Does Yea Forums Like White Rabbit?

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Dunno, is she any good?
Is she a complete joke like that one villain girl whose theme was carpentry

>Is she a complete joke like that one villain girl whose theme was carpentry


Sure. It makes sense that in the Marvel universe someone with a lot of money would larp as a super villain. Wouldn't you? She reminds you of The Monarch from Venuture Bros in the sense that she's a trust fund brat doing this shit for kicks. She's appeared a lot in Spencer's run on Amazing Spider-Man, and I'm curious if he has plans for her later.

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never gets old

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that's adorable
>tfw no hapless goof of a villain GF

are the ears real?

Carpenter actually has a fun gimmick. She builds villain hideouts. Plus its fine for her to hang out with The Wonderland Gang to I suppose.

> hapless goof of a villain GF
Someone should update this.
She's ultra-rich too.

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Have a fun edit

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Superheroine comix called, they want their design back.

>White Rabbit somehow actually got to convince new members to join The Menagerie

Do you like this team?
Who else would be a good fit for the roster?

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This any more conservative?

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>A girl dressed as a Panda
Fuck this garbage.

>talking shit about Panda-Mania

Sir, I'm going to have to ask you to leave

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from... the 1800s?

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Well I'm all for more Swarm I guess. What the hell does Panda Mania even do? Eh, I wouldn't mind if White Rabbit just stuck with The Syndicate for a good while. It's a fun, petty team like Spencer's Superior Foes only now they're all hypocritical bitches


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She's known to pay her minions. She's filthy fucking rich. This is just her hobby.

>White Rabbit
>that dour looking panda girl
I am very much erect now


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What if she wasn't even a villain? What if she was literally some random contractor doing an under the table job for a criminal when Batman showed up and just decided to have fun with it?

>What the hell does Panda Mania even do?

Well, she can lift a car over her head, so she's got super strength at the very least.
You know, since you mention the Syndicate, I wonder why she wasn't in it? Beetle invited the ditz who plays pretend supervillain, but not the girl with actual super powers?

I like this design more than OP, and I don't even know why.

Maybe Spidey-vvilllains just look better with platinum/white hair.

She pretty much just bails herself out every time, right?

Unfortunately Pandas are not known for fucking.

"somehow" from the point of view that when she started out, no one would be caught dead with her.

They made a joke about how not even Big Wheel would team up with her.

The fact that established (even if obscure) villains like Squid and Swarm are paying attention to her is a pretty big step up for her

>Boss level villain
Who the fuck talks like this?

Because White Rabbit actually has fucking money to fund this horrible operation, unlike anyone else on the team. Besides Scorpia is their "muscle" right now, and all she seems to do is demand arm wrestling. I think it'd be hilarious if Scorpia quit to go hang out with Shocker again

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>Who the fuck talks like this?
Bowser in literally every Super Mario parody I have ever read where Peach wasn't the real bad guy.

Because she has more of a Alice in Wonderland theme going on, rather that a straight up Playboy Bunny outfit with a little face paint.

>he snapped into homemade slim jims

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You forgot the hyphen.

White Rabbit
>Scorpia quit to go hang out with Shocker again
I ship it like I haven't shipped in a loooong time. They need to get back together

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Porque no los dos?

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She's a gamer?
Imagine White Rabbit trash talking in online matches.

Yeah I ship it too. Herman deserves a win

DC version is better

The whole team is gonna collapse by the end of the arc anyways. The only member that actually cares about female empowerment is Fem Ock. Even Beetle is already acting like her greatest teacher Fred and already betraying the rest of the gang for personal gain, because for her forming the group was about bossing people around and she's disingenuous in everything she says and does.

Yes they are.

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She's an escaped mental patient that likes being a villain for the sake of violence. He's a career crook that hates his job and has only not gone straight because he really doesn't want to be a Thunderbolt because people think he has lightning powers enough as is.

He and Shockwave really god damn need to just trade monikers. They're the Greenland and Iceland of Marvel.

> > > > >merely pretending
You wanna run that headline past the boys in editing again Perry?

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I actually like the idea quite a bit

>He and Shockwave really god damn need to just trade monikers. They're the Greenland and Iceland of Marvel.

