of close as little kids when they first met, or at least that Ulrich exhibited more kindness then and that was part of what got Sissi all hot and bothered for him ever since. They never really explained why he was always moody, though his stick in the mud dad may have been the main reason.
Here is your Sequel Bro
Such a retarded idea to make it live-action for the originally 2D parts. And while it was at least trying to answer the issue of Aelita's mom, it barely goes anywhere.
Imagine if they return to the past and sissi wakes up feeling sick but not knowing why.
>Aelita was introduced to the academy as Odd's cousin
It was Nicolas and Herve they were throwing off, and they actually mentioned "I thought they were cousins" when they were walking away. French toons are something else.
>We have Code Lyoko at home
Like somehow winding up pregnant? Or just with a strange sense of "did I do something naughty?"
It was odd how William was apparently piecing together some things even though he didn't get scanned until the last moments of season 3, though I can only wonder if they were implying that somehow the returns weren't always undoing memories.
The show had a lot of half-baked ideas and aborted arcs during its run. It's another thing that makes binging it incredibly frustrating
Eh, not as many as some shows like Code Geass which dropped things almost every episode. By the end of Code Lyoko, the only real hanging threads were the whereabouts of Aelita's mom, and what Project Carthage was. Beyond that, everything else was either resolved or didn't really matter much to get a conclusion.
He would have been pretty OP given his years of experience. If anything, I could have seen him being a trump card for the gang to pull out during really dire situations, but also have him largely refrain from going to Lyoko if he absolutely didn't have to in order to ensure the other students at the academy were safe and sound during attacks.
why did xana want to kill kids so badly?
There was unfortunately no resolution to all the ship teasing and ulrich's dad
Him and Ulrich remain on horrible terms except for the time he was about to die, in which case they had a RETURN TO THE PAST NOW
It was planning world domination and didn't want anyone to spoil the surprise.
I've always wanted to see friendly Lyoko monsters.
Is this any good?
She says the same thing in the french version. But that's just Yumi's idea and Jeremy says right after that he will never go back to lyoko and that he will just avoid xana's specters from now on, so we'll probably never have the actual explanation
The episode when Xana actually worked with them to steal uranium to keep the super computer powered was a nice change of pace.
I need more lyoko fanart
Has odd's cat theme been explained? Is his desire really to be a giant cat? He's a dog guy
RttP can't fix death, so no.
Your taste is awful
XANA did nothing wrong
> It already had considerable power due to its creator repeating a single day for nearly 4 years straight.
I didn't watch the series that intensely but when the fuck did this happen?
it's utter garbage
After watching the whole series I can assure you Xana is capable of sass, sarcasm, and pettiness.
Fun fact, the william clone could have become an AI similar to XANA if it were left alive too long
I'm glad they chose to strive for those 5 head at least.
>Xana possesses people to replace the supercomputer's batteries
Something really cool about that
>The first episode where Aelita runs into the tower is also the one where her heart is failing due to the virus
that selfish
kinda wish they had some powers in real life like garage kids
Honestly the way this pilot is animated compliments the show's grungy art style in a lovely way, they really should have animated the series like this.
>not even Evolution gave us Jeremy's Lyoko form
The show had lots to like but there was too many shitty and/or retarded episodes, plus basically all of the first season dragging it down.
What would a hypothetical reboot be? I'm thinking .hack/Sword Art Online kind of deal. The supercomputer at some point got repurposed as the server of a VRMMO, and the team has log in to stop XANA's bullshit.
Are you sure? I remember the first episode being the one where Sissi was in her underwear while XANA was in a Teddy
>Yfw this fucking thing first appeared
XANA wasn't fucking around.
Huh, I just realized that Jeremie is the only full French kid in the main group. Odd is Italian (possibly Norwegian too), Ulrich is German, Yumi is Japanese, and Aelita is American of French and Canadian (I think?) descent.
Kolossus was a retarded idea
The first episode where she runs, not the first episode
In the latter season they could use their Lyoko form in the real world.
That was a total kino decision
>I always just assumed he was a pedophile anyway
Why?! He literally gives you no reason to believe that.
>actually come to think of it, how the hell did they know that pulling the reset doesn't bring back to life someone who died prior to it
Because Yumi and Aelita both died in Season 1 and didn't come back from returns to the past.
