Liked that the show felt more mature & darker back in S1 & S2

>liked that the show felt more mature & darker back in S1 & S2
>started watching season 3 of young justice
>how did this get funded
>why are they writing these scripts like it's a toddler show
>young justice is now family friendly social justice
>just started watching the episode about beast boy and his new gang of social media super heroes

I had to stop in the middle of it to post my frustrations. This could have been so much more.

Attached: YJO-E17-Outsiders.jpg (640x360, 149K)

a show about justice advocates social justice? wtf bros

Who would have thought writers with complete freedom will make shit?

Why do you think they were allowed to bring the show back?

>super heroes advocating for race and gender based discrimination and denying basic biological facts
yeah, that really doesn't sound like something superheros would do

it's not even that, the writing is just terrible. i thought i was watching a satire on social justice but it still hasn't revealed itself as a joke.

a velma clone was spouting like "that was flabbergastedly fabulous!" an the episode ends with the bad guys getting arrested saying "i would have gotten away with it too"

this crap actually passed QC with the editors.

>denying basic biological facts

Attached: annie.jpg (161x179, 7K)

>The company that owns Scooby Doo and DC Comics made passing references to Scooby Doo

I don't know what you were expecting, man

tell me user what`s an y chromosome and what does it do?
tell me user what does testosterone do and how does the body produces it?
tell me user which brain has faster reaction time based on countless testes, the male or the female one?
the list goes on. basically pointing out any biological differences between men and women or even acknowledging genders in the first place is considered hate speech by the left these days

When is this addressed on the show?

one of the heroes on the show identifies as a "non-binary" gender preference. Halo i think is her name

Don't feed the troll.

>>countless testes
That typo alone earns you a (you).

Halo is a goddamn mother box. If anything she's the one character who can identify as whatever she likes because she's not even human.

show mostly involves around "strong wyman" who need no men, who are always portrayed as stronger, faster and overall better then all the male heroes

>I need to see women humiliated to validate my own mediocrity
You are so sad, user.

>dude these random events we had no control over just happened!
>all according to plan*
>*translators note: Plan means keikaku

Why does she wear a hijab? She's not Muslim.

I agree with your statement btw.

She can wear whatever she wants. Maybe she likes the look.

>implying desecration of religious garb is okay
>implying cultural appropriation is fine

Disgusting attitude.

>Halo is a mother box
>mother box

u wot m8

Halo has the soul of a motherbox that’s puppeteering the corpse of Gabrielle

Is not a typo. He is probably a spic NPC spouting the nonsense from some youtube channel and such.

whats wrong with social justice?

Just let Bart fuck a guy already.

bart came from a dark post-apoc alien invasion where every day was survival

dude is just trying to get his own crap together is my guess

Kaldur being gay was fucking weird though

But why

Attached: why_god.jpg (735x551, 56K)

Because Bart loves brown cock.

Hey remember when MLP got an equally shit treatment after season 1 ended?

>double checked
Nice, but he's right
Also nice, but don't comics handwave off our biological realities by going 'it just comics'.

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>people who complain about YJ are Horse show siblings
This explains so much.

right on
because as we all know the vast majority of police officers are democrats after all

Dude we’ve had child slavery/trafficking/experimentation since ep 1 of season 3. Deaths are gorier. A few of those mutant kids ended up getting killed and unlike Halo they stay dead.

This is honestly the darkest the show has gotten.

I’m surprised I’m the first to point out any of this.

I will probably be ignored cause I’m not talking about socjus issues.

It is a lot like an animated version of that fetid trash fire known as New52 Teen Titans by Scott Lobdell.

It just reads like
>Out-of-touch untalented libtard faggot tries to appeal to youth-culture

Attached: [Cleo]My_Hero_Academia_-_14 a.png (720x720, 519K)

they would have done that all before if they werent on network tv
and the fact that it's darker just makes the tacked on wokeness even more cringe and out of place

Help OP get his ban and move on.

I think it was said outright that the reason she does is purely the decorative preference. She's getting Gabrielle's memories, which helps with the unconscious impulse.

Don't. Lobdell at least told off some fan that wanted Jason Todd as a bisexual Latino. Besides there's nothing wrong with Bunker especially compared to Violet. As awful as Lobdell is, at least he isn't shoving social justice nonsense down readers throats.

I am actually reading the 80s Outsiders comics now, which are very Batman-centric. Brownwashing Halo seems dumb, now that I've been exposed to the comic counterparts of the main cast.

The whole thing seems like Weisman is throwing shit at the wall like child with too much Play-Doh. It's weird to see some of the same characters and plot handled with way more nuance in pre-Crisis comics from almost 40 years ago.

Attached: batman-outsiders vol 2.jpg (1674x2560, 818K)