...I never noticed this before.
Holy shit, now THIS is a team up that needs to happen

Did you just made that right now user? Because your going in

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carpenter is a cool guy

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Cool gal, sexist bigot

>You sir, show behavior unbecoming of an Officer and a Gentleman

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Except there was no trust fund,
˙uɐɯpuɐS ʎʇınuıʇuoɔ ɓuoɹʍ 'punɟ

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Shocker already stole most of his outfit for his PS4 appearance. I feel like they wouldn't get along.

but im a femanon silly falseflagger

And who the fuck is this asshole?

> one fine day in the middle of the evening s I'll get the first colossus place best Texas... and then america will have gets
Check em

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Here we see some rare panda fanart
black and white character going out with black and white character to see a black and white movie. Colourized poster

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>crackshipping her with Spot because "black and white."

So, uh, any crackshipping art of her with Grizzly because "bears?"
If not I need to find a drawfag

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I've seen him being paired with White Rabbit.
Because "down the rabbit hole."
That was just one user's suggestion on another thread, though.

>Sport helps keep White Rabbit rich by making her #1 in transportation and travel
>Spot breaks up her super-villain team by cheating with Panda-mania
I'd read it

did white rabbit ever interact whith hatter? or indeed, alice, from batwoman?

Are White Rabbit's ears fake? And if so, why? Why must it be that way?

Considering White Rabbit is Marvel and Hatter and Alice is DC, no they have not interacted

oh, i think i confused her with a dc villain. my bad.

At least she is a DeMatteis creation

Lorina's a normal human, so probably.
But, well...

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I think Marvel had a Mad Hatter too once. Though i could be wrong

Look, either have one token furry or the entire team. Don't go halfway like this, it's just weird.

Batman sometimes beats his foes senseless first and asks questions later, so that would require a very specific definition of fun...though I'm sure there are *some* in Gotham who would be into it.

Yess, DC has a White Rabbit too

>left her handcuffed on her knees
I see what you did there Bats

Comic-relief villains like these are more likely to indulge in meta.

White Rabbit's not much of a wall breaker as far as I know.

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if you do that to a real rabbit, it hurts their ears, so probably fakes

I like the panel where she’s tied up in sticky spider goo, bdsm style

And a March Harriet

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Fun fact: During the production of The Spectacular Spider-Man, he's the one villain Josh Keaton would want in the show and recommended to the showrunners.

...why though?



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>What the hell does Panda Mania even do?

She has super strength, but other than that is just a mysterious, nameless, big breasted panda girl who sometimes shows up in crowd scenes.

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White Rabbit was Arcade's girlfriend once, but all he ever seemed to do was call her fat.

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That's actually kinda sad, imagine being such a lame villain that the hero just fucking looks at you and says "Seriously?"

>fucking Arcade

Goddammit, Lorina, have some fucking standards

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White Rabbit would probably tell the Carpenter to suck it up and get back to villainy.

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She was married off to an over 80 years old mega-rich guy as part of her backstory. I'm not sure she has standards.

>these convoluted mind games
Man fuck that.
In my past relationships we both just said what we thought and didn't ask trick questions.
Sure we'd stilt things a certain way depending on the context, but never with an ongoing insecure or manipulative mindset.

Something about this is kind of sad.

Are the floppy ears attached?

I think they're supposed to be fake. I'm not sure how this works though.

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......You’re serious?

Yep. It's real.

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Feel like spidey commited a crime here.

Harassment by taking a compromising picture without her consent?

Then posting it on social media.

I kind of felt bad for her, really. That will haunt her for the rest of her life.

>Committing crimes with the full intent of harming others
>While being rich enough that consequences can be brushed off
If anything I pity Peter if he ever gets flake for that shit, he really don't deserve it considering the kind of person WR is.

Why, did he cop a feel while swinging around with her?

A crime is a crime, doesn't matter if you did it to another criminal.

Spider-man is a goddamn vigilante in the first place, if he can brush that insignificant detail I'm sure putting a goddamn villain in place is well-earned in his twisted sense of justice. Because I'm pretty sure he has done that to villains to.
If anything she went rather scott free from what other villains went through.

WR is so pathetic she has a certain angle of sympathy to her.
But yeah. She's still a criminal who's confident enough to dress like a giant rabbit. No selfie pic needed for humiliation.