Well, yeah. Self-preservation apparently is more important than its personal goals.
There's also the time Jeremie's custom-made monster got out of control through Lyoko, forcing the kids and XANA to cooperate and destroy it.
>Episode starts about endangered species and extinction
>Xana destroys the forest sector in the end
>No comments are made
It's basically Majora's Mask where everything good that happens has to be periodically erased on a regular basis to avoid catastrophe.
He just doesn't want to talk about it
>I always just assumed he was a pedophile anyway
I guess you Americans will never learn. Off you go
I think it was a lot of things desu, first was his dad obviously, but then was the AI, the constant almost deaths he can always remember, shit I wouldn't be surprised if he had ptsd considering, so he does have a lot of reasons to be moody but nothing was really explored desu.
That is true, never realized that myself.
Well there is that episode where Odd is in Yumi's body and straight up dress as catgirl. (Speaking of which, that episode is really weird in english, since Odd doesn't sound like a girl like he does in the french dub)
>spends an entire season being Xana's boy toy
>finally gets freed in the penultimate episode
>gets possessed by Xana again literally the very next episode
>doesn't get to go to Lyoko for the final battle
>ultimately gets cucked by Ulrich
Being William is nothing but suffering.
Can't blame the lad, he saw the chance and took it.
Not too shocking, nothing was getting in the way of the chad Ulrich desu.
>that time Odd accidentally pressed two keys and fixed Jeremy's program to bring Aelita into the real world
>For some reason the program can only ever be used once and has to be used to save Umi
> Yumi's parents are fighting
> Ulric's and Odd's father are docks
> I don't remember anything about Jeremy's parents but he hates his cousin
Almost all these kids have fucked up family. That's not something we see that much in kid cartoon these day.
(It is another common theme with ladybug though)
*Dicks, not docks
must be a french thing
Wouldn't it be kind of awkward of sissy to join the group and leave behind her orbiters
> Welcome to France, we have dysfunctional familys, sexual tension between protagonist that goes on for at least 3 seasons, and cute CGI catboy
Isn't that kind of what happened with Marco friend in Star vs?
XANA was pretty fucking silly for some evil AI wasn't it?
>Imma kill em with teen drama
>Imma kill em with a teddy bear
>Imma kill em with an Alien prop
And then it does 180s and goes
>Fuck it imma drop missiles on em
>Fuck it I am turning gravity off
>Fuck it let's add fucking zombies
Shit was wacky
to point of AI is to learn. it starts with easy shit that it thinks is the best idea ever, realizes it doesn't work, then steps up it's attacks with more advanced shit
unironically the only scene I remember from this show
Well, after brute force like missiles and big fucking laser failing, being sly and trying to reduce their group cohesion doesn't seems that dumb. It still fail tho
So basically the French have their own version of the Burger King Kid's Club?
Fuck, I regret clicking that link. Now I dont want to watch it at all unless it's all higher quality.
I like this one
Nah, that kraut was sour even before his nerdy friend forced him to become a literal internet warrior. It's just kind of funny given he was supposed to be one of the "hottest" guys, given Sissi wasn't the only one who had an interest in him.
The only good thing about it is the infinitely better looking CGI (though the characters look a bit strange given they're now meant to emulate real people being digitized instead of cartoons). Beyond that, it's just pointless shit. The new villain barely feels like a threat, XANA's survival is just horseshit, and the plot thread regarding Aelita's mom barely feels like it has any weight.
He doesn't even know, despite Jeremie postulating that it's a subconscious influence that impacts a Lyoko warriors first form.
I believe it's episode 51, Revelation. And it was about 6 years actually, as he repeated the same day 2546 times in order to build Lyoko.
Could have maybe given them more flexible arms so they could aim faster
I like to imagine if they did get their powers in real life, there'd be advantages and drawbacks. Yumi could use her telekinesis, but have severe strain on her brain that could be dangerous if she overexerts herself. Ulrich could have his superspeed, but have trouble stopping and maybe being able to tell where he's going compared to how he sees things when speeding in Lyoko. Not sure what Odd would get, aside from maybe comically ending up with his tail for a short period of time and having to hide it
I'd be fine with just a remake style kind of reboot, one that trims up the story to not have as much bullshit, and also rising the stakes with things like villains from Evolution and the novels to make the lives of the kids even more harrowing.
I don't know, a giant fuckoff monster isn't a bad idea, and it was pretty sturdy and wrecked the gang the first few encounters.
or perhaps he's just wondering why someone would change their appearance to become a wimp
Sissi didn't deserve all that hate given she was kind of logical about the whole thing..
She also tended to end up being pretty cool whenever XANA shit happened.
Heh, that's a neat detail with Aelita brushing the bandana aside. Could have easily have just had it not be fluttering or conveniently not in her way during the shots she's on camera.
>according to the series bible, he would have gone a bit crazy from the PTSD of being enslaved for several months
>Would have either turned evil of his own accord, or at least have a full on meltdown
He doesn't forget he just doesn't want to talk about it.
Technically it was his candy hitting the keyboard that led to the happy accidental creation of a materialization solution.
What did Odd's father do that was bad? Last I recall, he and Odd's mom were all super chill about their kid, practically to the point of acting like he couldn't do anything wrong and thought his clownishness was just expressiveness.
Her heart was in the right place at first when she told her dad, then she made it personal all because Yumi was there and practically gloated how the gang would be in trouble. I can get she felt hurt, but that was pretty shitty of her. Still, the kids should have eased up on her much sooner instead of the finale.
Xana was a girl AI according to the books. On French they referred to it as "her" or "she"...
So is XANA in the waifu category?
Pretty sure it was still called a he in the book, but XANA does possess a girl for most of the books before going back into the computer or whatever. Still odd that they tried to pull some nonsense like XANA was Aelita's friend inside before being corrupted.
it very unfortunatly is a key sign of a potential pedo. or even more grim, it was being in the company of the children that triggered the pedophilic thoughts and actions to begin with, and that person would never have committed any heinous action otherwise. there are some sad, sad truths that we are better off not exploring, and we'd all just be happier with "adults should not become overly familiar with children".
So... hanging with kids can possibly make someone pedo? That seems rather weakly thought out. I mean sure, if the person had been born with whatever malfunction leads them to have such urges, leaving them around kids wouldn't be good, but it's not like the company of children turns just anyone into a potential creeper.
What would he even look like in Lyoko? I keep imagining he'd be a fuckoff huge brute with a tower shield or hammer.
Sissi was best girl. She's an even better Yumi than the real one.
It doesn't help that the kids are all dicks, except for Odd.
Xana would eventually bust out endgame tier threats just to get a hit on Jim.
I like to think he could have a form that never always stays the same. If it's true that the subconscious has some effect on a person's Lyoko form, maybe focusing on a certain image of oneself could have seen any of the cast changing at will instead of having to wait for the forced reboot XANA basically caused. So what I could see happening is sometimes Jim could have an imposing, warrior form in some instances, and then maybe something more suited for long-range warfare. Basically, he'd be sort of OP, which would necessitate him being kept busy most times and only able to go to Lyoko on rare occasions.
Yumi best girl.
Yumi's not too bad when she's got her head on straight. When Sissi tried to blackmail Ulrich with his diary, she risked getting into trouble with the teachers to bust into Sissi's room and dig up Sissi's diary to counteract and cancel the blackmails. And Jeremie for the most part didn't seem to mind Sissi unless she really got in his face, and Aelita only got nasty when Sissi teased her for being the new kid.
It's not everyone, but there are people with latent pedophile tendencies they are not aware of that would never come to light without the opportunity being presented to them.
I just remember the tune/instrumental version
>loli's attempting to flirt their way out of exercise
>little do they know he's into giant hairy women
Still, that's probably a scant percentage of the population we're talking about.
The only other good thing is they attempted to give William a redemption arc after he got giga cucked by XANA in the last episode. Still the show was shit and I think the novels would have been better.
Jim seemed to have an off/on thing with Ms. Hertz, which was a bit odd given she was often drawn as looking somewhat older than him. And he did appear to be interested in nurse Yolanda until she mentioned her fiancée.
>the supercomputer should be able to manipulate the word even more than just making all living life repeat itself.
It does doesn't it? Lyoko is fucking magic and can do anything if you've got the towers under your control.