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Probably, in real life I wouldn't be surprised if most heroes ended uped #metoo-ed. Kinda Cosby-ish how many female villains get knocked out, whose to say some opprotunities weren't taken.

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I don't know anything more about her than since the first time I saw her here:
but my dick is ecstatic every time, so yes.

Turns out that Spideman is a Bi-sexual predator with an extreme bondage fetish. Its the case of the century.

>black cat vs white rabbit
I require more

I mean he has been condemned for less, I'm sure at this point whatever J.J.J tries to throw will probably be laughed at and dismissed the next day.
Shouting wolf every time spidey does something really doesn't help when he pulls actual shit.

Why does Spidey look so weird

> "Look at this garbage! What do ya call this? Cheesecake!? I call it degenerate! And that's what Spider-Man is! Degenerate! Look at that, and try telling me he doesn't have a first edition copy of 120 Dasy of Sodom or Justine hidden in a little web crevice somewhere! Headline: "SPIDER-MAN: HERO OR PERVERT?" You can use this sick pic for that!"

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It's actually Deadpool with a symbiote.

Welp, they're screwed.

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>Spidey will never put you in a very compromising situation
>Spidey will never web you all over
> Spidey will never accidentally call you MJ as he's clapping your cheeks
What's even the point lads?

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Deadpool: Back in Black #3, as well as those two Claws miniseries.

They need to just go ahead and make her and anthro with super kicks and jumping ability.

>those two Claws miniseries.
What's that exactly?
And thanks.

Fug, this design is really doing it for me

>have her spliced with rabbit DNA/bitten by a radioactive bunny/etc
>she now has the leg/kicking strength of a human sized rabbit
>have her learn kick boxing
>is now a very real threat

Also holy fuck White Rabbit is cute in this

Give me an idea for a short WR story for me to wake up to tomorrow, and I'll paste bin it.
I already wrote one before.

I know it may sound odd, but I've been thinking about White Rabbit becoming a romantic option for Eddie Brock.
I do apologize to those who prefer him to solely have a relationship with Venom.

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But what if it was purple?

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That happened (sort of) in a Marvel Adventures story.


This makes me wonder, if Venom were to have a romantic relationship with a woman wearing a symbiote, would their baby be born with an added symbiot from the get-go?

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Spider-Man desperately needs female villains. Like, it's gotten stupid at this point.

She's a good addition by most measures, but it's hard to come up with stories that make her a decent threat without grimdarking her, which would ruin her because she's a fun bonkers-but-mostly-harmless villain.

She should ditch the whole team, tag up with The Spot and they can be called the Rabbit Hole

So these ladies don't count? (and Trapstr)

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>the dribble on her mouth and her reflection

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I just finished that PS4 Spider-Man game yesterday and it made me hate Screwball more than any other supervillain.

I would greatly prefer it if White Rabbit was in the sequel instead of Screwball. Her side missions could involve chasing her through NY with her jump boots and umbrella
>"You're late, Spider-Man!"

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They count, but they're 99% legacy, so it's questionable how long a bunch of them will stick around, and with the others they have the whole "second/third person to use the name" baggage going on.

Mainly I'm looking at them and thinking that their push (like White Rabbit's) is a fairly recent thing. So yeah, all of them, including WR, are good. Hope it sticks around, because the classic roster of his villains is surprisingly sausage-festy even by superhero standards (just spent several minutes trying to prove that point with the pic of his "top 20 villains" that Sergio Aragones did, but damned if I can find where I saved it).

>Everyone jumps to Superherogf and Supervillaingf
>Sidekickgf receives no love
It's a travesty.

Absolutely based.

What about if she leglocked you, how would that play out?

A part of me is hoping that the sequel will have a part where she causes trouble with more supervillain livestream hijinks... only for Venom to pop up out of nowhere and eat her when you show up as a way to establish him as a threat. I dunno, something to make up for how fucking annoying and omnipresent she was in the DLC.

>I'm a total boss-level villain.
So cute.

no escape/triggers a strong rabbit desire

I love Swarm as much as the next guy, but is the literal bee nazi actually going to be hanging out with a bunch of glorified furries? He'd be more likely to call them all degenerates and try to commit a hate crime on their collective asses.