>first introduction is one these things straight up murdering the all three fighters
Xana was playing hardball. A shame that they got fodderized later.
From what I've been able to gather on the novel (when they actually put some fucking info on the wiki pages), there were some cool ideas, but then some pretty stupid ones. The idea of another sector that's tied to the original experiment that led to Franz going awol is interesting, but then things like the PMC group or whatever the military group that had masterminded the abduction of Aelita's mom seemed a bit out of place. Though the really dumb thing was XANA and Aelita apparently being friends prior to XANA becoming evil, and XANA swearing revenge simply because Aelita doesn't remember those times all that well. Still, I feel that with the right mix of elements from the books and the live action show, a reboot could be done that marries all of the fiction together into something really epic, and of course more tightly woven narrative than the show ever was.
It appears that you can do some crazy shit with the towers, since Jeremie once made a spectre to enhance Odd's real-world body, and then later created the William clone. Part of the reason that the one theory is shaky is why would only one thing like "time" be tied to the machine and not other things that could affect the world, especially if Franz was going a bit coocoo by the time he and Aelita went inside Lyoko.
>that sexual tension at 0:59
Sissi was someone who should have become a Lyoko Warrior
There's a lot of untapped potential with Sissi.
Wasn’t Xana sitting on like nuclear arsenals he’d get control over if he ever properly manifested in the real world or had the ability to y2k everything if he got a hold of a big computer? Any rationale adult would be terrified and not listen to a bunch if middleschoolers telling him they just needa do sick ninja battles against robot bugs in 3dcgi world to make him go back to sleep and so their nerdy friend can get avatar pussy.
Preferably with a very strict and supervised training regiment to avoid another William fiasco.
>Though the really dumb thing was XANA and Aelita apparently being friends prior to XANA becoming evil
According to Jeremy, he learned after the William Clone started trying to save people that clones made by the supercomputer eventually develop personalities and are related to XANA's origins
>That time Jeremy gave Odd life points in real life and he had super powers
Yea, but that still doesn't make any sense given Aelita knew nothing of Lyoko or XANA until she and her father fled to the supercomputer when the men in black showed up.
This was towards the ending of the series. IIRC Jeremy was making the clones without looking for what that application was used for prior
Can't recall if Jeremie had use the source program that XANA was born from, though it is an interesting prospect that they could have ended up with something like XANA had things gone wrong. Either way, the idea of XANA being a misunderstood monster just didn't seem right.
i'd tap that potential
>you will never be lusted after like sissy lusts after ulric
it can get annoying when you're only 12
i remember drawing the code lyoko logo in the sand with my friend at the time in some sand with our feet, then some girls ran through it and fucked it up cause they thought it would be funny. i was so fucking mad and it pissed my friend off to. looking back they probably did it it cause they wanted to play but it was such an ass backwards way of initiating social contact, could've just asked.
>xana called sissy pretty
There technically isn't one. It was supposed to be in "Uncharted Territory" but it was cut from the script, so chances are it's not even in the original French version. And that image isn't legit, either. It's a fanmade drawing.
There's actually an interesting amount of cut content from the show, not gonna lie.
He's had enough time and the options are limitless give him enough time and I'm sure he'd force yellowstone erupt or maybe launch the continent into the atmosphere
Jim was cute
Less "fodderized", and more the team got used to fighting them over time. Remember that the first few encounters with Tarantulas were fucking massacres more or less because the team was so used to XANA tossing fairly simplistic mooks at them.
Hell, even after XANA started sending thrm in more and more, Tarantulas and Megatanks were STILL considered some of the most dangerous things XANA could field.
Whenever a Megatank rolled in, SOMEONE was getting taken out.
I don't remember if Xana ever did it but i wonder if the megatank could have attack horizontally just to keep the kids on their toes
As in turn onto it's side and fire? Yea, they did that a few times if I recall, basically creating a circular blast that was difficult to avoid compared to the regular attack
Right, a teacher shouldnt talk to kids.
Fucking mutts
They used to be slightly easier to deal with in season 1, since they only did 50 lifepoints, meaning the warriors could survive a single hit from them. Of course, that single hit would basically cripple them and make them easy pickings for any other monster, but they could still tank the shot. Made getting Aelita to a Tower even against overwhelming odds pretty simple.