Taking you down is the superior Egypt Central song

>Lewis Dodgeson
>The age Gap
Someone was being cheeky

Muh dick disagrees with you. Tim Burton and his fangirls ruined alice for me forever, bring on the playboy theme

He has some obscure ones I know called Coldhear, Shriek, and Nocturne.
In Spider-Man: TNAS. He had Talon and Christina Vicci who were one-shots.

Keep your friends close et cetera? Spider-Man would be there to halt his hate crime. So, maybe he's prioritizing.

The DLC was pretty shit. Out of everything you could center the DLC around, why Cyborg Hammerhead? Who the fuck decided that would be a good idea? Who even gives a shit about Hammerhead? Why would turning him into a cyborg make him anymore worthwhile as a primary adversary? In the main campaign, Peter took down the Kingpin, Tombstone, Shocker, Vulture, Electro, Rhino, Scorpion, like half of Sable International, Negative Man and Doctor Octopus. And you actually cap all that off with fucking Cyborg Hammerhead of all things. And somehow, Hammerhead's goons are actually even MORE of a threat than Sable's specially trained army of mercenaries. Cyborg Hammerhead is apparently enough of a threat that Peter needs to team up with Sable to beat him, even though he defeated both Rhino and Scorpion simultaneously in the main campaign.

I just can't fucking get over that. Cyborg Hammerhead. Who the fuck asked for this?

He has a few obscure ones. Coldheart, Shriek, and Nocturne.
In Spider-Man: TNAS. He had Talon and Christina Vicci, but they were one-shots

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Don't forget Commanda, Corona and Calypso (the literal C-list).

who dis

Thanks. Didn't know the first two were a thing.

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Calypso is arguably out of their league since she was in McFarlane's big spider "epic" and also in the Spider-Man animated series (where she was a totally different character). But Coldheart, Commanda and Corona are all C-Listers for sure.

There's also a lady in a red and black bondage costume who was partnered with a dude named the Squid, I think she was called Ms Fortune.

Also Delilah and Stunner.

Ms. Fortune kind of looks like a gimp.

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Yeah, she also looks like Leila Davis' very very short-lived "Hardshell" supervillain identity (before she became Beetle and died). But I have no idea how her mask works.

Apparently, it's armor she's wearing. maybe the mask is also a helmet.

T. Highschool teacher

There was a minor character in spiderman who did get bitten by a radioactive rabbit. Gave him amazing leg strength and a danger sense equal to Spidermans.
Spidey happens across him when there's a electrical fire at a construction site and the guy helps put hit out by kicking barrels of sand onto the fire.
He and Spidey have a conversation about not all superpowers lend themselves to superheroing, and he'd feel pretty silly running around calling himself 'rabbitman' (this is 6ft+ built construction worker).

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I know she's born and raised in Massachusetts, but I can't help thinking of a posh British woman's voice when I read her dialogue.

Why do people like this unfunny trash? It's not absurd or funny enough to be absurdist humour and it's too shit to be anything else.

It's actually only 83,33% legacy.

Jesus Christ that's horrifying

I honestly didn't mind it, Hammerhead was always a weird favorite minor Spidey villain of mine thanks to his '30's Dick Tracy mobster aesthetics and I liked that he actually got upgraded into a competent threat. Granted, I feel getting the Silvermane treatment and becoming a cyborg kind of killed what made him unique but I did like the aspect of an old-school bad guy becoming self aware and having to upgrade himself to stay relevant with the times. Maybe I have shit taste, but I personally didn't mind that aspect of the DLC.

Can you imagine a boss fight with regular Hammerhead? Just web him up, hit him a few times and be done with it.

How has Zatanna not had to face a single White Rabbit? The story and chessecake writes itself.

Spot's plot to smuggle drugs via spots planted on pregnant women will forever be great.

>bigger front teeth
user, please don't hit my fetishes even more than already

Wasn't there a White Rabbit in DC once, too? Some kinda weird schizobitch?

Why not?

Lordy, that takes me back.

Just more proof that Spectacular is the best Spider-man show.


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Who would your pick be for the DLC villain?

The white face bothers me.

Maybe if she were all white but the face alone looks dumb.