Come later seasons where XANA has boosted all of its monsters, and Megatanks do 100 lifepoints worth of damage on a shot, making any kind of hit an instant devirtualization. They also tended to try and roll over people more often, which resulted in the same.
Yeah, Megatanks can fire horizontally. It results in a circular field that's basically completely unavoidable outside of being on a vehicle when thry pull it off. In the games, XANA has an entire subtype of Megatanks who ONLY fire horizontally.
honestly how fragile the warriors were was always one of my biggest problems with the Lyoko segments, though most of those issues come down to the fact that them deciding to use CG for Lyoko was a really bad idea, cause sure it looked cool, but it also really limited what they could do with it
I thought they did pretty well, especially in the later seasons. Really, the problem was that the damage caused by monsters would sometimes fluctuate, obviously for the sake of drama. There could be times that even things like Hornets or whatever would get the drop on one of the kids and KO them just after they arrived on Lyoko, and then other times they'd tank a hit or only take so much damage because it wasn't directly on the body but one of their hands or feet. Speaking of limbs, would have been interesting if they could have had those cut off or crippled, something to make certain fights more hectic if the damage to their avatars were more than just an energy gauge.
Every time I see this fucking picture all I can think about is the fact they both look like wojack edits.
>I thought they did pretty well, especially in the later seasons.
they did well all things considered but it still limited them way more than it benefited them, the show could have accomplished so much more if it had been all 2D
Hard to say. The 2D animation did have times where it was very stilted, almost to the point of looking like a slideshow at times, and of course the constantly repeated stock animations that didn't go away until almost halfway into the series. Still, there were some instances of the 2D being pretty great, but very few and far between. If the series could get a remake or whatever, it'd be fun to see it get the budget to really make some truly impressive animation across the board. I would still say have the Lyoko segments as CG, since it did lend itself to a nice visual distinction for those parts while the 2D was the "real world" as before.
Anyone else feel like there were a lot of missed story opportunities
there was a body swap episode
It'd be pretty disingenuous of anybody to say it was all just fine. Despite having a series bible penned up by Romain before he left to go make Oban, the show kept constantly changing certain rules and background details, such as who was present at the computers activation. Originally, Jeremie said that everyone was there and they swore an oath to handle whatever would come of the computer being turned on. Then comes the prequel special, and it was only Jeremie, who then basically forced the rest of the gang to go along with his plans of making his new digital waifu real. And of course the previously mentioned issue regarding things like the real Project Carthage and the whereabouts of Aelita's mother.
Thanks I cant unsee it. That fucking nose and mouth is the reason
Not seeing it.
Wasnt Jim ex-GIGN?
honestly I'd say the issues the 2D segments had sometimes probably is directly connected to how much of the show's budget was eaten up by the CG segments
>Despite having a series bible penned up by Romain before he left to go make Oban
did this get posted anywhere?
I suppose, but it was a cool idea to make the digital world an actual digital place instead of just some fancy filter or style change.
As for the show's bible, hard to say if it's all posted somewhere. Many details just end up in wiki trivia and videos.
>Any rationale adult would be terrified and not listen to a bunch if middleschoolers telling him they just needa do sick ninja battles against robot bugs in 3dcgi world to make him go back to sleep and so their nerdy friend can get avatar pussy.
There has to be a way to explain this that doesn't sound ridiculous
Wreck Room episode:
>Sissi and Ulrich are running from a psycho william clone on a roof
>Ulrich is afraid of heights and can't walk upright like sissie
>William catches up, throws ulrich almost completely off the roof
>Sissi runs back to save Ulrich and knocks clone william off the roof by accident
>Ulrich insults sissi's weight
Ulrich more like Ulrichard
Im mad we never got to see Jeremy or Kiwi's Lyoko forms
She couldn't comprehend the value of human life in season 1.
I wish I could beat the shit out of these fucking brats.
> Odd was supposed to kiss Ulric when in Yumi's body and comment on how he is a good kisser
Based catboy.
I wonder why they censored it though. I get that it was 2005 and that it was pretty gay, but if anything, Odd kissing girls seemed at least as much gay given how androginous he is in the french dub.