Well, here's a design without it.

Guess the size of this chicks cock

a little better. Though the nose and whiskers still look silly.

Dressing up like a rabbit will always look silly. Unless it's a scary rabbit.

They do it because it's anti-humor

That's her side work, renovations and deathtraps for lairs. She's a licensed handywoman.

Back when I was trying, very unsuccessfully, to get into writing in Hollywood, I worked out a spec-script for Spectacular Spider-Man (when it was still on). The basic gist was simply Spider-Man trying to get across town to be on time for an appointment, but he keeps running into these D-List villains with dumb plots. I had worked in The Spot, White Rabbit, and The Ringer. Spider-Man would at first quickly foil their individual plans, and then they'd get together and almost punch his ticket until he cleverly worked out their various science and engineering related gimmicks. The end of the episode would have Spidey giving them a brief talk about how he finds it incredible they'd use their obviously amazing talents on essentially robbing banks, and wondering if they couldn't better apply them responsibly.

Oh I disagree

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Her looking silly is kind of the point, though. Lorina herself is silly.

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Need longer ears

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Dayum son. Thicc as a wet cement.

makes his appearance in Hook all the creepier, no?

This is so The Monarch

Where does she get the money for this stuff? I understand that she had some from marrying a rich guy, but this is a lot.

He was a multi-billionaire. He probably has investments she keeps getting returns on as an user from another thread speculated.

>she has a big bunny tail
my dick

shit taste t.b.q.h.

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how does one do that smallscale? i'm a millennial with no debt, a degree and a car, i feel that puts me in probably the top percentage of my generation. If any of us can that weren't just born rich, I feel like I'd be one.

>how does one do that smallscale?
Not him, but you do it carefully. You gotta have money to make money, and then you have to have a working knowledge of the industry you want to break in to. So you start small with investments you can eat if they go sour and then work your way up from there.
After that, you can start spending to your hearts content on clueless projects that might end up making it big. However, chances are you'll never make it big and only get some pocket change out of it.

>Mel Brooks
>same as Monty Python
Is that Spiderman or Deadpool under the mask? Either way there's no way either character would confound the two.


That recent bunny girl senpai anime. I've not watched it but a friend likes it, then again he thinks DBS is the pinnacle of storytelling.

The idea of a rich bitch being secretly chuuni and trying to be a supervillain and even more, getting self concious when someone calls her a mook, now THATS adorable. I wanna be her lackey.

Spidey relly does have a TON of female villains...the problem is, NO ONE ever uses them.

Put some of these ladies in an Animated series, and actually push them, and watch their popularity go up.

Look at what happened with Magpie.

Next Spider-man series, just as an example, put Coldheart in one of the first episodes, and when the inevitable "Sinister Six" episode airs, put her on the team. Let her notoriety with kids today gestate for 10 or 12 years, and then BOOM, nostalgia will lead to a huge Coldheart resurgence

Like what Spider-Man PS4 did for Mr. Negative.

How frequently should WR be used in a Spider-Man cartoon assuming she's in it?

Every single episode
And whenever she isnt, Spider-Man should ask "where's White Rabbit?"

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>Well it was about that time I noticed the Mayor was about eight stories tall and was a crustacean from the paleozoic era.

Teeny Foxx

think she's probably quit cosplaying now tho

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>The end of the episode would have Spidey giving them a brief talk about how he finds it incredible they'd use their obviously amazing talents on essentially robbing banks, and wondering if they couldn't better apply them responsibly.
Was this before or after that issue with Superman and that one bank robber guy came out?

I wish they'd included a couple more of the Brand New Day era villains. Overdrive and Paperdoll would've been nice minor foes.

why-why is spidey naked?


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is this

that's cause it's drawn like hentai

God that brat needs dick

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> She shows up in the post-credits scene of one episode while yelling !I'm late! I'm late! I'M LATE!"
Or trying to climb the credit text.

Bun wif

>that one porn comic where spidey fucks her and felicia

I see what they did there.

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It was just after Peter got his body back from Doc Ock, so Slott wanted to lay the zany Parker luck on thick. It also clued Anna Maria Marconi into the fact that Peter was Spider-Man, because she saw footage and knows all of his birthmarks.